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8 sticks of unsalted butter

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I make granola that calls for a stick of butter, half a cup of honey, some nuts/dried fruits and four cups of old fashioned oats, melted and stirred together and then baked in the oven for 10 minutes at 350.


I'd freeze half of it and make two batches of granola. That would leave me two sticks for incidentals. :)

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Chocolate fudge - not the kind that uses marshmallow cream. The real thing. A quadruple batch.


Peanut butter cookies, using the super-crunchy peanut butter, made with lots of fork marks so they are extra crisp.


French almond cookies, made with extra butter so they would spread out real thin and be extra crisp.


Then I would eat it ALL!

Edited by RoughCollie
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i didn't realize i could freeze them. thanks for the recipes. any more suggestions...anything savory?


Freezing them takes all the fun out of it! :D


Can't you just make my suggestions (I'll even provide the recipes) and then bring all of it over here? :D

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All of the above and some pie crusts for future baking.


I make my crust, form it in the pie dish, then freeze the pie dishes for when I'm ready to make pie.


My pie crusts take a lot of butter. =)




Ok, how do you make your pie crusts? does the butter need to be cold?...it has been softening on the counter for about 20 minutes.

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Make cookies with 2 sticks, keep 2 sticks in the fridge for basic cooking needs, put the other package of 4 in the freezer. I freeze butter all the time because I try to only buy it on a good sale. That used to be $2 per package, but now I'm buying when I find it for $2.50 or less per package--it's gone up a bit.

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If I had eight sticks of butter, I would cook normally for two weeks!


Right now I'd make brownies or cookies (maybe a LOT of cookies, and freeze the extra dough), and plan on mashed potatoes with lots of butter for dinner. Depending on the amount your family eats, you could get a whole stick in the potatoes! It does keep well in the freezer though.


Maybe something like Shepherd's Pie for dinner, with lots of butter in the potatoes? Rolls use up butter, too. And brownies for dessert. If you like fish, most kinds are very good seasoned and baked with a little lemon juice, then served with melted butter over the top.

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I buy butter on sale and freeze it all the time, it thaws just fine. So I don't think you *have* to use it up.


That being said, a yorkshire pudding and a pound cake with buttercream frosting would do nicely :D

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I would freeze most of it too, but for savory dishes to use it up you could make spinach sauteed in butter to go with your buttery mashed potatoes and butter rolls. Oh, and some pork chops or something. :tongue_smilie:

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