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PC Lovers Unite!

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I know we're here and I know I'm not the only one that's completely in love with her PCs. I'm also sure I'm not the only one who's a little tired of the Mac posts that are full of smiles and rainbows and unicorn farts.


At last count I have 6 working PCs though only four are hooked up right now. Dell, IBM, ACER, Toshiba, Compaq and ancient clone and all work exceptionally well.


So prance around Mac users with your devices bearing the cute little tribal stamp of an apple that cost an arm and a leg, I do not envy you. I can be a gamer, I can crack my cases and mod and upgrade to my hearts content, I can buy a new computer and still have money left for a car payment.


I love my PCs.:D:001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2:

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However I have to say we're a dual boot family. Four PCs (3 of them laptops) and two MAC (1 is a laptop). I am not counting the no longer used iMac that's gathering dust in the basement.



DH goes on Mac because he's on a PC all day at work, as a software engineer. At home he wants to relax, and thus the change in platform.

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However I have to say we're a dual boot family. Four PCs (3 of them laptops) and two MAC (1 is a laptop). I am not counting the no longer used iMac that's gathering dust in the basement.



DH goes on Mac because he's on a PC all day at work, as a software engineer. At home he wants to relax, and thus the change in platform.


Us to. DH has 2 PC's (1 laptop) and I'm use a MAC. Although I have seen him run upstairs to my mac when he can't get his PC to work efficiently. :D

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I know we're here and I know I'm not the only one that's completely in love with her PCs. I'm also sure I'm not the only one who's a little tired of the Mac posts that are full of smiles and rainbows and unicorn farts.


At last count I have 6 working PCs though only four are hooked up right now. Dell, IBM, ACER, Toshiba, Compaq and ancient clone and all work exceptionally well.


So prance around Mac users with your devices bearing the cute little tribal stamp of an apple that cost an arm and a leg, I do not envy you. I can be a gamer, I can crack my cases and mod and upgrade to my hearts content, I can buy a new computer and still have money left for a car payment.


I love my PCs.:D:001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2:




loveshower.gif--5 latptops & 1 desktop here. I love my PCs hapydancsmil.gif.

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While I do own an iPad, my heart belongs to PCs. We have 2 Dell laptops, 1 acer laptop and a Dell desktop. Let me tell you, that desktop is 6 years old and has been moved to two different states, all the way to the other side of the world, the bin it was in was dropped and went rolling down a full flight of stairs, AND when we got here we forgot to switch it over to 220 before we turned it on and BAM!!! sparks flew everywhere.




Viva la PC!!!! :D

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I know we're here and I know I'm not the only one that's completely in love with her PCs. I'm also sure I'm not the only one who's a little tired of the Mac posts that are full of smiles and rainbows and unicorn farts.


At last count I have 6 working PCs though only four are hooked up right now. Dell, IBM, ACER, Toshiba, Compaq and ancient clone and all work exceptionally well.


So prance around Mac users with your devices bearing the cute little tribal stamp of an apple that cost an arm and a leg, I do not envy you. I can be a gamer, I can crack my cases and mod and upgrade to my hearts content, I can buy a new computer and still have money left for a car payment.


I love my PCs.:D:001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2:


DH was just reading the post because I was laughing and said " I think with Macs you have to pay extra for the unicorn farts. I believe they only came out with Snow Leopard" LOL


We're a family of PC lovers, we've had many over the years since getting married (14 years on Monday) We are even more exclusive and are a Dell family. We currently have 5 laptops running in the house, but will soon have 7 as DH and I just ordered our new XPS laptops earlier this week, and wouldn't you know it we got two rockin' laptops for just about $200 more than 1 Macbook Pro.

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I used to have a generic version of a Mac back when that was allowed! I want to love Macs but I no longer understand them. I also could only afford a PC when I bought my last computer. Do you really have to be anti-Mac to like your PC?

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We are even more exclusive and are a Dell family.


We are too. Each of us has a Dell laptop and loves it. We used to have an ancient Toshiba laptop, but dh gave it to FIL. It runs XP and works just fine for what FIL needs. Ds's laptop has had the screen replaced (he broke it), been dropped on the tile floor, and had the hard drive replaced (after he dropped it). It still works fine for him and does his gaming. Dh is thinking about getting me a new Dell laptop, giving mine to ds, and using ds' current one as the one we connect to the tv. He gets a company discount from both Apple and Dell, yet we consistently choose Dell. Our extended family (grown dss, niece who's like a daughter) are also PC families.


I used to have Mac envy. When my Mac died I desperately wanted a new one. I went to PC's kicking and screaming. But once I used a PC, I fell in love, and will never go back to a Mac!


I do love my iPhone though. :leaving:

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I used to have a generic version of a Mac back when that was allowed! I want to love Macs but I no longer understand them. I also could only afford a PC when I bought my last computer. Do you really have to be anti-Mac to like your PC?






Naw, I just think PC users get a little tired of the slagging Mac users give PCs so a little ribbing is required in any PC thread. :)

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Just a note: Most pc problems are caused by inexperience and lack of basic reading skill. Read before you click. :) As well, never, regardless of Mac or Windows-based, surf the internet without protection. It is the same internet. There is not a special internet for Mac. LOL

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Just a note: Most pc problems are caused by inexperience and lack of basic reading skill. Read before you click. :) As well, never, regardless of Mac or Windows-based, surf the internet without protection. It is the same internet. There is not a special internet for Mac. LOL


And stubborness. I know a particular family members that downloads stuff from websites without any discretion, games, applications, etc. His computer runs veeerrrryyy sssllllooowwwllllyy and I get called in to clean it out.:glare:

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And stubborness. I know a particular family members that downloads stuff from websites without any discretion, games, applications, etc. His computer runs veeerrrryyy sssllllooowwwllllyy and I get called in to clean it out.:glare:


Yeah my mom doesn't necessarily understand the whole "common sense" part about avoiding a virus.:lol:


To me, it's just natural - don't be stupid! But, she needs specific detailed instructions.:tongue_smilie:


She's now gone to the side of being overly cautious though...she's the one member of the family who is not a natural computer-y person:D

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Yeah my mom doesn't necessarily understand the whole "common sense" part about avoiding a virus.:lol:


To me, it's just natural - don't be stupid! But, she needs specific detailed instructions.:tongue_smilie:


She's now gone to the side of being overly cautious though...she's the one member of the family who is not a natural computer-y person:D


SHE needs a Mac. :D

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SHE needs a Mac. :D


Haha I think my father would be horrified:tongue_smilie:


He still keeps trying to explain to her the difference between the hard disk and the actual computer. For a while she was calling the entire computer the hard disk.:confused: She's so funny sometimes:lol:

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:thumbup1: PC Lover checking in!


DH and my career's are very computer-oriented, so we have computers everywhere. Right now I'm on the kitchen one. We have two going in our Learning Loft. Both DH and I have our offices with computers. Then we have our laptops.


I have one Mac that I turned on once or twice and never looked at again. Oh, and the iPad.


Love being able to run anything I want.


Oh, and I built my own super computer this year! I can't wait to build more (not quite so uber though) for my daughter and DH.

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Oh, and I built my own super computer this year! I can't wait to build more (not quite so uber though) for my daughter and DH.


Ooooooooh! I need one like that. :)


I think that's why, if computer folks were car people I'd picture the PC people standing around a souped up Camaro with their sleeves rolled up, hands covered in grease, talking enthusiastically about their car.


I picture the Mac people on the side of the road with their Volvo placing a call to the AAA because they need someone to come out and change a flat tire. :D

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I'll join you! We have a pile of Compaq laptops around here, and a Dell desktop upstairs (that no one uses. :D)


My college is all Mac, so I bring my laptop to my computer programming classes. I made it through one class on their computers, and I thought I was going to hurl one through the window. :D

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Another PC lover here. We have 4 PCs running here at the moment. I can't imagine buying an apple desktop or laptop. No way! Both my husband and I have comp sci degrees (among others), and we would never switch.


However, we now have 2 ipads at our house. If I could get a Ipad tool on a pc platform. However, I do love my ipad! It could be integrated more seamlessly with the PC world IMHO.

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I know we're here and I know I'm not the only one that's completely in love with her PCs. I'm also sure I'm not the only one who's a little tired of the Mac posts that are full of smiles and rainbows and unicorn farts.


At last count I have 6 working PCs though only four are hooked up right now. Dell, IBM, ACER, Toshiba, Compaq and ancient clone and all work exceptionally well.


So prance around Mac users with your devices bearing the cute little tribal stamp of an apple that cost an arm and a leg, I do not envy you. I can be a gamer, I can crack my cases and mod and upgrade to my hearts content, I can buy a new computer and still have money left for a car payment.


I love my PCs.:D:001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2:


I live in an area with a ton of Mac enthusiasts. I don't get it. We have both and I way prefer the PC.


Also, the Mac is not compatible with so many things. My SO does online college and works from home sometimes. Macs do not work for either purpose. If we didn't have PCs in the house, he would have a major problem.

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We're so anti-MAC here that we have an Android tablet. :) That's in addition to our Windows-based network (domain, not workgroup ;) ) with dual boot Windows/LINUX clients.


Oh, and I have good reasons to hate Macs. I was a Mac tech at one point in my life. I was so relieved to become a Windows specialist. :tongue_smilie:


Doesn't mean I don't understand some people's joy with a Mac. It suits certain folks and their pursuits beautifully.

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I know we're here and I know I'm not the only one that's completely in love with her PCs. I'm also sure I'm not the only one who's a little tired of the Mac posts that are full of smiles and rainbows and unicorn farts.


At last count I have 6 working PCs though only four are hooked up right now. Dell, IBM, ACER, Toshiba, Compaq and ancient clone and all work exceptionally well.


So prance around Mac users with your devices bearing the cute little tribal stamp of an apple that cost an arm and a leg, I do not envy you. I can be a gamer, I can crack my cases and mod and upgrade to my hearts content, I can buy a new computer and still have money left for a car payment.


I love my PCs.:D:001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2:



LOL! Did this thread have anything to do with my crying and pathetic unicorn fart loving threads? :lol:


I am getting used to this pc. It's doing everything I ask it to do so far. :D

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LOL! Did this thread have anything to do with my crying and pathetic unicorn fart loving threads? :lol:


I am getting used to this pc. It's doing everything I ask it to do so far. :D


Of course it did. :D


But you're slowing being assimilated.;)

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I know we're here and I know I'm not the only one that's completely in love with her PCs. I'm also sure I'm not the only one who's a little tired of the Mac posts that are full of smiles and rainbows and unicorn farts.


At last count I have 6 working PCs though only four are hooked up right now. Dell, IBM, ACER, Toshiba, Compaq and ancient clone and all work exceptionally well.


So prance around Mac users with your devices bearing the cute little tribal stamp of an apple that cost an arm and a leg, I do not envy you. I can be a gamer, I can crack my cases and mod and upgrade to my hearts content, I can buy a new computer and still have money left for a car payment.


I love my PCs.:D:001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2:


I could never be a happy with a computer if I couldn't crack it open and do my own thing. It's one of the great joys in life. :tongue_smilie:


Per DH: Mac's are not allowed in our house. Oh and AOL is a dirty word here too.



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:thumbup1: PC Lover checking in!


DH and my career's are very computer-oriented, so we have computers everywhere. Right now I'm on the kitchen one. We have two going in our Learning Loft. Both DH and I have our offices with computers. Then we have our laptops.


I have one Mac that I turned on once or twice and never looked at again. Oh, and the iPad.


Love being able to run anything I want.


Oh, and I built my own super computer this year! I can't wait to build more (not quite so uber though) for my daughter and DH.


Beautiful :001_smile:


Here is my baby.





Edited by Sputterduck
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Cool! I remember looking at that case. I think we have the same monitor.


LOL Our computers look very similar! Great minds thing alike.


I love the case. Two of the fans are 9 inches! Great airflow and it's also made to accommodate liquid cooling if I decide to go forward with that.

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I have my PC, my husband has his two - one for his business and one for his videography hobby.


A few years ago we got Mac envy - wanted to know what all the hype was about. Bought a top of the line one, mailorder, gleefully opened the box, got it all set up and connected. It crashed twice in the first hour. Carpy computer or stupid operator? :confused:


We sent it back, bought a PC instead and have never looked back. Our PC's are 100 percent reliable but both of us are very good with routine maintenance and we both have good virus protection skills.


BTW, thanks for starting this thread....I was beginning to feel left out. :D

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Beautiful :001_smile:


Here is my baby.


*le sigh*


I keep telling myself I'm going to build my next computer but then when we need one we always find a great deal on a clearance computer. We're gamers but for computer games we always buy out of the discount bin so we don't need an up-to-the-minute gaming beast: however, even the clearance games are getting to be too much for our newest computer, DH's laptop. :(

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