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So, I will take any good vibes, well wishes etc you want to send my way!

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Thank you, everyone.


I had one last test lying around so for some reason I decided to take it this morning using first morning urine, around 6:45 AM (yesterday I'd taken it using second morning urine around 10 AM).


It looked a little lighter/fainter than yesterday's positive did. I hope that isn't anything to worry about.


ETA: (TMI) been having a little brownish spotting still, too, particularly when I wipe. It is so hard not to be paranoid about everything! Sigh.

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I think the difference in shade is possibly more down to slight variations in quality of test.


I spotted with all four pregnancies, and in fact with my second actually bled quite heavily for the first 3 months or so - he was born big, strong and healthy, and continues in rude health :D. I do remember being quite beside myself with anxiety at the time though, especially as I'd miscarried just before becoming pregnant with him.



:grouphug: and best wishes




I hope so! Thanks for sharing your story.


I think that I'm going to call the doctor's office on Monday when they are open and ask them if they will let me come in ASAP just to do a blood test for hcg levels, even though they don't do the first office visit til 7 weeks. I am also going to pick up a few more tests today and see how they look over the next few days lol.... I will feel reassured if I see one that looks darker again (as opposed to continuing to get lighter or something)!


Keep up those good wishes, vibes, prayers etc, I SO want this to work out!

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Thanks again for all the thoughts, well wishes etc. Not much of an update, but so far things are sort of the same... still having the brownish spotting and took another test that ended up being lighter still. My only hope is that when I took the first one, the urine I used did seem darker/more concentrated and I hope that was what made it darker, or that it has something to do with the levels of dye in the tests or whatever... tomorrow I'm going to call the doctor's office and see if I can get them to do a blood test... the whole thing is nerve-wracking. You spend five months wanting and trying for something and then you get it but you're not sure it's "real" or going to work out and you want to have hope but you're afraid to, too... ugh... it's making me kind of insane! I'll update again if I have any changes and appreciate those of you who are thinking of me!

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Thanks, all. :)


I called the dr back today and asked them if they would do blood tests to check my hcg levels. They said yes and had me go in today. I got the first blood test at 11 AM this morning.


I have to go back Wednesday morning to repeat the test to see if the hcg levels are rising like they should. I should have the results by Wednesday afternoon.


I am so nervous. Please continue to keep me in your thoughts.

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Thanks, all. :)


I called the dr back today and asked them if they would do blood tests to check my hcg levels. They said yes and had me go in today. I got the first blood test at 11 AM this morning.


I have to go back Wednesday morning to repeat the test to see if the hcg levels are rising like they should. I should have the results by Wednesday afternoon.


I am so nervous. Please continue to keep me in your thoughts.


Continued prayers, Nance! :grouphug:

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Went for my second blood test at like 7:30 this morning. Sometime this afternoon, my doctor's office will have the results to compare with Monday's results, and then they will know if my HCG levels are rising like they should...


...I am on pins and needles waiting to hear the results myself and I REALLY hope the doctor's office calls me with them today. I don't know if my nerves can take it if they make me wait until tomorrow to hear from them. I had such a hard time sleeping last night, tonight would probably be ten times worse.


I just want to know if this pregnancy is looking viable or not so far. I feel like I'm in such limbo, not wanting to stress myself out too much, but finding it hard not to worry; wanting to get excited about the pregnancy, but afraid to let myself get too excited before I know things look okay...


Ugh today is going to positively crawl by.

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Looking forward to a great update, Nance.


Thank you! And btw I will have Alexa write a letter to your daughter this week. Somehow (don't ask me how, I have no idea) I misplaced the last letter your daughter sent before we even had a chance to open it. Then we did get her postcard but things just got nuts here with a bunch of different things and Alexa never got around to writing again and I never got around to encouraging it... but I'll have her write. In fact, I'll tell Alexa to call this afternoon to start things off again. :)

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So, the doctor just called me.


He said that my HCG levels on Monday were 410 (blood test taken around 11 AM) and today they were 587 (blood test taken around 8 AM).


They are rising- but not as fast as they'd like to see them rise.


They should double every two to three days, but it could just be that it hasn't even been quite 48 hours in between tests.


He said they can't really detect anything on ultrasound until the levels are in the 3 to 4 thousands or higher. So for now they want to keep monitoring my HCG levels.


He told me to go back to repeat the test again Friday morning, so I have to stress for the next 48 hours or so until I can do that and hear from him again.


In the meanwhile, I have to go to the hospital blood bank tomorrow for a shot of rhogam because I have RH Negative blood and I've been having spotting.


And I should call if I develop heavier bleeding or bad cramping. The concern is whether the fetus implanted in the right place I guess, but all I can do now is wait until Friday and see what happens with the HCG levels.


I am scared. :crying:

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Spotting ended up looking a little more pinkish yesterday evening (it had been brownish every time prior to that) so I called the doctor and ended up going to get the Rhogam shot last night just in case.


It looked pinkish a couple of times last night, this morning mostly brownish again. Still only pretty light spotting either way, but I just don't have a great feeling about things between that and the HCG levels not rising so well so far.


Well, I guess tomorrow will tell when I repeat the HCG test again.


It's only 9 something AM but I wish today would hurry up and be over with already. :P


Thanks again to those of you who are keeping me in their thoughts, prayers, etc.

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Oh Nance. :grouphug::grouphug:


Ugh. I've been in that same spot you are more times than I'd like. Unfortunately we've had them go both ways. :( I know what it's like to want something so bad and then be on such pins and needles. And the minutes just crawl by, let alone days. :001_huh:


I'm so sorry you're faced with this. The numbers don't necessarily mean anything is wrong (not everybody has "textbook" pregnancies) but I know how stressful it all can be. :grouphug:


I'm sorry about the anxiety. I know how badly you want this.


I do want to say CONGRATULATIONS though. Getting pregnant is the first step, right? :D :party:

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Thanks all, and Pam I appreciate you sharing your own positive outcome.


I left a message for the dr asking if he can have them test my progesterone levels too when I go for the HCG test tomorrow. I don't know if it could make a difference at this stage but if it's low maybe they can give a supplement and maybe that would help?


I know there is so little that can be done at this stage and whatever is going to happen will happen, but just trying to cover whatever bases I can on my end.

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So, got up at 2:30 AM having to pee and when I wiped there was like some dark pink spotting. Started thinking too much and could not fall back asleep. So by 3 AM I was making coffee, and I've been messing around at the computer drinking my one-cup-a-day. It's now 5:30 AM. Went to the bathroom again an hour ago and spotting was sort of brownish again.


Having some mild crampiness on and off, but I've had some mild crampiness on and off every day and that's pretty normal in early pregnancy anyway.


Going at 7 AM when the lab opens to repeat the HCG test for the third time. Only had like a 46 percent increase last time, which wasn't great. Hoping for better results today, but not feeling overly optimistic. I should find out the results this afternoon, last time he called between 3 and 3:30 PM.


I guess I will go take a shower now to kill some time.


I am definitely going to need a nap today! Maybe when I get back from the lab.

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Oh Nance, I'm so sorry this is turning out to be such an ordeal for you, I'm hoping and praying with all my heart that it all turns out OK.


Is there anything you can do to distract yourself? It might be worth trying to find something. Having had a couple of anxious pregnancies myself I know that the uncertainty can go on quite some time, and in the end what will be, will be. Hopefully it will be for the best :001_smile:.





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