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Teenage Babysitter Fees


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What do teenage babysitters in your area charge? My 13yo dd has her first "official" babysitting job and is not sure what a reasonable fee is. She has babysat for her younger siblings, but we only pay her sporadically (it's an unexpected treat). And I'm sure we don't give her as much as she would get babysitting for someone else.

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I would like to know the answer to this too because my ds (15) only has one steady babysitting job and he gets paid in cookies. Kind of a weird arrangement but he is a bit of a homebody and gets enough money from chores and refereeing soccer games, and apparently he doesn't feel he gets enough baked goods.

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My daughter took a babysitting class through the red cross and has babysat for three different families. She goes by what they suggested. She charges $4/hour for the first child and $1/additional children/hour. Guess her rates are low, but people really can't afford to be paying big bucks, at least not the ones she babysits for. She's only 13, so I think that's pretty good.

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I would like to know the answer to this too because my ds (15) only has one steady babysitting job and he gets paid in cookies. Kind of a weird arrangement but he is a bit of a homebody and gets enough money from chores and refereeing soccer games, and apparently he doesn't feel he gets enough baked goods.


My son gets paid in baked goods for mowing the neighbors lawn. I had never heard of anybody doing that until now. :) Guess it is not as strange as I first thought.

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There is a HUGE range--esp. on this board.


I would take into consideration the area you live in and the family's personal situation. Not that I want her to be paid too low but many families are struggling and paying a sitter more per hour than they make at their job just isn't feasible.


Then again, I was the sitter that got $1/hour (and very rarely up to $2/hour) about 25 years ago when the minimum wage was $3.50/hour. I would get that little $1-2/hour for up to 6 kids that I would feed, bathe, entertain, clean up after, put to bed, etc.


I also got $20-25 for a 24 hour period (doing weekends) for a family of NINE kids---3 foster teenagers, one with her baby (all with special emotional needs) and then the rest of the kids including 2 more infants--one of which was on a heart monitor. I think the mom got off cheap :-)

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Factors that I consider in paying sitters:


- number of kids they are watching


- will my kids be sleeping most of the time we are gone


- will she have to do a meal


- do I have to pick her up and take her home or does she have her own transportation (I really dislike having to provide transportation)


- age of sitter (I do not pay a 13yo as much as I would pay a 16 or 18yo)


For a 13yo I think the $4 an hour plus $1 an hour for each additional kid is a good idea.

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Babysitting Wages

Ages 11-13 I start at a base of $3 an hour for one child

14 years old $4

15 years old $5

16 years old $6

17 years old $7

18 years old $8


add $2 and hour for a second child


add $1 per each additional child


add $1 for high energy children or a child in diapers.


My wage working for you will be $_______________/an hour


Once they hit 18, if they are still babysitting (which our wonderful neighbor is) they are getting at least $8 an hour, which is a reasonable wage. We pay ours $10 as have 2 kids.


This is actually the formula that I made when I was 11 and went through the American Red Cross course and started my babysitting business. I wrote it all out and passed it out in the neighborhood. When I showed it to our neighbor girl MANY years later, she said it was great and that some people were only paying her $2 an hour. She printed it up and is using it now. The nice thing is, that when parents see how it works:

a. it is hard to argue with

b. I got some respect for stating my worth.

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I pay $10/hr for sitters between 13-16 yrs of age to watch my four kids. That's pretty average for our area (the suburb of a major city).


:iagree: This is exactly what my 14 1/2 year old gets for chasing one toddler, feeding, diapers etc. She's only ever watched one at a time, but she has a reputation for being the kid who is available on school nights :-) Babies and little kids love her. We live between Baltimore and D.C. Sitters here can expect $5 for each additional child.

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$10 is high! I pay $5 for a 13 year old. I pay 16 year olds a little more if they clean up and cook.


As a worker in a daycare center, I was paid minimum wage for 4 infants or up to 12 - 2 year olds.


With babysitting, no taxes are taken out of the check, and generally no taxes are ever reported. The lower pay per hour is fine. I pay above minimum wage when they are old enough to get a job at minimum wage but continue to babysit instead.

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My youngest charges about $5/hour for one or two kids - she may ask for a bit more for more kids but so far the jobs have been scant anyway as most folks can not afford a sitter. When she is 16 this spring she can ask a bit more...but odds are the jobs will still not be there. I will have her apply to be a library page at the local library (her big sister got in there last month so she can recommend her sibling).

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My son gets paid in baked goods for mowing the neighbors lawn. I had never heard of anybody doing that until now. :) Guess it is not as strange as I first thought.



So glad someone else does this. I think it's a win-win situation. He originally started sitting for my friend when she was going through a horrible divorce and went suddenly from being a homemaker to a single working mom. She says she still feels bad because he will sit for her once a month and never wants cash.


When my kids were young we often had kids from church help us out and not charge, stating it was considered service hours. Now I try and have my kids do the same thing. This isn't something they do often, only a few times a year but I feel good about them having a sense of helping out another person. Especially if it's giving a young couple a few hours together when that time is so difficult to come by.


I think though the $6-$10 pay range is about right, depending on how many kids and how long they are sitting for.

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I don't think it's fair to pay a younger teen less than you'd pay an older teen if they're doing the same job.


It might not be fair but it happened to my dd. It didn't hurt her at 12 and 13 to be paid hardly anything to build her resume. I told her if she could cook and keep track of those 4 for $3.00 an hour she would be able to handle anything. All in all it beats the fifty cents I was paid even with inflation factored in. :D

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I don't think it's fair to pay a younger teen less than you'd pay an older teen if they're doing the same job.


For us, they aren't. As kids get older they do a different job. I would not hire a 12 year old for an evening job, or if we were more than 10 min away and out of reach. I would also not expect a 12 year old to cook, I would leave prepared food.


At 18, our babysitter cooks, can drive the kids to activities, cleans up after the meal etc...


I want to set our babysitters and our kids up for a positive experience, so I don't expect as much out of younger kids. But, that's just me

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We live in a big city (Las Vegas) and pay our babysitter $10/hour. I checked around when we moved here a couple of years ago and that seems to be the going rate, irregardless of the age of the babysitter.


When we lived down South we usually paid $8/hour but would "round up" at the end of the night (ie: if we owed the babysitter $38 we would pay $40)

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I've always paid about $8-10/hour. I've never understood the argument that we pay too much because of what daycare workers or other adult min. wage workers earn. They are teenagers. My babysitters are not earning a regular income and some weeks they won't earn anything. I pay more than min. wage because I don't use them on a regular basis but I want them to return when I do need them.

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I would like to know the answer to this too because my ds (15) only has one steady babysitting job and he gets paid in cookies. Kind of a weird arrangement but he is a bit of a homebody and gets enough money from chores and refereeing soccer games, and apparently he doesn't feel he gets enough baked goods.



OMG, this cracked me up!! It's like they have Scooby Doo babysitting for them! (Didn't he get paid in Scooby Snacks?) :lol:

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I don't think it's fair to pay a younger teen less than you'd pay an older teen if they're doing the same job.


People with more experience typically make more money (or at least they should lol) - that's my reasoning.


:iagree:I made less when I started teaching dance than I do now. I made more as a babysitter as I got older, had more experience, and was "in demand" so to speak. I had multiple people wanting me to babysit on the same night for a while. They paid more for the sitter their kids really wanted.


Plus, I don't have 12-13 year olds late at night, I don't go farther than the studio (10 minutes away) with them that young. Plus, they don't drive. Sometimes I have to pick the babysitter up and usually take them home. A 16 year drives to my house and generally cooks. They also clean more than a 12 year old. My gas money, they get less; their gas money, they get more.

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