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Can I see your blog?

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I am wanting to start a blog so that friends and family can see what we are doing in our homeschool. I am not at all tech savvy and would like something that an idiot could set up and run! :lol::lol::lol: I am willing to pay some money if it is worth it to use a certain blog, but don't want to spend a fortune! Thanks for the help!

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No, you may not. It's TOP SECRET. That's why the link is in my signature line. :D


Just kidding. I use Blogger, too, and it's really easy. They've made some updates recently that made it even easier.


AudreyTN made mine pretty for me. She rocks.


ETA: I need idiot-proof too, and I can do Blogger.:)

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My blog is in my signature. I've used Blogger, Typepad, and Wordpress, but I like Squarespace the best. It is a little on the expensive side (the cheapest plan is $12 a month), but the ease of use has been worth it to me. You don't have to give a credit card number to try it; if you sign up, you'' have two weeks of free access to all available features. If you choose not to continue, they'll just delete the site. I just wish they supported threaded comments - it's the only thing I miss.

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Mine is in my sig line. (as if you could miss it!)


I'm about as non-tech as you can get, and blogspot was super easy to set up. And I've since used free backgrounds from different places on the internet. And I've learned to just google what I'm interested in learning how to do.


Now if I could just figure out how to make a button! :001_smile:

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You shouldn't have to pay anything to have a blog. Blogger, Wordpress, etc... all have free versions. I just pay for a domain to have my own name with Wordpress, the blog itself is free.


I just bought my own domain name, but I'm assuming I still have to pay to host it, right? Or can I go through Wordpress and be hosted free while using my own domain?

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I'm on blogger, it's free and super easy to use! You asked a blogger to do her fav thing, show off her blog! :D


come on in, the water's fine! There is a hip homeschool hop on Tuesdays- just google "Hip homeschool Moms" to find it- you put in the url of your blog and then people visit you. Fun.


I have a photo challenge on Saturdays-Monday night, would love to have you join up once you get going. -there is always Wordless Wednesday, a fav:auto:

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I've had mine going for about two months. I've used joomla, which I found was a steep learning curve, but I'm more comfortable with it now. I got a bit frustrated at the start with things not being 'click and go', but now I'm pleased I've learnt a new skill.


I'm enjoying the interaction with other families too that has come out of blogging. Travelling and homeschooling can be a bit isolating, but all of a sudden I have this virtual network of travelling homeschoolers. It was a fantastic bonus that I hadn't expected.


I used the kids real names at first, but then thought about it some more and decided to give them online pseudonoms. As they are huge Narnia fans, and our blog is about our travels and homeschooling (well, I see the travels as part of our homeschooling, but it's our lifestyle, too) we decided to go with that for pseudonoms. Peter and Susan are very pleased with their pseudonoms. They have discussed if we had more children what their pseudonoms should be. So far suggesions are Jill, Eustice, Jadis, or Aslan. I'm thinking Jadis is not an option :)

Edited by GypsieFamily
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I use blogger as well. You don't have to be tech saavy at all. I am not. I do know other people who use blogger who also use other websites to make their blogs look really cute. I haven't really gotten the time to do that.


My blog link is in my sig.

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I started with Wordpress, but you couldn't access the html with the free Wordpress blog (this was a few years ago, I don't know about now) and I wanted to play with html. I moved to Blogger/Blogspot, and have been there ever since. I did start my blog over; I'm sure you could import it some way, but it's probably more work than it's worth.


All that to say, I definitely recommend Blogger! They changed things recently that make it even easier to use.


Link to my blog is in my siggy. Have fun, it's addicting! :)

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Definitely use blogger. I started out using Wordpress and it was way more confusing--just harder to set up the look you want and add the gadgets (like lists and links on the side) that you want. I hated blogging when I was on Wordpress, but now that I'm using blogger, I'm loving it and I do it WAY more faithfully.


ETA: For anyone else not loving Wordpress, it's pretty easy to import a Wordpress blog into blogger. Just google it and you'll find a site that converts it into the right format and has step by step instructions. It takes about a minute.

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