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It's "crap" people, not "carp"!

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Separate is spelled with two a's and one e, not two e's and one a.




"Remember there is A RAT in separate!!"~

My second grade teacher when that word stayed on my spelling list way too long for her liking, lol.

Funny, the things we remember...

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"Remember there is A RAT in separate!!"~

My second grade teacher when that word stayed on my spelling list way too long for her liking, lol.

Funny, the things we remember...


I will tell on myself...I learned to spell separate correctly when I did a book report on A Separate Peace my senior year of high school in honors English and spelled it "seperate". The teacher gave feedback that I needed to learn how to spell the title of the book correctly. I haven't mispelled it since.:D

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Unless the fridge was set down on your foot.


This post nearly made me choke on my chocolate cake, and my laughter almost woke the newborn in my lap. This whole thread is hilarious!


(And for the record, I first thought "carp" was a typo as well, when I saw it on another board.)


My personal pet peeve is discreet vs. discrete. Discrete would be for distinct, separate parts. Discreet is what you're being when you nurse without flashing everyone.


And my personal errors include a tendency to use the split infinitive a lot, and to use way too many parentheses and dashes. :)

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"Remember there is A RAT in separate!!"~

My second grade teacher when that word stayed on my spelling list way too long for her liking, lol.

Funny, the things we remember...


My second grade teacher taught us that trick too!


My personal annoyance is faze and phase:


My toddler's biting phase doesn't faze me.


Yes, "faze" IS a real word! Use it! Love it!

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It is not a typo, but a switching of letters on purpose so that blocking tools who filter bad language will not kill the post.



I agree, I play a game that has a language filter on it and when you type "grape" it looks like "g@#%&e". It treats rape as a bad word. Same if you type crock... without the r.

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Please spell judgment without an "e" between the g and the m.


Separate is spelled with two a's and one e, not two e's and one a.


Thankyouverymuch. That is all. :D


Judgment bugged me for years, because usually I can tell by 'look' whether something is spelled correctly or not, and then I read that judgement is a British spelling, while judgment is an American one, which explains why they both look correct to me.

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I agree, I play a game that has a language filter on it and when you type "grape" it looks like "g@#%&e". It treats rape as a bad word. Same if you type crock... without the r.


Made me think a g@#%&e would be the one on the kitchen floor you step on in your bare feet when you are getting up in the middle of the night because the d@mn dog is barking his head off at a fox in the backyard....

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Judgment bugged me for years, because usually I can tell by 'look' whether something is spelled correctly or not, and then I read that judgement is a British spelling, while judgment is an American one, which explains why they both look correct to me.


Oh yay!!!


I've been spelling it judgement for year and only starting to spell it judgment because of my spellcheck. I'm happily going back to judgement now. :D

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Is your frig running?


Then you'd better go catch it!


Don't you miss the days before *69 and caller ID when bored teenagers (were they really that old?) terrorized those stuck at home? At least I haven't had a heavy breather in...decades almost!

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That's me too. But being bad at something has never stopped me from criticizing people with the same fault yet!!!


:lol::lol::lol: This is hilarious! I'm going to spout this off the next time anyone gives me any carp....any carp that doesn't have gills, that is.


This thread reminds me of the conversation I had with my G-ma from KY long ago...I was making something...and she asked me "How much do you lack?" (meaning - how much do you have left to do) and I said, "I like it all." (:001_huh: wondering why it's important that I like it). She threw up her hands and insisted upon seeing for herself how much I "liiiiaaaaaeeeeeeCKed"....then the lightbulb came on and we had a good laugh. And, the moral of that story is to never judge what a person means by what they actually say.

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Unless the fridge was set down on your foot.


Joust don't do it while standing with your frig door a jar, peaking in to sea what might be a good snack.




For the record, I don't actually say 'used to could.'


I might should start, though.


Oh no you don't!!!! The Grammar police will come after you!:toetap05:


And I have officially decided I will now use the "British disclaimer" for my misspelled words. After all, my dd's name is the British spelling and no one seems to get it right. For all they know, I'm British and my word is actually spelled right. HA! How about that!!!??:001_cool:

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My main personal pet peeve is when people mix up "in lieu of" and "in light of."


Also: it's voila, not walla


And finally, you brag ABOUT someone, not ON them!!


Phew, I feel so much better now...:D

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Originally Posted by floridamom

What no one has mentioned loose/lose yet? While I often think I'm going to lose my mind, I don't think I will ever loose it.

Have you seen this?


Whenever I see someone say they need to loose some weight, I immediately go to the "unleash" definition in my mind, where we may have a Klump situation upon us.


But I dunno, my mind gets a little wobbly at times. It might could be loose.

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