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Our latest (mild) encounter with White Supremacism

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Oh, honey, I'm sorry that happened to you. I had a run in at Walmart with some crazy person like that, too. I, also, felt icky. And it made me wish I had yelled at him, but thankful that I didn't. He saw which car was mine and probably would have trashed it.

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It still surprises me that it's around.

Growing up in the 60's our neighbor was involved with k...k...you know.

This was in a county next to Baltimore County, Maryland.

I don't even like posting on this thread because it is giving more attention to it.

Just fyi, last I heard they were still having rallies in thurmont during the summer, I guess one per year.

This just makes me sick.

I'm sorry you had to deal with that, Jean. :grouphug:

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I just want to say that what caught me off guard was not that groups like this exist but that they did this in an urban fairly well integrated area. Or so I thought. I hope they don't know something about the area that I don't.


I guess I am naiive enough to have thought your area would have been free from such garbage. Sigh.


Looking at that map makes me want to cry.


It's probably good for me to wake up and realize the ubiquity of such ugliness. But I don't have to like what's good for me, do I? :tongue_smilie:


So sorry this touched your life. I want to squeeze you until the icky feeling goes away!!!! :grouphug::grouphug:

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I am sooo sorry! :grouphug: :grouphug: How upsetting esp with your children present!


We just moved from the Pac NW and I have had several experiences with the ku-you know what. My children are mixed and I was MAD. I actually yelled at the two men! Probably NOT one of the smartest things I have ever done! I was 19 and my boys were babies. I had no idea before that point that it was prevalent in OR.


We were thinking about moving to NJ for DH's job in the next few years, maybe I should rethink that as a mixed-race family....

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:grouphug:So sorry that you went through this. Such ignorance....


And we are no longer welcome in the home of some relatives because our daughter is black.




That makes me sick.I literally want to cry. How can someone be that st*&%. I am sure your daughter is a beautiful person.



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:grouphug: I'm so sorry that you have had to deal with this. I haven't come across that kind of thing ever. I'm in an area with a LOT of interracial and cultural couples. My own DD is mixed Asian and Caucasian. That is just scary stuff.

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I've had some scary encounters with skinheads before - who specifically targeted me for having the audacity to "pollute" the white race. I had hoped we had moved to a safer area for a mixed race family. Now I feel icky again.




I'm Asian and my husband is white. I'm sometimes surprised at how far we've come (as a society), but how far we have still yet to go.


I'm glad this was an indirect incident that you could talk through with your kids. When we moved to the South, we weren't prepared for some of the bigotry that is still socially acceptable down here. And I'll admit to being surprised at how much was directed at DH as opposed to me; he was apparently the bigger offender for "diluting" his race, as one person spat at him. That person got his arse served to him on a platter.


Icky people are everywhere - the best it gets is to be in an area where they're the clear minority fighting a vibrant majority. BTDT, empathize greatly with you.

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And I'll admit to being surprised at how much was directed at DH as opposed to me; he was apparently the bigger offender for "diluting" his race, as one person spat at him.


Precisely. Our one not as mild encounter with a small gang of skinheads (4 or 5) was directly 100% at me and not dh. But those guys were big guys with arms and legs like trees. Dh grabbed me and said, "Keep walking". We walked toward other people as fast as we could hoping they would leave us alone once they were outnumbered and it worked.

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Yes indeed. Nebraska was a stronghold for years . The magazine is superb.


Oh crud! Well, that explains a lot:glare:.


Jean, that stinks. Sorry your kids had to see that filth. Sorry you were targeted. Just blech.

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Yup. That's why it surprised me so much.

Don't let it surprise you. We have mixed race family in southern WA state and they have sometimes experienced as much nasty stuff as we have here in the southern US. I actually am not surprised that it happened in a metropolitan area. Many gangs are ethnically based and encourage racism. Putting out fliers is more organized but an easy way to put out the word.


I have had experiences much like LittleWMN. I have family members that refuse to acknowledge us now, we have seen subtle forms of racism, we have had people call the cops and report my dh for child abduction (why else would a white man have a child with him that is black, right??), we have had other kids tell our kids that they can't play with them because of skin color ( and one family we went to church with), and so on.

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:grouphug:So sorry that you went through this. Such ignorance....






That makes me sick.I literally want to cry. How can someone be that st*&%. I am sure your daughter is a beautiful person.




She is a beautiful person. She's vivacious, hilarious and sings beautifully. She's a charmer and loves to make people laugh. She's 6. It's his loss, but unfortunately a whole "branch" of our family also misses out. Recently a relative of mine who is close to us and them cried and said she didn't know how anyone could not like her, that she's such a precious little girl and it made her sad what they are missing out on.

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Don't let it surprise you. We have mixed race family in southern WA state and they have sometimes experienced as much nasty stuff as we have here in the southern US. I actually am not surprised that it happened in a metropolitan area. Many gangs are ethnically based and encourage racism. Putting out fliers is more organized but an easy way to put out the word.


I have had experiences much like LittleWMN. I have family members that refuse to acknowledge us now, we have seen subtle forms of racism, we have had people call the cops and report my dh for child abduction (why else would a white man have a child with him that is black, right??), we have had other kids tell our kids that they can't play with them because of skin color ( and one family we went to church with), and so on.


I agree in that there are parts of Washington state that remind me of other areas, such as most of Eastern Washington and parts of Southern Washington.


But, those are very very different from urban Seattle. Where I've lived, most of my neighbors were gay parents, mixed race, etc. I couldn't imagine coming across any of the white supremicist people

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I agree in that there are parts of Washington state that remind me of other areas, such as most of Eastern Washington and parts of Southern Washington.


But, those are very very different from urban Seattle. Where I've lived, most of my neighbors were gay parents, mixed race, etc. I couldn't imagine coming across any of the white supremicist people


This was an urban Seattle area - thus my utter surprise.

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I am so sorry that you had to experience this. Try to take solace in the fact that the majority of the population does not feel this way and the people that do are an abomination. :grouphug:


I do. Really, this area has been so nice that way. Our neighborhood, classes, the Y, all have been a good mix of people who seem to get along well. I actually was in shock when I went to visit my parents in the midwest and everyone was white!

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I actually was in shock when I went to visit my parents in the midwest and everyone was white!


Just so you're not surprised when you get here this weekend, I am, too. (White, that is!) :D Can't wait to see you!


I'm sorry about the ugliness.

Edited by Chelle in MO
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Just so you're not surprised when you get here this weekend, I am, too. (White, that is!) :D Can't wait to see you!


I'm sorry about the ugliness.


I'm white too;) I would only be surprised if you didn't want to meet me because my husband and children are not white. (And I know enough about you to know that's not the case.) Looking forward to seeing you too.

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I'm white too;) I would only be surprised if you didn't want to meet me because my husband and children are not white. (And I know enough about you to know that's not the case.) Looking forward to seeing you too.


As long as no one in your family is lime green, we're good. I just can't take those people! ;)


I think we're going to have some great conversation!

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