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Another "how do you say it?"

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I say Mah naise. Seriously. Clearly it is spelled MAYOnnaise. If I shortened it, I would pronounce it mayo, not Mah. It's all in my nose too, like a good Chicagoan. :tongue_smilie:


Also, my daughter pointed out to me recently that I say "bolth" for "both".


I have been knocked off my neutral mid-western pronunciation pedestal. :glare:

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We call it Miracle Whip. :tongue_smilie:


Around here, I could see this becoming some monster spin-off, resulting in bans, and reprimands, ending with a disappearing thread and people stumbling around other threads, disappointed they'd missed it. ;)

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I call it Man-aise. My husband has pointed out for seven years that I say it wrong lol..

This is almost how I say it. If I were to say "man" it would be down in my throat, but the "man" in my mayonnaise is all up in my nose. And that was a very strange sentence. :001_huh:

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I call it Man-aise. My husband has pointed out for seven years that I say it wrong lol..

That's how I say it, as well. And everyone else I have ever known.


I remember how struck I was when I realized that although most people IME say "lawn more," it is actually a "lawn MOW-er," as in, you know, it *mows* the grass.:lol:

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We call it Miracle Whip. :tongue_smilie:


But to the other, I say it like you, perhaps without so much nasal, a little more drawl. I generally shorten it to mayo.


I grew up with Miracle Whip but we called it mayo, so I thought it was mayo. The first time I had real mayo I nearly gagged!



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That's how I say it, as well. And everyone else I have ever known.


I remember how struck I was when I realized that although most people IME say "lawn more," it is actually a "lawn MOW-er," as in, you know, it *mows* the grass.:lol:



Mā-ya-nāz and lawn-mo-wah :D

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I say something more like "mayn aise." if I talk slowly and with emphasis, I will say "may oh naise."




This is me exactly. I'm in Oregon with lots of Wisconsin family influencing my speech patterns.


ETA: After reading through all the posts, I realize that when I'm reading it I will enunciate it a little better. Maybe because I'm seeing all those letters?

Edited by djbartch
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I'm a native NY'er, so it's mayo...or a schmear....any deli in NY, they know what a schmear is --- in the am with a bagel, a schmear is cream cheese....any other time, with a sandwich, it's mayo. If you want mustard, you have to say mustard. No one in MO seems to know though, so you have to say mayonnaise - though 'mayo' they get, but that too often means miracle whip, not real mayonnaise, so you have to define which you really want! Odd thing here is margarine is also called butter.....ugh.....no butter, is butter....margarine is margarine, don't give me margarine when I asked for butter!

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I grew up with Miracle Whip but we called it mayo, so I thought it was mayo. The first time I had real mayo I nearly gagged!

I probably grew up with Miracle Whip, too. And the first time I tasted real mayo, my mouth went, "YES!!!!" It was like a religious experience, lol.


Today I make my own, and cannot tolerate either Miracle Whip or store-bought mayo. :ack2:

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