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Why do some people on facebook ALWAYS have to argue?

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Seriously?! Ok, this is my status:


So on the radio this morning they had their impossible question. Without googling see if YOU can answer it. (be honest, don't Google, lets see if anybody knows- if you Google don't post the answer! Let people think!) Every year this happens to about 14,000 people, what is it?


and this is the exchange between the argumentative one and myself:(erased pix and names)




  • (argumentative one)I think there could be many answers to such a general question. I think its pointless to post something like this
    45 minutes ago · Like
  • (me)When I googled it, the answer the radio station is the same that I got. I thought this would be a fun start to the day but yeah, I cheated LOL 15 minutes ago · Like
  • (argumentative one) I goggled it too "14000 people annually". I got numerous things. Again, I don't see the point of statuses like this
    3 minutes ago · Like
  • (me) I put in "What happens to 14,000 people annually" It was the first thing that popped up. I just thought it would be fun, ya know?






SERIOUSLY?! Ugh, I am about to delete the whole thing. Good grief if you don't like my status IGNORE IT. It was just supposed to be a fun status. :rant:

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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That would be annoying. What's the point? I have many people who I'm friends with and I don't always like their status updates. For the most part I just scroll past. That seems like something silly to argue about.

I think you should say, "I put it out here for a little fun, so sorry I ruined your whole entire day!" :001_smile:

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It takes more effort to post on something you find annoying instead of just ignoring it. Sheesh. I'm crabby a lot lately, but I know how to not spoil the fun for others.


I have no clue as to the answer to the question. I'm off to goggle, but won't post here. :D


Ironically this thread is already in the top ten google answers.

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I wouldn't erase it because that gives the poster power. He/she could cause you to erase anything then. Why bother even having a facebook? Shoot, I'd be snarky as heck. I'd post: Ouch! Consider me reprimanded. And then I would start posting a status every hour or so on really mundane things.


Just finished a load of laundry.


Read 2 chapters in book.


Did you know the traditional scientific name for donkey is Equus asinus asinus, but it's Equus africanus asinus when it's considered a subspecies and Equus asinus when it's considered a species?

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I just googled it and nothing came up for me.....except this thread LOL. So if anyone from your FB googles "what happens to 14,000 people annually", they will see this thread LOL.


It's true! ROFL!


Maybe you should "reward" Mr/Ms argumentative by setting your privacy settings so they don't see any of your status updates. Right after you throw him/her a snarky reply! :D Someone didn't get enough coffee this morning.

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I googled "happens to 14,000 people annually" and didnt get this thread. I'm pretty sure I got the answer though. ;)


You don't have to unfriend someone to delete their comments. I would use that delete comment option.


Me too.


and :iagree:


I see cranky people. They don't know they're cranky. ;)

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My FB is for fun and sharing. When I first got an account I deleted something and privately messaged the person why. Never happened again. A few months ago I thought someone was out of line, deleted it, pm'd her and then posted on my wall that I don't host arguments.


I found it works to be direct. I don't mine a bit of interesting discussion, but if you pick a fight, or whatnot, I will delete it and pm you why. Nobody seems to mind my "rules". Of course, I don't friend you if I don't know you and like you. That helps.


It's an odd technology and I don't mind being perfectly clear about my social networking "needs" . ;)

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I wouldn't erase it because that gives the poster power. He/she could cause you to erase anything then. Why bother even having a facebook? Shoot, I'd be snarky as heck. I'd post: Ouch! Consider me reprimanded. And then I would start posting a status every hour or so on really mundane things.


Just finished a load of laundry.


Read 2 chapters in book.


Did you know the traditional scientific name for donkey is Equus asinus asinus, but it's Equus africanus asinus when it's considered a subspecies and Equus asinus when it's considered a species?





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I love when people post about the mundane.


I have a friend who reports the number of eggs her chickens produce each day.


I enjoy knowing you've done your laundry or didn't miss your connecting flight. Tell me what books were waiting for you in the ILL shelf.


I was born for this age. lol

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