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Must get serious about my weight

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I have now gained MORE than 15 pounds since I got married last November. This has to stop and reverse. I am 5'6" and I want to weigh 125-128.


I just need a boost of some sort to get started. I do pretty well on controlling my choices and portions once I get started but when I'm in this kind of cycle I can't seem to get myself under control. I think I'm a carbaholic....all I want to do is eat chips!


Has anyone had any success with a Quick Loss Start plan or some such?

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For us it was mostly a matter of simply not buying the foods that we have the hardest time controlling. For example, if we have chocolate chips, my husband will make cookies and we will eat them all. So I just don't buy chocolate chips unless we are planning on making them that day. So just don't buy chips (or any other offenders), throw away all the ones in your house, and that will probably help a lot.


My husband and I have both lost a lot of weight this year, and going through our kitchen and throwing away anything that would be difficult for us to control was the jump-start we needed. Now my husband has lost 70 lbs and I lost 20. We've done other things too, but that was the best place to start.

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Isn't 125 a little low for 5'6"? Wouldn't you be a bean pole???


Anyway, HCG does work and quickly, but you have to be dedicated and slightly insane to do it. That being said, I lost 15lbs in 20 days. :D There is some really good info on these HCG boards. A lot of people say homeopathic doesn't work, but it's what I used and it's worked for me. Mine is by Green Web (I bought it on Amazon). One bottle last about 15 days. These are sublingual drops, BTW. I couldn't bring myself to do shots. Ack!


When Han Solo got sick and was in the hospital 2 weeks ago, I totally fell off the wagon and just ate whatever the hospital brought in (and in Germany, dinner in bread and cheese-yummy!) and managed not to gain an ounce. I was going to back on when we got home from the hospital, but since I've been sick too, I decided to hold off until I got better. I've still managed to lose another pound and a half, even though I'm not on "protocol" right now. I'm not nearly as hungry as I used to be and found that I can't eat nearly as much as I used to either. I also discovered that after eating "clean" for several weeks I can't handle certain things (fast food mostly) unless it's in very small quantities, and even then it doesn't often sit well. That's not necessarily a bad thing though as it makes me think much more carefully about what I choose.

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Two things are helping me:


(1) Taking a walk early in the morning and after dinner. I walk our dog all over the neighborhood. This keeps my metabolism juiced up.


(2) Eating food that is BORING! I try to eat the very same thing for breakfast every day (homemade smoothie and plain cheerios). If food bores you, you won't be tempted to eat too much of it.

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I lost 10 pounds in a month eating Paleo. My husband, sister, bil, friend, and friend's family (3 members) all lost at least 10 pounds in a month.


I am a total carbaholic. Portion control doesn't work for me. Once I eat one cookie, I want 50. I've not been able to stick to any. other. diet. EVER. I cut out Dr. Pepper for 55 days (a 20 year record for me). And then I cut out all grains, dairy, legumes (including all soy and peanuts), and sugar (including added sugar in things such as processed meats and condiments). So I ate as much meat, veggies, fruit, nuts, and healthy fats (coconut milk, avocado, olive oil, etc.) as I wanted. A bonus with the Paleo diet is that you can also discover foods that might be bothering you, as grains, dairy, and legumes can be inflamatory. My sister discovered (unintentionally) that soy greatly increases her arthritis pain. My bil discovered that his life-long digestive issues for which he took meds were due to dairy.


Here is a link to the Whole 30 Challenge. The bonus was that I ate more healthy foods than I have in any other 30 days...probably of my whole life. The downside: lots and lots of grocery shopping and cooking and it is very hard to eat out.

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If I exercise in the morning and evening it helps to control my eating (if I eat too close to exercise then it makes me sick while exercising and when I get home from exercising I don't want to eat 'cause I feel so good after just exercising and I'm able to eat less -- make sense?) Also, I've almost completely eliminated flour and sugar from my diet. I've noticed that if I eat a little that it makes my cravings go crazy and it's hard to stop -- so I just don't eat it at all. It's made a huge difference in my weight AND my moods.

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HCG works. You need to be in a good mental place to do it though. But it works. There is a support/encouragement group under the "Community - Social Groups".


I've also seen some great reviews and testimonials about the 17 Day Diet. Some here on the board have been doing that one.


Ok, I can't quite figure out what HCG is. Going to the social groups in a minute to see if I can figure it out.

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I lost 10 pounds in a month eating Paleo. My husband, sister, bil, friend, and friend's family (3 members) all lost at least 10 pounds in a month.


I am a total carbaholic. Portion control doesn't work for me. Once I eat one cookie, I want 50. I've not been able to stick to any. other. diet. EVER. I cut out Dr. Pepper for 55 days (a 20 year record for me). And then I cut out all grains, dairy, legumes (including all soy and peanuts), and sugar (including added sugar in things such as processed meats and condiments). So I ate as much meat, veggies, fruit, nuts, and healthy fats (coconut milk, avocado, olive oil, etc.) as I wanted. A bonus with the Paleo diet is that you can also discover foods that might be bothering you, as grains, dairy, and legumes can be inflamatory. My sister discovered (unintentionally) that soy greatly increases her arthritis pain. My bil discovered that his life-long digestive issues for which he took meds were due to dairy.


Here is a link to the Whole 30 Challenge. The bonus was that I ate more healthy foods than I have in any other 30 days...probably of my whole life. The downside: lots and lots of grocery shopping and cooking and it is very hard to eat out.


Just to be sure I get it.....is Paleo the same as the link you posted above? That looks promising!

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If I exercise in the morning and evening it helps to control my eating (if I eat too close to exercise then it makes me sick while exercising and when I get home from exercising I don't want to eat 'cause I feel so good after just exercising and I'm able to eat less -- make sense?) Also, I've almost completely eliminated flour and sugar from my diet. I've noticed that if I eat a little that it makes my cravings go crazy and it's hard to stop -- so I just don't eat it at all. It's made a huge difference in my weight AND my moods.


This is me. I know this about myself, but for some reason it is worse right now than it has ever been. I have GOT to get back to some exercise too.

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Two things are helping me:


(1) Taking a walk early in the morning and after dinner. I walk our dog all over the neighborhood. This keeps my metabolism juiced up.


(2) Eating food that is BORING! I try to eat the very same thing for breakfast every day (homemade smoothie and plain cheerios). If food bores you, you won't be tempted to eat too much of it.


Thank you! These are two things that work for me as well, but I'd forgotten the second one.

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For us it was mostly a matter of simply not buying the foods that we have the hardest time controlling. For example, if we have chocolate chips, my husband will make cookies and we will eat them all. So I just don't buy chocolate chips unless we are planning on making them that day. So just don't buy chips (or any other offenders), throw away all the ones in your house, and that will probably help a lot.


My husband and I have both lost a lot of weight this year, and going through our kitchen and throwing away anything that would be difficult for us to control was the jump-start we needed. Now my husband has lost 70 lbs and I lost 20. We've done other things too, but that was the best place to start.


My son is so thin he NEEDS the calories....but the things that he eats to keep his weight up aren't temptations to me. I can pass on the sweets.

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Isn't 125 a little low for 5'6"? Wouldn't you be a bean pole???


Did you see the wedding pics I posted? It is thin, but not too thin for me. I got down to 112 during my divorce and THAT is too thin. I am one of those kind of people who always looks like I weigh more than I really do. My late FIL once said, '130? hmf. I'd 'a figured you for more than that.' :tongue_smilie:


Anyway, HCG does work and quickly, but you have to be dedicated and slightly insane to do it. That being said, I lost 15lbs in 20 days. :D There is some really good info on these HCG boards.


A lot of people say homeopathic doesn't work, but it's what I used and it's worked for me. Mine is by Green Web (I bought it on Amazon). One bottle last about 15 days. These are sublingual drops, BTW. I couldn't bring myself to do shots. Ack!


So homeopathic is a supplement to go along with the HCG program? I'm still confused about it. I am hoping a plan is outlined on one of these links---or will I need to buy a book or something?

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HCG works. You need to be in a good mental place to do it though. But it works. There is a support/encouragement group under the "Community - Social Groups".


I've also seen some great reviews and testimonials about the 17 Day Diet. Some here on the board have been doing that one.


What is the name of the weight loss group you mentioned above? I saw several over there in our Social Groups.

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I'm 5'8" and 125 is perfect for me. I don't think someone would be too thin at 5'6" at that weight. It depends so much on bone structure too.

Like Scarlett was saying, I lost a bunch a weight about 8 years ago when I was going through a lot of stress and I was down to 110-115 and I looked scary and bad. My mom asked if I was anorexic. No one ever comments on my weight at 125-130. So I feel like that's a good range.



as far as weight loss jump start - I totally agree with the idea of keeping the food out of the house. I will eat whatever is around no matter how determined I am not to. But if it is just not available then I'll eat carrots or fruit or almond butter or whatever is healthier.

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I'm 5'8" and 125 is perfect for me. I don't think someone would be too thin at 5'6" at that weight. It depends so much on bone structure too.

Like Scarlett was saying, I lost a bunch a weight about 8 years ago when I was going through a lot of stress and I was down to 110-115 and I looked scary and bad. My mom asked if I was anorexic. No one ever comments on my weight at 125-130. So I feel like that's a good range.



as far as weight loss jump start - I totally agree with the idea of keeping the food out of the house. I will eat whatever is around no matter how determined I am not to. But if it is just not available then I'll eat carrots or fruit or almond butter or whatever is healthier.


I feel wonderful at 125. More energy. Feel better about how I look. I just felt great. And I am small boned I think.....I wear a size 5 ring. Very narrow shoulders.


Ok, what I ate today was a scrambled egg and toast. (bit of jelly, no buter)


For lunch. A small piece of baked pork chop (2 oz maybe) half of a dry baked potato and a big salad. No cheese. Just some balsomic vinegar.


I am making shepards pie for dinner. Hoping I can have a small portion and STOP! I think I will have an apple around 5 to help.

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I love carbs, too. I was doing myfitnesspal.com and counting calories and all that... meh. :glare: It's such a pain.

I'm 5'6" also. I'm hoping to get down to like 135-140. I'm a lot curvier though, and have never been particularly 'skinny' looking. More...uh...'shapely' looking lol. :lol: I have about 20-25 lbs to lose... blechh....

Anyway I don't really have any tips for you, just wanted to let you know you're not alone! :D

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I love carbs, too. I was doing myfitnesspal.com and counting calories and all that... meh. :glare: It's such a pain.

I'm 5'6" also. I'm hoping to get down to like 135-140. I'm a lot curvier though, and have never been particularly 'skinny' looking. More...uh...'shapely' looking lol. :lol: I have about 20-25 lbs to lose... blechh....

Anyway I don't really have any tips for you, just wanted to let you know you're not alone! :D


Thanks! I did WW and it worked....a few years ago...but it is a pain.


That link posted earlier in this thead...Whole 30 days or something like that....I bet it would work! But it is VERY strict.

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Yeah, I did WW too. It worked for a little while - about 10 lbs or so. And then...not so much.

I really need to find time to exercise. That's a biggie. :)

I need to look at all the links here. On one hand strict sounds good, on the other hand, it sounds a little...overwhelming. And I'd be afraid I couldn't stick to whatever I needed to stick to. I'm such a lazy 'dieter' lol...

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I've lost 48 pounds since January (most of that in the first 4 months), with another 10 or 15 to go, and I've done it with eating healthy and exercising (I've recently started running, but otherwise it's all DVDs after the kids go to bed).


First DVD was Jillian's 30 Day Shred, in which I lost 17 pounds. I exercised faithfully every single day and drastically changed my diet. I lost the next 20 pounds thanks to ChaLean Extreme (a hard but very fun BeachBody program). The rest is running and I'm starting P90X.


For eating, I usually just make myself pots of things I love, so I NEVER let myself feel hungry, and I'm less tempted to eat unwisely. For example, I'm just now finishing up a fabulous pot of quinoa pilaf as well as some butternut squash. Yesterday I made a batch of spicy lentils. I roast and debone a chicken at the beginning of the week, just for myself. Love that kind of stuff. I add sriracha just for kicks. Lots of great spices and salsas, and it's the type of stuff I know no one else will be tempted to eat. (And when I'm hungry, I walk to the fridge and snack on chicken, which I'll dip in salsa or something, or maybe fresh veggies & hummus, instead of reaching for carbs.)


It's been a change of lifestyle for me, one I've kept up for more than seven months now, and one I know I can stick to for the rest of my life. I also have lots of wonderful accountability, such as in the Weight Loss Challenge social group here where we have monthly challenges to keep us motivated.


Also, I'm heading out in a few minutes to donate the rest of my bigger clothes, so there's nowhere to go but down unless I plan to go nekked.


You can do it!!!! :grouphug:

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I've lost 48 pounds since January (most of that in the first 4 months), with another 10 or 15 to go, and I've done it with eating healthy and exercising (I've recently started running, but otherwise it's all DVDs after the kids go to bed).


First DVD was Jillian's 30 Day Shred, in which I lost 17 pounds. I exercised faithfully every single day and drastically changed my diet. I lost the next 20 pounds thanks to ChaLean Extreme (a hard but very fun BeachBody program). The rest is running and I'm starting P90X.


For eating, I usually just make myself pots of things I love, so I NEVER let myself feel hungry, and I'm less tempted to eat unwisely. For example, I'm just now finishing up a fabulous pot of quinoa pilaf as well as some butternut squash. Yesterday I made a batch of spicy lentils. I roast and debone a chicken at the beginning of the week, just for myself. Love that kind of stuff. I add sriracha just for kicks. Lots of great spices and salsas, and it's the type of stuff I know no one else will be tempted to eat. (And when I'm hungry, I walk to the fridge and snack on chicken, which I'll dip in salsa or something, or maybe fresh veggies & hummus, instead of reaching for carbs.)


It's been a change of lifestyle for me, one I've kept up for more than seven months now, and one I know I can stick to for the rest of my life. I also have lots of wonderful accountability, such as in the Weight Loss Challenge social group here where we have monthly challenges to keep us motivated.


Wow! That is awesome! I like your idea of having healthy things to snack on. However, when I like something I just keep eating it. Sigh.




Also, I'm heading out in a few minutes to donate the rest of my bigger clothes, so there's nowhere to go but down unless I plan to go nekked.




In my case all of my clothes are size 6 that I can wear. I am so annoyed that I have several very cute dresses I got last summer that I can not get into right now. I won't buy bigger stuff, so I'm basically nekked. :tongue_smilie:

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Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis. Really.



I've been looking at this, but it's so expensive! What kind of results have you seen with it? And what do you do when the 90 days is over? Could a beginning exerciser handle it?

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Check out T-tapp. You can do it at home and you will be building muscle and losing to what is right for *your* body. Many of the ladies with less to lose say they actually weigh MORE on the scale than they did the last time they wore the size they are wearing...because they have strengthened their core and built muscle...which is less dense than fat. (In other words, you go by INCH loss, not the scale)


You will get some some nice abs and cuts along the way. :)


I am a more to lose person, but since I started I have gone from a 24W to an 18W...and I'm still shrinking. :) As the fat burns off, I'm seeing some muscle definition come to light. :)



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I lost 15 lbs by using sparkpeople.com to keep track of my calories. it motivated me to eat healthier and make better choices. This was after gaining 20 lbs in one year, then exercising like a mad person using Jari Love dvds from the library for two+ months with no weight loss at all (though my shape did change and I felt healthier!). I even stopped exercising because I've had health issues for the past few months and still lost the 15 lbs by cutting my calories to 1600 a day, which is still a good amount to be able to be healthy and get a good amount of vitamins and good stuff your body needs.

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I've been looking at this, but it's so expensive! What kind of results have you seen with it? And what do you do when the 90 days is over? Could a beginning exerciser handle it?


Yes, I think a beginner can handle it, however, not if you expect something easy. It will work you. You will feel muscles you didn't know you had.


It is expensive but then I figured it this way. It's $90 for 90 days so really that's a $1 a day. Plus, if you're like most busy moms it will take you longer than 90 days to finish. It's based on a 6 day workout plan. That can be difficult at times. I was doing 5-4 day weeks.


I should say "am" doing 5-4 day weeks. It's been a month since I've worked out but that's because I've had health problems. I'm just getting to where I can start again. Don't worry my health issues had nothing to do with Tracy. ;) I'm celiac but wasn't diagnosed so I was really sick for a while.


Back to Tracy.....


After the 90 days she advises you purchase her Continuity program which you can get monthly or in 3 month packages. I know others (on her forum) will buy her other DVDs to do after Metamorphosis. Some people will redo the program although Tracy says not to.


She has youtube videos of workouts. You could try some of those. Also, some women on her forum use her youtube videos to continue after the 90 day program as well.


I love her workouts. I don't get bored because they challenge me but are not impossible. I saw changes in my body quickly. My arms are most noticable. I no longer have a wobbly flap under my upper arm. :001_smile:


Some people follow her diet plan and others don't. I don't because I'm breastfeeding. The women on her forum who do her food plan see faster results.


You can check ebay as I see her stuff there all the time. However, it usually sells for just as much new. Which I guess is good for the people who are done with it and want to sell it.

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(2) Eating food that is BORING! I try to eat the very same thing for breakfast every day (homemade smoothie and plain cheerios). If food bores you, you won't be tempted to eat too much of it.


This is so true, and I blew it last night. I made chicken and dumplings that were SO GOOD and SO NOT BORING! I ate way too much. Of course, the chicken was skinless and there was not any cream in the dumplings. But still...

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I joined Weight Watchers Online four weeks ago and it has worked very well. I've lost 8 pounds, but more importantly, I can live like this. I need to lose at least 30 more and I'm confident that I can do it. I highly recommend WW.

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This is so true, and I blew it last night. I made chicken and dumplings that were SO GOOD and SO NOT BORING! I ate way too much. Of course, the chicken was skinless and there was not any cream in the dumplings. But still...




I had shepards pie and homemade bread. It was soo soo good and not boring. I ate too much. :(

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I was gonna post a similar thread… I had a baby three months ago and am still carrying way too much extra weight - 165 at 5'8 - and I can't stand to even look in the mirror. I have no clothes (I stay in pjs pretty much all the time) because my pre-pregnancy stuff is too small and my maternity/big stuff is too big.


Getting exercise is very difficult because a) I can't take baby to the gym and while my teenage daughter is happy to watch him, HE isn't happy to be watched for more than about 20 minutes. He'll cry, a screaming coughing cry, and won't stop until I come back to him. (plus - after about the same amount of time away from him, I get all freaked out and cry and want to get back to him ASAP. It's like a part of me is missing!) …..he does the same thing to dh, so evenings are out (plus dh is tired from work all day)... b) going out for (fast exercise type - ie, without a stroller) walks...again the separation stuff. On top of that, I have VERY sore knees and feet -- I saw my doc and he said it's "probably just a pregnancy thing" and isn't interested in doing anything until we're farther away from his birth. I'm limping half the time.


I was thinking of trying some kind of juice fast thing… I don't eat much now as is, but I think that since I'm not out exercising, the weight is just sticking there. It's gross. I hate it. I'm also gonna see some family in a couple months that I haven't seen in several years… last time they saw me, I was 120lbs. :(


Watching for ideas in your thread, if you don't mind.

Edited by LidiyaDawn
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I was gonna post a similar threadĂ¢â‚¬Â¦ I had a baby three months ago and am still carrying way too much extra weight - 165 at 5'8 - and I can't stand to even look in the mirror. I have no clothes (I stay in pjs pretty much all the time) because my pre-pregnancy stuff is too small and my maternity/big stuff is too big.


Getting exercise is very difficult because a) I can't take baby to the gym and while my teenage daughter is happy to watch him, HE isn't happy to be watched for more than about 20 minutes. He'll cry, a screaming coughing cry, and won't stop until I come back to him. (plus - after about the same amount of time away from him, I get all freaked out and cry and want to get back to him ASAP. It's like a part of me is missing!) Ă¢â‚¬Â¦..he does the same thing to dh, so evenings are out (plus dh is tired from work all day)... b) going out for (fast exercise type - ie, without a stroller) walks...again the separation stuff. On top of that, I have VERY sore knees and feet -- I saw my doc and he said it's "probably just a pregnancy thing" and isn't interested in doing anything until we're farther away from his birth. I'm limping half the time.


I was thinking of trying some kind of juice fast thingĂ¢â‚¬Â¦ I don't eat much now as is, but I think that since I'm not out exercising, the weight is just sticking there. It's gross. I hate it. I'm also gonna see some family in a couple months that I haven't seen in several yearsĂ¢â‚¬Â¦ last time they saw me, I was 120lbs. :(


Watching for ideas in your thread, if you don't mind.


Am I losing my mind? Ok, don't answer that. I swear your post mentioned something about the HCG diet but now I don't see it. I was going to respond to you and tell you that Mom inHigh Heels sent me an awesome pm full of info on that diet/plan.


:grouphug: about baby weight. Give yourself a break on that....are you bf'ing? You sound like me though in that you just need a reset button to push.

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Am I losing my mind? Ok, don't answer that. I swear your post mentioned something about the HCG diet but now I don't see it. I was going to respond to you and tell you that Mom inHigh Heels sent me an awesome pm full of info on that diet/plan.


:grouphug: about baby weight. Give yourself a break on that....are you bf'ing? You sound like me though in that you just need a reset button to push.


it did :laugh: …I said something like "Now I want to know what this HCG thing is" .. but I took it out because there are actually several things mentioned in the thread that I'm curious about. I *am* curious about that too though!


I'm not nursing - he needs to be on a specific lactose-free formula. (and he's doing very well on it, thank goodness :D )


I was actually prescribed Concerta (ADHD med) by my doc and as I'd heard that a side effect of that is often weight loss, I was happy about it (rarely ever happy about potential side effects of anything :tongue_smilie: ) but I tried it one day and it had a weird effect on me…I did stuff and didn't remember doing it. Just small things - like a couple of chores - but I can't be having that sort of thing happening, not with a baby around. I won't risk it.


I wish I did have a reset button! Even if I had to jab a pen into it like all those annoying little electronic toys. :p

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I have now gained MORE than 15 pounds since I got married last November. This has to stop and reverse. I am 5'6" and I want to weigh 125-128.


I just need a boost of some sort to get started. I do pretty well on controlling my choices and portions once I get started but when I'm in this kind of cycle I can't seem to get myself under control. I think I'm a carbaholic....all I want to do is eat chips!


Has anyone had any success with a Quick Loss Start plan or some such?



I have had great success with this. However, it isn't a quick fix. It is more of a lifestyle change. I've lost over 80 pounds and have eliminated several health risks by following this. I, too, was a carboholic. Now, I eat far, far fewer carbs (I am a Type O) and I don't miss them because I'm actually getting what I need.

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I have had great success with this. However, it isn't a quick fix. It is more of a lifestyle change. I've lost over 80 pounds and have eliminated several health risks by following this. I, too, was a carboholic. Now, I eat far, far fewer carbs (I am a Type O) and I don't miss them because I'm actually getting what I need.


I have 'Cook Right for your type'. Same author. My husband had it when we got married. He is interested in it....trouble is he doesn't know his blood type!


I am O as well.

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Yes, I think a beginner can handle it, however, not if you expect something easy. It will work you. You will feel muscles you didn't know you had.


It is expensive but then I figured it this way. It's $90 for 90 days so really that's a $1 a day. Plus, if you're like most busy moms it will take you longer than 90 days to finish. It's based on a 6 day workout plan. That can be difficult at times. I was doing 5-4 day weeks.


I should say "am" doing 5-4 day weeks. It's been a month since I've worked out but that's because I've had health problems. I'm just getting to where I can start again. Don't worry my health issues had nothing to do with Tracy. ;) I'm celiac but wasn't diagnosed so I was really sick for a while.


Back to Tracy.....


After the 90 days she advises you purchase her Continuity program which you can get monthly or in 3 month packages. I know others (on her forum) will buy her other DVDs to do after Metamorphosis. Some people will redo the program although Tracy says not to.


She has youtube videos of workouts. You could try some of those. Also, some women on her forum use her youtube videos to continue after the 90 day program as well.


I love her workouts. I don't get bored because they challenge me but are not impossible. I saw changes in my body quickly. My arms are most noticable. I no longer have a wobbly flap under my upper arm. :001_smile:


Some people follow her diet plan and others don't. I don't because I'm breastfeeding. The women on her forum who do her food plan see faster results.


You can check ebay as I see her stuff there all the time. However, it usually sells for just as much new. Which I guess is good for the people who are done with it and want to sell it.


Thank you for this review. (And Scarlett, sorry for hijacking your thread!) I tried to watch her infomercial last night but didn't get it finished. I'll try again tonight...maybe that will give me a better idea what it's all about.

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Thank you for this review. (And Scarlett, sorry for hijacking your thread!) I tried to watch her infomercial last night but didn't get it finished. I'll try again tonight...maybe that will give me a better idea what it's all about.


Not a t/j! The more ideas the better.

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HCG works. You need to be in a good mental place to do it though. But it works. There is a support/encouragement group under the "Community - Social Groups".

I've also seen some great reviews and testimonials about the 17 Day Diet. Some here on the board have been doing that one.

:iagree: on both.

I love hcg, but yes, you do have to be in the right place mentally. No big or major transitions, etc.

Also thinking of trying The 17 Day Diet, but I would need to get the book first.


(2) Eating food that is BORING! I try to eat the very same thing for breakfast every day (homemade smoothie and plain cheerios). If food bores you, you won't be tempted to eat too much of it.

Very true. ;)


I think any or most diets will work if one sticks to it. Some give faster results - hcg, 17 Day, Dukan, etc.

Others are less extreme and take longer to get where you want to be.

The hardest part is maintaining. Losing is relatively easy compared to keeping it off ... :glare:


For me, weight loss is more like 80% of what I eat and 20% of what I do. As with most things in life, the usual 80/20 Principle applies.

Whether or not I lose weight is all about what I put in my mouth. If I really watch what and how much I eat I lose. If I don't I will just maintain or gain.

Exercise does help to maintain when I'm not not watching what I eat, but I can no longer lose any significant amount of weight without really watching what I eat.

I've been forced to accept this fact. During my teens and twenties, since I've always loved to workout, I would workout a LOT and eat whatever I wanted, granted that I knew that if I truly overate, the pounds would come on. I was fit and slim.

Yet once I had my dc and entered my thirties (I'm now in my 40s), I realized that I couldn't get away with eating whatever I wanted and exercising anymore. I now have to watch what I eat and how much I eat.

Someone said that her trainer, who really knows her stuff, always says that it's actually 90% what we eat. I agree.


I have lots and lots of info on this. Here's just a sample:

To burn sufficient calories to lose one pound of body fat, you might:

* Briskly walk a total of 35 miles

* Swim moderately fast for 6 hours

* Dance for 12 hours

* Play about 12.5 hours of golf, carrying your own clubs

* Jog for about 29 miles

At the same time, you would need to monitor your eating habits to ensure that you are not increasing your calorie-intake in line with your increased exercise! And we all know that it’s much easier to eat 1000 calories than it is to burn 1000 calories!

If you're looking to control your weight, exercise is the least efficient way to do it. You'd have to run for hours to keep the cookies you ate from adding to your waistline.



Edited by Negin in Grenada
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I lost 10 pounds in a month eating Paleo. My husband, sister, bil, friend, and friend's family (3 members) all lost at least 10 pounds in a month.


I am a total carbaholic. Portion control doesn't work for me. Once I eat one cookie, I want 50. I've not been able to stick to any. other. diet. EVER. I cut out Dr. Pepper for 55 days (a 20 year record for me). And then I cut out all grains, dairy, legumes (including all soy and peanuts), and sugar (including added sugar in things such as processed meats and condiments). So I ate as much meat, veggies, fruit, nuts, and healthy fats (coconut milk, avocado, olive oil, etc.) as I wanted. A bonus with the Paleo diet is that you can also discover foods that might be bothering you, as grains, dairy, and legumes can be inflamatory. My sister discovered (unintentionally) that soy greatly increases her arthritis pain. My bil discovered that his life-long digestive issues for which he took meds were due to dairy.


Here is a link to the Whole 30 Challenge. The bonus was that I ate more healthy foods than I have in any other 30 days...probably of my whole life. The downside: lots and lots of grocery shopping and cooking and it is very hard to eat out.


I have had great success with this. However, it isn't a quick fix. It is more of a lifestyle change. I've lost over 80 pounds and have eliminated several health risks by following this. I, too, was a carboholic. Now, I eat far, far fewer carbs (I am a Type O) and I don't miss them because I'm actually getting what I need.


I am doing this. Type O as well. 2 days into it so I can measure anything for certain. I am a big carboholic and I love to cook. So easy to pile on the weight...so hard to work off! :nopity:

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Someone said that her trainer, who really knows her stuff, always says that it's actually 90% what we eat. I agree.



If it was really just about the food, I should have lost all my baby weight by now - I'm eating very little. (and no, it's not just my perceptionĂ¢â‚¬Â¦ I'm aware of the caloric content of all my food) Anytime I've eaten this little before, my body always dropped weight. Now? Nothing. :glare:

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If you're looking to control your weight, exercise is the least efficient way to do it.



I agree with this. I am trying to improve my diet to control my weight. I am exercising for the health benefits. However, I do find that when I exercise, I tend to try harder to eat better.

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i tend to follow the "no s" diet and i also exercise (bike, walk, and run).


no Sweets

no Snacks

no Seconds

except on days that start with S


i drink water only, except for coffee in the morning and a very occasional treat, like soda with lunch out or something.


it works well for me. i'm 5'6 and 125. hth.

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i tend to follow the "no s" diet and i also exercise (bike, walk, and run).


no Sweets

no Snacks

no Seconds

except on days that start with S


i drink water only, except for coffee in the morning and a very occasional treat, like soda with lunch out or something.


it works well for me. i'm 5'6 and 125. hth.


I like the simplicity of this :D


I've recently lost little over 20 lbs (working toward my 40 by fall goal). I have quite a bit more to lose and am headed off to look at the Anderson and Michael's workouts that were mentioned.


I cut back on snacking, cut out sodas, and exercise at least three times a week. Need to bump it up here to reach my goal :D

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If you're looking to control your weight, exercise is the least efficient way to do it.


OTOH, I have never met an overweight long distance hiker or mountaineer. It's just that we grossly underestimate how much exercise is necessary. But if you make it a LIFESTYLE instead of an activity that you have to specifically schedule, it IS an effective way - none of the people I know who have to walk several miles each day just for their daily errands are overweight, nor are those who commute by bicycle.

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What sort of foods does the diet have you eating? And what do you do after the 17 days?






Check out the above link for an overview of it.


In the first 17 days most vegetables, (unlimited from a list of vegetables), lean protein like chicken and fish and eggs, 1 serving of something like low fat yogurt, 2 servings of non sweet fruit. 8 glasses (64 oz) of water. Green tea is allowed. Pretty strict. But it is suppose to help with rapid weight loss. Many people lose 10-12 pounds the first 17 days.

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I just started the South Beach Diet on my doctor's recommend. he says that really it is the diet everyone should follow. Anyway, I am in no way hungry and I have a lot of energy! :) I am using the supercharged SB book and got lots of SB cookbooks from the library.

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HCG works. You need to be in a good mental place to do it though. But it works. There is a support/encouragement group under the "Community - Social Groups".




:iagree: I did it and lost 18 lbs of the 30 I need to lose. I have found that my tastes and hunger and my use of food as comfort have changed. For whatever reason, doing this changed my outlook on food completely so that I'm eating when hungry, eating good foods, and am continuing to lose weight now that I'm not actually taking the hcg anymore. Eggs, fruits, veggies, salads, small portions of meats, healthy dairies are the things I desire to eat. I'm more able to make wise choices because it seems like the hcg and the extremeness of the change helped me move past some food addictions I had been struggilng with for a while!! Not everyone's experience, I am sure. I just see now that it was a drastic change that I needed to make, and I am so glad I took that plunge!!

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I love this:001_smile:



i tend to follow the "no s" diet and i also exercise (bike, walk, and run).


no Sweets

no Snacks

no Seconds

except on days that start with S


i drink water only, except for coffee in the morning and a very occasional treat, like soda with lunch out or something.


it works well for me. i'm 5'6 and 125. hth.

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