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A former classmate has a felony arrest warrant on her...

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You know how when you see a missing child poster it's never anyone that you know? Well, that changed last Friday when I saw one pop up on my facebook wall. I recognized the mom's name as someone I went to jr. high & high school with. We hung out a bit, but she was a bit odd, so hard to get close to. I saw her maybe 10 years ago and she had 1 or 2 sons who would be grown now.




From other articles and court records that turned up with a google search, this custody battle seems to have been going on for a long time. The court stuff I saw mentioned that the boy is autistic and because he needs his therapists, she won't send him to Canada. I get that. I've got an autistic niece & nephew (twins) and they NEED their routine. That said, taking him on the run is not going to do him any good and pretty much throws out her claim. Sigh.

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I randomly stumbled across the fact that my lab partner from biology in high school was arrested on child porn/attempted child trafficing (is that an actual offense? In any case, it's what he was apparently trying to do). We're not 100% sure it's him, but several of us who know him agree that an awful lot of the details fit, and that it doesn't come as a particular surprise.


And people wonder why I wasn't happy in my bio class!

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Think of this.. Our kids will never be in this situation, unless it's one of their siblings!


Indeed. If we hadn't already been homeschooling, my discovery would have definitely pushed me in that direction. Even before this, that particular class was one of my "inspirations". There was just So. Much. Wrong. This is just the icing on the cake.

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A boy I sat next to for four years in high school (our last names started with the same letter and we had a lot of classes together), was committing some sort of tax evasion in his company. The workers found out, so he hired hit men to murder his workers so they couldn't tell. His mother was in on the deal.


He was caught before anyone was killed, but went to jail for a number of years.


I felt kind of bad about it, because although he was never a "good" person, he was kind to me, even though most of the other kids bulled me. (He dealt drugs all thru high school.)

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My dad graduated in the 1960s. One of his classmates was eventually on the FBI top 10 list and klilled in a shoot out with the FBI. I have had a few classmates and school mates be arrested for everything from drugs to child abuse and more. And, one of my former students is now in jail for murder. I feel for their families. I don't think it makes my school experience any worse, or my school any worse. It just means they also made bad choices when they could have made good choices.

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4 kids who went to elementary school with oldest dd stole one of their dad's pick ups and his guns and went on a " joy ride.". They then kidnapped a woman at a Walmart...and I believe they raped her. All 4 were caught. These were kids my dd had lunch with daily.


One of my babysitting kids is now in jail for robbing houses....he was cutting out their copper piping and cashing it in:001_huh::confused::confused:


Weird...you just never know!



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My dad graduated in the 1960s. One of his classmates was eventually on the FBI top 10 list and klilled in a shoot out with the FBI. I have had a few classmates and school mates be arrested for everything from drugs to child abuse and more. And, one of my former students is now in jail for murder. I feel for their families. I don't think it makes my school experience any worse, or my school any worse. It just means they also made bad choices when they could have made good choices.


My dad went to the same school I did. One of his Spanish teachers hijacked a plane to Cuba. The one they hired to replace him started a drug ring, and used a bunch of students to run drugs to Mexico. We watched the 60 minutes about it in our history class one year, and it was a bit awkward, because the dad of one of the kids in the class had been one of those students.


My dad never learned very much Spanish...


I don't think these things make the school a bad school, really. It's really pure probability that most of us will end up with some sort of crazy story about a classmate or teacher - all those criminals have to go to school somewhere, right? The situation with the guy in my Bio class was, as I said, simply the icing on the cake of a bunch of other stuff.

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Common and lucrative crime around here.


:iagree:Sign of the times.


Eons ago, I had a boyfriend who dumped me after I sincerely, and with much trepidation, gently suggested he NOT go to medical school (I thought he didn't have the emotional maturity to put his patients before his own needs). (Boy was he angry.)


He ended up doing 7 years for selling prescriptions to narcotics that were then picked up on the state's tab and resold on the streets. All to fund an habit of speedballs. I was really shocked, because when I knew him he was Mr. Temple of the Body, a marathon-runner, and didn't even touch beer or coffee. If I was a lower person I'd feel vindicated I was "right", he really shouldn't have gone to med school, but I just felt very, very sorry for his nice mother.

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I must be an anomaly. One guy from grade 10 English is now an actor and had a role on Trailer Park Boys. Another one who starred in our school play that year was the Molson Canadian I am Canadian guy and now co-hosts As It Happens on CBC Radio. Yeah, yeah, the Americans aren't going to be impressed but the Canucks here will be!


So two minor Canadian celebrities in the batch.

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Wow!!! That must have been a real shocker!


It was back when we were a one car family. I picked up DH from work, and he told me he'd drive and handed me a printout of the news story. We decided right then and there that we'd never have guns in our house even though neither of us are against them.


She was dating DH's roommate. I was renting a room from her mom. We all went to the same church. That's how we knew each other. She was 23 when she met the guy (cheating on her boyfriend). He was 39, father of two preteen girls, and separated from his wife. She announced she was pregnant within weeks of his divorce and they were married a few months after that. A couple of months after the wedding, he uprooted her and moved her to another state away from her family and friends. She left him twice and got back together when him after he followed her back to Washington. Apparently, they got into a fight when he caught her trying to activate a credit card and refused to let her leave. She grabbed a gun, attempting to get her purse back from him and leave, but it went off in the scuffle. I don't know all of the details other than what was in the paper, but I believe it was a domestic abuse (him being the abusive one) gone wrong.

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I must be an anomaly. One guy from grade 10 English is now an actor and had a role on Trailer Park Boys. Another one who starred in our school play that year was the Molson Canadian I am Canadian guy and now co-hosts As It Happens on CBC Radio. Yeah, yeah, the Americans aren't going to be impressed but the Canucks here will be!


So two minor Canadian celebrities in the batch.

Nah, we have some of those too. One guy I graduated with won an Academy Award last year and another I graduated with is a well known children's book author.

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There was a serial killer on my ship when I was in the Navy. He would kill prostitutes at the ports we'd hit. They didn't arrest him until he went home after cruise, on his 2 weeks leave. Very creepy knowing we were in such close quarters (although, it was a big ship, more people than in the town I live in now, and I didn't know him, thank goodness).

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I feel ripped off.


I went to a large school, and don't know of anyone gossip-worthy that attended with me or at the same time of any of my siblings.


Maybe I need to climb out from under my rock and do some Investigative Reporting. There has to be some dirt on someone, and where better to find it than Facebook? :P Do I want to register tonight and risk getting sucked in to that whole scene? Decisions, decisions ...

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I feel ripped off.


I went to a large school, and don't know of anyone gossip-worthy that attended with me or at the same time of any of my siblings.


Maybe I need to climb out from under my rock and do some Investigative Reporting. There has to be some dirt on someone, and where better to find it than Facebook? :P Do I want to register tonight and risk getting sucked in to that whole scene? Decisions, decisions ...

I know, right?:tongue_smilie:

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When dh and I were freshly married, his fellow grad students used to have a "study group," i.e. come to our apartment once a week to drink beer and watch The Simpsons.* One of them dropped out, went on Jeopardy, and won a big fat stack of money over several days.


So for a while, everyone came to our apartment, drank beer, and watched Jeopardy.


Good times.


There was, however, a strange guy who had been a grad student in the dept. years before, and still hung out there, in some sort of ABD limbo. He'd been a suspect in the murder of a female grad student many years previously, and had never been quite right in the head (though mental illness is surprisingly common in dh's field). While dh was there, a new grad student began studying there, who many people noticed bore a striking resemblance to the murder victim. The former suspect apparently noticed, too, and he wrote her a lengthy letter apologizing for having murdered her.


The department managed to get him evicted from the premises pretty quickly at that point.


So one Jeopardy star dropout and one crazed probable murderer dropout. Ah, Berkeley.



*Before we were married they'd go to his apt. and just watch the Simpsons. They were so happy that he married someone who drank alcohol.

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The last high school reunion I went to was 20 years ago. One of my classmates went around telling everyone he greeted that his older sister was in jail and had drug problems. I could see telling someone if they had specifically inquired about her, but to tell every single person, most of whom hadn't even remembered he had an older sister?:confused:

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  • 2 weeks later...
I must be an anomaly. One guy from grade 10 English is now an actor and had a role on Trailer Park Boys. Another one who starred in our school play that year was the Molson Canadian I am Canadian guy and now co-hosts As It Happens on CBC Radio. Yeah, yeah, the Americans aren't going to be impressed but the Canucks here will be!


So two minor Canadian celebrities in the batch.


older post but I just came across it. As far as I know no one I went to school with has committed a major crime. However, Jerome Iginla of the Calgary flames was in my math class. Another girl I was friendly with is now a world renowned opera singer. Another writes children's books (we were never friends in school but she is on my facebook, go figure).

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