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Did your high school have a morning smoke break?

Did your high school have a morning smoke break?  

  1. 1. Did your high school have a morning smoke break?

    • I graduated 1960's or before - yes we had a smoke break
    • I graduated 1970's - yes we had a smoke break
    • I graduated 1980's - yes we had a smoke break
    • I graduated 1990's - yes we had a smoke break
    • I graduated 2000's - yes we had a smoke break
    • I graduated 1960's or before - no smoke break
    • I graduated 1970's - no smoke break
    • I graduated 1980's - no smoke break
    • I graduated 1990's - no smoke break
    • I graduated 2000's - no smoke break

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Our High School had a student smoking room, and your parents had to sign a permission slip. I graduated in 86.


Ditto on all counts.


The room was an outside area guarded by a teacher. We didn't have 'smoke breaks' though. You were expected to work that in during your free time or during travel time to classes. Of course many, many people just smoked in the bathrooms. The administration took the doors off the bathrooms at one point because the creaking of the doors would give folks a heads up to ditch their smokes. People also said "It's alright" when they entered the bathroom so that smokers knew they could continue their business without worry about being "written up." Well all people except the righteously brave or masochistic types. Break the code of the flies and pay the penalty. Most complied. The bathroom was a place to be avoided in HS. Unless you joined the dark side and became a smoker.

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tail of the 80's, start of the 90's -- most high schools had a designated 'smoking area' where smokers went during break/lunch. (students and teachers usually)


The schools here now have a "no smoking on the property" rule - the teens who smoke just go across the street and stand on the side of the road.


One of the junior highs back in our old town made a rule that if PARENTS were seen smoking in their vehicles on school property (ie: when waiting to pick up, dropping off, whatever) the STUDENT would be suspended… that didn't last long.

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By the time I got to high school in the fall of 88 smoking was a big no-no here, but my older brothers graduated in 85 and 88 and they talked about being able to smoke and chew on campus. Chewing was even allowed in class by many teachers. I don't think there was a specific break for smoking, but there was a ten minute break between second and third period.


When I was there the kitchen would have fresh baked bread and cookies just out of the oven at the ten minute break. This made the school smell heavenly. My standard breakfast was fresh warm bread smothered in butter.

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I graduated High School in 1987. We didn't have smoke breaks but we had two smoking areas at the school - one outside the cafeteria and one down an outside sidewalk outside the building. We could smoke in those areas - no permission slips or anything. There was no age to buy cigarettes at that time. We often would catch a few puffs between classes when we walked outside, and after lunch before returning to class. It was completely normal

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My public junior high had a smoking court. Grades 6-8. Yep, 11-13 year olds smoked during lunch. This would have been around 1976. I graduated from high school in 1982. My parents pulled me out of public school that year (1976) and put me in a private all-girls school. Something about no morals in the public schools. ;)

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You mean the 5 minutes between classes in the girls' bathroom? I attended a Catholic HS - never heard of a smoke break (1970's). The nearest public high school did allow smoking in the parking lot. You couldn't be standing on the sidewalk or you would be fined, but the in the parking lot it was okay.

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I graduated in the mid 90s and there was no smoke break. However, I was part of a gifted program during my elementary years, and it was held in a room in the high school. We had to "pair up" in order to go to the bathroom. It was known to us that the closest bathroom (the downstairs bathroom) was the "smoking" bathroom, and the upstairs bathrooms were the "non smoking" bathrooms LOL. It was apparent to us even in like 4th grade it was better to head upstairs.


I think kids got busted when they smoked in the downstairs bathroom, but most of the time teachers and adminstration just looked the other way. That was not the case by the time I got to high school, but that's how the high school was when I was in elementary and had to use the facilities there.

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Not for me - I didn't get to high school until very early 90s.;) However, I did get busted for smoking in the bathroom. The asst. principal lectured me and then said he was going to call my parents. I looked at him and said, "Who do you think buys my cigarrettes?":lol:


I got 3 days of in-school suspension with the football coach who remembered having my DAD in in-school suspension.:tongue_smilie: That and my mother sang Smokin' in the Boys' Room" to me for days - she was mad because by being honest I earned *her* a lecture from the asst. principal.


Another high school I went to didn't officially allow smoking, but the teachers smoked in the Teachers' Lounge and there was a smoking area out back that was avoided by those in authority so as not to have to bust kids smoking.;)

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No, but my grade school had a smoking lounge for the teachers, even though we didn't have "real" walls (it was a bizarre 1970's "open classroom" school.)


By the time I got to high school, the teachers couldn't smoke on school property anymore. (We also had walls in high school, so that was another huge improvement:001_smile:)

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yes, we not only had morning smoke break, but at lunch too.

Your parent had to write a letter (or was there a form, I wouldn't know :lol:) giving you permission to smoke at school in the designated outdoor area and you were given a pass. Most of the teachers allowed the kids who wanted to be there without a pass to stay as long as they weren't smoking. There were usually two teachers to oversee things and make sure no one was smoking pot.:001_huh::lol:

I didn't smoke so I didn't need one, but I did hang with the kids who did smoke.

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Where were the schools with smoking breaks?


The schools without were suburban high schools in Eastern large metropolitan areas.


one with the official smoke break and student smoking lounges (now discontinued) was located in a wealthy suburb of southern Chester County, PA, in one of Pennsylvania's premiere school districts largely populated by duPont chemist families.


So... At least one school with the break was located in a suburban high school in an Eastern metro area ;)

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