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Anyone test positive for multiple allergies but NOT cats?

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Just curious/prematurely panicking. DS5 goes in for allergy testing on Monday. We have 3 cats. It seems like most people I know who have any major allergies count cats among them.


My husband is allergic to everything, except cats, dogs, and some red pine out in Siberia (probably not remembering that correctly, but it was something he would never have any contact with). The thing with animals though, is if they're ever allowed outside, they can bring stuff in. They are like little pollen magnets.

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My husband is allergic to everything, except cats, dogs, and some red pine out in Siberia (probably not remembering that correctly, but it was something he would never have any contact with). The thing with animals though, is if they're ever allowed outside, they can bring stuff in. They are like little pollen magnets.


True. My oldest daughter is allergic to cats. When she was in her teens it got pretty bad, but we kept the cats. They were old and she only had a few years until she left for college. We just kept them out of her room. Those cats are gone and we have a new batch that are indoor only (the last batch were strays that adopted us as adults, so indoor/outdoor). They don't bother her nearly as much. It also helps to feed them a high quality (pricey) grain-free food with a high fat and moisture content. That seems to keep their skin healthy and the dander down.



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I am allergic to everything including cats, dogs, birds and rodents. I had a long-hair Himalayan cat, plus two other cats, for years. They didn't bother me unless I sat with them in my lap for extended periods of time. Any other cats I was around, my eyes would swell and itch. I was told it had to do with them not going outside, and eating a high quality dry food.

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Well, I was very allergic to cats when I was younger and still "officially" test as allergic to cats but I have two and I am not bothered by them at all. I believe over the years of dating my DH and being around his cat, I built up immunity or something.

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I am allergic to dogs, but not cats. DH is allergic to cats, but not dogs.

I am allergic to pecan tress, but not cedar. Dh is allergic to cedar, but not pecan...


There must be something to the saying "opposites attract." If you look at our allergy test results I am allergic to about everything he isn't and vice versa--that means there is ALWAYS someone in our house that is impacted by some pollen, mold, etc.

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I've only known one person ever who is truly allergic to cats. They told me I was as a kid. They were completely wrong. Turns out the years of abx for my tonsils were the culprit. They took those suckers out and I haven't had a problem since. My kids and many family members have allergy problems for about everything. But not cats or dogs.

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They're already inside cats and eat a good, grain-free food, and we've been keeping them out of his room lately. So I guess that's good, anyway. I don't have any particular reason to assume he's allergic to them; we haven't noticed him reacting to the cats in particular (he has lots of general allergy symptoms and was just diagnosed with mild asthma). But I've worked myself into such a state of worry about it that I'll be kind of shocked if he's not allergic to them at this point. Pleasantly shocked :)

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My son had allergy testing today. He had several positives, but not cats. Thank heaven, because we have SIX!


One of my friends has allergies coming out her yin-yang... seriously. She's allergic to:

Nuts (tree nuts, peanuts, pine nuts, you name it)

MANY fruits including strawberries, peaches, etc.




Blue dye (seriously... blue dishwasher detergent residue is enough to set her off)

I'm sure I'm missing some.


She's also allergic to a laundry list of outdoor substances, many medications and is lactose intolerant. BUT... she's not allergic to cats!

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Ds! Lots of ragweed, pollen, plant based stuff, but no cats.


We have a cat. He's got lots of thick hair, but it's short. When ds was holding a long haired shelter cat at Petco a few weeks ago, his eyes got itchy and he started to sneeze. Even my nose got a little itchy and I'm not aware of any animal allergies for myself.

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My sister is allergic to dogs, dust, pollen, etc but not cats. I tested positive to dust, grass, and cows, but not cats.


You're allergic to cows? The animal itself? I had no idea anyone could be. What about the cow are you allergic to, do you know? Interesting!

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Me = two antibiotics, shellfish.....not cats

DS = all fish, shellfish, cockroaches (no city college for him, 'eh?)....not cats

DH = grass, trees, pollen, dust, thimerisol, powder in surgical gloves, two antibiotics, a handful of chemicals, dogs....and cats

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They're already inside cats and eat a good, grain-free food, and we've been keeping them out of his room lately. So I guess that's good, anyway. I don't have any particular reason to assume he's allergic to them; we haven't noticed him reacting to the cats in particular (he has lots of general allergy symptoms and was just diagnosed with mild asthma). But I've worked myself into such a state of worry about it that I'll be kind of shocked if he's not allergic to them at this point. Pleasantly shocked :)


Then I think I wouldn't worry too much even if he does come back allergic to cats. If his eyes swelled up and started to weep or he had an asthma attack when they brushed up against him, that would be a problem. But a mild allergy really isn't a reason to get rid of beloved pets :grouphug:

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Just curious/prematurely panicking. DS5 goes in for allergy testing on Monday. We have 3 cats. It seems like most people I know who have any major allergies count cats among them.


I was tested for environmental allergens (no foods or dyes, etc) and I reacted strongly to all trees, grasses, dust mites, cats, and dogs, but had *no* reaction to mold, mildew, or Ragweed. Ragweed allergies are notorious around here and my lack of reaction to Ragweed and mold & mildew while showing positives for so many other environmentals led my doc to retest with a new sample thingy. Still no reaction to those. He was perplexed.


Interestingly, I grew up with cats and the only time I ever felt I was 'allergic' to them was if I petted them and then touched my face before washing my hands or let them rub on my face (I would get blotchy skin and my eyes would water and swell and itch a bit) OR if I got scratched... the scratch would itch like crazy and swell up. After about 10 minutes, though, all would be back to normal.


I wouldn't worry until you have all the facts. And even then, I would look at what *you* observe with your son and the cats. It's entirely possible that any diagnosed cat 'allergy' will be mild (like mine) even though the test will show a strong reaction. He actually sounds a lot like me with the general allergies and mild asthma you mentioned in a subsequent post.


I hope all goes well with the testing!

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My dd tested positive for mold, dust, and all kinds of trees and grasses. She tested negative for cats and other animals but we had a shot test for cats, birds and horses just to be sure that it wasn't a false negative. She was fine. They did a scratch test for the 1st part of the test. They did want to do a shot for every one that she did not test positive for though which was a lot. I couldn't believe they wanted to give her that many shots. I decided it was better to make sure the animals were really okay, since we have many. She does also have asthma but I see more problems outside then inside our house with the grasses and trees.

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  • 2 weeks later...

An update:


Well, he's allergic to everything:




Or, you know, everything they tested him for. Allergist says the most severe allergies are spring trees, ragweed, dust mites, dogs, and cats. But he also said there was no reason to think about getting rid of the pets. We're supposed to keep them out of his room and get mattress and pillow covers (for dust mites, not pet stuff). He also recommends allergy shots, but that's probably another thread....

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We are cat free for the first time in my adult life and I am worried that if we reintroduce a cat, I may show up allergic. I've heard of that happening.


The allergist told me he's only had 2 patients get rid of pets because of allergies in the 8 years he's been in practice. That sounds like...not many. I mean, I know more than person who can't be in the same room with cats without having pretty serious reactions pretty quickly. So I wonder if you do just get desensitized to the cats you live with. Of course, I haven't noticed him reacting to other people's cats either.

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Oh good grief! Poor kid!


I agree with trying to limit his exposure to all other allergens (as well as keeping the pets out of his room) before getting rid of all the pets. Possibly limiting those others with the bigger red welts will be enough to allow the pets to remain.


Ds's allergist suggested shots, so I brought him to a traditional doctor that also practices natural medicine. Freeze dried stinging nettle (ahead of allergy season - which translates to, you know, winter) along with NasalCrom during the season has helped him immensely.



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Ds! Lots of ragweed, pollen, plant based stuff, but no cats.


We have a cat. He's got lots of thick hair, but it's short. When ds was holding a long haired shelter cat at Petco a few weeks ago, his eyes got itchy and he started to sneeze. Even my nose got a little itchy and I'm not aware of any animal allergies for myself.


It could be that the cat came from a home with one of your allergens - for example cigarette smoke, or pollen, or ...

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An update:


Well, he's allergic to everything:




Or, you know, everything they tested him for. Allergist says the most severe allergies are spring trees, ragweed, dust mites, dogs, and cats. But he also said there was no reason to think about getting rid of the pets. We're supposed to keep them out of his room and get mattress and pillow covers (for dust mites, not pet stuff). He also recommends allergy shots, but that's probably another thread....



Poor little fella. You know, memory foam mattresses cannot harbor dust mites. That could be an option for in the future. I, personally, don't like the feel of most of the covers I have found.

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