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Random poll: Did you have a homebirth?

Have any of your children been born at home?  

  1. 1. Have any of your children been born at home?

    • Yes, at least one child was born at home.
    • Not at home, but at least one child was born in a birthing center.
    • No, all of my children were born in a hospital.
    • Other.

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#1 - failed hospita induction resulting in c/s

This baby - laboring at home with a doula (who has also been a midwife since before I was born) and then traveling to the hospital at the last minute. The distance to the nearest VBAC friendly hospital, rural roads, and possibility of heavy snow made me choose hospital birth.

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I answered that all of mine were born in a hospital, but I only know about the two I gave birth to. My 3rd was adopted and I have no idea where he was born, most likely at home.


I had complicated births and am glad I was in a hospital.



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I wanted to homebirth all three, but we are an hour away from the nearest hospital and no midwives would serve the area. Even had one been willing, Dh was really worried that in case of an emergency we wouldn't be able to get to help in time. Of course all three were easy-peasy with nary a complication...

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I voted other. All of mine were born in a hospital, but it wasn't for lack of trying! ;-) There has been a serious lack of midwives in the areas we've lived in, and we ended up not being able to afford the few there were, especially after you factored in their mileage charges. We're in a much more friendly area now, though, and if we're blessed again, we're planning a homebirth.

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My 3 were born in hospitals, the last one with a midwife and no pain meds. The hospital where we live now doesn't allow midwives and has the reputation for pushing medical interventions. The midwife-friendly hospitals are far enough away that given my history of short labors, I'd be concerned about getting there in time if it's rush hour.


So if God blesses us with another baby in the future, I'm strongly considering having a homebirth assuming a low-risk pg.

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dd1- not so great experience with a hospital birth.... started meeting friends who home birthed and got very interested.


ds2 was born at home and it was an absolutely wonderful experience. I had some stalled labor issues and was almost 2wks late with him, so I know if I had a traditional hospital procedures things could have ended up very differently.


dds3 & 4 were midwife-assisted hospital births. There were no home birth practices/midwives that insurance would cover etc. At first I thought it would be hard doing a hospital birth after my home birth experience, but they ended up being amazing, intervention free births. Mostly due to the fact that the midwife let me do my thing and and the hospital staff respected the fact that she did things differently. After the birth of my last son, the L & D nurse was actually crying, because she said "We never see this!" meaning a drug-free, stress-free natural birth. I'm sooo thankful my last two hospital experiences were so positive.

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I answered other, my dd was born in the hospital and I was very dissatisfied. We are now trying to concieve and that baby will be born at home barring transfer. I did not want to have dd in the hospital but dh "couldn't cope with a homebirth". He has since decided that a homebirth is much easier to cope with than a wife with PTSD from the way she was abused at the hospital.

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Both dc born in a hospital, both emergency C-sections. I wish I'd been more aware of homebirth; it never even occurred to me at the time. Knowing what I know now, I probably would have done home birth, or at the very least midwife assisted at a hospital.

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I voted "other" as "in the car" was not an option.:D

First two were born at the hospital - no meds, OB, fine experience. Last one was supposed to be born at a free-standing birth center with mid-wife attending. Instead, she was born in the front seat of the car in the middle of the road. (my husband had pulled into the center turn lane and raced around the car and caught her just in time).

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Planned homebirth. Hospital transport. Oh well.

Me too.


ETA: Must say that at no point was ds in trouble or there an emergency. I wound up with a c-section but I am confident that we did all we could first. If I ever got a second chance (unlikely), I'd try for a homebirth again, without all the fear I had about it the first time. I do think it's wise to be near a hospital and have a midwife who has a good working relationship with the backup doctor and hospital nurses.

Edited by Sue in St Pete
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All hospital, but I would have done home birth or birthing center after my first (with the first I was clueless) if I could have done so.


All three were premature, though, and it's illegal to attend a homebirth in TX if the patient is in labor earlier than 36 wks, and with my history no midwife would take me on.


I'd have wound up transferred anyway, so it really was a non-issue. Needing a NICU trumps the other considerations, IMO.

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No, too much of a chicken. :) Nah, there aren't birth centers or homebirth options here really. I wanted to go drug-free but I'd stall at about 3 - 4 cm, give up and get an epidural then have the baby within about 30 - 40 minutes all 3 times. I've never understood nor I have I asked. I've guessed I jet wasn't able to relax enough.

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I suspect that there are many more homebirthers here than you would find in the general public. I would imagine that a person who decides to go against the grain in birthing choices is someone who is also more likely to make other similarly non-traditional choices in other aspects of their lives such as homeschooling.


I suspect you are exactly right. :D I know this is definitely the case with me, in many choices in my life.


My last baby was born at home, and we are planning another home birth for this one, due any day now. :)

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It was drama-free and stress-free, although unfortunately not pain-free. :tongue_smilie:


This was exactly true of my home birth, as well. I was suspecting the pain to be lessened since there was less stress and pressure but, ummm....nope. Pain was not lessened at all. :tongue_smilie:

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First baby... csec at 34 weeks for failed induction for pre-e

2nd baby... Homebirth After Cesarean {HBAC}- easiest birth!

3rd baby... planned hospital VBAC {new area didn't allow homebirth VBACs- turned to emergent csec for cord prolapse!}

4th baby... planned repeat cesarean turned Hospital VBAC! The night before the cesarean I went into hard labor at 3 am and she was born vaginally an hour and a half later!

5th baby...natural hospital VBAC- born in 15 minutes! Most painful 15 minutes of my life! :)

6th baby...natural, spontaneous hospital VBAC!



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