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Absolutely horrified

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My dog was running around excited a minute ago. He jumped up in my chair and I shooed him down because I had my paperwork in that chair. That's when I noticed he was carrying something in his mouth.... one of the biggest mice I have ever seen.


He started to run in the girls room with it, and I called him back. He was so happy, and looked so pleased with himself. So I acted excited too, opened the door and said take it boy! out! He ran right out with it. I'm just hoping he brought it in from outside and it wasn't in here already :001_huh:

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12 mice. That's how many we found in our rented house the first winter we were in Australia (over a period of a couple of weeks). They were either nesting under a cupboard, or were coming in from outside via the hole in the bottom of the cupboard. I even found one teeny tiny mouse in a bed when I went to make it one day.

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:lol: I'm not laughing at you. I'm really laughing with you. We had our big, huge 80lb Lab for 5 years before we added in our tiny little Lhasa Apso. In those 5 years I was never gifted with any "special" treats. Zoe, the Lab, is a big overgrown baby who is scared of small animals.:tongue_smilie: Rusty, the Lhasa (weighing a whopping12lbs), has brought me birds, mice, moles, ducks, deer legs, and rabbits. I can't see what he has in his mouth before he comes in due to his mustache. Poor guy looks so dejected when I make him bring his presents back outside.

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My dog was running around excited a minute ago. He jumped up in my chair and I shooed him down because I had my paperwork in that chair. That's when I noticed he was carrying something in his mouth.... one of the biggest mice I have ever seen.


He started to run in the girls room with it, and I called him back. He was so happy, and looked so pleased with himself. So I acted excited too, opened the door and said take it boy! out! He ran right out with it. I'm just hoping he brought it in from outside and it wasn't in here already :001_huh:



Yeah, I would be so freaked out too!! Good job doogie!!

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Good for you for being able to act excited! I would have been screaming. My mean cat is an awesome mouser. I realized a few weeks back there was a mouse in our house and for whatever reason it was getting away from my cat! I bought some of those no touch no view traps and placed them out. That night I told my cat I was very disapointed him, he was not earning his keep and if this continued I would stop buying him the brand of food he likes lol.


That night I woke up to go to the bathroom, I stepped on something furry thought it was the cats tail or something. Mumbled oh sorry buddy figuring I stepped on a sleepin cat. In the bathroom I saw blood on my foot. I got scared oh gosh my cat is bleeding! Flicked on the lights in the schoolroom there was my cat giving me the most evil look, dead mouse on the floor EWWWWW!! He looked at me as if to say there you go you mean lady :lol:

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:lol: I'm not laughing at you. I'm really laughing with you. We had our big, huge 80lb Lab for 5 years before we added in our tiny little Lhasa Apso. In those 5 years I was never gifted with any "special" treats. Zoe, the Lab, is a big overgrown baby who is scared of small animals.:tongue_smilie: Rusty, the Lhasa (weighing a whopping12lbs), has brought me birds, mice, moles, ducks, deer legs, and rabbits. I can't see what he has in his mouth before he comes in due to his mustache. Poor guy looks so dejected when I make him bring his presents back outside.



I've been told it's a sign of respect when they bring you dead things :glare: :tongue_smilie:

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I found my dog licking a rather confused looking mouse on the steps once. I think she thought he was a baby, since we'd fostered a couple of tiny kittens before and she is the mama of everything small that comes into the house (including human babies). Poor mouse. I put him outside.

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I've been told it's a sign of respect when they bring you dead things :glare: :tongue_smilie:


:lol: If they respected me so much they should have killed the snakes in my house:glare:. Thankfully I also have cats. They are my fearless snake fighters. The 80lb Lab is scared of snakes.

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I found my dog licking a rather confused looking mouse on the steps once. I think she thought he was a baby, since we'd fostered a couple of tiny kittens before and she is the mama of everything small that comes into the house (including human babies). Poor mouse. I put him outside.



Love this one!!!:lol:

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My cat typically presents me with freshly killed socks and undies he hunts down in the laundry room and brings to me in the kitchen.


A few weeks ago he showed up at the back door with a baby bunny he'd killed. I sent my traumatized daughter to her room and went out to deal with the cat. I assumed he was bringing it to me but given the hissing he was doing as I approached, evidently he his plan was to bring his snack indoors. Fat chance of that--I chased him off.

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I found my dog licking a rather confused looking mouse on the steps once. I think she thought he was a baby, since we'd fostered a couple of tiny kittens before and she is the mama of everything small that comes into the house (including human babies). Poor mouse. I put him outside.



One of my cats did this...caught the mouse, strolled over to a blanket and proceeded to lick the mouse until it was properly groomed. Poor mouse looked so confused and I have to admit, when I realized he wasn't going to kill it, I allowed the grooming to continue until our other cat tried to get in on the action, then I rescued the well-coiffed rodent and sent it back outside.

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We read a very funny book once (called I Jack) in which the dog caught a little animal in his mouth, and he screams to himself in great joy and amazement, "I made meat!! I made meat!!" Now we always picture dogs saying that at moments such as you described.

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When I was a kid, our yellow alley cat would put half eaten mice in my dad's shoes. My dad would always get dressed in the dark every morning, and would sometimes stick his foot in the shoe only to feel the dead mouse in there. Since then, I always shake my shoes out before putting them on.


My current cat is afraid of mice.

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12 mice. That's how many we found in our rented house the first winter we were in Australia (over a period of a couple of weeks). They were either nesting under a cupboard, or were coming in from outside via the hole in the bottom of the cupboard. I even found one teeny tiny mouse in a bed when I went to make it one day.


Same. Minus the one in the bed. I presumed the female came in pregnant because some were tiny. Worst. Winter. Ever.

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He did it again. And I believe it was a rat rather than a mouse. They joys of living in the woods...


I came home from work and he was waiting at the door with his 'gift'. I told him no, out. He went back down the steps with it, and I opened the door and went in. Dd was standing in the living room and I told her your dog is nasty. She asked why and opened the door. In comes the dog with his prize and drops it straight on my yarn.

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My dog was running around excited a minute ago. He jumped up in my chair and I shooed him down because I had my paperwork in that chair. That's when I noticed he was carrying something in his mouth.... one of the biggest mice I have ever seen.


He started to run in the girls room with it, and I called him back. He was so happy, and looked so pleased with himself. So I acted excited too, opened the door and said take it boy! out! He ran right out with it. I'm just hoping he brought it in from outside and it wasn't in here already :001_huh:


oh gosh, my cat does that! We have a huge fenced backyard and I let her out into it and she comes in and out through a doggie door.


Eww, she brought in a mouse once, it was still alive and she LET IT GO.


Oh man, I wanted to kick her butt.

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oh gosh, my cat does that! We have a huge fenced backyard and I let her out into it and she comes in and out through a doggie door.


Eww, she brought in a mouse once, it was still alive and she LET IT GO.


Oh man, I wanted to kick her butt.


My cat did this once with a chipmunk. It took my mom and I over and hour to corner that critter - in the kitchen no less, where it kept running under the frig - and get it back outside. And what did my cat do the whole time? Sit on a chair in the dining area and watch. I swear he was grinning. :glare:

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My cat did this once with a chipmunk. It took my mom and I over and hour to corner that critter - in the kitchen no less, where it kept running under the frig - and get it back outside. And what did my cat do the whole time? Sit on a chair in the dining area and watch. I swear he was grinning. :glare:


ROFL - this thread is great. We've had many incidents with cats and mice - finding dead ones around the house. One of the best stories was when we were having some work done in our basement and the contractors had propped a door open. A chipmunk got in the house and a wild chase scene ensued with our 2 cats and the chipmunk. We had a chase scene in the house with a mouse and one of our cats one day too. Ugh - I am such a wimp. I cannot deal with rodents in the house - alive or dead!

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I will never forget the first time my older cat caught his first mouse. We had taught our cat to play 'fetch' with crumpled up paper balls.


He was still a kitten, and caught his first mouse. He had NO IDEA what to do with it, so he brought it to me and dropped it into my unsuspecting lap, still quite alive and unharmed. Startled, and just reacted. I shrieked, picked it up, and tossed it across the room.


"OH!" thought Oliver. "That's what you do with these cool things! Fetch!" He promptly chased it down again . . . and brought it right back (mostly unharmed, except for being stunned by my not so gentle toss) and dropped it right back into my lap! Still not pleased, I repeated my performance . . . I think the poor thing finally just gave up and died of either a heart attack or a concussion.


Oliver was VERY pleased with himself and this delightful new explanation for why we had been teaching him to hunt with those little paper balls! LOL.

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I will never forget the first time my older cat caught his first mouse. We had taught our cat to play 'fetch' with crumpled up paper balls.


He was still a kitten, and caught his first mouse. He had NO IDEA what to do with it, so he brought it to me and dropped it into my unsuspecting lap, still quite alive and unharmed. Startled, and just reacted. I shrieked, picked it up, and tossed it across the room.


"OH!" thought Oliver. "That's what you do with these cool things! Fetch!" He promptly chased it down again . . . and brought it right back (mostly unharmed, except for being stunned by my not so gentle toss) and dropped it right back into my lap! Still not pleased, I repeated my performance . . . I think the poor thing finally just gave up and died of either a heart attack or a concussion.


Oliver was VERY pleased with himself and this delightful new explanation for why we had been teaching him to hunt with those little paper balls! LOL.



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When I was 1, my parents got a kitten to help with our mice problems. She is scared of mice and bugs :glare: Now she is a 16 1/2 old lady who sleeps in my room all the time :lol:


We got a second cat, a boy this time, and he isn't scared of bugs (we don't have mice issues anymore) but he is too lazy to get them. He will eat already dead ones though :tongue_smilie:


We got a third cat, she was an outdoor cat and is very jumpy. She loves playing with bugs but never eats them.

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That has happened to me many times with my cats. I always tell them what a good job they are doing.


My kitty likes to leave a pile of dead offerings by the door. Birds, bugs, reptiles, rodents... you name it. When he was little (and he was oh so smug about capturing a dragonfly for me) he'd try to bring all the offerings inside and put them in my lap... thankfully we managed to train that bit out of him :lol:

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When we lived out in the country in New Mexico one of our cats was a ferocious (sp?) but hunter. I would check the floor of the kitchen each morning in case he had left something. He killed tons of scorpions and centipedes, yeah IN THE HOUSE. :ohmy:


I LOVED that cat. I gave him heaps of praise. :hurray:


He is gone now and the current cats just bring me squirrels and lizards.

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My cat left me a mouse in my shoe once. I am so thankful that when I went to put it on I missed and stepped down on the heel which caused the toe to go up and the present to slide down towards the heel. I made dh dispose of the gift. Then he had the nerve to tease me about it. I then pointed out that my excellent mouser cat loves me and brought me a gift. What has his cat ever given him? Nothing. That's right. I went there.


Recently our dog behaved like a cartoon character. As he was snuffling away at the grass trying to find the mouse. I watched the cute little field mouse walk right in front of his nose and under the fire pit. I could hear the cartoon twinkle toe music playing in my head. Although, the dog did get the mouse later which upset dd greatly. We had a mouse funeral.

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You did great!


True and funny animal story from our house:


Our eldest cat once brought us a half dead and paralyzed chipmunk and presented it to us on our living room floor. The poor thing was SUFFERING. (And chipmunks are so cute!!)


DH is a medical doctor. I started yelling at him to do something. He looked at me like I was nuts. I said, "Can't you give him something to stop his heart? Anything?!?" DH hates seeing animals suffer almost more than I do so he was already teary. So he says, "Jen. I have no idea how to dose a CHIPMUNK! My patients don't weigh OUNCES for crying out loud!! And do you think I carry that stuff around in the trunk with me?? You're not allowed to just drive all over town with massive doeses of morphine and stuff. I may agree with what Jack Kevorkian on most issues but I don't drive around just killing people!!"


So we start brainstorming, Hammer to the head? Neither of us wanted to do that.


Microwave? Uh. Only if we never intend to micrwave another food as long as we live.


Freezer? How do you sit there on your couch knowing something is slowly suffocating or freezing to death 6 feet away?


Throw it at the wall? Sure. We couldn't decide who would do it though.


Shoot it? DH had a magnum Dirty Harry gun something or other and he said it would make that chipmunk turn into bloody dust all over the house. Plus we lived in a condo and we really didn't want to be the crazy neighbors who discharge a gun within city limits and have the cops come and find chipmunk guts all over the place. No thanks.


Take it to a vet? We guessed that once a chipmunk starts hemorraghing and has a broken back that he wouldn't survive the journey. We were willing to look nuts but we also discussed making a back bace from a cereal box and realized our group mind was slipping a bit.


Ultimately, we opened the door back up and the chipmunk struggled outside until the cat finally pounced and killed the poor thing.


DH and I called that cat a mass murderer for weeks after that and I couldn't quite cuddle him as well as I used to. :D


And I found DH looking out sadly out the window that first night. I told him he should have been a veterinarian and he said, "NO! Then I'd be crying every day!"


So at least you didn't have to decide how to KILL the dang mouse.

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