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I love Dr. Who!

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Must.get.netflix.must.get.netflix. :D



Someone tell me how I can do that without adding to my cable bill, which I cannot get rid of b/c it lowers my internet bill.



I believe you can get unlimited streaming on netflix (no disks) for about $6-8/month ...not too bad a deal to get your Dr. Who fix :D



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Are you letting Hannah watch it? She'll have plenty to email Mika and Sam about if you are; they've watched every episode.


And a warning: there is a character named Captain Jack (you've probably met him already) who will "do anything". That and a few flirty looks is about the extent of anything inappropriate in Dr. Who. There is a spinoff show called Torchwood (also on Netflix) centered around Captain Jack that is NOT appropriate. Lots of teA talk, innuendo, and a 2 males together nude scene (privates covered by scenery).

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Are you letting Hannah watch it? She'll have plenty to email Mika and Sam about if you are; they've watched every episode.


And a warning: there is a character named Captain Jack (you've probably met him already) who will "do anything". That and a few flirty looks is about the extent of anything inappropriate in Dr. Who. There is a spinoff show called Torchwood (also on Netflix) centered around Captain Jack that is NOT appropriate. Lots of teA talk, innuendo, and a 2 males together nude scene (privates covered by scenery).


Hard to say. Some of the scenes are a little creepy for Hannah. My kids have always had a sensitive streak. [probably from me] She did just watch the first episode from the 60s though. :tongue_smilie:


ETA: The creepy factor is pretty much very hokey, but I think I may wait just a little still. Of course, she watches Leverage. Can anyone say contradiction? :D

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Me too! EXTERMINATE!! :lol:


The girls watch it with us, but the angels really freak them out. Our neighbor has a little angel girl stone figure, and she's covering her face, and it really scares them. They mention it everytime we drive by.


I put a pic of one of the angels on my desktop and the kids suddenly stopped using my PC.:D

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HUGE Dr. Who fans here! Dd found a preview of the rest of the season this morning! We can't wait to show dh!


If you have sensitive dc, don't let them watch Blink! Dd10 slept with us for DAYS after that episode.


It's such a bummer about Torchwood. Not only is it filled with all that the pp said but it also let loose a string of "f" bombs :eek:


Anxiously awaiting the next episode...

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LOVE Doctor Who. It is our favorite show around here because it is one of the few good ones I can let my kid watch.


There hasn't been anything in Doctor Who I objected to dd seeing. It is like they KNOW exactly where my line is! We don't allow Torchwood, of course.


Dd likes Blink, she lloooovveeesss being scared.

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We LOVE Doctor Who. I probably love it more than my husband loves it, but he still likes it a lot. It is probably my favorite show ever. My 3 year old can recognize the Tardis and the theme music. I can't wait until August 27th either! I'm looking forward to it more than my anniversary. :lol:


ETA: We were recently on a trip to visit my family, and I discovered that my 18 year old brother loves Doctor Who too! We spent a lot of time talking about it, and it was awesome to learn that someone related to me is also a Whovian.

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I think she means they just happen to have one covering it's face, not that is is a weeping angel stone figure.


I have looked for them everywhere as well



Right - I don't care if it is an actual weeping angel statue, I just want to find one that is covering it's face :) DH and would get such a kick out of seeing that everyday in our yard :D

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So happy to hear from another convert. We get our episodes from the library and that works out great except there's always a wait.


We just started letting Little Librarian and my yo niece watch the show but are only allowing certain episodes. My niece wouldn't get scared but Little Librarian would. In season one we're not going to allow the Gelth on or the Empty Child two episodes. Heck, Empty Child scared me!

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