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Not liking the search engine change

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I used to be able to search for 'mfw' or 'bju' and just look up those threads, and now I can't anymore. What happened????? :confused: Anyone else notice this? Can we bring this feature back? I love coming to these forums, and I'm missing this great feature that the WTM boards used to offer.



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I am not sure what you mean. I use the search function on the bar above and it works well for me. I regularly put "Peela" into it and search for any posts where people have used my name, so I don't miss them.

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I find it frustrating too. Most people use the abbreviations so searching for TOG will bring up more posts than searching Tapestry of Grace. I've been adding another word to the abbreviation to get the search function to work for me.

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What I don't like is that you can't (or I haven't figured out how) search for multiple words and pull up posts that have BOTH those words. Ford example, if I search Latin Primer I get all the posts that mention Latin AND all the posts that mention Primer, so it's a swamp to wade through.



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What I don't like is that you can't (or I haven't figured out how) search for multiple words and pull up posts that have BOTH those words. Ford example, if I search Latin Primer I get all the posts that mention Latin AND all the posts that mention Primer, so it's a swamp to wade through.




Use the advanced google search to search this site. You can do boolean searches with it. I am typing from my phone, but if you search Boolean under my name you should find specific instructions I have posted before.

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Use the advanced google search to search this site. You can do boolean searches with it. I am typing from my phone, but if you search Boolean under my name you should find specific instructions I have posted before.


Thanks! I have been having a bear of a time looking for Making Math Meaningful and other stuff.

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I don't know what a boolean search is. :)




Boolean search would be using the operators AND, OR, or NOT.




For a more specific answer to what you were looking for:


If you go to google, you can type this into the search bar:

"latin primer" site:welltrainedmind.com/forums

and it will search the forums for the specific phrase "latin primer"


For more options, click on 'advanced search'. Notice down at the bottom where it says 'search within a site or domain' -- that's where you put in welltrainedmind.com/forums to search this site. The other options are more self-explanatory.


I always use the google search instead of the forum search, because not being able to search for phrases annoys me too much.

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It doesn't say so, but I'm betting they changed the search parameters so that we can't use small words. Three letters or less. It's a bummer because so many programs are abbreviated on this board


:iagree: That is why I spell out a program's name now at least once in every post I type.

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When this board first came around, I think it required 5 characters. Maybe they changed it to allow for less, but now put it back? Try 'IEW writing' or 'BJU math' and see if that works.

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Glad to know that I'm not the only one; I couldn't figure what I was doing wrong. I knew that it used to work, but lately had not been. I've been trying to search for AAS. When I type out All About Spelling, far too many threads come up.

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I'm sure it must be acronyms of 3 letters or less that are affected, as I was able to search for 'catw' which is WP's Children Around the World program (a 4-letter abbreviation search) successfully. It looks like we should be writing out Bob Jones or Tapestry or My Father's World now instead, unless we can get the WTM boards to put back our 3-letter abbreviations so we can search out our programs again. Remember when the search engine was down for maintenance not that long ago? That must be when they changed the system on us. It's my best educated guess, anyway. Please bring it back, WTM, so we can look for you (wtm) if we need to! :tongue_smilie:



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Well, I've got an idea. Why don't we just change our 3-letter abbreviations to 4-letter NICE (lol) abbrs. by just adding a 'C' to the end of them, representing 'curriculum'. Thus, MFW would become MFWC. TOG would be TOGC. Then we can search for older posts (at least from this time forth) that way. We would have to have a post-it NEWS FLASH announcement to get the word out, so that everyone would follow the new system. This is IF we are unable to go back to the 3-letter search engine retrieval system. What do you think?



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It doesn't say so, but I'm betting they changed the search parameters so that we can't use small words. Three letters or less. It's a bummer because so many programs are abbreviated on this board


That's what I was thinking. I've tried searching MFW, and I get "no results".

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What I don't like is that you can't (or I haven't figured out how) search for multiple words and pull up posts that have BOTH those words. Ford example, if I search Latin Primer I get all the posts that mention Latin AND all the posts that mention Primer, so it's a swamp to wade through.




This is driving me crazy. And I know that I can use the google search method, but I don't want to have to do that. I also haven't been successful in searching one forum and it always brings up lots of "for sale" posts. If there's a way to do that, I'd appreciate knowing how.


I don't understand why there's been no explanation of why this has happened.

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We're listening...you can now search for three-letter abbreviations again.When the servers crashed it apparently reset the forum search parameters so that a four-letter word was the minimum length for a search.


(Thanks for the fix, Bob, especially since it's a busy week...)


The multiple word function works if you use quotation marks: "Latin Primer."



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The multiple word function works if you use quotation marks: "Latin Primer."



Maybe I don't understand, but when I do a search for "Latin Primer," even when searching for it just in thread titles, I get Latin for Children, Latin Prep, MUS Primer, etc. It seems to bring up anything that has Latin OR Primer in it, not just something that has both.



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Maybe I don't understand, but when I do a search for "Latin Primer," even when searching for it just in thread titles, I get Latin for Children, Latin Prep, MUS Primer, etc. It seems to bring up anything that has Latin OR Primer in it, not just something that has both.





:iagree::iagree: I just posted this above. It's SO frustrating. If I wanted to compare Miquon and Singapore, and type in "Miquon Singapore" it pulls up anything with Miquon OR Singapore, not anything with Miquon AND Singapore. :confused:

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We're listening...you can now search for three-letter abbreviations again.When the servers crashed it apparently reset the forum search parameters so that a four-letter word was the minimum length for a search.


(Thanks for the fix, Bob, especially since it's a busy week...)


The multiple word function works if you use quotation marks: "Latin Primer."




Really? I tried tihs and it didn't work for me. But maybe that's because I was searching for "3rd grade history" and there wasn't a lot with that EXACT wording? I just want to pull up posts that have those three words somewhere in the title. It's not working. It results in titles like "3rd grade reading" and "3rd grade math" and "Spanish for 3rd grade". It seems like it's pulling up posts that contain at least TWO of the words in the search?


It would be great if it would just pull up all posts that had those words in the title (or the message, if that's what you're selecting). It used to do this, I believe?

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Really? How? I always use advanced search, and when I use it now, it still seems to search for only 1 or 2 of the terms, not all. :confused:


Oh, I'm sorry, I misunderstood what you were saying. I thought you were saying that you could no longer search JUST the title or JUST the message body. You can still do that, just not with a boolean search.

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