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Pregnant Role Call


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Okay, who is expecting, when, what gender, and what number baby?


I'll start. I am due anytime after 16 June with my fifth and last baby, a GIRL!

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Due w/ #7, a boy, ummm...well...your guess is as good as mine! :D But, then again, you all know that already! Really...any day now. That'll make 2 girls and 5 boys and we are really hoping to even that out...so there is that possibility we'll have more! :D Dh has agreed to carry that one. :lol:

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Pregnant with my 4th. About 7 weeks along, so due late Dec. (early January more likely with my track record). Sort of hoping it's a boy, my children have been wanting to be the "Penvensie" children for years now but we've been short Edmund. ;) And ds wants someone to teach the finer skills of Lego-building to.



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I'm due June 18 with #9. We don't know if it's a boy or a girl. We are kinda hoping for a boy, since we only have one so far...he could use a brother, but my 5yog insists it MUST be a girl! If we do have a girl, it will put our boy right in the middle with 4 older sisters and 4 younger!


Susan in TX

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I'm pregnant with our fifth. No clue on gender, but if I were a betting woman, I'd guess girl. :)


My dh really would love a son, though.


I am surprised at how many moms of many there are on this list. It's nice to see. :)


Edited to add, I'm due in October, but it could be November, based on my history. My brain has already flown the coop.

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#7- unknown gender. Due in October. I am 15 weeks and still puking. Ugh!We have 1 boy and 5 girls. DS said if it is a girl, he's moving to the woods.


Tell dh he doesn't have to move. I'll trade you if it is a girl! Then your dh won't have to move and I won't have to go completely insane! :D

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I'm preggo with #5, due July 1. We have 3 boys and 1 girl and this one is a girl (although sometimes I'm still in disbelief!). I was sick for a long time, and even when "all-day sickness" left, I still felt(feel) lousy 99% of the time. This one is likely our last - but still thinking about how best to accomplish that :)

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Sort of hoping it's a boy, my children have been wanting to be the "Penvensie" children for years now but we've been short Edmund. ;)



I guess I might as well come out of the shadows... we're expecting #5 around December 4th. That just happens to be a few days after Princess Honey Baked's first birthday. :blink: So this year will be a replay of last year. "Second verse, same as the first, little bit louder and a little bit worse!" :lol:


Jami, it's so funny you mention the Pevensies. That was one of the first things out of the kids' mouths when we told them tonight. TBOM said, "I hope it's a boy! We get lots of sleepovers again -- we should talk to Grandma..."


We'll be telling the grandparents this weekend over Mother's Day dinners. I can hardly wait to see the looks on their faces... NOT! :tongue_smilie: I can hardly wait for all the rude comments, too. :glare: I'll fill y'all in on any drama that arises.


If anyone has any cute girls' names that mean "Grand Finale", just send 'em over. We really are hoping for a boy though, and the boy name is covered.

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FOS I hear ya on telling family and awaiting the comments. Our family honestly *is* rather 'supportive' .. just ... well, there's hub's aunt who just has this fabulous way of grating on my nerves! She can be a bit snarky. Says stupid stuff..repeatedly. Just annoying. And doesn't 'get' it. She seems to know just how to annoy me, ya know? Yeah, one of *those* kind of folk.


Well...we've not told anyone. We just happened to move 8 hours away before finding out and we don't generally talk on the phone. Hub's called his mom for the holidays, that's it. But, we've not told any family, mine or his. "It just never came up" ?? haha


My 'due date' is Sunday, Mother's Day. Yeaaaaaah we've made it a ways w/o telling LOL I think it's hilarious!!


This child has put a kink in our plans though. Y'all followed Sue's 'scheduling a birth saga' with her hubs being out of town on business..well...I was right there with her. My hubs has had to put off a couple jobs yet again this weekend because this little critter hadn't yet made his/her appearance. And we *were* going to go up to see fam for Mother's Day ... new babe in tow. Yeah. Well, THAT's not gonna happen now is it? *sigh*




#6 (& 7 for all I know..with the size of this belly!! :giggle: )

Unknown gender (but I'd say boy #5)

"Due" 5/11 (but I am ever so ready NOW!)

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#4 for us, baby girl, Natalie Ryan

due officially June 8, ob moved to May 25th,

midwife says any day - been contracting ten minutes apart three out of the last 6 days but nothing regular enough to do anything about


No impatience here, I'm totally blissful being pregnant. Why wouldn't I be? I'm huge, can't sleep, leg cramps and major swellilng of my ankles (the kids laugh their heads off), nausea (still! on Zofran), moody, and exhausted.




Pregnancy is NO fun for me but boy oh boy are we all excited about having a sweet baby blessing.

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We are expecting #5 on June 29th. It is a girl and will probably be our last baby. My two year old slept in the crib for the last time yesterday. Today his new bed is being delivered. Now I get to paint the baby's room and get everything ready. I am getting very excited. :)

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Expecting --- does fostering count?


We're on notice to possibily receive another infant this summer. :001_huh: This would be baby #6 for us.


Although we've maxed out our liscense this baby is a sibling to the other two we're fostering/adopting. So DCFS would make an exception.


A boy would even out the odds. But last baby was a little girl. I guess I don't really care this time through (a first) which we'll get.


Best guess on arrival -- end of July. Last time they were 2 months off on the due date. So nobody knows.

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FOS I hear ya on telling family and awaiting the comments. Our family honestly *is* rather 'supportive' .. just ... well, there's hub's aunt who just has this fabulous way of grating on my nerves! She can be a bit snarky. Says stupid stuff..repeatedly. Just annoying. And doesn't 'get' it. She seems to know just how to annoy me, ya know? Yeah, one of *those* kind of folk.


Well...we've not told anyone. We just happened to move 8 hours away before finding out and we don't generally talk on the phone. Hub's called his mom for the holidays, that's it. But, we've not told any family, mine or his. "It just never came up" ?? haha


My 'due date' is Sunday, Mother's Day. Yeaaaaaah we've made it a ways w/o telling LOL I think it's hilarious!!


This child has put a kink in our plans though. Y'all followed Sue's 'scheduling a birth saga' with her hubs being out of town on business..well...I was right there with her. My hubs has had to put off a couple jobs yet again this weekend because this little critter hadn't yet made his/her appearance. And we *were* going to go up to see fam for Mother's Day ... new babe in tow. Yeah. Well, THAT's not gonna happen now is it? *sigh*




#6 (& 7 for all I know..with the size of this belly!! :giggle: )

Unknown gender (but I'd say boy #5)

"Due" 5/11 (but I am ever so ready NOW!)


I hope you have a Mother's Day baby! I had ds6 on Mother's Day and his was the quickest and easiest of my deliveries! Awesome day! I'm jealous your dh actually put those jobs off instead of going. My dh wouldn't even think of it. :glare: Sorry your plans to see family won't happen...that is disappointing.


Oh, and as to the size of your belly...I've got you beat! Trust me! :D

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I am pregnant with number 3 and I am due right around Thanksgving but I will probably deliver a couple of weeks early.


My DH had a reversal a year and a half ago and we have been trying ever since. I just can't tell you how excited we were when we saw the postive test :hurray::party::cheers2::thumbup:


We have two boys who are hoping for a girl. Their words "mom we've already got boys lets have something different"


I am thrilled with either (more comfortable with a boy ;) ).


I'm hoping this won't be our last and dh is taking it one at at time.


Edit: Sorry I was trying to post this under OP but I can't figure out how to do that.

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I'm 13 weeks along w/ wolfcub #6, gender unknown...we have 2 girls, then 3 boys. I'd like another girl, but logistically, a boy would be easier! My due date is November 11th, but that just means the baby will arrive before December. I haven't told anyone in my family either...maybe around 20 weeks or so, after I go to the midwife...


Congrats, Kerri! I'm so happy for you & your family! :hurray: I'm starting FIAR w/ my 5yo this fall...and this time I'm really going to do it, because I'll be in a little co-op!

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I thought I was the only one who got a thrill out of not telling family about pregnancy.


Especially when the response I got with #2 was "Oh... now you'll never finish college."


With #3 it has been "Well if you have any more, that's way too many, you can't visit here, I'll have to visit you at your home instead." or "How about you only bring out a few at a time, when your family gets bigger?"

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Wow, you have more restraint than I do! Although it was funny showing up at the beginning of Little League season with Princess Honey Baked in tow, and having people say, "I didn't know you were pregnant!" Heh, I hide it well... :-)


I can hear your fam now: "Why aren't you coming up for Mother's Day?" (pause to hear your answer) "WHAT?!!!" (LOUD THUD) LOL.


Hang in there. The waiting at the end is the worst, isn't it?

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Baby #8 is on her way!!

This will be our 6th girl with 2 boys sandwiched in the middle!

I'm happy with the idea of another girl, but we have more room for a boy. The girls are pinched in their little bedroom!

We might have to move!


I'm due the end of August and time is flying fast to the end!


It's wonderful to see so many large families!!

Congratulations to everyone!

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I'm pregnant with number 4. It's the last pregnancy for me, but not our last child.


It took six months to get pregnant with number 3 (although that is well within normal range of course) but just 2 months to get pregnant with this one. I credit the difference to drinking loads of red clover chai (I can provide a recipe if you want to pm me) and eating lots of yams. (Not sweet potatoes, actual yams.) I was trying to get pregnant with twins because I had some dreams of twins but there is most likely just one in there (we've had an ultrasound, but it was not the 20 week one, early on). But, get this, my sister is pregnant and due at the same time! So, could be that's what the dreams were about. Who knows?


Due mid June according to midwife and myself. Summer solstice according to the dr.

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I'm 13 weeks along w/ wolfcub #6, gender unknown...we have 2 girls, then 3 boys. I'd like another girl, but logistically, a boy would be easier! My due date is November 11th, but that just means the baby will arrive before December. I haven't told anyone in my family either...maybe around 20 weeks or so, after I go to the midwife...




Congratulations! I hadn't heard the news! Another little cub - you'll have to change your name. How 'bout 'den of wolves'? :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay, who is expecting, when, what gender, and what number baby?


I'll start. I am due anytime after 16 June with my fifth and last baby, a GIRL!


We're choosing to be surprised this time around. We have boy, boy, boy, girl. The kids are split on what they want. Oldest (14) doesn't care, #2 (almost 11) wants a girl, #3 (8) wants a boy, but 11yo tells him that younger brothers are over-rated :lol:, and dd (6) wants a sister.


I'm only 17 weeks, and I would really like to be surprised, but all the baby dreams I've had the past several weeks feature baby boys. I'm trying not to get stuck thinking of it as a boy, but I'm having a hard time.

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#7- unknown gender. Due in October. I am 15 weeks and still puking. Ugh!We have 1 boy and 5 girls. DS said if it is a girl, he's moving to the woods.


LOL, Marie I didn't know we had so much in common. I'm due in late September with #7...I'm 22 weeks. We also have 5 girls and a boy. Our boy is on the end, so another boy would be neat. Secretly though, I'm selfishly hoping for a girl. I'm a better girl mom than boy mom.



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Just found out about our newest addition. Truly a surprise. Truly God's timing.


My "due date" is somewhere between Jan 5th and Jan 22nd... I'll know more in a few weeks.


It's my 6th pregnancy, God willing, my 5th here on earth. (My dd gets upset when I "don't include" our little boy in heaven...)


Currently, we have 2 boys and 2 girls with us. I hope to find out g/b in July :D

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I'm due in about 8 months time. Pregnancy test confirmed suspicions the other day. :) We have a gorgeous girl, so are strongly hoping for a boy because DH won't let me have a third. One superstition says we are having a boy, the chinese birth calender says a girl. So tricky isn't it? Which superstition is the "right" one?!



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