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Okay California girls where are you? (and boys too)

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Oh, thanks for the quick response. I haven't spoken to her at all about it yet. Do you know of a specific website she could get on to check it out? It is funny that sometimes people are horrified there is not MORE oversight from the school board, almost a "how dare they" not be more demanding. I will contact her and see how she's doing with it. I appreciate your response.


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 Do you know of a specific website she could get on to check it out?

For filing to be a homeschooler, its in October every year



For charter that provides a stipend, I think Ocean Grove and Connecting Waters would be the ones catering to San Jose and nearby areas



My kids are with CAVA which is a online charter school


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  • 2 months later...

We are an Ocean Grove family, not too far from her in Monterey, if she needs any info on that! :)



Hey Catherine, good to see other Monterey families on here.  We've been homeschooling here for almost 6 years after moving from Colorado.

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Nice Derek! Are you guys on the local homeschoolers facebook group that's popped up lately? https://www.facebook.com/groups/519630511385912/

There are some good park days that have been going.  I have girls ages 9 and 7 that are always up for meeting girls their age to play with! Fridays at Via Paraiso have had some older boys as well. :)


Yes, you can see me there if you go to members.  There is another large homeschool park day that meets on Friday afternoons in Salinas that we have been going to for a while now.  I just saw your post there about park days.  I'll reply with the location.


I've heard about others meeting at Via Paraiso.  That is one of our favorite little parks in the area.  We've had several birthday parties there for our kids. ;)

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Guest SiliValleyMom

Waves! Hi everyone! I am new to this forum. This is my first year homeschooling my 8 year old daughter. We are located in the Los Gatos/Saratoga area. I am interested in connecting with other homeschoolers around her age so she can make some new friends.

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  • 4 months later...

Hello. I'm in the greater Sacramento area. My oldest just turned four and I'm planning on enrolling him in a charter with stipends next year for TK. I'm thinking South Sutter.


Does anyone know how flexible the charters are with accelerated kids? I asked a local group and they said any curriculum the charter pays for must be within one grade level of your kid's grade. I don't mind paying for the curriculum myself as I intend to use the charter funds for music and sports anyway. Should I be documenting my son's work this year to "prove" he's at the level he should be when we enroll next year?

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Hello. I'm in the greater Sacramento area. My oldest just turned four and I'm planning on enrolling him in a charter with stipends next year for TK. I'm thinking South Sutter.


Does anyone know how flexible the charters are with accelerated kids? I asked a local group and they said any curriculum the charter pays for must be within one grade level of your kid's grade. I don't mind paying for the curriculum myself as I intend to use the charter funds for music and sports anyway. Should I be documenting my son's work this year to "prove" he's at the level he should be when we enroll next year?


Generally speaking, you will be free to use whatever level materials you think are appropriate for him, particularly if you are not buying them with charter funds.  I have not been with South Sutter, but I have been with 3 other charters (currently at Sutter Peak) and at any of those, I was free to do pretty much whatever I thought best. 


I'm unclear whether you are planning to try and enroll him in a higher grade level than his age grade, but I would recommend sticking with the age grade. It won't affect your teaching and it's more years of stipends for you.


One word of advice: if you are going to go with South Sutter, start the enrollment process in the spring. They are notorious for their very very slow enrollments.

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We are with Visions in Education.  DD works ahead in some areas (and behind in others).  The written policy at Visions does state that material more than a year ahead will need approval (if ordering through them), but I have yet to experience any issues with ordering advanced material.  Also, anything I order on my own is fine-the only concern for materials ordered on our own is that if we are going to use it as a sample that it not contain religious material (we don't use religious materials, so non-issue for us).  


Hello. I'm in the greater Sacramento area. My oldest just turned four and I'm planning on enrolling him in a charter with stipends next year for TK. I'm thinking South Sutter.

Does anyone know how flexible the charters are with accelerated kids? I asked a local group and they said any curriculum the charter pays for must be within one grade level of your kid's grade. I don't mind paying for the curriculum myself as I intend to use the charter funds for music and sports anyway. Should I be documenting my son's work this year to "prove" he's at the level he should be when we enroll next year?


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  • 2 weeks later...

We have used visions since 7th and currently doing 10th grade. They have been great, helping with curriculum and when need additional resources. We have an iep since our son is special needs. They are as hands off or hands on, depending on what you need. I've been pleased with them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the reply!  I'm glad to hear you've had a positive experience with them.  For some reason I've had this niggling idea that keeps popping up in the back of my mind that we will somehow find ourselves chafing at the bit in middle school...that sticking with them will mean more restrictions and hoop jumping, simply because we're moving into middle school.  This hasn't been my experience at all with them (our CT is awesome and I've never felt restricted by the school or our CT)...if anything, using the charter has enabled us to do things we wouldn't have been able to afford otherwise, and I've loved having the CT to bounce ideas off of and for having an outsiders p.o.v. on DD's work...maybe its my subconscious mind's way of panicking about middle school, even though I feel I have a handle on it, lol.

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  • 2 months later...

We're in Salinas.

Aw, I'm not a Salinas gal anymore, but I grew up there!  Went to Salinas High, Hartnell, and worked at the Baskin Robins there on Main Street during High School and the Salinas Californian newspaper while at Hartnell!  :D   Kind of miss that place!!

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Anyone near the central coast (So. Cal.) :)? It's hard to find local hsers here.


We're in Ventura, which some people consider central coast.  There are three or four homeschooling groups that find each other through Meetup.com around here; but I think I found those groups, in the first place, through the mothering.com message boards.  


We did live in Cambria for a year, a few years back--definitely Central Coast!  

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  • 2 months later...

Looks like there is a chance we are moving back!  I am so excited I can barely stand it.  I am already researching online, talking to the kids, etc.....


We have been in NC 11 years now!  ELEVEN YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!


Dh told me last night, "Well, we have been here 10 more years than I thought you could last."




Anyway, Dh's job is changing and he may be either on the chopping block, or, what would be more likely, is that he is offered a transfer somewhere of their choice.  He is going to go ahead and think about another job.  


Older two sons are interested in the entertainment industry anyway, so I anticipated them heading back out there for college or jobs (one in animation and design and one in film or music editing, both behind the scenes.)


I have only 10 more years of needing to work in CA in order to get full retirement, so that is a huge incentive.  My retirement is completely wrapped up in CA.  I have one year in NC, but the retirement here STINKS.


I am really hoping this works out.

Edited by DawnM
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Looks like there is a chance we are moving back!  I am so excited I can barely stand it.  I am already researching online, talking to the kids, etc.....


We have been in NC 11 years now!  ELEVEN YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!


Dh told me last night, "Well, we have been here 10 more years than I thought you could last."




Anyway, Dh's job is changing and he may be either on the chopping block, or, what would be more likely, is that he is offered a transfer somewhere of their choice.  He is going to go ahead and think about another job.  


Older two sons are interested in the entertainment industry anyway, so I anticipated them heading back out there for college or jobs (one in animation and design and one in film or music editing, both behind the scenes.)


I have only 10 more years of needing to work in CA in order to get full retirement, so that is a huge incentive.  My retirement is completely wrapped up in CA.  I have one year in NC, but the retirement here STINKS.


I am really hoping this works out.

Where are you thinking of?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Where are you thinking of?


It will be in the LA area.  When we left we were in Pasadena, but we will most likely be looking at surrounding areas.   


DH briefly talked about wanting to go further South, he can get a job in Costa Mesa.  But I would have a harder time getting a job there.

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  • 1 month later...

So it looks like we may be moving back to San Diego, for an unknown length of time. I am from San Diego, but have never homeschooled there. If this happens, we will need to get in with a charter that provides funding for homeschooling. Some optional classes on a campus a day or two per week might be nice, too, but not necessary.


What options have you guys used or heard of? How much funding do they provide? How much time does it take to fulfill their requirements?

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If this happens, we will need to get in with a charter that provides funding for homeschooling. Some optional classes on a campus a day or two per week might be nice, too, but not necessary.


What options have you guys used or heard of? How much funding do they provide? How much time does it take to fulfill their requirements?

PM SeaConquest if she doesn't see this thread.

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So it looks like we may be moving back to San Diego, for an unknown length of time. I am from San Diego, but have never homeschooled there. If this happens, we will need to get in with a charter that provides funding for homeschooling. Some optional classes on a campus a day or two per week might be nice, too, but not necessary.


What options have you guys used or heard of? How much funding do they provide? How much time does it take to fulfill their requirements?


I worked for a little while as an Educational Specialist for a HS Charter (as a teacher), my info is probably outdated, but I am happy to answer some questions in general terms.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I was just trying to figure out where to post my request for advice / referrals for our move to southern California and found this post.  I will go back and read this thread but here's what I was planning to post:


We're moving from Chicago to California (San Clemente or somewhere near there), about July 1.  I'm looking for referrals to homeschool groups (Christian, classical, or general) or co-schools (partial school programs for homeschoolers), or any general advice on moving to a new city/state with school age kids.
For background: We've been doing classical Christian homeschooling for 7 years; we did Classical Conversations Foundations and Essentials and also attended The Greenhouse Co-School in Wheaton IL which we loved and are really sad to leave.
My oldest daughter is almost 13, adores reading, classical music, ballet, acting, Shakespeare, veterinary medicine and is doing an internship with our vet in Chicago (it will be very hard to leave that). My 9-year old daughter loves math, arts and crafts, and Minecraft; she is gifted mathematically and has ADHD. Both of my girls are socially quiet.  My 9-year old son is more social than the girls, likes sports, yo-yo, and Minecraft; he has ADHD and dyslexia, dyscalculia and has done amazingly well working with tutors but is still rough around the edges in terms of working in a classroom setting...organizing papers and assignments and taking notes is all kind of beyond him at this point though he does fine in our co=school because I help him figure out what he needs to do, etc..
I mention the ADHD because as I was investigating possible schools, I discovered one school I was considering specifies that they will administer kid's medicines except under no circumstances will they administer ritalin " a performance-enhancing drug."  I was shocked at this attitude so I thought I'd mention it because I don't want my kids in an environment that sees ADHD meds in that light.   
I also am seeking a Christian environment in which a literal 6-day creation is not required.  I believe God is the creator of all, but I don't see new earth / old earth / literal 6-day creation, etc, as core to faith in Jesus Christ.  I mention that because some environments are open on this point and others aren't.
My husband is open to secular schools, and is asking me to be open so I'm trying.
While we have homeschooled up to this point, as the kids get older I am more open to the idea of them going to a school, a good school, because I now know enough to have strong opinions!
Just based on internet research, I like what I have read and seen in videos of Capistrano Valley Christian Schools because the way they describe their culture sounds great (they sound real and authentic to me, but that's just based on their website) and they offer a 2-day per week co-school as well as 5-day per week school through grade 12.  And it is somewhat reasonably priced, or at least within consideration range for us.
I ruled out some schools which might be good schools but I ruled them out if they seemed too stuck in a certain kind of curriculum, for example if it was mostly Abeka and not much else, that wouldn't be a fit for us.  Or if all the science was Apologia (I might have to just accept that because that was the norm). If all the math is Saxon, it would probably not be a fit for us.  We've used all Singapore Math and then Margaret Lial for later math plus The Great Courses.  
I'm open to any thoughts, suggestions, referrals.  
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jenny,

I'm new to homeschooling and have lived in Martinez for 10 years now. I just came across your post and saw Martinez and got excited. Although this post is old, are you still homeschooling? If so, any advice on a charter school versus choosing your own curriculum?



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  • 4 months later...

Thank you for the reminder. I will get to it later today.


I have so far avoided the homeschooling mommy wars by... avoiding homeschoolers. They seem to come in two flavors unschooling to the point of crazy or school with a public charter around here. Neither of those fit me or my kids very well. We are happy independenting.

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  • 6 months later...

Yes, there are a lot of local groups!

Mid Peninsula Homeschoolers meets every Wednesday afternoon at Mitchell Park in Palo Alto



There is also SELAH, a christian group centered further south



Bay Area Christian Homeschoolers - people post about park days and activities on the listserve frequently



 Bay Area Gifted Homeschoolers



AllWays Learning - they have a yahoo group. They are centered further south.


I'm sure there are more but those are the ones that come to mind off the top of my head.


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  • 1 year later...

You're in Paradise?   Really?

So, my dad used to work on the show Paradise, supposedly based on that town  (he was a Grip...sort of like a more specialized stage hand.   Worked on the mounting for the lighting).   It wasn't filmed there, but still...very cool.   One of the few shows he worked on we actually watched.

(I grew up in Southern California, and am in San Diego now, after a 20 year sojourn in Texas).

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On 4/9/2017 at 8:07 AM, La Condessa said:

So it looks like we may be moving back to San Diego, for an unknown length of time. I am from San Diego, but have never homeschooled there. If this happens, we will need to get in with a charter that provides funding for homeschooling. Some optional classes on a campus a day or two per week might be nice, too, but not necessary.


What options have you guys used or heard of? How much funding do they provide? How much time does it take to fulfill their requirements?


So, while we never homeschooled with a charter, we looked into it seriously this last year.

Inspire offers the most funds and the most freedom--you can use the funds on their supplementary classes (look up Exploring Minds - that's the program they offer classes through) or on your own curriculum, tutoring, supplies, etc.   They also have a new lending library, do regular free social gatherings, and various other events.  

Classical is another one I looked into strongly.   They offer several programs, one which is a combination of in school and homeschooling where they provide some of the curriculum, and another where you can take what classes you want but you have complete control of all the curriculum, and if your child takes less than 3 classes you can get some funds as well (I can't remember if they also have a lending library).    This one can be hard to get into.   There's often a waiting list but less of a waiting list for the program where you just choose classes, than the 3 day guided program.

Innovations has a two day a week supplementary project based learning program.   They offer no funds, but you can get curriculum through their lending library (and if I remember right they will sometimes pay for corresponding workbooks).


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