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I hate to resurrect this. (Kerfuffle related)

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I want to be clear. I'm not attributing motives. Simka and I arrived here at the boards at about the same time; although she is clearly a much more active member.:D I often read her comments with enjoyment. This thread surprised me.


Having just watched a sweet thread about a Mother's enjoyment and pride in the accomplishment of her average child vs. her gifted one disintegrate within three pages, I was very skeptical that this thread about a divisive issue would remain civil. It seemed disingenouous/naive to express reluctance to discuss something that one is then opening a discussion about.


Glad to say that so far the hive has surprised me. :hurray:

No problem! I chose to not directly address your post, because I felt I already had. I'm sorry to hear about the other thread :glare:.


And yes, I get to be very active!!! Due to a move (no social life) and finding some great new friends ;).

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I'm glad that the OP posted. It gives a little more 'original source' information about something that many of us had taken a large interest in. I can certainly understand the OP wanting to share info without wanted to stir up trouble--that is a pair of impulses that I often have myself.

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I am sure there is some of that. I also knew there were people who were curious about GHC positon. It is my hope that this stays calm and just acts like a PSA. ;)


Well, I for one, appreciate it. It brings some closure for me. I appreciated hearing this Christian mediation lawyer's perspective, especially since he is well acquainted with both parties.

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I'm glad you posted this. I received the email also, since I wrote to them supporting their decision back during the kerfluffle. However, I wasn't sure how to link anyone to it, and I was worried about upsetting some people. Thanks for being braver and more technologically savvy than me!

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I got the same email. I really, truly appreciate GHC's class in all of this. Unfortunately, it's not going to change a lot of people's opinions. Apparently, something similar has happened before with AiG (backing out of mediation) a few years ago, when they split from CMI.


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Seems to me the whole point is sharing a substantial amount of new information about a topic many here have shown interest in, but of which a great deal has been left to speculation. Sharing is good. :001_smile:




And did anyone else think, "Which kerfluffle?!?!?" :)

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It was difficult for me to put into words at the time, but the very "silence" from GHC and the "noise" from Ken Ham was a huge tell for me. I had been in a similar situation at one time. I chose to jump thru every legal and relevent hoop presented to me (without it turning into a public mess) I wasn't able to defend myself. Eventually, I had all my ducks in row and the truth came out. My attacker was able to say whatever he wanted, for a time, but in the beginning I couldn't. I realize I was projecting on the GHC/Ken Ham situation, but when GHC remained silent I really started to wonder.


What you learned takes a young lawyer about 5 years to grasp. Your instincts are very, very good.

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So if you truly hate to resurrect this. (Kerfuffle related) - why post the link? What could the possible outcomes of the conversation be? What are you hoping to acheive?


Just information. AFAIR, the vast majority of this Kerfuffle was extra-Board. She was "hating to resurrect this" as a way of saying it was important, but that she wanted to soften the intrusion on SWB, who has tired of the topic.

That was my take.

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Just information. AFAIR, the vast majority of this Kerfuffle was extra-Board. She was "hating to resurrect this" as a way of saying it was important, but that she wanted to soften the intrusion on SWB, who has tired of the topic.

That was my take.



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It was difficult for me to put into words at the time, but the very "silence" from GHC and the "noise" from Ken Ham was a huge tell for me. I had been in a similar situation at one time. I chose to jump thru every legal and relevent hoop presented to me (without it turning into a public mess) I wasn't able to defend myself. Eventually, I had all my ducks in row and the truth came out. My attacker was able to say whatever he wanted, for a time, but in the beginning I couldn't. I realize I was projecting on the GHC/Ken Ham situation, but when GHC remained silent I really started to wonder.


I had a similar situation about a year ago, though not with a physical attack. I was attempting to follow mediation as closely as possible, but the other person was talking, talking, talking to anyone who would listen, and it was a pack of lies. I still don't share my side, out of good faith, though mediation has long been broken down.


Once you've been in the situation yourself, you get a good sense for it. I thought the same thing during the AIG/GHC issues.

Edited by angela in ohio
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