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I have to ask about the wedding hat thing

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I get that Brits enjoy stylish hats and keep hat makers employed for fancy parties, weddings, etc.


But really. Some of them look so ..... bizarre. Why would Princess Beatrice wear the hat she wore this morning? Does it actually seem pretty to other people? Stylish? Elegant?


I'm such an American!

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I LOVE the hats and think it's sad that American's don't wear them. I wish they would come back into style.

How they keep them on is a bit of a mystery, though I did notice on some of the women they had thin bands that went around the back of their heads.

Princess Beatrix....what to say? That thing (I hesitate to call it a hat) was hideous. Her coat dress was lovely (I really liked the color), but that thing on her head was just awful. It truly defied gravity.

BTW, if you don't know those weird little poofy hat things they wear on the sides of their head are called fascinators. I find them fascinating. :lol:

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I LOVE the hats and think it's sad that American's don't wear them. I wish they would come back into style.

How they keep them on is a bit of a mystery, though I did notice on some of the women they had thin bands that went around the back of their heads.

Princess Beatrix....what to say? That thing (I hesitate to call it a hat) was hideous. Her coat dress was lovely (I really liked the color), but that thing on her head was just awful. It truly defied gravity.

BTW, if you don't know those weird little poofy hat things they wear on the sides of their head are called fascinators. I find them fascinating. :lol:




Princess Beatrix's hat looked like something from a Dr. Seuss book.

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Princess Beatrix's hat looked like something from a Dr. Seuss book.



I kept hoping the camera would pan back to some of the more unusual hats! I thought they were more amusing than stylish!!!!

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I LOVE the hats and think it's sad that American's don't wear them. I wish they would come back into style.

How they keep them on is a bit of a mystery, though I did notice on some of the women they had thin bands that went around the back of their heads.

Princess Beatrix....what to say? That thing (I hesitate to call it a hat) was hideous. Her coat dress was lovely (I really liked the color), but that thing on her head was just awful. It truly defied gravity.

BTW, if you don't know those weird little poofy hat things they wear on the sides of their head are called fascinators. I find them fascinating. :lol:



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The reason I love those hats:


You know the wearer must LOVE it, or she wouldn't wear it. Even if everyone else thinks it's goofy, SHE loves it, so she wears it. :)


It's a bit of wacky freedom in the middle of wound-so-tightly British sensibilities.


That's how I see those hats. Even Beatrice's.

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I must agree that I love the hat look. I wish we would dress up more and I love the suit style as well.


I guess I worked as a Human Resource Clerk for a company and my boss despised pant suits. She had us wear suits which to this day I would love to wear them more. However, I don't want to stand out in a crowd either.


I love the dressed up look! I also like to dress down too! I guess I like all ways.

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I like tasteful hats, I really do. I wish they would make a comeback here and I was gratified to see that no one was wearing a zoo, a habitat, or a hat with it's own climate.


But, I have developed a few new rules: One should not wear a sheer clam shell the size of an ocean turtle gorilla glued to your forehead. I'm sorry. Maybe you have been mistaken, but you do not look chic...you look as though you have a hideous medical condition that needs a world famous neuro surgeon to attend to it!


You hat should not be a color that can only be described as the offspring of a bad breeding experiment with a lime and nasal body fluid. Tsk, tsk, tsk....where were these women's mammas when they got dressed this morning?????



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Oh. my. word! That hat (Princess Beatrice's)...it was...AWFUL! I don't even know how it qualifies as a hat other than that little round piece barely holding it to her head.


And the Queen's hat...well, my daughter and I said it at the same time...it looks like a cake!

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Actually my mom is a self-proclaimed Royal expert and she told me that it stipulated on the invitations that women had their heads covered and men wear their morning wear whatever that means. It may be a church thing, going back to bible times when women had to cover their heads to attend temple service. Anyway my favorite was that big Teletubbie hat!! Anyone know who that was? Notnfor nuthin but since the invitation was written that way, it was very inappropriate and probably rude that the wife of the prime minister didn't bother to wear one. Like a big screw you in my opinion. Just me though.

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I think it would make dressing up very fun to be picking a smashing hat to go with the perfect dress. And I liked the ones on Mrs Middleton and Camilla, and of course the queen. Many of them were just lovely, and some were quite fun and whimsical, which is also fun and ads a festive spirit.


But I just don't get the really outlandish ones that seem to scream, "Look at me."

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A friend of mine posted on her facebook page "Camilla, Chi Chi's wants their sombrero back." I just had to laugh. For those who are unfamiliar, Chi Chi's is a local Mexican restaurant chain in the area.


You still have Chi Chi's? Jealous!


I think it would make dressing up very fun to be picking a smashing hat to go with the perfect dress. And I liked the ones on Mrs Middleton and Camilla, and of course the queen. Many of them were just lovely, and some were quite fun and whimsical, which is also fun and ads a festive spirit.


But I just don't get the really outlandish ones that seem to scream, "Look at me."


I've looked at some of the hats Beatrice has worn before, and there are a number of outlandish ones. This one, though, when coupled with her heavy eyeliner made her look kind of like Dr. Suess on drugs.

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