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season finales?

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So far I've watched Amazing Race, Survivor, Desperate Housewives and CSI. Still to watch are The Office, Grey's Anatomy and Glee (oops, did I just admit to watching that :eek:).


I found Amazing Race disappointing, Survivor boring and Desperate Houswives still being Desperate Housewives. CSI ended on a sort of cliff hanger which I hate. :tongue_smilie:


I think the only one I'm really looking forward to is The Office. And I'm also looking forward to a summer of Big Brother and lots of nights with no TV.

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what happened on Castle? I missed it....


Do you really really want to know?


How much do you want to know?


Do you want to know enough that you aren't surprised?

Do you want to know the basic plot line but without names?


Basic plot line: The guy in prison who knows about Kate's mom gets into the general population and kills the ex-cop who's there in prison and then at trial (arraignment?) someone busts him out. So they know he's going after someone. Castle theorizes that there are 3 cops, not just 2.


Kate's dad comes to Castle and asks him to get Kate to back off. Montgomery asks Castle to get Kate to back off. Castle finally goes and asks Kate to back off. Of course she doesn't. So that's the first 1/2 hour.


How much more do you want to know? Cause I want to make sure you really want to know before I tell you.

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dd14 and I watched the season finale of The Vampire Diaries last week ~ it was quite good, albeit somewhat predictable. :p (she and I argue over the "predictability" of the show all the time)


There aren't really many shows that I follow on tv - I have dvd sets of the stuff that I like…although I've been watching episodes of Criminal Minds just about every night - they're out of season though, I don't know how many there are of these or when the season finale is.


Oh we did all catch the end of Amazing Race..


Next week is apparently the season finale for Glee - I don't watch it, but dd14's best friend is a "Gleek" and the two of them are planning some kind of thing for watching it with friends.

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Guest jab300

I don't even watch The Office, but the ads for their finale look so good I think I will lol. Tonight is the finale of America's Next Top Model, and next week is The Biggest Loser. Now I have no idea what I will watch anymore lol.

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If you can, you should watch it yourself. It's worth watching without someone spoiling it for you. You can watch it here.

Totally agree!


So, obviously we watched Castle.




Amazing Race (boo, so sad when this ends)

I can't figure out if this week's House was the finale or not. If it was, we watched, and if it wasn't, we will watch. :D We'll watch The Good Wife at some point this week, too.


Now I'm just counting down to the July shows like Breaking Bad, Closer and Rescue Me. :tongue_smilie:

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Just last night. I'll probably try and catch the Mentalist, and Criminal Minds.


If I don't, they'll certainly be on again :lol:


I knew I liked you! :lol: I missed NCIS last night, but watched it online before I went to bed. Watching Criminal Minds tonight, and Mentalist tomorrow!

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Just last night. I'll probably try and catch the Mentalist, and Criminal Minds.


If I don't, they'll certainly be on again :lol:




I watched NCIS last night....will probably watch NCIS LA tonight if I get a chance. Criminal Minds is too scary/creepy for me....


:leaving: (That's me running scared from the room)

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I watched the season finale of Castle last night on hulu. Oh my is right! NCIS LA was good too. I have to admit, NCIS (regular) was not as "cliff hanger". I do want to see Grey's Anatomy but will probably have to wait until first of the week to see it.

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The Castle season finale was awesome. You must watch it. It is available on Hulu.


I loved the Castle sf, NCIS sf, NCIS LA sf and I am staying tuned for American Idol. For the record, this is my FIRST AI season and I am addicted to both country cuties - they should both win and go be a duo team. :D


I am not excited at the trailers for Greys... Nothing else jumps to mind.


NCIS LA left my jaw on the ground. That show makes my head spin. It is on so late compared to when my brain is functioning.


OH! House. My morbid interest keeps bringing me back. I heard his girlfriend did not renew her contract.

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I loved the Castle sf, NCIS sf, NCIS LA sf and I am staying tuned for American Idol. For the record, this is my FIRST AI season and I am addicted to both country cuties - they should both win and go be a duo team. :D


I am not excited at the trailers for Greys... Nothing else jumps to mind.


NCIS LA left my jaw on the ground. That show makes my head spin. It is on so late compared to when my brain is functioning.


OH! House. My morbid interest keeps bringing me back. I heard his girlfriend did not renew her contract.



NCIS LA was AWESOME!! Can't say I haven't suspected though.

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Not only have I not watched any season finales yet- I'm also about 2 weeks behind on all my shows. They are on DVR at my parents house- where we are headed next week! I can't wait to spend a week of evenings vegged out and relaxing.


But I'll be watching: Grey's Anatomy and Private Practive, House, Bones, Criminal Minds, and Chuck. I'll probably eventually catch up on all the CSI franchises this summer while there.

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