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NFL Football Fans?

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So, like..you know those guys that act like total idiots during a game? Throwing stuff around, grinding shrimp cocktail into the carpet and yelling?


I act like that. Totally embarrassing to take out in public and all of it.


I just can't help myself. :willy_nilly:

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I'll play along with the signature. Maybe if I find the right picture, I'll put it up for my avatar.


Oh, and to 'prove' I bleed green and gold and I'm not just a fair weather fan - my uncle owns season tickets and works for the pro shop. I got to yell 'Go Pack Go' into an empty Lambeau Field after running down the hallway the players run down every home game.


The only way this cheesehead is coming off is after I'm dead - and then only with a crowbar!

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I can't WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I might even be more excited than dh, and that's saying a lot :D:D

but now it's just any team that's not the Patriots.
:iagree::iagree::iagree: But my teams are the Lions :tongue_smilie: and the Colts...well really just Peyton Manning but I'll take them all!
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I am ridiculously excited about the start of football season. There are only two seasons in my mind- football season and not football season. I love everything about football except the Dallas Cowgirls. And Brett Favre.

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Me, me, me!!!


Raised a Redskins fan, but I love the Rams, too!! They're the 2 teams I always root for!


I can't wait!!


OH! And the family fantasy football league drafts on August 28th!! :w00t:


Anyone else play fantasy football?


Already signed up!

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I can't wait for the season, either. I used to run a (free) football pool for another forum... maybe I could start one for WTM? It's not fantasy football, so it's a lot easier. You just pick who you think is gonna win each game each week, and we just play for the glory.


I'm a 49ers fan, but DH is a Bears fan. We don't really get along very well duing football season, and I still wonder why on earth I married a man who hated football originally (being from Australia, he thought rugby was the only real sport) and then morphed into a Bears fan... there are just some things that cannot be tolerated :tongue_smilie: :D

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Wendi, I knew I liked you!!!! I grew up with the 49ers/Raiders. But married a Saints fan and now I lurrrrve them so much. My poor dh has been a fan his whole life. When they won the Super Bowl he shed actual tears.


I :001_wub: Drew!


Peyton Manning's 90 million dollar contract for 5 years makes me sick. He's a good guy though, so I hope he does something good with all that money. Hey, he could help with our national debt!!!:lol:

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Huge KC Chiefs fan, but am living in the land of the Carolina Panthers. I don't get to see many Chiefs games so I get my fix with the Panthers.


When we first moved to NC in 2000, I was shocked to learn that they didn't televise Chiefs games in this part of the country. If I had known that, I might not have agreed to move. :lol:


I'm drooling over the Direct TV promo for the free NFL package. I want it, but dh won't switch. He likes football, but would rather watch NASCAR on Sunday afternoons.


My kids hate football season because I get the big TV on Sundays and Monday nights. And they don't like it when I "cheer". I have been known to get a little loud.:D


Now off to find a Chiefs avatar!

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Huge KC Chiefs fan, but am living in the land of the Carolina Panthers. I don't get to see many Chiefs games so I get my fix with the Panthers.


When we first moved to NC in 2000, I was shocked to learn that they didn't televise Chiefs games in this part of the country. If I had known that, I might not have agreed to move. :lol:


I'm drooling over the Direct TV promo for the free NFL package. I want it, but dh won't switch. He likes football, but would rather watch NASCAR on Sunday afternoons.


My kids hate football season because I get the big TV on Sundays and Monday nights. And they don't like it when I "cheer". I have been known to get a little loud.:D


Now off to find a Chiefs avatar!



Atlanta Falcons fans here. There are people who don't like Favre?:confused::svengo:And Peyton Manning? I truly don't understand.:001_huh:


We switched to Directv because of the NFL package AND the NASCAR driver channels. BUT, NASCAR comes first here, then football. We switch during commercials or if Jeff Gordon is having a bad race.:tongue_smilie:

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Love football . . . . . . but . . . . . I'm a Bengals Fan . . . . and it's a bit hard to get very excited about the new season :( I'm hoping they surprise me!


I get it. I'm a life-long Saints fan. I have the paper bag in my closet. I just assume they will lose every game. I still love them. Always will.


Wendi, I knew I liked you!!!! I grew up with the 49ers/Raiders. But married a Saints fan and now I lurrrrve them so much. My poor dh has been a fan his whole life. When they won the Super Bowl he shed actual tears.


I :001_wub: Drew!


Peyton Manning's 90 million dollar contract for 5 years makes me sick. He's a good guy though, so I hope he does something good with all that money. Hey, he could help with our national debt!!!:lol:



Yay! A convert! I totally cried when they won the Super Bowl. I called my Dad in LA and we screamed and cried together. My dh was a bit embarrassed.

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Go Jags! We even volunteer on game days (handing out that day's freebies) just to earn our tickets. We don't get the best seats in the house but we certainly don't get the worst either. Yay! Love it when we get to help on the field.


BTW, most of my clothes are teal. It's funny how supporting a team can change the color of an entire wardrobe. :lol:

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Big football house here, but most of the home games are blacked out.


Dare I write that we follow the Jaguars?


How could they pass up Tim Tebow?


I will cheer on any team but the Colts. Peyton gets on my nerves sooo much.


Us too! But we especially root against any team that plays against the Titans, even if it came down to the Superbowl and the Titans were one of the teams. This is one case where division loyalty goes right out the window.

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Born and raised in Wisconsin and I BLEED GREEN AND GOLD!!!! Loved seeing that picture of Clay Matthews aka THE BEAST as your avatar, OP!


BTW, DH is from Pittsburgh.... So you can imagine what our house was like for the SuperBowl last year... and for a few days afterward. He was in quite the funk!

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I am a newly converted Jets fan...I have followed them for the past two years. I'm new to the NFL. When you don't have cable, Sundays become boring so I just watched NFL games and I finally had to make a decision. It took about a season andna half for me to decide. Mark Sanchez going to the Jets swayed my decision. I like having a good looking QB. :001_smile:

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Maybe you ladies can help me. I am having an identity crisis of sorts. I love, love, love Brett Favre. I know what you're going to say but I still love him. Anyway, I don't know what to do now that he has retired.


I really like Aaron Rodgers and I think he is going to have an awesome career! I also like Clay Matthews for obvious reasons! But I love Colt McCoy (hey, I'm from Texas) and you just can't get much better than Tom Brady. Do you see a pattern developing here? Hehe.


I just don't know who to root for this year. I can't stand Dallas or Tony Romo and Houston is just so lame (the team not the city).


What do you think?

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Maybe you ladies can help me. I am having an identity crisis of sorts. I love, love, love Brett Favre. I know what you're going to say but I still love him. Anyway, I don't know what to do now that he has retired.


I really like Aaron Rodgers and I think he is going to have an awesome career! I also like Clay Matthews for obvious reasons! But I love Colt McCoy (hey, I'm from Texas) and you just can't get much better than Tom Brady. Do you see a pattern developing here? Hehe.


I just don't know who to root for this year. I can't stand Dallas or Tony Romo and Houston is just so lame (the team not the city).


What do you think?


I've become a big Bears fan. Caleb Hanie, backup QB, is from my hometown (my brother was one of his high school coaches) and I'm hoping he gets to make more appearances this year.


BTW: I'm not going to hold your love for Favre against you.;)

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