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Slumlord landlord wants another...

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inspection , the third time in nine mos. Stating she needs to see what repairs she has made. NOoooooone. She has done absolutely nothing to this house. The inspection is for so she can decide if she wants to renew our lease for one more year.


Need intelligent replies, b/c there is no way on gods green earth its gonna happen. I think she thinks we are druggies or something, maybe b/c we are so quiet and keep to ourselves. My god.

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The lease should specify how often the landlord can come in for inspections and any other terms or situations whereby the landlord can enter the property. I recently went in to inspect our rental to see what work needs to be done and to determine whether or not to renew the lease of the current tenant - all within the terms of the lease.

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I have never heard of that, and I was a landlord for twenty years. I would never think of doing inspections. Huh.


So what if I refuse, then what.


I don't know the law where you are, but back when we rented, our contract stated that the manager had the right to come into the apartment, but had to arrange it with us first -- that is, the management could not just walk in at their own convenience.


Rather than outright refuse to let your landlady into what is legally her property, could you either comply or just quietly make it inconvenient?


I don't know how you could do that, though. Obviously, if you are home, then you are not "not at home." ;) But if you are gone, and she has a key :glare: then what can you do?


I hate to tell you, but I don't think you have a leg to stand on here. HTH.

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Is there a reason you don't want her to inspect the house, beyond it being annoying? I assume that renters have some rights in your area, and your landlord probably can't just decide not to renew your lease without a valid reason.


I'm biased because we've got a "slumlord" landlord who is completely and totally uninterested in doing anything but cashing rent checks. I would love for her to come do an inspection, because we've got several issues that I've left her numerous notes and phone messages about over the last year and a half, and she's done nothing. The only thing I've gotten her to take any action on was telling our neighbors (who also rent from her, and who we share a yard with) to stop letting their pit bull loose in the shared yard, because I finally threatened to call animal control and the police if something wasn't done. But apparently, unless you threaten police action, she won't do anything about anything.


Would she respond well to you asking why she thinks another inspection is necessary?

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I have not read your lease for specifics, but as far as I know, I simply cannot refuse my landlord entrance to my house without breaking the lease. Provided that he gives me 24 hours notice, of course.


One of the first things I do with a potential landlord is feel out how involved they are, and I have always been lucky enough to have landlords that respect my privacy. In the future, at least you know that the issue needs to be addressed in advance. :(

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My first thought would be to write a very polite response stating that you are a list person and could she please give you a list of the repairs she wants to see.


When I am uncomfortable I tend to volley the ball back in their court until I am comfortable.

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I have never heard of that, and I was a landlord for twenty years. I would never think of doing inspections. Huh.


So what if I refuse, then what.

You need to read your lease- generally speaking if your landlord gives you a 24 hour notice, or in the case of an emergency they can enter your house with or without your permission. Most prefer to schedule inspections and such at a time when the tenant will be present but it's not absolutely necessary. The property management company who manages our current rental now does inspections every 6 months. I don't blame them at all, some people are horrible about rental properties and don't respect the rules. Frequent inspections give them the opportunity to see if the tenant is taking care of things or not, see if they have things they are forbidden to have on the property such as pets, a pool, a trampoline, a swingset anything else they specifically forbid in the lease.

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inspection , the third time in nine mos. Stating she needs to see what repairs she has made. NOoooooone. She has done absolutely nothing to this house. The inspection is for so she can decide if she wants to renew our lease for one more year.


Need intelligent replies, b/c there is no way on gods green earth its gonna happen. I think she thinks we are druggies or something, maybe b/c we are so quiet and keep to ourselves. My god.


Maybe she hired a handyman to do the work and needs to be able to prove that he hasn't done it?

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inspection , the third time in nine mos. Stating she needs to see what repairs she has made. NOoooooone. She has done absolutely nothing to this house. The inspection is for so she can decide if she wants to renew our lease for one more year.


Need intelligent replies, b/c there is no way on gods green earth its gonna happen. I think she thinks we are druggies or something, maybe b/c we are so quiet and keep to ourselves. My god.


I would certainly feel I had to allow her into the property, BUT I would have a list ready of things that need to be done if she wants to increase your rent.

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Is there a reason you don't want her to inspect the house, beyond it being annoying? I assume that renters have some rights in your area, and your landlord probably can't just decide not to renew your lease without a valid reason.


I'm biased because we've got a "slumlord" landlord who is completely and totally uninterested in doing anything but cashing rent checks. I would love for her to come do an inspection, because we've got several issues that I've left her numerous notes and phone messages about over the last year and a half, and she's done nothing. The only thing I've gotten her to take any action on was telling our neighbors (who also rent from her, and who we share a yard with) to stop letting their pit bull loose in the shared yard, because I finally threatened to call animal control and the police if something wasn't done. But apparently, unless you threaten police action, she won't do anything about anything.


Would she respond well to you asking why she thinks another inspection is necessary?


She is not going to do repairs, she did not do repairs for us or previous tenants. She outright told us, she needs things done on her house, why would she fix stuff here. We are living w/mold and water heaters that dont work, windows dont close, pipes that leak and she knows. She was just here in November, nothing has changed.

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I wouldn't refuse but when she suggests a time make sure it isn't a good time. :)


Tell her a good time to come by after the lease terms are up! :)


This is what I was thinking. We are out in August, look then.

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Is it possible, to say you can inspect in August, and due to my health conditions, I feel that the added stress of an inspection could put me in the hospital.


I am a clean freak, which means I would have to do extra cleaning for her to come in. Why cant I just take pics and send. Come on am I the only one that thinks this is ridiculous. She doesnt fix anything , matter of fact in Nov. she said she was going to replace the sump pump and she did not. Case in point. She knows what she has to fix, and she is not going to do it. She is just being nosy, how can we prove it.


Should I ask what grounds to you have to inspect since no repairs have been done or will be done til after August.

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Is it possible, to say you can inspect in August, and due to my health conditions, I feel that the added stress of an inspection could put me in the hospital.


I am a clean freak, which means I would have to do extra cleaning for her to come in. Why cant I just take pics and send. Come on am I the only one that thinks this is ridiculous. She doesnt fix anything , matter of fact in Nov. she said she was going to replace the sump pump and she did not. Case in point. She knows what she has to fix, and she is not going to do it. She is just being nosy, how can we prove it.


Should I ask what grounds to you have to inspect since no repairs have been done or will be done til after August.

Legally, if you refuse to allow her to enter your home then she can throw you out. She'd have to give a 30 day notice.

You 'can' tell her whatever you want, but legally you have no leg to stand on. She owns the place and has a right to inspect it. Sorry. If you are living in unsafe conditions don't you have a city/county inspectors office you can go through to force her to fix the problems? Or have you tried that already? If you are already planning to move then don't worry about extra cleaning for her 'inspection'. I wouldn't want to p!ss her off- she could give a bad referral to any other landlords you wish to rent from.


You said you have 'left her notes' and called her about things that need repaired- in the future make sure you are legally covered by submitting maintenance requests in writing, make a copy for yourself and send it certified mail to the landlord in addition to any quick notes or phone calls you make to bring the problem to their attention. Always be very formal about such things and make sure you keep a paper trail going. :grouphug:

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She is not going to do repairs, she did not do repairs for us or previous tenants. She outright told us, she needs things done on her house, why would she fix stuff here. We are living w/mold and water heaters that dont work, windows dont close, pipes that leak and she knows. She was just here in November, nothing has changed.


I believe you can set rent aside in a separate account until she makes the repairs.

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As a renter for the past 8 years :ack2:, in various houses, I have never NOT had a lease that states the owner/manager can come into the house as long as they give 24 hours notice. As a matter of fact, I do not believe you even have to be there for them to come in, as long as they gave 24 hours notice....one of the downfalls of being a renter, :(, I guess.

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That is *insanity*!


I understand the landlords need/want to protect themselves and their property, but some of these guidelines violate the essential renter's right to be paying to have their own space...


I would never, in a million years, agree to such conditions for a rental....


(Not criticizing you, Jean, my dear... but, oh, am I grateful we own our own home! ...maybe buying at exactly the wrong point in the market and getting stranded with a home that isn't such a great budgetary idea given dh's hours have been but isn't so bad after all...)


To the OP: what does your lease say about "inspections"?


...and what is the law in your state?


If you aren't sure about the latter, check with a local tenant's rights organization... some states are as draconian as other posters are describing, but not all.... or else laws have changed a lot since I last checked on the issue.

This is what I think. It amazes me though, b/c prior to us living here there were five college kids, who thrashed the place. It was so gross. We cleaned for two mos. There were beer bottle in the fountain, are you telling me she never inspected w/them.


I am so confused. I thought you need good reason to inspect, like grounds. What if I send a list w/photos and say my health cannot take it.

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Is it possible, to say you can inspect in August, and due to my health conditions, I feel that the added stress of an inspection could put me in the hospital.


I am a clean freak, which means I would have to do extra cleaning for her to come in. Why cant I just take pics and send. Come on am I the only one that thinks this is ridiculous. She doesnt fix anything , matter of fact in Nov. she said she was going to replace the sump pump and she did not. Case in point. She knows what she has to fix, and she is not going to do it. She is just being nosy, how can we prove it.


Should I ask what grounds to you have to inspect since no repairs have been done or will be done til after August.


I don't think it is ridiculous. I rent and I would let my landlord with reasonable notice. If I'm sick or not feeling well, then I would loosen my own standards of clean--dishes done, trash out, vacuum, clean toilet, etc. but not perfect.


Whether or not she has done the repairs you requested doesn't nullify her right to inspect her property. She's not being nosey about your stuff, it's about her property. (if she goes through your drawers, etc. that's not ok, of course!)

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Sounds like you don't plan to renew your lease anyway? Just let her come, and don't worry about the extra cleaning. Don't be home if it will add to your stress level to interact with her. Leave her a list of things you'd like her to repair and see if she does them. Since you're good tenants, maybe she will realize it would be better for her to repair them then to have to search for others.


I don't think landlords care if it's House Beautiful/Martha Stewart/white glove clean, they just want to know you are taking good care of the house. And they have a right to check in every now and then -- the slumlords are the ones who DON'T care whether or not renters are destroying their property.

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I am so confused. I thought you need good reason to inspect, like grounds. What if I send a list w/photos and say my health cannot take it.

Absolutely not, the 'grounds' are that she owns the property and wants to inspect it she does not have to provide ANY other reason. Seriously, if you do not want to deal with any inspections by the actual home owner then maybe you can look into buying your own home. There's nothing unreasonable about the owner wanting to inspect their property. You can't base your relationship with the owner based on the tenants who lived there in the past. The owners rights do not disappear when they do not meet your expectations, KWIM? The condition of the place when you moved in, the maintenance that isn't being done are separate issues from the owner having the right to inspect their property.

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I don't think it is ridiculous. I rent and I would let my landlord with reasonable notice. If I'm sick or not feeling well, then I would loosen my own standards of clean--dishes done, trash out, vacuum, clean toilet, etc. but not perfect.


Whether or not she has done the repairs you requested doesn't nullify her right to inspect her property. She's not being nosey about your stuff, it's about her property. (if she goes through your drawers, etc. that's not ok, of course!)


I don't think Jet means that any inspection at all is ridiculous--just every 3mos when the landlord doesn't seem to care if she finds anything in disrepair or not AND since she *never* checked on the previous tenants. (Although, Jet, maybe the filth you found from them was the result of one really mad party?)


Anyway, I think the point for OP is not that ll doesn't have the *right* to inspect, just that a) it seems awfully often, & b) WHY???


Fwiw, we're renting, too, & our lease says the ll will inspect once a year. When we've rented in the past (apts, seminary), there were no inspections ever. Depending on what you've encountered before, I could see every 3mos seeming strange, esp given the terrible conditions OP described.

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That is *insanity*!


I understand the landlords need/want to protect themselves and their property, but some of these guidelines violate the essential renter's right to be paying to have their own space...


I would never, in a million years, agree to such conditions for a rental....


(Not criticizing you, Jean, my dear... but, oh, am I grateful we own our own home! ...maybe buying at exactly the wrong point in the market and getting stranded with a home that isn't such a great budgetary idea given dh's hours have been but isn't so bad after all...)


To the OP: what does your lease say about "inspections"?


...and what is the law in your state?


If you aren't sure about the latter, check with a local tenant's rights organization... some states are as draconian as other posters are describing, but not all.... or else laws have changed a lot since I last checked on the issue.


Perhaps it is semantics but for us, inspections meant going into the living room to collect the rent. I would ask if there were any problems that we needed to be aware of and we would have small talk about their children, jobs, etc. But - I aware while I was there. I was aware of if there were bad smells, sounds of animals that were not allowed, if there were tools out. This is how I found out that one renter (who was not allowed to have pets) had a Chow that peed all over our carpet (of our rental house). This is how I found out that another renter replaced the carpet in another rental without asking us. The color etc. was ok but they didn't bother to put a pad underneath and we ended up having to do it over again.


Our rentals were nicely maintained places. We wanted people to have safe affordable housing. BUT we never lost sight of the fact that they were an investment for us. We put down the money to buy the houses. We put out money to fix them up to rent (and I can't imagine agreeing to rent a substandard house). We were responsible for repairs (and I can't imagine not pursuing a landlord that didn't fix major problems or at the very least moving out).


Because we inspected our properties regularly we had nice renters who maintained the houses for the most part except for normal wear and tear. They got their deposits back. There were a couple of years when we had to be absentee landlords and no inspections were made. That was the time when we had deadbeat renters (who knew we weren't available for inspections) who used our houses as a bathroom for their pets and did drugs and basically ruined our houses. We had the same background checks etc. but inspections made a huge difference for us.

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I don't think Jet means that any inspection at all is ridiculous--just every 3mos when the landlord doesn't seem to care if she finds anything in disrepair or not AND since she *never* checked on the previous tenants. (Although, Jet, maybe the filth you found from them was the result of one really mad party?)


Anyway, I think the point for OP is not that ll doesn't have the *right* to inspect, just that a) it seems awfully often, & b) WHY???


Fwiw, we're renting, too, & our lease says the ll will inspect once a year. When we've rented in the past (apts, seminary), there were no inspections ever. Depending on what you've encountered before, I could see every 3mos seeming strange, esp given the terrible conditions OP described.


But it isn't so strange since the OP's LL was burned by the previous tenants. The LL shouldn't have to give a reason other than wanting to check on the property depending on the state laws and the lease. I live in a place where they can come in any time they want.


I don't really know much about the OP and didn't realize it was excessive. I'm sorry this is tough on her and the LL is being a pill!

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I wish our landlord had done inspections. Before we moved in, the house had been rented by a family who signed a 3-year lease. They skipped after 3 months because the husband lost his job. Our landlord had changed the downstairs carpet and put in new sod before they moved in. When we moved in the carpet was covered in pee stains, there was no grass in the back and the walls all needed to be repainted. We pointed this all out to the agent and it was supposedly noted. We got most of the smell out of the carpet but it is still very stained, smells like cat pee when it is damps, and the carpet is wearing in places. When my landlord flew in from out of state, she freaked out and thought we had ruined her new carpet, destroyed all her grass, and messed up her walls. Luckily her handy man was present and finally admitted to her that he knew the previous tenants were running a cat/dog rescue out of the house and that 2 of the bedrooms had been converted into cat and dog rooms and the rest of the animals roamed loose in the house. I am still sure she will not give us our deposit back and claim that it was my pets who did the damage.

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Sounds like you don't plan to renew your lease anyway? Just let her come, and don't worry about the extra cleaning. Don't be home if it will add to your stress level to interact with her. Leave her a list of things you'd like her to repair and see if she does them. Since you're good tenants, maybe she will realize it would be better for her to repair them then to have to search for others.


I don't think landlords care if it's House Beautiful/Martha Stewart/white glove clean, they just want to know you are taking good care of the house. And they have a right to check in every now and then -- the slumlords are the ones who DON'T care whether or not renters are destroying their property.

Wow did I get beat up, not by you, but here is the sit. This place was a dump when we moved in, she did not clean , paint anything, she left the country and wrote it off. She told me she would have it cleaned, everything would be painted. but weeks before she said ohhhh the painter backed out, could we paint for 2 mos rent. Well, she had us by the you know what , b/c we were out of state and never saw the place.


It took us 2 mos to clean along w/professional cleaning company, there wree 5 companies that would not touch the place. We had no where else to go. The tenants previous said good luck, she does not fix anyting, I laughed it off b/c I thought they were bitter. No its the truth, we told her day two the hot water needs replaced, and she said no, she has repairs oin her house not gonna happen. We painted the place , 350 hrs. Looks beautiful, she said she looked at the rest of the house, knew about all the repairs and just shook her head and agreed it needed repaired, but not agree to do it. The point is she knows what needs done. She has not done anything to this place since she bought it.


We made this place look better than it has in fifty years. My dh has been doing the yard for the last two wks., thinking she might be nice. I think inspections are good for people that dont take care of things, but she does not take care of this place. Its a shamble. and she gets 1800 a mo. where does that money go. Not to repairs. If she did repairs, I would have no prob, but to not wait til we just move out and give us peace is ridiculous.


I am thinking if she causes a fuss, I am calling in housing authority and have them inspect for mold and close this place down. that will at least save the next tenants./

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I think I mentioned I was a landlord for twenty years we never inspected. We did a pre and post inspection and that was it. Why get in other peoples business, unless they are loud or you think they are shady. To give you cause to inspect. Not if someone is quiet, no parties, kids go to college, its just plain ridiculoius.



and for all you Landlords inspecting, back off. If they are shady , dont take them. For goodness sakes.

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But it isn't so strange since the OP's LL was burned by the previous tenants. The LL shouldn't have to give a reason other than wanting to check on the property depending on the state laws and the lease. I live in a place where they can come in any time they want.


I don't really know much about the OP and didn't realize it was excessive. I'm sorry this is tough on her and the LL is being a pill!


They were five college kids and she just saw the place in November. We do not have parties and throw beer in the fountains. I dont care if you are burned, dont rent to college kids. But, that is all they rent to here, b/c they are slumlords......

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That is *insanity*!


I understand the landlords need/want to protect themselves and their property, but some of these guidelines violate the essential renter's right to be paying to have their own space...


I would never, in a million years, agree to such conditions for a rental....


(Not criticizing you, Jean, my dear... but, oh, am I grateful we own our own home! ...maybe buying at exactly the wrong point in the market and getting stranded with a home that isn't such a great budgetary idea given dh's hours have been but isn't so bad after all...)


To the OP: what does your lease say about "inspections"?


...and what is the law in your state?


If you aren't sure about the latter, check with a local tenant's rights organization... some states are as draconian as other posters are describing, but not all.... or else laws have changed a lot since I last checked on the issue.


:iagree: My husband and I rented out a townhouse for 10 years and would never have dreamed of imposing on our tenants like this unless there was some real problem with the tenant or the property. I rented for years as well and never had the landlord come by except maybe once or twice in all those years. I value my privacy and that would have just been unbearable for me.



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That is *insanity*!


I understand the landlords need/want to protect themselves and their property, but some of these guidelines violate the essential renter's right to be paying to have their own space...


I would never, in a million years, agree to such conditions for a rental....


(Not criticizing you, Jean, my dear... but, oh, am I grateful we own our own home! ...maybe buying at exactly the wrong point in the market and getting stranded with a home that isn't such a great budgetary idea given dh's hours have been but isn't so bad after all...)


To the OP: what does your lease say about "inspections"?


...and what is the law in your state?


If you aren't sure about the latter, check with a local tenant's rights organization... some states are as draconian as other posters are describing, but not all.... or else laws have changed a lot since I last checked on the issue.


I don't think it is insanity since I have heard tons of stories where renters trash their apartments:(.

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I don't think it is insanity since I have heard tons of stories where renters trash their apartments:(.

:iagree: I think it's great that there are some landlords that respect their tenants privacy. I guess after living in rentals or military housing for over 16 years I just expect to have at least a yearly inspection- either for lease renewal or for safety (in military housing they inspect the furnace/AC, change batteries in smoke detectors and test them, make sure the carbon monoxide detectors are working, etc. Sometimes they would notify us that a pest control company would be paying us a visit to spray for bugs. Here we've had an appraiser pay us a visit to take pics of the whole house as the LL was taking out a loan, a chimney inspector, people checking for termites, and I'm sure I'm leaving something out.

If you don't have yearly inspections be grateful, but don't expect such leniency from all landlords.

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:iagree: My husband and I rented out a townhouse for 10 years and would never have dreamed of imposing on our tenants like this unless there was some real problem with the tenant or the property. I rented for years as well and never had the landlord come by except maybe once or twice in all those years. I value my privacy and that would have just been unbearable for me.





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As a landlord I never felt like I was not respecting the privacy of my tenants. I did not poke into closets or their private areas. I not only gave notice, I would ask if we could schedule things at their convenience. I let prospective tenants know that I would be coming by each month (and why) and they had the opportunity to pursue the lease - or not. I would be very suspicious of anyone who did not want me to spend 5 or 10 minutes in their living room a month. I know the laws of my area and follow them strictly to protect myself as well as my tenants.


If either party does not follow the terms of a lease, then the other party does have recourse - to report them to authorities or to break the lease. If you are a renter, then you should be keeping records of calls and communications you've had with your landlord. You should take pictures and or statements (like from the handyman that one person mentioned). I do that as a landlord too so that there is something backing up what I say. A reporting agency is going to want to see those records.

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I don't think it is insanity since I have heard tons of stories where renters trash their apartments:(.


Yes. And think about it from the owner's perspective, newbie. They've already had a home trashed once.


When it comes to a renter having someone look at their home for a little while vs an owner potentially being ruined financially due to a bad renter, I think an owner has far more to lose.


You might be a super renter, but the owner doesn't know you well and doesn't necessarily know that.

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As a landlord I never felt like I was not respecting the privacy of my tenants. I did not poke into closets or their private areas. I not only gave notice, I would ask if we could schedule things at their convenience. I let prospective tenants know that I would be coming by each month (and why) and they had the opportunity to pursue the lease - or not. I would be very suspicious of anyone who did not want me to spend 5 or 10 minutes in their living room a month. I know the laws of my area and follow them strictly to protect myself as well as my tenants.


If either party does not follow the terms of a lease, then the other party does have recourse - to report them to authorities or to break the lease. If you are a renter, then you should be keeping records of calls and communications you've had with your landlord. You should take pictures and or statements (like from the handyman that one person mentioned). I do that as a landlord too so that there is something backing up what I say. A reporting agency is going to want to see those records.

You would have been suspicious of me then, because EVERY MONTH is ridiculous. I like my privacy. I'm a bit OCD when it comes to people coming over and the house. I always insist on 24-48hr notice. We agreed to once every 6mos inspection (2yrs and no inspection). Once a month would lead me to believe that you were OCD as a landlord (or nosy) and would not understand a place not being immaculate. In other words, just the speculations as to why you want to inspect so (unusually) often would give me anxiety. I wouldn't be able to live like that.


Now, I have had three landlords that lived next to me. These were people that I was comfortable with though and even still they respected my privacy and I respected theirs.

Edited by mommaduck
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If you scroll down, the first thread on this issue was posted in August of 2010. The second was posted in October of 2010. You were given similar advice about reporting the issues, though this thread is more thorough in it's advice.


Super cool sleuthing, you are sooo correct on previous issues, that were never addressed. Hence, why care now. I think it is just to neb.

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Privacy is important, but remember that you are paying someone for the temporary use of their property.


I dont think of it as a car rental. I think of it as a home, or yes if I had that attitude, I would trash the place.


Their is no attachment to a rental property, it is an item. You pray for good renters. and if you get them, leave them alone, why would anyone want to rock the boat. Its hard to find good renters . So , since she is rocking, we are leaving.

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You would have been suspicious of me then, because EVERY MONTH is ridiculous. I like my privacy. I'm a bit OCD when it comes to people coming over and the house. I always insist on 24-48hr notice. We agreed to once every 6mos inspection (2yrs and no inspection). Once a month would lead me to believe that you were OCD as a landlord (or nosy) and would not understand a place not being immaculate. In other words, just the speculations as to why you want to inspect so (unusually) often would give me anxiety. I wouldn't be able to live like that.


Now, I have had three landlords that lived next to me. These were people that I was comfortable with though and even still they respected my privacy and I respected theirs.


This is how I feel, on top of immune issues, I have major OCD, and the stress is going to send me over the top. Why not lay it to rest for sixty days. If you tick off the renter, dont you have liklihood of problems.


Is it legal if she does bring people over to say what a horrible landlord she is and she will not fix anything. There is nothing in agmt. that state to keep mouth shut, while people are looking.

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That's exactly the tension L-T law tries to address - how to protect the rights of both parties, the tenant is paying for the *full* use of the property, which should entitle him/her to the privacy any resident would expect in his/her home.... but, as you note, it is temporary and the owner has interests which must also be protected.


You are so on point tonight. Thank you for your support. Now I still need to come up w/educated email that states I will not accept her entrance.

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I dont think of it as a car rental. I think of it as a home, or yes if I had that attitude, I would trash the place.


Their is no attachment to a rental property, it is an item. You pray for good renters. and if you get them, leave them alone, why would anyone want to rock the boat. Its hard to find good renters . So , since she is rocking, we are leaving.


Lots of people rent out homes with sentimental attachment. My parents are considering renting out the home they have lived in for 34 years so they can be closer to my ill grandma. And my family is considering renting out the home that my other grandma left us when she died. A home that we all grew up loving and is full of memories. Sometimes you have to rent a property out that you love as the only way to keep it.


I'm not saying that is your situation, but you said, "Their is no attachment to a rental property". That is simply often untrue. My current rental home was never lived in before I rented it but it was the vacation house for the owner and his kids when they were little. The rental I had before this was built by the owner's own two hands. The one before that was built as a retirement home, but the owners couldn't retire on time. All 3 meant something to the owners. I took care of all of them because they belonged to someone else and it's only right to care for something properly when someone lets you use it. I made sure to treat each as the people who loved it would.


Did you imply that you would trash a car rental? I must have read that wrong.

Edited by Sputterduck
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This is how I feel, on top of immune issues, I have major OCD, and the stress is going to send me over the top. Why not lay it to rest for sixty days. If you tick off the renter, dont you have liklihood of problems.


Is it legal if she does bring people over to say what a horrible landlord she is and she will not fix anything. There is nothing in agmt. that state to keep mouth shut, while people are looking.


Exactly, and I have told one landlord in the past to not send people over before we are moved out (because I won't lie or keep my mouth shut given the circumstances we had with that landlord...I won't go into detail, but it was serious, as in someone could get hurt or die). She sent people over anyway and I showed them the house...including every issue and every comment the landlord had made about it.

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Super cool sleuthing, you are sooo correct on previous issues, that were never addressed. Hence, why care now. I think it is just to neb.


No, no sleuthing, unless you think that posting on a thread on a public message board and then scrolling down and happening to see two other threads with the exact same word in the title is sleuthing. No trying to stick my nose into your business or that of my tenants. You asked for intelligent replies. I tried to give that regarding advice for documentation and finding out what your contract says and advising going to authorities if your landlord is breaking the contract and your rights. I did that because I would hope that would help you, not to hurt you. I explained what I did about why we pick up our rent in person so that you might see another perspective on why someone might do that. We've had our renters for over 3 and 5 years respectively, so they seem to be satisfied.

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