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Please tell me what you think of this website

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I'll join you in a snit. What the heck is "visioning"??? It makes me crazy when people turn perfectly good nouns into verbs like that. :glare:


Besides the fact that the font is ugly and yeah, weird caps.:ack2:



Perhaps starting a thread is now called "Threadening" and I just didn't know it. I'm so tragically unhip. For instance I had no idea that RANDOM capital letters really MAKES your online ADS pop. No idea at all.


Part of me wants to tell them,"Please, for the love of all that is good in the world fix your advertisement!!" .....but, I'm probaby just an old fogey in a snit. (See, there? I said it again!) :tongue_smilie:

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I'm as clueless as you are. It was a print ad in our local Metro Family Magazine. (freebie they give out in doctor's offices, library, etc.) The print ad was identical to the website. I went to the website because I didn't quite understand what they were talking about. I get this vibe from it:


"There will be a series of seminars....we hope you will pay us money to attend.....there will be great vagueness that you really need to learn about in said seminars....please register today!"

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Perhaps starting a thread is now called "Threadening" and I just didn't know it. I'm so tragically unhip. For instance I had no idea that RANDOM capital letters really MAKES your online ADS pop. No idea at all.



Part of me wants to tell them,"Please, for the love of all that is good in the world fix your advertisement!!" .....but, I'm probaby just an old fogey in a snit. (See, there? I said it again!) :tongue_smilie:

But then you'd be admitting that you actually SAW their web site, and you'd BE encouraging them. Don't DO it.:lol:

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Adults do collage??? Wow. 60 dollars to make a collage? I'm dumbfounded. Honestly.



And... I feel bad for saying that. I'm sure the collage lady is very nice. Maybe this is where I say "bless her heart" to make it not so bad?


Yep. Or, as the kids used to say back in the day....'word'.



I think that I shall stay home and make my own darn collage for free. So THERE, random capitalization PERSON! I just made myself $60! :lol:

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Out of curiosity I clicked on that link. Now I am extremely cranky. The only thing keeping me from going off on a rampage about horrid advertising is the fact that dd12 is, as we speak, making a chocolate Wacky cake. It will be ready in about 30 minutes...just shortly after the little ones are in bed.:D


I'm not clicking on anymore links tonight until the cake is ready.:tongue_smilie:

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Out of curiosity I clicked on that link. Now I am extremely cranky. The only thing keeping me from going off on a rampage about horrid advertising is the fact that dd12 is, as we speak, making a chocolate Wacky cake. It will be ready in about 30 minutes...just shortly after the little ones are in bed.:D


I'm not clicking on anymore links tonight until the cake is ready.:tongue_smilie:


Empowerment through cake. I can dig it. :tongue_smilie:

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:w00t::drool5: Yeah, but for $31 they can keep it. I can just as easily squeeze it out of a ziploc bag while waiting at my dd's dance class.


Not that I would DO that, of course. :lol:

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I don't know why but I just looked at it again and it really, literally, HURT MY EYES. :blink::blink::blink:


I just have one question. Are that lady's glasses really hip and cool? Am I just too unhip to know that they're cool? I would hate to pay $60 to learn to be cool from someone who isn't cool.

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It kinda' makes my eyes cross just trying to read it:




The capitalization just makes me cringe.


I'm pretty sure that I don't want to learn the 'sassy INs of saying YES to social networking' but perhaps I'm just in a snit today. :glare:


Mommy needs a timeout. With Nutella.


Kinda reminds me of the opening credits for Monk (as in the defective detective).


I didn't read past "Visioning". That's just stupid. :glare:

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That Godzilla-sized Nutella (Nutzilla?) HAS to be photoshopped! (Please tell me it's photoshopped or I'll find it and jump right in!)




It's on sale. :D


ETA: Oh wait. It's sold out. :crying:


ETA Part Deux: http://www.amazon.com/Nutella-Italy-Lbs-Big-Tub/dp/B004HN3ONQ (Hurry. There are only 20 left in stock.)

Edited by Stacia
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Oh, and a warning for those who do want to look over there -- wear your SUNGLASSES at night:



:lol: (How's that for a semi-obscure 80s reference?)



:w00t: :drool5: Yeah, but for $31 they can keep it. I can just as easily squeeze it out of a ziploc bag while waiting at my dd's dance class.


Not that I would DO that, of course. :lol:





I think I could kill someone for a piece of chocolate cake and a glass of milk. :tongue_smilie:




I knew it, 9 images, I had to edit.

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That Godzilla-sized Nutella (Nutzilla?) HAS to be photoshopped! (Please tell me it's photoshopped or I'll find it and jump right in!)


I saw a jar bigger than that one in Belgium once. Dh was tempted.


And the ad...I can do a VISIONING class for y'all. Seriously. I've done similar things for my writer's group and creative soul clients. I'll only charge you...ummm...35.00. Yes, I can *envision* you sending me $35 for a VISIONING class.

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It's on sale. :D


ETA: Oh wait. It's sold out. :crying:


ETA Part Deux: http://www.amazon.com/Nutella-Italy-Lbs-Big-Tub/dp/B004HN3ONQ (Hurry. There are only 20 left in stock.)


wait, wait, WAIT!!


it's only $69.99 here





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Weird website! I am obviously very uncool because I don't think I've ever had Nutella. :eek: I'm convinced of the error of my ways after reading this thread, Nutella is a need not a want right?! :tongue_smilie:


It's a need. A pet peeve of mine is people who SPOIL it by putting it on bread :glare: Can you imagine????? Nutella should be eaten from a spoon or fingers if alone! :lol:

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It's a need. A pet peeve of mine is people who SPOIL it by putting it on bread :glare: Can you imagine????? Nutella should be eaten from a spoon or fingers if alone! :lol:



I'm one of those bread-using heretics. (Does it make it any better that it is freshly baked?)


And I put BACON on it! (Yeah, I capitalized!)

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Luckily, I have brownies.



I would need a pan of special brownies before I described all of the ways in which that site is wrong.


Eta: I think American Nutella tastes the same as European Nutella. I spent five years eating the European brand, and I would notice if they were different.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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A mom with preschool-aged dc joined our local homeschool group many years ago. I don't think she intended to homeschool, she was just looking for victims... erm, I mean leads. She did the same sort of things, and everything on her site and in her emails talked about networking and empowering women and on and on. We still laugh hysterically and ask each other to go to lunch "to network to empower to network each other." :lol: 'm going to throw "visioning" in and see if anyone notices how hip I am. :D


Did y'all click through to the websites for the speakers? :lol: Bliss. :lol: :lol:

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A mom with preschool-aged dc joined our local homeschool group many years ago. I don't think she intended to homeschool, she was just looking for victims... erm, I mean leads. She did the same sort of things, and everything on her site and in her emails talked about networking and empowering women and on and on. We still laugh hysterically and ask each other to go to lunch "to network to empower to network each other." :lol: 'm going to throw "visioning" in and see if anyone notices how hip I am. :D


Did y'all click through to the websites for the speakers? :lol: Bliss. :lol: :lol:



Ohdear. I never noticed the links until you pointed it out.


I am visioning and knowing in my deepest being that inside me is the realization that we to network and to empower each other on these boards.


TOTALLY worth my annual WTM membership fees! :lol:

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Let me see if I get this Visioning thing. You go to a class where you look through magazines and google images, cut the pictures out and paste them on paper...and that tells you what you want to do with your life??

Sounds like a cross between preschool and pinterest


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Ohdear. I never noticed the links until you pointed it out.


I am visioning and knowing in my deepest being that inside me is the realization that we to network and to empower each other on these boards.


TOTALLY worth my annual WTM membership fees! :lol:


Except on that site, it would be more like:


VISIONINGnowing in my deepest being that inside me is the reelization that WE to netwurk and to empwer eachOTHER on these boards


ETA: I'm a bit slap happy and bored here. I had a Coke at dinner, and I may not sleep tonight. Ugh.

Edited by angela in ohio
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I saw a jar bigger than that one in Belgium once. Dh was tempted.


I first read this as, "I saw a jar bigger than Belgium once." That would indeed be a gigantic jar of nasty. :ack2:


Haven't visited the site yet, but I have a feeling the "visioning" and the painful design are closely related. Can you imagine what they'd charge for visioning that looked cool?

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Let me see if I get this Visioning thing. You go to a class where you look through magazines and google images, cut the pictures out and paste them on paper...and that tells you what you want to do with your life??

Sounds like a cross between preschool and pinterest

:smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:


I can't spend more than a minute or so on that site without getting a headache and irritable. :001_huh:

Layout, grammar, etc. - if any of those annoy me, I leave. :leaving:

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It reminds me of one of this sites you come upon when googling something - you know the sites that are nothing but thousands of words to snare you in to their site?

We need to each post our Paypal addys so we can get paid for our empowerment seminars here too! I am holding one now called:

Learn the Secrets to HS longevity; Nutella revisited. Cost is one jar of Nutella - 15 lb. Size preferred :lol:

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