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Chronic Bad Breath in a 10 year old boy

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My son has chronic, horrible bad breath. We have taken him to the dentist - received no input. We have tried mouth rinses. No avail. It is worse when he has a sinus infection but that is not the case right now. I have even tried brushing & flossing for him - no help.


any advice would greatly be appreciated - everyone comments on it & he is really frustrated by it...



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My son has chronic, horrible bad breath. We have taken him to the dentist - received no input. We have tried mouth rinses. No avail. It is worse when he has a sinus infection but that is not the case right now. I have even tried brushing & flossing for him - no help.


any advice would greatly be appreciated - everyone comments on it & he is really frustrated by it...




does he brush his tongue?

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Does he have tonsil stones? It is a cause of chronic bad breath. They can be in locations that make it impossible to see them. Mine go away if I do not eat any nuts or popcorn, but there is really no treatment for them. (Well, unless removing the tonsils counts.)

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Okay, this is going to be gross. But, my dd had, what I thought was, chronic bad breath. Seriously, for months it was so bad and I kept making her brush her teeth multiple times per day. I finally took her to the doctor because it was just gross. She said that if people have a lot of sinus issues, build up can occur and cause a terrible smell. She recommended we get a saline spray to clear out her nose. So when we got home I sprayed the saline stuff in her nose and told her to blow hard. I can't even begin to describe what came out. It was so big and the smell was horrendous! It looked like grainy, dark baby poop. Oh geez, just thinking about the smell really makes me want to gag. Anyway, that was definitely where the smell was coming from!!! It was 10 times as bad upon release:ack2: Dd never complained about pain, so I was skeptical that it was her sinuses, but the dr. was right. You may want to give that a try and see if anything comes out. Just prepare yourself to want to vomit if anything does:tongue_smilie:

Edited by hsbaby
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Does he have tonsil stones? It is a cause of chronic bad breath. They can be in locations that make it impossible to see them. Mine go away if I do not eat any nuts or popcorn, but there is really no treatment for them. (Well, unless removing the tonsils counts.)


Exactly what I was going to ask. I have those horrible, nasty things and I've seriously contemplated having my tonsils removed. I've been on a low-carb diet for the past couple of months and they are a lot better now.

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Does he have tonsil stones? It is a cause of chronic bad breath. They can be in locations that make it impossible to see them. Mine go away if I do not eat any nuts or popcorn, but there is really no treatment for them. (Well, unless removing the tonsils counts.)


Especially problematic in kids with large tonsils and multiple sinus infections. Check in his mouth and look for white "things" in the pockets of his tonsils or in any crevices. A water pick can help remove them if his gag reflex isn't too strong. My dd had a horrible problem with them until her tonsils were yanked. That's really the only cure, unless you want to hunt them down and maually remove them.

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Bad breath can be a symptom of food sensitivities. That's what I would suspect if all of the other usual things aren't working. You might need to go through a food elimination strategy to solve the problem.

:iagree: with this along with possible yeast overgrowth.

When we changed our diet and cleared up the yeast in my ds it took care of the bad breath. I wouldn't try to cover it up but to find the source.

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While it may be caused by what the others have suggested- make sure his bowels are moving really regularly. Chronic constipation can cause bad breath and it's pretty common.


This is my oldest son's problem. We've worked and worked with him to try to clear things out but he still has a ton of issues. Never diagnosed with anything specific (except encopresis) but in the past few years, we've been trying to get him to do food elimination diets as I do believe it is a food sensitivity.


His breath has always been horrific! He brushes his teeth and tongue, uses a Water Pic, flosses, and uses mouth wash 4-6 times a day. Personally, I think it would be easier for him to try to eliminate the cause rather than treat the symptom but at 15, he doesn't want to listen!

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I am susceptible to sinus infections due to my allergies.


Even if I don't have an obvious infection, I will have bad breath issues from, what I assume, is an undetected low grade infection.


My personal treatment....

I take a 24 hour allergy pill a day (Zyrtec, Claritin, Allegra)

I add pseudoephedrine and guaifenesin once a day. (Mucinex D is the brand I use because it is 12 hours)


I rinse my sinuses in the shower daily.



The allergy pill helps to dry up secretions and helps new material from forming.

The pseudoephedrine helps to break up the mucous that is there.

The guaifenesin helps to draw moisture into the mucous so it is thin enough to drain out.


This combination will clear my sinuses in about a week and the odor will go away. I continue to take it throughout the spring to keep it from recurring. I cannot take an antihistamine without adding the guaifenesin, or I get a sinus infection.

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Especially problematic in kids with large tonsils and multiple sinus infections. Check in his mouth and look for white "things" in the pockets of his tonsils or in any crevices. A water pick can help remove them if his gag reflex isn't too strong. My dd had a horrible problem with them until her tonsils were yanked. That's really the only cure...



Chronic cryptic tonsillitis was my ds's problem. He had his tonsils and adenoids out because of it. Now he doesn't snore anymore, and he's sick less often, too.

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My ds has problems with tonsil stones. They cause really stinky breath. We have to go in and poke around in his tonsils and clear them out every couple of weeks. I'd check his tonsils with a flashlight and poke around in them with some Q-tips and see if you see any whitish things.

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My dd had the same exact problem...her breath could make me gag.


I took her off of all milk products and it cleared up within 3 or 4 days.


She did not test allergic to milk. Now that she is dairy free, she very rarely gets sick and when she was consuming dairy, she was sick all.the.time.

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When my youngest was about 2 he developed really bad chronic bad breath. About 8 months later, when my dh was tickling and playing with him, he noticed something in his nose, but he couldn't get it out. We thought it was some sort of growth (don't google nasal growths in children...it scared us), so I immediately made an appointment with an ENT just sure he was going to diagnose ds with something horrible.


When we get in the examining room, the doctor put a pair of big tweezer things up his nose and pulled out a big wad of turquoise Play-dough. It was covered in nastiness (which is why we thought it was a growth). The doctor said it had probably been there a little longer than when we first started noticing the bad breath, so a little over 8 months.


Yeah, I felt like a bad mom for not realizing my baby had Play-dough up his nose :)


All that to say, the ENT said chronically clogged nasal/sinus passages are a very common cause of bad breath in children.

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