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Anyone else start the new year today?

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We were starting to go numb...it's too hot to play outside...our brand new community pool keeps on shutting down...and while June was super busy, we still found too much time to veg in front of the TV.


All that to say, school was a RELIEF today!


I changed my siggy today, which makes our new school year official.


I have planned review for the first few weeks for my K'ers. I don't think I'm going to take such long breaks again, if I can help it. My gals did swimmingly, despite it being review.


My 2nd grader doesn't need review, so we just jumped into the new stuff. He was laughing his head off during vocabulary. Apparently, words delight him! His favorites were "shelter", as in "The boy takes shelter under the table to play on Daddy's iPad," and "groom." He liked to say, "groom-u".


We'll be starting History next week and Science the week after that. DS will start Latin and piano sometime after Christmas, most likely.


Did anyone else start today? How did it go???



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Technically we started back in June, but then I decided to change most of our curriculum plans and start over. So today we launched my homemade phonics program and will be starting R&S for math tomorrow. I haven't updated my siggy yet, but we will also be adding Latin, Spanish, music, and typing this yr for my 2nd grader. I like to get a lot done in the summer because it is way too hot here to be out and about. We really enjoy outdoor activities in the fall and spring.

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We are on our third week of second grade! I couldn't take not having the structure and something to do. It's too hot to play outside during the day, so school it is!


We just had a R&S English lesson filled with laughter as we learned to diagram questions... all related to Star Wars. :D

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No way! We just finished last week, and this weekend was the first time we've hit over 75 degrees here. We're continuing skills work through the summer, but won't start the new stuff and content subjects until Labor day. We need to finally enjoy the sun!!

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Guest Dulcimeramy

We started back today! We enjoyed the beautiful long springtime and took the whole month of June off. Now the heat is here so we're back indoors for most of the day. We still have early morning walks, midday breaks, and evening trips to the park, etc. to enjoy the summer weather.

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We're a couple weeks into our new year but we have just been doing a few subjects a day and not even doing school every day of the week. I've been easing into everything and getting a feel for how long all our new programs will take. We will start back this coming Monday full force.


Even starting back "part time" was a relief back in June because it's already sooo hot here. It's been nice to be back onto a routine and schedule and the dc can still go jump in the pool in the afternoon (the only way they like to be outside now that its hot).

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@Boscopup - We love Star Wars, too! I'm sure we'd be laughing, too, if we added it into our lessons! I call my kids, "padawan".


@FairProspects - Chuck those books (gently, now, those things were most likely expensive!) and GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!! Enjoy!


@Dulcimeramy - :thumbup:


@Nov05mama - Your patriotism is duly noted and applauded. Thank you for educating our nation's children on the anniversary of our country's birth!!! (Yep, I'm being silly.)

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We start back next Monday. These last couple weeks we have been continuing our history though. We didn't take a break with that because he loves history and doesn't really consider it school and it gives us a bit of structure. Also that allows for a lot more hands on stuff since we have the whole day. Oh, and we've been doing art every day. Naturally, he loves that too.


We school year round with a lot of vacations sprinkled in. It's funny because he was reading something from the Berenstain Bears Big Book of Science and Nature earlier, this was our conversation:


T- Mommy, this book is incorrect!

Me- Oh, is it? How so?

T- They say that you know it is summer because there is no school.

Me - *internal giggles*

T- There is school in the summer! What are they talking about?!


I then had to explain to him (again) that some kids DO take an entire summer off from school. He thinks that's crazy. Today he actually told me, that he wishes we could get back to doing math and science lol He is ready for us to start back up again.

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We start back next Monday. These last couple weeks we have been continuing our history though. We didn't take a break with that because he loves history and doesn't really consider it school and it gives us a bit of structure. Also that allows for a lot more hands on stuff since we have the whole day. Oh, and we've been doing art every day. Naturally, he loves that too.


We school year round with a lot of vacations sprinkled in. It's funny because he was reading something from the Berenstain Bears Big Book of Science and Nature earlier, this was our conversation:


T- Mommy, this book is incorrect!

Me- Oh, is it? How so?

T- They say that you know it is summer because there is no school.

Me - *internal giggles*

T- There is school in the summer! What are they talking about?!


I then had to explain to him (again) that some kids DO take an entire summer off from school. He thinks that's crazy. Today he actually told me, that he wishes we could get back to doing math and science lol He is ready for us to start back up again.


AHA! So, I'm NOT crazy for starting back up on 5 July! Shoot, I'll probably try year-round, it was SUCH a relief today!

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Starting school! :eek::eek:


We finished in early June after my father had a stroke and passed away in April taking us out of routine for over a month. We all really need some down time right now. We are spending most afternoons in our pool, there is a float trip Friday and dd leaves for gymnastics camp Sunday. I am very pleased to say school is still well off in the distance.

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I have changed my siggie and we will probably re-start in three weeks time. This week we are busy with VBS (I am also teaching), next week will take a break and will only ask the kids to read. Just received most of my materials but I am missing a few items. Want to take some time to look over and plan. Also need to catch up with work. After that we will start with Math and LA for two weeks and then last week July we will start with the new stuff. The plan is to add a new subject every couple of days.

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We started today as well, and things went smoothly.


I implemented a workbox system for the first time, and that kept things moving along nicely. The system is helping me be more creative and flexible with dd's lessons. I thrive on order and routine, but she's a mix-it-up kind of kid. The workboxes force me to break things down into manageable pieces and to add some variety to our schedule.


Tomorrow will be the real test: I have an appointment at 9 a.m., so dd will need to work independently until I come home. We'll see how it goes!

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We actually just finished last week. I'm quite pregnant, and we took it easy when I was too sick to teach, so we got behind. I'd love to start the new year soon, but we've got a baby coming next month, and I think we'll just wait until she comes and visitors go away before we start our next school year.

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We did! Dd is so excited to "officially" be in 1st grade. Much of today was spent shopping for a new hamster since hers died last night. :sad: She was all :crying: this morning while we learned about pets dying. Then we had to go to THREE pet stores so she could find a new one. She's really sensitive & has a bit of her mother's OCD, so I try to be patient, when I want to :banghead: and tell her, "Just pick one already!!!!"


Anyway, so "school" today consisted of that, sorting through our pile of math manipulatives, and her learning to make potholders with one of those little craft kits.


Not how I wanted the first day of first grade to go, but hey, it's just another day in the life of a homeschooler! We school year round anyway, so the 4-day weekend gave us a break.

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I've been planning to start back Aug 1st, but you all are making a good point of how boring the days are. It IS too hot to play outside, my almost 3 year old sleeps during the day she's so bored and then is up all night. ALL the kids keep fighting with each other. I think I'm going to rearrange some things and start back on Monday!


Yay! Thanks for the kick in the pants!

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It's funny you ask... yesterday I told my dd that I wanted to start JUST math back up when the books arrive (I'm waiting on all my orders from Amazon, Peace Hill, CLE) and she shrieked "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" at me! "YOU PROMISED WE WEREN'T GONNA DO ANY SCHOOL TILL AUGUST!!!!!!!!!!!!"...

(brother! instant drama queen)... I guess I will have to wait a while and give her a longer break. I am ready. Eager even. Not her. Not now. Nope. sigh. hormones are starting to invade. :tongue_smilie:

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We had a three week break then went back yesterday. The deal is that now that we have a vehicle again (!) if we get everything done by lunch we can go swimming afterwards. Well, we haven't had the van for a week yet and I am soooooo sore from all of the swimming and running around we have been doing!

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We did! Dd is so excited to "officially" be in 1st grade. Much of today was spent shopping for a new hamster since hers died last night. :sad: She was all :crying: this morning while we learned about pets dying. Then we had to go to THREE pet stores so she could find a new one. She's really sensitive & has a bit of her mother's OCD, so I try to be patient, when I want to :banghead: and tell her, "Just pick one already!!!!"


Anyway, so "school" today consisted of that, sorting through our pile of math manipulatives, and her learning to make potholders with one of those little craft kits.


Not how I wanted the first day of first grade to go, but hey, it's just another day in the life of a homeschooler! We school year round anyway, so the 4-day weekend gave us a break.


Too cute! :)

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I've been planning to start back Aug 1st, but you all are making a good point of how boring the days are. It IS too hot to play outside, my almost 3 year old sleeps during the day she's so bored and then is up all night. ALL the kids keep fighting with each other. I think I'm going to rearrange some things and start back on Monday!


Yay! Thanks for the kick in the pants!


You're very welcome! Stop by this thread when you start and post how the first day goes! :)

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