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One of our dogs was hit by a car and killed this evening

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My prayers are with your family and especially your dc. The same happened to us last November, the day before Thanksgiving. I know how tough it can be, but do take heart in knowing that time will help heal the hearts of your dc. We are still sad today and miss Pepper, but we are no longer heartbroken. Pleasant memories of our time with him are what we share most now.



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I'm praying. I was about that age when my beloved dog got hit by a car. I still remember my deep grief...my first experience with death of a loved one. I also remember that my parents didn't really understand or help me in my grief. Maybe they thought I was too young or that it was just a dog.


I'll also be praying for you to have wisdom to help them through their grief.

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I death of dog is a huge lost to the family. It's been a week for us since our Daisy died and I know the sadness that accompanies this.


Each of my children reacted and grieved over this loss in a different way. One of my son's major reaction didn't happen until a full day later at which point he broke down, weeping and then went outside to construct the grave marker cross. My daughter wrote a poem and my other son held on to a lock of her hair that he had collected.


I'm very sorry for you and your family.

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Thank you, everyone, for the thoughts and prayers. Dc are doing a little better today. Ds fell asleep in our bed last night w/ his stuffed dog, and dh had to stay w/ the dd's until they fell asleep. Sometimes I hate being a parent- I can't protect them from the painful stuff- ya know. I appreciate all the kind words, thank you.

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I'm so sorry this happened to your family. My kiddos were very young when our dog was hit by a car, but they still talk about it to this day. At the time, we got some wonderful books to help us deal with it. It helped get us talking about our feelings afterwards. And we have many pictures to honor his memory.


My condolences to all of you.......

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