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Does Wellbutrin change your teA to caffeinated brand?

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I'm going to be using this stuff for a week, and I've been reading up on it (Wellbutrin) - just to be aware of side effects, etc.


My tea preference is fairly weak, and I've only had about 2 decaffeinated cups this year alone. It's just not something that's in my regular diet. Yes, you read that right. 2x / 2011 yr.


Anyway, any thoughts out there if Wellbutrin changes your frequency of enjoying a more caffeinated version of teA?


(where's the embarassing icon when you need it?) :lol:


I sent a text to the darling saying, "Um, well, there's this side effect people talk about with this stuff...it uh...well..changes things for some women.."


And I explained it further.


He replied.




But I don't want to get his hopes up and stuff...lol...is it true?

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For me, when I was on it, it was the only positive side effect of it. It takes a few weeks to work. But after that it was the strongest cup of caffeinated teA I had in a LONG time.


And if you are only used to decaf teA, I wouldn't send the kids to bed. I would get them out of the house. Do you have neighbors nearby by any chance???:lol::lol::lol:

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I don't even remember what a caffeinated cup is like. Isn't that terrible?


I just figured it was over for me. I mean really, what can you do about it?


I asked him about it once, "Hey, we don't drink much tea around here you, is this a problem for you?"


"Well, maybe you could put it on the calendar or something?"


Even that sounded like too much effort.


Geez. Pathetic, right?

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Wellbutrin hasn't changed anything in the teA department for me, but I have had several other side effects including thirst, insomnia, and chest pain. The good news is that after a while all the side effects seem to taper off and I am feeling so much better. I have so much energy and am tackling projects I've been avoiding for years. I'm so glad I stuck with it even though the chest pain had me worried for a while.

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I don't even remember what a caffeinated cup is like. Isn't that terrible?


I just figured it was over for me. I mean really, what can you do about it?


I asked him about it once, "Hey, we don't drink much tea around here you, is this a problem for you?"


"Well, maybe you could put it on the calendar or something?"


Even that sounded like too much effort.


Geez. Pathetic, right?


That's teA around here anymore, too. Poor DH.


OP~ Let us know if it caffeinates your teA!

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I could count on one hand the scripts I've ever taken in my life. I have a really irrational fear of them...I have a sister who is a bonafide hypochondriac.


Her life story has me pretty edgy when it comes to any type of meds..but like I said, it's irrational and I know it. The doctor and I talked this part over today at length, I received lots of reassurance about it.


The wellbutrin is supposed to get me evened out with the energy levels I think. They spike and fall all day long. It is exhausting and puts me in tears, and I'm not a lady who cries but at funerals maybe. I can't feel the klonopin at all, I just notice the symptoms disappear is all. No side effects that I can notice. The ambien, same thing, no side effects, but I do sleep all night now which is amazing as heck.


They dx'd me with "anxiety" today.


I'm sure the blood tests will show it's menopause though. I don't know what comes after that though; what sorts of therapies are open to me.


I'm really adverse to medical stuff and for me to go in...well..the one thing I was mostly concerned about is that the exhaustion could manifest into a true psychological clinical depression. And I sure don't want to deal with something like that. I have kids to raise, I can't afford it.


This is all short term stuff for now, only a week. So I guess I won't be seeing any twilight effects on drinking teA. Oh well.


I'll mention the issue w/dr. on Monday though. But I don't think there is anything anyone can do about it.

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Caffeinated is to mean a completely enjoyed cup of tea, leaving a rosy afterglow of satisfaction. All that bonding and emotional glee stuff.


Decaf..eh..you know, it's kinda like when you are making alphabetical grocery lists mentally instead of enjoying the tea ritual performance and peeking at the clock. "Is this over yet?"

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When I was on it I noticed an initial inclination to drink teA. That seemed to taper off to a certain extent after a while, but not to the decaf stage...it was much better than that.


In terms of this, though, sometimes I think you just have to think about how much it means to your significant other. You might not feel like drinking teA, but if your spouse is aware of this and you are willing, he can get you there. I think it's important that both parties make the effort. Twice in one year is not healthy for a relationship at all.



Exercise...that helps a lot, too.

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Caffeinated is to mean a completely enjoyed cup of tea, leaving a rosy afterglow of satisfaction. All that bonding and emotional glee stuff.


Decaf..eh..you know, it's kinda like when you are making alphabetical grocery lists mentally instead of enjoying the tea ritual performance and peeking at the clock. "Is this over yet?"


Ah, thanks for explaining. :D

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If you are having the typical menopause symptoms, I would check with a naturopath for some bio-identical progesterone (for sleeping better) and a little estrogen in a combo or one of the three forms it usually comes in.


This may make you feel better mentally because you are not taking a lot of meds.

I only take Maca and Prog specifically for these symptoms but everyone is different.

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I'm not sure if it helped the situation but it did not have the side effects of the other antidepressants. They shall we say kept me from finishing the race. I've taken it for 2 years now and I have the caffeinated kind 2-3 xs a week:D. I also notice it reduces my appetite wich is almost always good.

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I'm not sure if it helped the situation but it did not have the side effects of the other antidepressants. They shall we say kept me from finishing the race. I've taken it for 2 years now and I have the caffeinated kind 2-3 xs a week:D. I also notice it reduces my appetite wich is almost always good.


By reduces my appetite I mean like I actually lost weight. My appetite for TeA is definitely healthy ;)

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The wellbutrin is supposed to get me evened out with the energy levels I think. They spike and fall all day long. It is exhausting and puts me in tears, and I'm not a lady who cries but at funerals maybe. I can't feel the klonopin at all, I just notice the symptoms disappear is all. No side effects that I can notice. The ambien, same thing, no side effects, but I do sleep all night now which is amazing as heck.


They dx'd me with "anxiety" today.


What kind of dr. are you seeing and what are you taking klonopin for? That is a pretty hard hitting drug and not a usual firstline drug for anxiety. I would also question prescribing it in conjunction with Ambien in someone who has not taken these classes of drugs before. :001_huh: Here is a link to a wiki on klonopin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clonazepam


As far as Wellbutrin, every person I know who has tried it has reacted badly (tension, irritability, insomnia, etc.) to it. They were all related so that may have something to do with it. If there was a statistical relationship between improved libido or any other effects on teA in women you can bet your butt they would be marketing it for that. They have been searching for that wonder drug for years. ;)

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Hmmm, if I'm remembering correctly, it had the opposite effect on me. Poor dh. I was always in a better mood and much more focused; no depression at all. But I had no interest in drinking teA at.all. Dh, otoh, was horribly mean while taking it.


I have a question though. I think you mentioned using it to quit smoking. Is that why it's only for a week? I've never heard of anyone, even people using it to quit smoking, that only took it for a week. :bigear:

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My father took it to aid in not smoking and it worked for him.

I took it as a child for manic depression and it worked great for its purpose, although I cannot say anything about the TeA;) as I was a young teen. I also had a family friend who tried it and they reacted very poorly to it so of course it is not a perfect drug and it is important to get the correct dosage as well. They had me on 3 different dosages until we found the right one.

Good luck!

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not sure if wellbutrin affected me that way (it's been a few years since I took it) but the latest one I'm on now-zoloft- changed my sensitivities during tea time...if that makes sense LOL called my gyn to ask if it could be the meds and she switched me to savella-things changed a little but I didn't like the way it made me feel otherwise....so I went back to zoloft.....and sometimes it's still hard for me to enjoy tea time.....

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What kind of dr. are you seeing and what are you taking klonopin for? That is a pretty hard hitting drug and not a usual firstline drug for anxiety. I would also question prescribing it in conjunction with Ambien in someone who has not taken these classes of drugs before. :001_huh: Here is a link to a wiki on klonopin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clonazepam


As far as Wellbutrin, every person I know who has tried it has reacted badly (tension, irritability, insomnia, etc.) to it. They were all related so that may have something to do with it. If there was a statistical relationship between improved libido or any other effects on teA in women you can bet your butt they would be marketing it for that. They have been searching for that wonder drug for years. ;)


The klonopin was prescribed by the clinic in only a one week script until my primary could work with me. It's worked for me. I didn't take it the first few days just out of being uncomfortable with the idea, but I was still miserable all day with the adrenaline rushes that came out of nowhere. I'm telling ya, it's enough to make ya wanna sit on the floor and cry. I'd been going to the gym to try to exhaust the adrenaline naturally, but it wasn't working. Ugh.


So I went ahead and tried it, and it worked. No odd feelings, no drugged feeling, no flat feeling, no change at all really except the removal of the symptom. The ambien took a couple of days to work, and that is partly my fault, I only took half the recommended dose. Finally, I said the heck with it and took them in the order prescribed. And it works.


Today I go up to wellbutrin twice a day now my system is adjusted to it, I have my next checkup on Monday to see how things are going. I wasn't even expecting to quit smoking at all, it wasn't the point of using wellbutrin- I just needed to even out the bursts of energy and anxiety that were coming out of nowhere. It just happened that using it made me no longer want to smoke. And that happened in 2 days flat. Whoo.


I've had zero side effects other than I quit smoking which is pretty wild...well, that and my concentration is back, I can sleep..there's no more panic rushes, even the night sweats are gone and I'm sleeping in my bed again. Sweet.


I've cleared my diet also, no more preservative anything, I wasn't bad about it before, but I'm super careful right now....I'm back to juicing for a bit until we figure out what's going on. I also take a pretty full regimen of supplements, my body has a problem with metabolizing the B vitamins for example, so I do that family of B's individually.


I'm rather interested to get the blood tests back; if this is menopause (and I think it is)- I'd like to get to the bottom of it and understand that. It may be that the things I'm doing right now are just masking the symptoms of menopause.


I made my darling vow to me if he saw or felt there was any psychotropic effects showing up he'd say something immediately. He says I seem calmer than I've been in months and I don't shift around in bed at night which is good.


Ya. Believe me, there is no shifting around in our bed at all. (snort) lol.. None.

Edited by one*mom
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The klonopin was prescribed by the clinic in only a one week script until my primary could work with me. It's worked for me. I didn't take it the first few days just out of being uncomfortable with the idea, but I was still miserable all day with the adrenaline rushes that came out of nowhere. I'm telling ya, it's enough to make ya wanna sit on the floor and cry. I'd been going to the gym to try to exhaust the adrenaline naturally, but it wasn't working. Ugh.


So I went ahead and tried it, and it worked. No odd feelings, no drugged feeling, no flat feeling, no change at all really except the removal of the symptom. The ambien took a couple of days to work, and that is partly my fault, I only took half the recommended dose. Finally, I said the heck with it and took them in the order prescribed. And it works.


Today I go up to wellbutrin twice a day now my system is adjusted to it, I have my next checkup on Monday to see how things are going. I wasn't even expecting to quit smoking at all, it wasn't the point of using wellbutrin- I just needed to even out the bursts of energy and anxiety that were coming out of nowhere. It just happened that using it made me no longer want to smoke. And that happened in 2 days flat. Whoo.


I've had zero side effects other than I quit smoking which is pretty wild...well, that and my concentration is back, I can sleep..there's no more panic rushes, even the night sweats are gone and I'm sleeping in my bed again. Sweet.


I've cleared my diet also, no more preservative anything, I wasn't bad about it before, but I'm super careful right now....I'm back to juicing for a bit until we figure out what's going on. I also take a pretty full regimen of supplements, my body has a problem with metabolizing the B vitamins for example, so I do that family of B's individually.


I'm rather interested to get the blood tests back; if this is menopause (and I think it is)- I'd like to get to the bottom of it and understand that. It may be that the things I'm doing right now are just masking the symptoms of menopause.


I made my darling vow to me if he saw or felt there was any psychotropic effects showing up he'd say something immediately. He says I seem calmer than I've been in months and I don't shift around in bed at night which is good.


Ya. Believe me, there is no shifting around in our bed at all. (snort) lol.. None.


Well, I am surprised by the prescription but it sounds like it is working well for you so that is great. If you haven't had a bad reaction to Wellbutrin by now you probably won't and things should only get better so that is also good. Wellbutrin is known for not having a negative effect on teA which one f the key benefits of using it instead of others in it's class and if is relieving the underlying symptoms then it could quite possibly have a positive effect. I am glad to hear that things are working out for you and I hope that you continue to have good results.

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