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I have often thought this would make a great thread.

What are your favorite, household, homeschooling, cooking, general life tips. You know general simple things that make your life easier that all might help out the rest of us.

I will get the ball rolling.


Vinegar is a great fabric softener. 1 Tablespoon in the fabric softener dispenser is all you need. This is saving us money, and since I don't like the smell of most fabric softeners I prefer just the clean smell this leaves. Also my fabric softener dispenser no long looks like a candidate for a science experiment.


I hope this thread doesn't just die a fast and painful death as it's author will be :crying:

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This is phrase which has gotten me through many a bad day. I call it the missing beatitude.


"Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape"


While it probably won't save you any money, it could save you from pulling your hair out. Believe me, I know. :D

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A friend just told me about the acronym HALT that is taught at AA. It is a realization that when you (or your kids) are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired that you are more likely to act/react in a harmful way. Thus, it is important to realize when you need to HALT and take measures to prevent wrong/bad actions.

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Here is my favorite laundry tip:


If you forget about a load of clothes in the dryer you can quickly get out the wrinkles without rewashing the clothes. Just wet a washcloth (wrung out to damp) and put in the dryer with the clothes for 5 minutes. The moisture from the washcloth will steam the wrinkles out. Viola!


Love your vinegar tip. I am going to try it with today's wash.

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1. To empty dishwasher quickly, make it a job for two or three children. When dishes are done, call out their names and "Dishwasher!" First to come gets to choose which rack by grabbing first item out of that rack (we divide it into upper and lower racks and then silverware). If a child leaves the kitchen without finishing his rack, another child may finish said rack and first child will have to start over with a new rack. If a child dawdles about emptying his rack, he probably needs to "practice" emptying the whole rack for several days. It has worked in our family for several years--my children literally race to empty the dishwasher.


2. Same goes for doing the dinner dishes (or others that have piled up during the day). Call out "Dishes!" and numbers. With our largish family, I usually call out 10, 15, and the rest. All children race. The first one does 10, the next 15, and the last does all the rest. A child may not do dishes until he has finished his dinner. And a child is not supposed to start doing dishes before being excused, but sometimes they are anxious to begin.


Hope these make sense.

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I don't use softener in my laundry, although I have dryer sheets for particularly staticy items. But a wee bit of vinegar might just do the trick in some of my laundry. I know it also has disinfectant properties.


Being the lazy houskeeper that I am, I don't have much to offer in the way of tips. All I could think of that might possibly be helpful is my bill organization.


I have an expanding file folder to put paid bills and reciepts in for the year. (And any other financial paperwork like insurance statements.) One whole year goes in there. After taxes are filed for that year, I put my copy in the folder, close the folder up and store it. The only other thing I have is a catch-all box for not-yet-dealt-with receipts, bills, and statements. That's it. It's simple, straightforward, and very organized.

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If you have a toothache and can't get to the dentist, CLOVE OIL. Get a little bottle of clove oil, (I found mine at Rite-Aid in the prescription area) put it on your finger and rub it on the tooth and gum area. It numbs the area for 2-4 hours or until it wears off. Just keep putting it on there.

Note: It is NASTY, but it WORKS.

Try not to swallow much, but if you do, it will just numb your throat a little while.


Worked for me.:001_smile:

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It's taken me forever to come up with a handful of tips -- good grief, you'd think I never clean house or cook!



1. Baking soda makes a superb natural deodorant (for the body, not just the refrigerator). Mix with pure coconut oil or simply dust on damp armpits.


2. Loose tea is much more cost effective than bagged tea. A small tea ball filled with fresh leaves can be reused for more than one cup of coffee.


3. Water used for rinsing lettuce (especially if you use a salad spinner) or steaming vegetables can be recycled onto potted plants. The same is true for unfinished bottled water.


4. A Dustbuster is a wonderful tool for small household messes.



I'm sure there are many others running around my head, but I must need another cup of tea to stimulate my brain cells. ;)

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If you are washing spinach fill you sink with water (or a large bowl) and swish the spinach and let it float. The sand will fall to the bottom. I learned this on Alton Brown's show Good Eats. It is the only way I can get all the sand/grit off of spinach. Then take Doran' tip and reuse the water to water plants.

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This is phrase which has gotten me through many a bad day. I call it the missing beatitude.


"Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape"


While it probably won't save you any money, it could save you from pulling your hair out. Believe me, I know. :D




Oh, I loved that and tried to +rep you, but I'm out for the day.

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Vinegar is a multi purpose household cleaner around here.


Mixed with water it cleans my hardwood floors, sanitizes my sinks, shines glass, and is great on counter tops.


Mixed with baking soda it removes hard water build up and stains.


Oh, and ants hate it!

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Vinegar is a multi purpose household cleaner around here.


Mixed with water it cleans my hardwood floors, sanitizes my sinks, shines glass, and is great on counter tops.


Mixed with baking soda it removes hard water build up and stains.


Oh, and ants hate it!


What is the ratio in your mix of vinegar/water? Thanks!

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What is the ratio in your mix of vinegar/water? Thanks!



I just play with it, but it's usually somewhere around 1/4 vinegar then fill the squirt bottle with water. If it stinks too much, I dilute. If it doesn't smell at all or I need to sanitize something, I add. Clear as mud?

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Ok, I can't think of many here....


If you ever have ice cubes left over in your glass of water, put them in your plants instead of throwing them out. Ice cubes are a great way to slowly water house plants.


Every once in awhile, grind up some lemon, lime, or ice in your garbage disposal. It helps clean it out.


Mesh laundry bags are a great way to wash small toys in the dishwasher (i.e., legos, etc...). My motto is -- if it can't go in the dishwasher or washing machine, I don't want to own it. LOL. :D (And I have to say I love the Bounce Color Catcher sheets -- those things are awesome!) I also cut the color catcher sheets & dryer sheets in half because I find that it's plenty. I tend to do that w/ lots of things -- laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent, etc.... I've found that I can often use less & it is fine.

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Oh, thought of another one:


If you get a lot of cactus hairs/spines (what are those things called?) in your hand, spread a thin layer of glue over the area, let it dry, then peel it up. It should remove most of the cactus thingys. (Yes, I sound so scientific & accurate, lol.)


Fortunately, we've never had to try this (though I learned this tip *after* my dd as a 2yo had a handful of cactus hairs that her uncle & I picked out w/ tweezers -- it took a pretty long time).

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(Because I'm about to get off here and go do it!)


Heat a small bowl of vinegar (maybe 1/2 cup or so?) for about 1 min. in the microwave. Very easy to wipe out the splattered stuff! (I think I actually learned that here!)

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If you burn food onto the bottom of your pan, squeeze in some dish soap, add 1/2 inch or so of water, then put on a burner. Bring the soapy water to a rolling boil, then turn off the heat. When the water cools, the pan will simply wipe clean.


Also, liberally covering with baking soda and getting it moist and letting sit works well too!

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Well, I'm not so frugal and certainly not a great housekeeper, but here are a few tips that I can think of:


- Throwing a little vinegar on the dishes before washing them in the dishwasher helps curb soap residue and makes them look less spotty.


- If the heavy furniture you've moved has left dents in your carpet you can put an ice cube in the dent to "raise" the carpet back up.


- Over the years I've gotten several of the pump style hand soaps from Bath and Body Works (mostly as gifts). After we use up the soap that's in the container, I save the pump, add about 3 T of Dr. Bronner's Lavender Soap and fill the rest up with water. Voila! We have foamy hand soap at a fraction of the store brand and it's much healthier.


- Before I ever purchase anything online, I always Google the store for a promotion code. I've saved a lot of money by taking a couple of minutes to do this. I also go through Ebates.com before purchasing online from a store. I've gotten rebates from them for purchases at Amazon, Overstock, Old Navy, etc. It really works!


- Lemonade stands provide hours of entertainment for my kids and a host of educational opportunities. My kids had a stand today and I can't believe I was reluctant to let them do this. The heat practically did the advertising for them though!:)

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Scrambled eggs turn out wonderfully when cooked over a double boiler.


So does Irish oatmeal.


Regular oatmeal can be made really wonderful by bringing the water to a boil and simmering diced apple and a T of chopped walnut in it for a couple minutes before adding the oatmeal.


A teaspoon of sugar (or salt or fine sand) swallowed with as little saliva as possible cures most hiccups.

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I like a lot of the tips in The Tightwad Gazette, but my favorites are:


ripping dryer sheets in half




freezing twist-top bottles half full of water for playing in Texas heat.


actually, i freeze almost a whole gallon of water, stick it in the van, and we refill our water bottles as it melts while we're out and about :)

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My dh and purchased organic coconut oil a few months ago to take orally and cook with. We didn't like it very much so we stopped using it. One day I decided to try it on my very dry skin. WOW it is wonderfula nd my skin looks and feels great. Also I rather like the smell.

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A friend just told me about the acronym HALT that is taught at AA. It is a realization that when you (or your kids) are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired that you are more likely to act/react in a harmful way. Thus, it is important to realize when you need to HALT and take measures to prevent wrong/bad actions.


It is so true!

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So does Irish oatmeal.


A teaspoon of sugar (or salt or fine sand) swallowed with as little saliva as possible cures most hiccups.


Perfect timing! I had just read this tip when ds (4) came down complaining of hiccups. Worked like a charm! Thank you.



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