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Not sure anyone remembers me, or even missed me... lol

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But I have been MIA, for about oh 5 months or so... LOL A LOT has changed in my little world. I don't know if anyone was following my story, but my soon-to-be-ex husband and I split in March. During my journey, I happened to become friends with an ex through a mutual friend on FB. Turns out I was his first love, and after we broke up he had spent many years looking for me. We were young then- 17 and 19. We've since gotten together. He has relocated and given up his whole life to come and be with me. Now on top of homeschooling my 7, I am also taking on his son as a student. I am trying to put together his curriculum now. All the other kids are done. Schooling last year was stressful, and it's been a little slow going getting things up and running this year. I am hoping that the drama will die down, and we can get settled into a routine.


Anyway, I miss my little "cup of coffee" in the mornings :) I am hoping my visiting her daily it will help keep me focused and in the mindset I need to be in to stay on track. I hope everyone's year is going better then mine, but I know we all feel like we are a day, if not weeks behind... LOL

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Thank you everyone... I was a little hesitant to post because I knew people might ask what happened with my ex, or where I went. I figured I had 2 options- 1. Tell the truth, and possibly deal with judgements, or 2. Be evasive... I hate that, because it's not really me. So I just to dive in :D LOL


ktgrok- thank you for saying that. I think I was most worried about what people would think :(


desertmum- LOL, actually I need to see about changing that. missesd, is short for Misses D, or Mrs D, which I won't be any longer... Soooooo, I need to see about fixing that ;) LOL

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