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Dd 13 is losing hair.

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Just in the last week she has complained that she is losing hair. I don't want to tell her but I think she is correct. Her part seems wider and I see more of her scalp. While we were in Houston she did swim in a pool several times. Certainly she has been under stress with my treatments and other issues.


Does anyone have any knowledge about hair loss in teen girls?


Thank you.

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I have been losing hair for years, starting when I was a teen probably. I finally found out it was related to the shampoos and commercial chemicals in them. i stopped using shampoo 4 years ago and now my hair is thicker and soo soft and easy to manage. I do what's called "no-poo" (google for info).


It could also be due to lack of iron. Might want to take her to get a quick finger prick.


Good luck!

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Just in the last week she has complained that she is losing hair. I don't want to tell her but I think she is correct. Her part seems wider and I see more of her scalp. While we were in Houston she did swim in a pool several times. Certainly she has been under stress with my treatments and other issues.


Does anyone have any knowledge about hair loss in teen girls?


Thank you.



Sorry to hear it. My dd did this but she was 6 ish. We never found concrete answers, just theories. Most of her hair loss was around the face/forehead.


Take her to a good hairdresser and let her know that you want a good volume-maximizing cut.


Hopefully it will all come back in the next growing phase. My dd's did. :grouphug:

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Aw that is so tough at that age... If nothing else, have her move her part around. If she continues to part in the same place, even without any other factors, her part will widen with time.


I know that stress can cause hair loss and I'm going through that now a bit but after multiple rounds of hair loss after babies and such I'm getting more used to it. I'm thankful it hasn't been severe.

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You may want to have her thyroid checked. That was the only symptom my dd 13 had when she was diagnosed a few months ago. Her TSH was 22 and shewas positive for the thyroid antibodies. Since starting treatment her hair has started to grow back.


There are many reasons why hair will fall out. I just thought I'd throw this out there just in case.

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try giving her hair a rest from hair drying, curling or other heat treatments, also coloring treatments or perms. If none of that applies, I'm with the others, try a new shampoo..... she might also be allergic to some of the chemicals, you might try something that is natural with no chemicals....try a health food store for some options.

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Seriously consider her shampoo. When I switched to lesser expensive brands (in particular, Aussie and Pantene for us), my hair began to fall out, practically in gobs. Same for the rest of my family. Then I switched back to better brands and the problem went away.

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Hmm. Well, this month she started her cycle on the way to TX and I don't believe she has had another one and it has been more than a month. So this month as far as I know was the first one that has been off. She hasn't really been telling me about her cycles but I know this one because she asked for supplies and then again but it never came.

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She doesn't use Herbal Essences or Pantene, does she? Those two shampoos are known for causing hair loss.

REALLY? I thought I had mine licked when I stopped splenda and then it started up again when I began using Herbal essence coconut scent-dang:glare:

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Although stress could be responsible, I would look at omeg-3 fatty acid, B-12, and D supplements. Low-levels of any of these can be responsible for hair loss. Most of the time that hair thinning or bald patches appear are due to dietary reasons.


I would suggest a blood test to evaluate. You need to make sure that she is not suffering from an underlying illness. For example, low protien will be an indicator of possible kidney disease. Other low vitamin levels can indicate thyroid problems. You would be better to err on the side of caution.


Hug her for me. Tell her I lost great big clumps, but it did all grow back!

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Google telogen effluvium, or female hair loss.


In hindsight, my daughter responds to (relatively small) stress with hair loss. It compounds her stress. We went to a dermatologist, who said that you should be gentle with the hair. He listed the sources of stress to watch out for (boyfriend trouble, parents' marital trouble, etc.) He offered special shampoo, but no real other "miracle cures".


It seemed to taper off, but then returned during specific stressful times she faced in Nursing School. She still leaves hair in the shower drain after a shower (which is my quick way to keep tabs on it).


I know that it helped her to talk with the dermatologist. She also cut her hair a bit shorter so it was less obvious, bought a nice gentle hairbrush, stopped putting her hair up in a ponytail with hair rubberbands as often.


I'm sorry not to be able to encourage you more, but it is important to try to help her through this as best you can. :)

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I've dealt with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) off and on throughout my life. The symptoms vary in severity according to my weight, it seems. Anyway, one of the biggies for me is hair loss. Are her cycles regular?


This or thyroid were my first guess.


REALLY? I thought I had mine licked when I stopped splenda and then it started up again when I began using Herbal essence coconut scent-dang:glare:


Now I'm wondering if my losing lots of hair in the shower every morning is actually from my using pantene vs just I have a ton of hair and some of it has to fall out sometime. I used to use garnier and had the same issue. I think I will try something better quality and see if it makes a difference.

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I was losing my hair, too, recently and switched to no poo. I've seen a huge difference in the health of my hair. I'm no longer losing wads of it in the shower each day. I alternate between baking soda or steeped hibiscus flowers in place of shampoo. I do sometimes use conditioner, particularly this summer, but most of the time I'm okay with just the apple cider vinegar rinse and sleeping in jojoba oil a couple of times a week.


I hope you guys figure out what is causing it. Hearing that she was crying over it makes me so sad for her. 13 is a tough age, anyway. Losing one's hair at that age can only make it worse, I imagine.

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Please look to see if she has lost her eyelashes. My neice has lost all of the hair on her arms and legs. She has lost a lot of her eyelashes and eyebrows. She is on thyroid medication, and she is starting to grow back her eyelashes.

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Seriously consider her shampoo. When I switched to lesser expensive brands (in particular, Aussie and Pantene for us), my hair began to fall out, practically in gobs. Same for the rest of my family. Then I switched back to better brands and the problem went away.


Really? That's weird, because my dd had super fine, super thin hair until we started using Aussie Mega. Her hair got really thick and stopped falling out. And it was the only thing that really cleaned both of my dd's hair after being in a pool. Of course they don't make that one anymore, and we are having shampoo issues again.

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She doesn't use Herbal Essences or Pantene, does she? Those two shampoos are known for causing hair loss.


Do you know of any proof to this as all that I could find were personal stories but no real proof that it was Pantene.

I have used Pantene since I was 16 with no crazy hair loss. I have very, very thick hair. Tight curls and it is fairly long. Below my bra line. My husband has to be careful of what shampoos he uses as he gets a skin rash from many types and Pantene(he ran out of his regular) does not cause any problems for him.

My daughter who has very, very thick hair but perfectly straight hair also uses it with no problems.



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My middle child (now 13) has Alopecia Areata. We saw a Pediatric Dermatologist's PA. It's patchy hair loss. Alopecia Universalis is complete hair loss. It began when she was about 9. At first it was a patch, then it was her eyelashes and eyebrows, then the front of her hair. (Imagine a headband it a child's hair. Everything to the front of it was eventually gone.) It happened for about 2-3 years. She wore a head scarf and false eyelashes. She has no hair loss currently.


It's an auto-immune disorder. There is no known cause or cure, but stress can trigger episodes. It comes and goes-sometimes there are years between episodes.


Don't go to your ped-they're not specialists. Beware that many peds and others will seek out psychological explanations and meds which will not help the situation. Pop psychology is curse in America and everyone wants in on it for some strange reason.

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I think that you have received some excellent advice already but I'll share my story. When I was about 12 years old I started to lose some hair at the top of my scalp. It happened to be a very stressful school year with a teacher that was miserable in class. I don't remember my mom making much of a fuss about it (to me) but the underlying cause was stress. I remember seeing a dermatologist and having to shampoo with awful smelling tar like shampoo. (i'm not sure how that would help stress but the hair grew back. I don't recall how long it took to grow back fully but I've always had thick hair.

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You may want to have her thyroid checked. That was the only symptom my dd 13 had when she was diagnosed a few months ago. Her TSH was 22 and shewas positive for the thyroid antibodies. Since starting treatment her hair has started to grow back.


There are many reasons why hair will fall out. I just thought I'd throw this out there just in case.



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My dd is now hopeful that she isn't really losing hair. She tells me now only a few strands the last couple of days. She is being very careful not to do too much with her hair. I will keep watching. If she does lose anymore clumps we will go to the doctor. Thanks for all the suggestions and input!


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I'm glad to hear it's improving.


As far as shampoo goes, I've been trying to buy and use only sulfate-free and paraben-free shampoos.


Jean: As far as specific brands---I like L'Oreal EverPure line, Jason's natural shampoo line, and Aveda Rosemary Mint. All of those are sulfate and paraben-free.


I've noticed Target is starting to carry a larger selection of sulfate and paraben-free shampoos, and some of them are very reasonably priced.

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