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If you have been HSing and then child went back to PS, what grade did they return?

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I took my children out of ps in 3rd and 4th grade. They have told me that they want, at some point to return to ps but not now. If you have sent your child(ren) back into ps, what grade did you choose to re-enter.


(I am loving HSing and I hope they continue to want to do this but I want to be open to what they want as well)


Has anyone re-entered in Middle School or did you wait until High School?

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My oldest has been homschooled since day 1. After years of begging me to let her try public school, we finally decided to try last year. She had to take a math test, English test, science test, and history test to find out which grade to put her in (but they don't put you ahead if you test high).


She tested right into grade level even with some learning challenges.. She has working memory issues, visual-spatial issues, and motor dysgraphia (which translates into ADHD minus the H, poor math performance, and fine motor issues). She is super talented with words, reading, spelling, etc.. and has been reading books non-stop since the age of 3.. So she had an edge there.


So she went straight into 7th grade where she was supposed to be.. She stayed in public school for 3 months before she decided it wasn't for her..:tongue_smilie:

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My oldest ds went to public school for band ONLY in grades 5-7 and then attended private high school for grade 9 (12 gr. this yr).


My younger ds attended public middle school for grade 8 last year, and is starting public high school grade 9 TODAY!


It was their time/choice to attend school; they wouldn't come back home because they enjoy school for the most part. I loved homeschooling but now enjoy my freedom.


You'll know when it's time to send them back - they will tell you.

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Oldest entered ps in ninth grade. dd entered in 6th grade.


Oldest would not have faired well in middle school. His social skills are such that he would have been an extreme bully target. He was placed in several classes in which there were no/few Freshmen (alg2-trig, French 4, computer sci). His other academic subjects were honors, so he only had gym with the full spectrum of kids. Having so many classmates older helped him tremendously--because they were a little more mature and beyond the "making fun of idiosyncracies" stage. Public high school has been a lot easier than I thought (this does not mean it is easy and pain free) and ds has really grown.


dd started at middle school age. It was a fairly smooth transition for her. There's definitely social cr** that goes on. dd tells me a lot about it and tells me how she handles things. She caught a boy breaking into her locker, she pushed him out of the way and now kids think she "tough" (thankfully this was out of view of administration, but I wouldn't have minded if she got in trouble. "tough" goes a long way in protecting a kid from future trouble). There was lunch table "queen bee" behavior and she left her table to sit with the girl who was pushed out of the group. Situations like these were not easy for her--she just had the "right" reaction for the middle school culture and then she regroups with me at home. I'm proud of her. I never would have been able to do these things and I know ds would not handle situations like this well. She's also on the honor roll and taking advanced classes. The biggest problem for her is organizational skills and dealing with long term assignments.

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I have not put my kids in public school and never plan to do so but I homeschooled my neighbors child for several years. When I moved and she put him in school they advanced him a grade in spite of his summer birthday. That was 5 years ago and he is still doing very well. He started public school in 4th grade.

Edited by amy g.
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My oldest was homeschooled grades 3-8, and for 9th he went to a Catholic high school. Academically it was fine (the teachers were very easy), but he didn't like it very much. It was an all-boys school with uniforms. Now he is starting 10th at ps. So far it seems more challenging academically, but I think he'll do fine if he applies himself.


I think the hardest part of the transition has been having to push himself, and not having mom to do it. At home, I wouldn't let him fail (he would have to re-learn the material). At school, the teachers don't care if he fails. The class goes on. Although I don't think he's learning as much at school, he is learning some valuable life lessons.

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My oldest was entering 4th grade. I told them he had some learning delays and they tested him and agreed to put him in 3rd grade (my request) but on the first day they had him registered in a 4th grade classroom.


We worked it out and he went to 3rd.


My kids lasted until Christmas. They begged to come home.




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I'm putting mine into private school next week. She'll repeat eighth grade. Her homeschool grades were very good, but she wasn't finishing courses and (I felt) she was losing ground -- a combination of too much emphasis on ballet, a surgery last January, and Lyme Disease. She's also a little immature socially.


The private school is so good that I regret not putting her in earlier. She will definitely be challenged, and the students are hard-working and motivated.

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My girls each chose to go back to PS in 9th grade. It's been wonderful. They got to pick which public high school they wanted to attend and by 9th grade they were emotionally and academically mature enough (thanks to homeschooling) to handle anything high school could throw at them. My ds will most likely follow the same path.

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I took my children out of ps in 3rd and 4th grade. They have told me that they want, at some point to return to ps but not now. If you have sent your child(ren) back into ps, what grade did you choose to re-enter.


(I am loving HSing and I hope they continue to want to do this but I want to be open to what they want as well)


Has anyone re-entered in Middle School or did you wait until High School?


Mine went back for 9th grade last year, to a public neo-classical charter. I felt like middle school would be a waste of time and fortunately she only wanted to go for HS. She got all A's except for a B in PE, go figure, and won the Math and Lit awards (highest average).


That being said, she chose not to return for 10t in order to pursue other opportunities.


I think if you go this route, you know when it is right. I would have let my middle or oldest go for Middle School they had really wanted to but would NOT let my younger go at that age, even if she had begged. Different kids = different choices. :001_smile:



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My DD attended public school..a Montessori public school, for K-6. She attended a middle school for 7th. I homeschooled her for 8th and 9th. She's now back in grade 10 but at a non traditional public high school. It's geared towards kids with learning challenges, disabilities, etc and there are only 80 kids total.

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Hi MIch elle!! I've been wondering how you have been doing! Sounds like everything is well with you. :)


OP- I pulled mine out of ps after 3rd and 1st. I put my oldest in private school for 8th last year, and he is currently attending 9th grade ps. He loves it and is doing well. As others have said, you will know if it is the right time. However, I wouldn't put them in for 6th or 7th unless it was a private school, just to avoid bullying and certain attitudes that seem to develop at this age. I do plan to put at least one of the twins in ps for 8th next year, and both will go to ps for high school. Even though one of them doesn't want to.

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My daughters returned to public school.


My eldest was pulled out after a disastrous 6th grade year. She was home for 7th and 8th, and returned for her freshman year in high school. We spent a good bit of the two years she was home catching up on basics and working on organization skills and working independently. She was a straight-A student and was regularly complimented on her maturity by her teachers.


My second dd was brought home for her first two years of middle school for many reasons related to her autism and social needs. She returned in 8th grade. She was far more successful than she might have been had she entered in 6th grade, and homeschooling was no longer the best choice for her, but she struggled in 8th grade. She was much more successful in high school.


Given a choice, and depending on the child's needs and abilities (and the school), I'd prefer to skip middle school altogether unless the child is socially very mature. Middle school can be brutal unless a child has very good coping and social skills.



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My boys were homeschooled from the start. Oldest went to PS beginning in 8th grade and tested into honors classes for the grade he was supposed to be in. I could have entered him as a 9th grader (he has a birthday just after the PS cut-off) and he would have still tested for honors classes but his reasons for going to PS were for sports and he would have been a bit small for his sport that first year so we just put him in where his age placed him and gave him that year to grow and mature. He'll be in 10th grade starting next week and is doing very well in all honors and AP classes when available.


Middle ds started PS last year in 7th grade. He tested average for his grade level before going in. He's not my most academic child and does not test well. (I think some ADD issues, not enough to need medicating and no hyperactivity but gets bored with tests and ends up just putting down any old answer to get done.) He spent last year in school getting all A's and a B in his classes but then tested lower at the end of the year on the same test he took to place in the beginning. (We joke that he lost intelligence after a year at school but I think it has more to do with the getting bored and giving up on the long test like I said before.)

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I pulled mine out after 8th, 6th, and 4th respectively. Only the youngest chose to return. He returned for 9th grade (last year) and has done well at school. We still supplement outside of school as I don't feel he's getting a deep enough education in our school district. They just don't have the time to cover everything and our district doesn't offer AP - something I've found to be incredibly useful/needed if one wants to head toward a top college. His current plan is not to go to a traditional "top" college, but rather, one that is considered "top" in his future major - ethnobotany. That college is a state school, but we're out of state. They offer some merit aid scholarships and he'll need to be competitive to get one if he wants to go there. Without AP, I doubt he'd be competitive.


Oldest is currently a college sophomore and middle son is currently a homeschooled senior applying to colleges this fall.

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We homeschooled from the beginning. My kids tried school in 2001. Age wise, they were 1st and 3rd grades. I put them in 1st and 4th grades. I should have put the younger one in Kindy.


Had our lives been different, I could have seen putting my ds into high school. Sometimes I wish it had worked out that way.


Putting my daughter back into school was never a consideration.

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Hi MIch elle!! I've been wondering how you have been doing! Sounds like everything is well with you. :)


OP- I pulled mine out of ps after 3rd and 1st. I put my oldest in private school for 8th last year, and he is currently attending 9th grade ps. He loves it and is doing well. As others have said, you will know if it is the right time. However, I wouldn't put them in for 6th or 7th unless it was a private school, just to avoid bullying and certain attitudes that seem to develop at this age. I do plan to put at least one of the twins in ps for 8th next year, and both will go to ps for high school. Even though one of them doesn't want to.


I just read this thread again and somehow I had missed this comment. I am fine, thanks for asking. I appreciate all the support! :001_smile:

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My older two were home until 3rd grade, in school through most of 4th, then home so far. My 7th grade aged dd is thinking that she wants to go back for high school. I'd like for my littler dc to have a chance to go for a year or two. I may send my middles to a charter school for 7th and 9th (possibly 6th and 8th). There's a related school on a different campus, but it IS a different campus, so I don't know whether I'll send my youngest there then (2nd, 3rd or 4th). In 2 years, my oldest will likely be at CC or culinary school, which might open my schedule to work full-time, so if the local Catholic grade school is able to handle two of my dc (they told me they couldn't take 4), then I could put my older dd in the adjacent Catholic high school and work full-time to pay tuition. :willy_nilly: ... If none of that works out, my dd can still go to ps ... one school in our district (not our local school) has an IB program that would probably be good for her. The littles don't HAVE to go to school ... well not until the littlest is in high school and we have the rest college-aged (one could be done then).

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My oldest ds started school in 9th grade. Younger son in 5th grade, older dd in 1st grade, younger in preschool. Preschool lasted 2 or 3 weeks, and older dd was in school a year and a half.


Oldest son is in his second year of college, younger in high school, and my dd's will never again step foot in school unless something happens to me.

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Once high school age, our children have returned to ps for anywhere from one to three classes -- never full time (and sometimes not at all). Sometimes it even included having lunch there (for example, they might be there for 4th period choir and 6th period Spanish, so have to stay for 5th period lunch). It was always a smooth transition. Part of that is because we live in a small town where everyone knows everyone else already.

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