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I always buy Coke Zero or diet soda....even with fattening foods like pizza. I like fat; I hate sugary soda syrup.







I do like Coke Zero myself. (it is my only vice.) But I do typically buy more stuff at the grocery than diet soda and junk food. That is what amused me so much.

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In high school I waited tables at an ice cream place. We made the ice cream there, and it was rich and creamy, really good. Also home made fresh whip cream.


I had more than one person order a sundae, with whip, and then tell me "Make sure it's diet coke, I'm on a diet."


Um, yeah, sure.


Me: "Okay. Do you still want whip cream (like 3/4 a cup worth at least!) on your sundae?"


Them: "Of course!" and look at me crazy for asking.

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I personally hate the taste of regular sodas. I only drink caffine free diet coke. So that means I'll get a big fat meal at wendy's (usually a baconator of sorts) and eat at home with my caffine free diet coke. I can't imagine how that would look while eating out, not that I truly care. (We only eat out [anything] once per month, and I wouldn't dare eat in somewhere with my ds!)

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It has nothing to do with it being "diet" and everything to do with taste


Well it's a known fact that the Coke Zero, having no calories, cancels out the calories in the other foods. See? Simple math.






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the person in the grocery store line buying boxes of Little Debbies, the 1 lb Hersey's bar, Funyuns, and several bottles of Coke Zero.


I love to look for irony and humor in shopping carts- mine and other people's. Helps pass time waiting in line.


Last week, I ran out to the grocery store to get ingredients to make treats for a pot luck, and picked up some necessities while there. In my cart were:


Brownie fixin's (Chocolate, Sugar, etc.)

Female hygeine products, and lots of both!


(I was glad I was in the self check-out line.)

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Well I never buy diet sodas and very, very rarely buy sodas at all. But I may be buying Little Debbie Cakes or things like that and they aren't for me. They are either a snack I am bringing for something or maybe as a snack for my dd who is 5'4, 110 lbs, and does two hours of sport practice and needs quick energy.

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Well it's a known fact that the Coke Zero, having no calories, cancels out the calories in the other foods. See? Simple math.




Also, if you eat standing at the counter instead of sitting in a chair, it goes to your feet instead of your... well, you know. ;)

Edited by Mejane
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