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what do you snack on??

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I used to keep a stash of Red Hots. I love those things. But they kill me. I wish I had some right now.


I usually snack on dried fruit, fresh fruit, yogurt, pickles & cheese (together, or it's a no go!), raisins, or nuts. I make a trail mix out of cashews, pistachios, and raisins that I snack from when I get the urge. Frozen blueberries are my favorite right now.

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I don't snack much during the day; I drink a lot of water, and that keeps me pretty full. If I start getting tummy twinges then I usually turn to a cup of tea before I do a solid snack. On the go, I snack on fruit or raw veggies. At home, I'll chose raw veggies or chips with salsa.


Once the sun goes down, all bets are off. At night I crave chocolate and nuts (preferably both, together, in the form of a Hershey's Bar with Almonds). Sometimes late at night I'll snack on a bowl of oatmeal or rice pudding.

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I don't snack very much. The kids are allowed a couple of cookies in the afternoon, and sometimes I'll have the same. More often it's tea and toast or Ryvita. If I want protein, then I'll have peanut butter on toast or a rice cake. Dh sometimes gets me a great big bar of Cadbury's Bourneville - my favorite - and I'll stick that in the cupboard and have a bit at a time. The last time he got it for me, I made it last for 2 months. My kids were appalled. :001_smile:

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Wow! You gals are such angelic snackers. :lol:


My current favorite snack is honey sesame cashews from Trader Joe's. I also sometimes have a bit of peanut butter as a snack, sometimes with a banana. Or a bit of chocolate. I've been known to eat a potato chip or two... Often dh makes popcorn in the evenings and I have a bit of that. Or an ice cream sandwich. (Not all of this in one night, mind you!) I didn't realize everyone was so much healthier than I am! I'm going to have to switch to brussel sprouts or something. ;)

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So many of us are so careful to make sure our kids have healthy snack foods, but what do YOU snack on? the same healthy snacks? a secret stash of unhealthy stuff? specifically, what do you snack on?


I snack on the same thing I have for my son and husband. We used to be really bad about chips and popcorn and such, but we just quit buying it. I started making a routine of cutting up carrots, celery, cucumber, bell pepper, broccoli -- whatever is nice. I have a big container in the fridge with these removable compartments, so I just refill what is empty. My son likes to dip veggies in homemade ranch dressing, but I don't like it, so I eat mine plain, or lightly salted or with a bit of peanut butter.


There is always various fruit on the cupboard or in the fridge, so that's a frequent option.


We also have raw almonds, which I didn't think I'd like much, but I do. They're not salted and they are less crunchy than roasted, but they are "meatier" and more satisfying, so a small handful is enough for me. If I buy almost any other nuts, I will eat them like a pig, so I try to keep those to a minimum.


Sometimes, I will have a piece of real cheese, but I'm not a big dairy fan, so I don't eat that often. Sometimes, I will have a couple of slices of ham rolled around pickle spears. Sometimes, if I'm really peckish, I will have a cup of soup; which kind depends on what I have on hand.

Edited by Audrey
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I really don't snack much during the week. I drink a lot of water and if I get super hungry between meals, I'll have a few raw nuts or a piece of fruit. If I don't have either of those, I'll often just eat a spoonful of natural peanut butter. If I'm absolutely starving, I sometimes make a half pb. and jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread with all natural jelly (no sugar added).


On weekends, we usually snack on homemade popcorn with real butter and homemade lemonade. Every so often, we'll get a soda for a treat.


I do buy chips for meals sometimes-to go along with hamburgers or something. Once a bag of chips is opened in this house, it's not going to last more than a day. Then we will snack until it's gone.


We will usually get a frosty or bake some cookies or something about once every couple of weeks.

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I do keep a few gluten free packaged things to snack on for DD4 and myself, but those are just nachos or veggie straws. Other than that, it is fruit, dried fruit, nuts, homemade yoghurt, cheese, and the kids are allowed to snack on leftovers. I also make homemade popcorn, and occasionally do grilled and seasoned potato slices that we can dip into a homemade dressing. Hard boiled eggs are another stand by as are veggies. Love cheese and crackers (GF of course). The kids and I are allergic to chocolate so that is easy to avoid, but I could eat caramel (candies, chews, sauce, etc) all day long, so I try to keep those out of the house.

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Really good, somewhat obscure, very fresh fruits and veggies from our CSA box. Even with that, we almost never use it all up. Examples: brown carrots, radishes with salt or butter or nothing, sweet 100's tomatoes, gala apples, radiccio, cabbage, fennel, those watermelon radishes, etc. One of the reasons this works for me is that I don't let myself get too hungry or thirsty. I try to drink water a little ahead of my actual desire for it, and eat these veggies when I'm just starting to get hungry. Otherwise, it's chocolate time. Or cashews.

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Really good, somewhat obscure, very fresh fruits and veggies from our CSA box. Even with that, we almost never use it all up. Examples: brown carrots, radishes with salt or butter or nothing, sweet 100's tomatoes, gala apples, radiccio, cabbage, fennel, those watermelon radishes, etc. One of the reasons this works for me is that I don't let myself get too hungry or thirsty. I try to drink water a little ahead of my actual desire for it, and eat these veggies when I'm just starting to get hungry. Otherwise, it's chocolate time. Or cashews.

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I rarely snack. If I do, I will munch on some granola or fruit. If my sugar seems low in the afternoons, I have some cheese and a piece of fruit. I buy a chocolate bar once a week and eat a little of it every day.


Food allergies have taken away most of my desire to snack, and the clean up I had to do on my diet to get rid of nuts, corn, and wheat has cured me of needing a snack. I even just have bottled water when we go to the movies. It is sad but good.

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Oooh, you know what is the Best. Snack. Ever.? You take a slice of bread, slightly butter it, spread guacamole on it, add a couple tomato slices, and a slice of cheddar cheese. Put it in the oven until the cheese melts. This is heaven. Better than chocolate. I could live on it. Especially with homegrown tomatoes.....so sad that tomato season is almost over.

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My favorite snack is spicy chex mix.


BUT We don't have much money for snacks. If we did I would snack a lot more im sure. So If I need a snack it is usually, hard boiled eggs, peanut butter and jelly, or homemade cookies, brownies, fudge :D, or potato chips. Those last things take effort so it doesn't happen often.

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Ummm, I have a major sweet tooth and I am not a healthy snacker. Candy is almost always what I snack on. I don't snack all day long though, I'll have a snack in the afternoon and then in the evening. Sheesh, anything else you want to know?! Get off my back already! :leaving:



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Oooh' date=' you know what is the Best. Snack. Ever.? You take a slice of bread, slightly butter it, spread guacamole on it, add a couple tomato slices, and a slice of cheddar cheese. Put it in the oven until the cheese melts. This is heaven. Better than chocolate. I could live on it. Especially with homegrown tomatoes.....so sad that tomato season is almost over.[/quote']


Woah, for me that would be a meal, not a snack. Sounds great, too.

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Endangered species dark chocolate

Peanut Butter Zig Zag Soy Ice cream

coconut yoghurt which is horribly expensive so I cannot afford it for the kids

mango kombucha...see above

sweet potato fries

chocoalte and peanut butter mixed together on a rice cake

homemade cookies and coconut milk

cracker jacks


celery and peanut butter

hummus and anything

salsa and cornchips

ice cream float


I love to eat, but a lot of foods don't like me. Like meat and dairy and wheat. So, I try to not eat them too much. This weekend I got nice and sick after eating meat, goat cheese and that yummy rosemary bread from Costco. I slathered it in goat cheese and grape tomatoes. Good snack if you can handle it.

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Woah, for me that would be a meal, not a snack. Sounds great, too.


LOL! It is more like a meal, but I'm the only one in the house that eats guacamole or tomatoes so I eat it at night watching TV after the kids are in bed. And I've been known to skip dinner if I know I'm going to be eating it later!

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We eat all the time in our house. A lot of times after dinner snack is like 2nd dinner.


We have a scheduled 3pm snack and that usually is healthy: carrot sticks, apples & cheese, hummus & crackers, popcorn...other than that, our kitchen is always open and generally running too :)


We just made chocolate chip cookies and ginger cookies and we'll probably pop popcorn for our family movie after dd goes to bed.

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Right now? Cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, goat cheese, avocado, cottage cheese, tuna fish, pita bread, yogurt, egg salad-- or eggs any which way- salad, tortilla chips with refried beans or salsa, iced coffee.


If I get nuts and crazy (once or twice a month), I think about how to get to the gas station for Pringles and Diet Coke!

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