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Totally Disillusioned with Drs.!

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I am a bit stress/disillusioned this morning.


One of the things I have fought for some time is leg cramps, especially at night. Some nights it seem I am jumping out of bed every 1/2 hr to 1 hr walking them off. This doesn't happen every night but often enough that my sleep really gets depleted. I am sure it contributes to my constant fatigue and depression. I have told my Dr about this several times over the last 2-3 yrs but he simply seems to shrug it off.


When I went for the check and my blood pressure was way to high he doubled my one med. Ok, it seems like it hasn't depleted my potassium in the past so I will go with it. My blood pressure has come down but the last 2 nights have been worse than ever. In fact I have even been having muscle cramps during the day! I am trying to figure out what the issue is thinking it might be the Lipitor which he also put me on new but was thinking that I had only taken it one day when the spasms got so bad and that would pretty fast for it to affect. So I did a search for side affects on the other two meds that I have been on for some time and the one that he doubled lists muscle pain/cramps as a side affect. UGH!


When a patient comes in with a complain do Drs not normally check the meds they are taking and look to see if that complaint could be a side affect from one the the meds? I would think that would be the first place they would go. NO! He wants me to do on anti depressant meds instead.!?! Yes, I am angry, upset, TOTALLY disillusioned!


I guess to be honest I am very sad also as I really did think I had a good Dr. Our whole family goes to him for things that we can't take car of with our Chiropractor. This is just so upsetting! Am I over reacting? UGH

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If you had an appointment to discuss on-going leg cramps and your doctor ignored you, then that is unacceptable. If you happened to mention it while you were at the doctor for something else, then I think you should be a little more forgiving. It is frustrating, though and I hope you figure it out soon. :grouphug:

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2 recommendations:


1. Take epsom salt baths (magnesium). I get leg cramps when I'm low in magnesium. You might also take a Cal-Mag and vitamin D, because all 3 of these work together.


2. Go to a naturopathic doctor. They are trained to look for the causes behind the symptoms instead of just treating symptoms.


Thanks, Jean. UMM, no bath tub. I do take Cal. and Mag and Vit D though and you are right they make a big difference.


I don't even now where to begin looking for a GOOD naturopath. Plus our insurance won't cover. My Chiro. does a lot though and I am going to talk in detail with him.

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It sounds like you may need to move on and try a new doctor. You don't say what meds you were on at the time this started 2-3 years ago and what the timing was with the start of meds vs. the very beginning of the muscle cramps. It could be med related or it might not be.


How is your calcium & magnesium intake? If you are low in either one, it could bring on cramps. A number of years back, I learned that I needed to supplement magnesium (my calcium intake was ok); muscle symptoms I was experiencing were relieved by the extra magnesium. Even today, I need to supplement magnesium or I get muscle pain, twitches, and, sometimes, cramps.

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If you had an appointment to discuss on-going leg cramps and your doctor ignored you, then that is unacceptable. If you happened to mention it while you were at the doctor for something else, then I think you should be a little more forgiving. It is frustrating, though and I hope you figure it out soon. :grouphug:

Well, I have asked for specific blood work to check some things that can cause muscle cramps? I have brought it up almost every time I have seen him for anything and was something that I put at the top of the list Monday when I went in. Not sleeping well/muscle cramps.:tongue_smilie:


When I talked to him about the Lipitor and side affects being muscle problems(my dh can't use it) his answer was, "Well you already have leg cramps so this shouldn't make any difference." :001_huh:

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1. Get a new doctor. One who will listen.

2. Take a calcium/magnesium supplement.

3. New medicine (lipitor) can absolutely cause a reaction that quick. My dad was put on a cholesterol med. last fall, and was told only a couple of people in a million ever have aches/pains (flu like symptoms) from it. My dad was one of those-and w/ the first dose.

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It sounds like you may need to move on and try a new doctor. You don't say what meds you were on at the time this started 2-3 years ago and what the timing was with the start of meds vs. the very beginning of the muscle cramps. It could be med related or it might not be.


How is your calcium & magnesium intake? If you are low in either one, it could bring on cramps. A number of years back, I learned that I needed to supplement magnesium (my calcium intake was ok); muscle symptoms I was experiencing were relieved by the extra magnesium. Even today, I need to supplement magnesium or I get muscle pain, twitches, and, sometimes, cramps.


I had been on the meds for a few months when I started having them. I haven't documented it so not sure just how long, maybe 3-6 months.


I take Cal./Mag/Vt D and my blood levels show good in those areas.

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1. Get a new doctor. One who will listen.

2. Take a calcium/magnesium supplement.

3. New medicine (lipitor) can absolutely cause a reaction that quick. My dad was put on a cholesterol med. last fall, and was told only a couple of people in a million ever have aches/pains (flu like symptoms) from it. My dad was one of those-and w/ the first dose.

Well, this isn't flu like it is sharp muscle contractions, very painful, at times take up to 1/2 hr to walk out. Last night it was also in my ribs.


It is finding that new dr. I will be going for the stress test on Tues. and I will talk to them about some of this.

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I think the Epsom salts are an important first step for some immediate relief while you work out the other issues with your Dr. You don't need a bathtub--you can make a compress. The instructions on my Epsom salts are 1/2 c salts to 1 quart of warm water. Apply by soaking a towel. Be sure to leave on for at least 12-15 minutes.


Google Epsom Salts compresses.

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You can also get a magnesium cream at a health food store. I don't know brand names, though. Magnesium is actually absorbed better through the skin than through the stomach.


To find a good naturopathic doctor I look at websites. I specifically look at their diagnostic techniques. I want a doctor who uses blood tests etc. as well as alternative diagnostic tools.


Magnesium levels cannot be tested through blood tests. Vitamin D and calcium levels can. Magnesium is stored in the tissues and would require a complicated test involving taking medicine to pull it out of your tissues and then testing your urine for the magnesium that is eliminated. It's better to just take magnesium (again through the skin is best) and see if it helps.

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I hear you.


I've been hypothyroid for many, many years. None of my doctors will treat the symptoms; they will only go by the labs (although one said I was clearly over-medicated; I asked how she would know; she said it would be because of the symptoms, none of which I had; but she won't go by symptoms when prescribing meds...only by the labs. :confused: ) So I'm still unable to lose weight, have hair loss, and a bunch of other symptoms on stopthethyroidmadness.com site. :glare:


FTR, my high cholesterol (another symptom of hypothyroid, BTW) stays remarkably low by doing Atkins. Just sayin'...:001_smile:

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Be careful. Get another opinion. If any doc had suggested anti=depressants after I complained that he wasn't taking into account my previous ailments, I'd give him a piece of my mind and leave. Find a doc that can do more than write prescriptions and knows how to listen. A naturopath is an excellent idea. Often, they will allow a free first appointment or have in my experience. At the very least read up on all of the Lipitor facts. It can be very scary for some folks (I have two relatives that stopped it on their own after side affects). Oh, and any doc that balks at a second opinion isn't one you want. SO sorry.

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You have a stress test coming up soon, right? Will you be seeing a cardiologist? You may have better luck discussing your meds and side effects with him/her.

Yes, I do have a stress test on Tue. The results will be sent to my family Dr. though. I am hoping that in the pre interview that I understand they do I will have a chance to visit about some of this.


I am stopping the one med that I really suspicion is the one causing the issues and going to be faithful with a sup. that my Chiro. recommended. I have an appointment with him on Tues. also.

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Be careful. Get another opinion. If any doc had suggested anti=depressants after I complained that he wasn't taking into account my previous ailments, I'd give him a piece of my mind and leave. Find a doc that can do more than write prescriptions and knows how to listen. A naturopath is an excellent idea. Often, they will allow a free first appointment or have in my experience. At the very least read up on all of the Lipitor facts. It can be very scary for some folks (I have two relatives that stopped it on their own after side affects). Oh, and any doc that balks at a second opinion isn't one you want. SO sorry.


You are right about the lipitor. It has some mean side affects. I am thinking I will discontinue it also. I will be talking to my Chir. about this.


I looked on the computer and there is a Chiro./naturopath in local town. I may check into that. It is possible that they will be able to bill insurance.

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Statins are known to cause terrible muscle pain. Stop taking them! Your doc will act like the benefits outweigh the risks. But he doesn't have to endure the pain. Seriously. Statins have shown a reducing effect of cholesterol, but NO correlating drop in risk of death/AMI/CVA!


Dietary measures are often as/more successful and do show + correlation!

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I When a patient comes in with a complain do Drs not normally check the meds they are taking and look to see if that complaint could be a side affect from one the the meds?


okay, my daughter is heading to pharmacy school - no medical dr's do NOT check your drugs. they only receive a cursory education in pharmacuticals and how they treat specific symptoms. very little on how they interact. If you want to know about drug interactions - talk to your pharmacist. (just like the TV ads say.) A pharmD spends four years learning about drugs and how they interact.


someone else suggested it, and I will too - see a naturopath. :iagree: they are trained to look at the foundation reason something is happening, not just treat the symptom.


magnesium (in epsom salts) deficiency often causes night time leg cramps. calcium deficiency too. especially on days with lots of physical activity we see a difference around here and know when to make sure extra quantities are consumed to prevent those night time pains. I also found for me I would develop restless leg syndrome (but in my shoulders and arms. ugh.) when my magnesium levels were low.

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You are right about the lipitor. It has some mean side affects. I am thinking I will discontinue it also. I will be talking to my Chir. about this.



I had an alternative med minded md recommend Red rice yeast for lowering chol. My husband's naturopath also recommended it. I've never had side-effects . . . .

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Statins are known to cause terrible muscle pain. Stop taking them! Your doc will act like the benefits outweigh the risks. But he doesn't have to endure the pain. Seriously. Statins have shown a reducing effect of cholesterol, but NO correlating drop in risk of death/AMI/CVA!


Dietary measures are often as/more successful and do show + correlation!


I'm by no means a doctor yet, and I'll be the first to admit that I'm decidedly biased against naturopaths and chiropractors going WAY beyond their scope of practice. I'm sure you were upset by your doctor's behavior and you have every right to be. But PLEASE, don't ever stop a medicine as important as a statin or antihypertensive without first consulting an actual doctor. It is not true that statins do not have a correlation with ultimate outcomes of decreased heart attack and stroke etc, especially when combined with another risk factor (such as diabetes or hypertension). Diet modifications, while great in general, actually don't have a huge effect on cholesterol levels as a whole.


I'll agree that pharmacists often have a much better idea of drug interactions than we do, we're not taught those in detail. We ARE taught about the side effects of drugs, so it's inexcusable for him to have not listened to you about that. At the very least he could have given you some recommendations of other drugs to consider to lower BP/ cholesterol, so I think it's legitimate to go to another doctor. But if most physicians don't have a firm grasp on exact drug-drug interactions, I can assure you that NO chiropractors do (unless they have a PharmD too....). It's just not in their scope of practice. I wouldn't go around manipulating people's necks and they shouldn't go around giving recommendations about meds that only physicians can prescribe. Please go to a different doctor and explain the situation. I'm sure he/she will be better equipped to give you advice.

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Believe it or not pharmacists are better at telling you about side affects than many doctors.


I am beginning to realize that. When I went to pick up the bottles of eye drops that I will be using before and after my surgery they had the script. of Lipitor done up also. I told the gal that I didn't want it right now in fact I wasn't sure I was going to use it at all. Her response, "I don't blame you, I wouldn't either.":001_huh:

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I'm by no means a doctor yet, and I'll be the first to admit that I'm decidedly biased against naturopaths and chiropractors going WAY beyond their scope of practice. I'm sure you were upset by your doctor's behavior and you have every right to be. But PLEASE, don't ever stop a medicine as important as a statin or antihypertensive without first consulting an actual doctor. It is not true that statins do not have a correlation with ultimate outcomes of decreased heart attack and stroke etc, especially when combined with another risk factor (such as diabetes or hypertension). Diet modifications, while great in general, actually don't have a huge effect on cholesterol levels as a whole.


I'll agree that pharmacists often have a much better idea of drug interactions than we do, we're not taught those in detail. We ARE taught about the side effects of drugs, so it's inexcusable for him to have not listened to you about that. At the very least he could have given you some recommendations of other drugs to consider to lower BP/ cholesterol, so I think it's legitimate to go to another doctor. But if most physicians don't have a firm grasp on exact drug-drug interactions, I can assure you that NO chiropractors do (unless they have a PharmD too....). It's just not in their scope of practice. I wouldn't go around manipulating people's necks and they shouldn't go around giving recommendations about meds that only physicians can prescribe. Please go to a different doctor and explain the situation. I'm sure he/she will be better equipped to give you advice.

Interestingly the Chiropractor does have education in the Pharm. field. I don't know the total details but he was almost finished with that schooling when he decided to become a Chiro.


I do appreciate your advice. You will make a good Dr as long as you listen to what your patient is saying not just what you want to hear. That is how I felt the other day. He listened and heard what he wanted to hear and the rest was non important.


We live in a small town, closer to a bigger town but still not hugh. The only other clinic in town is unreal with their appointments. They schedule you at 1 and you might be out by 4.:tongue_smilie:


I also really do believe that this Dr saved my oldest son's life last summer. If he wouldn't have been willing to investigate further Richard would have died. I had one of the nurses in the Denver hospital tell me that is was a good thing we got help for him when we did because he was going systemic and would have been dead in a short time. I am really have a difficult time balancing this all out.

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I also really do believe that this Dr saved my oldest son's life last summer. If he wouldn't have been willing to investigate further Richard would have died. I had one of the nurses in the Denver hospital tell me that is was a good thing we got help for him when we did because he was going systemic and would have been dead in a short time. I am really have a difficult time balancing this all out.


I hope you'll be able to separate these issues.

The doctor did a fantastic job of caring for your son last summer. This summer he is not listening to you about your health concerns. If you are not comfortable finding a new doctor, you'll need to stand up to him and make him hear you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Did I miss an update? How did your stress test go?

It went good. It was 1 1/2 weeks ago and I still haven't heard from my Dr so I am assuming that all is ok.


I quit one of my high blood pressure meds and replaced it with a supplement and within a couple of days I was sleeping all night and had NO leg cramps! It has been wonderful. I am in the process of replacing the other med with supplements also. My readings have been better than they have been for some time, I am not depressed, I am sleeping good, able to keep going all day instead of having to sleep 1-3 hrs.......I really do feel like a new person. I am now even looking forward to starting school with the kids in 2 1/2 wks.


I had my first eye surgery this last Tues. and all went very well. I had a migraine for 2 days but have felt good today. I have my second surgery next Tues. I am hoping to not have the migraine with it but if I do, well, it was only two days and I am on my way to seeing well again.


Thanks for asking and praying for me. I am so bad about updating my threads. Please forgive me?

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Check online for your area or the radius you are willing to travel.

Some areas have several, in some areas you are lucky to have one. But I found they usually are worth it.

At this point I am doing very good with my Chiropractor. He is very knowledgeable about nutrition. His sup. are a bit spendy but they work.


Thanks for the info though. I will store for future reference.:001_smile:

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Have you checked into "Thyroid Support"? I think you can get this without prescription. My naturopath just prescribed Kelp drops for borderline hypo. She said regular docs would think my numbers are perfectly fine but she would like to see them a little different.

Like I said in an earlier post, naturopaths are worth the money when it comes to our health.

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Have you checked into "Thyroid Support"? I think you can get this without prescription. My naturopath just prescribed Kelp drops for borderline hypo. She said regular docs would think my numbers are perfectly fine but she would like to see them a little different.

Like I said in an earlier post, naturopaths are worth the money when it comes to our health.

My Thyroid readings really were good. I am totally convinced from the change that took place in my body after a couple of days off of the one med that it is the main problem. I will stay on the sup. and work my way off of the other one slowly while monitoring my BP and see what happens. Even if I can get it cut back to 1/2 I will be happy.

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Agree with the magnesium for cramps.


If you're taking a diuretic (water pill) for high blood pressure, it's probably depleting your body of potassium and magnesium. My dh is going through this now. After almost 15 years on water pills, it seems like his blood pressure goes down if he eats high potassium/magnesium foods (like brown rice and beans) and goes up if he eats high calcium foods.


If you're taking Lipitor (or any kind of statin), please supplement with COQ10 (preferably ubiquinol) as statins deplete the body of this nutrient.

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Agree with the magnesium for cramps.


If you're taking a diuretic (water pill) for high blood pressure, it's probably depleting your body of potassium and magnesium. My dh is going through this now. After almost 15 years on water pills, it seems like his blood pressure goes down if he eats high potassium/magnesium foods (like brown rice and beans) and goes up if he eats high calcium foods.


If you're taking Lipitor (or any kind of statin), please supplement with COQ10 (preferably ubiquinol) as statins deplete the body of this nutrient.

My blood work came back great. Well except for the cholesteral was a little high. I have started on loosing weight(5# in the last two weeks) and exercising. I don't/won't take the statins. He gave me some Lipitor samples along with a script to be filled but I am not taking them.


Within two days of stopping the one pill my leg cramps had stopped and I was sleeping all night. It has been wonderful.

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I agree, eventually you can do away with supplements, change your diet/lifestyle so that you are EATING the foods that are rich in magnesium, vitamin D (even being outdoors to soak up the sun's helps) and potassium...once I added all those foods to my diet and cut out caffeine (caffeine blocks the absorption of some of the minerals you are trying to add in)...all cramps went away and drink more water!



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