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Do you do EVERY subject EVERY day?

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DD will be in second grade and I NEED some sort of organized schedule for next year. What we are doing is just not working. It feels chaotic and like we're just doing whatever whenever and hoping we get it all finished.


That being said, do you do every subject every day? Or just the 3 R's daily? I'm thinking that we don't need to do things like science and history daily.


What do you guys do?

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Every day:






writing (through history and science)



Not every day:


literature---I schedule a few books to correlate with our history studies each week but I don't schedule X chapters for day. Sometimes dd will finish the books before Friday.

vocab---a unit takes 3 days for dd to complete. She chooses which days to work on the unit.

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For second grade, the only two things we did absolutely every day were math and devotions. We read aloud every day, too, but that isn't school...:001_smile:

History was a little more often than I'd do now, because we used it for so much--writing, reading, etc. Science was hit or miss--lots of unschool-y things there. Prima Latina was good every day for a while, but some days we got off track. Art was when we wanted.

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I hear you on the chaotic front. I've recently rearranged and there are a few subjects we do daily, but most aren't.


Bible (3x/wk)

Math (5x/wk)

Handwriting (3X/wk)

Science (2x/wk)


WWE (4x/week)

Geography (2x/week)

History (2x/week)

typing (4x/week)

music (5x/weeek)

phonics (5x/week)


I have a daily schedule that I tick off the boxes for the day, made up in Excel. It helps me, and if I miss something because of life just happening, then we do a little over the weekend.

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DD will be in second grade and I NEED some sort of organized schedule for next year. What we are doing is just not working. It feels chaotic and like we're just doing whatever whenever and hoping we get it all finished.


That being said, do you do every subject every day? Or just the 3 R's daily? I'm thinking that we don't need to do things like science and history daily.


What do you guys do?


For me, the key is scheduling. We may not do every subject, every day, but I do schedule it in anyway. That doesn't make much sense does it?


For example some weeks a vocab or spelling unit will only take 3 days. I keep the slot in the schedule for it and it just ends up being a little free time that day.


I prefer to do smaller history/science assignments and do them every day, for now.


I should say we only follow our schedule 4 days per week. Wed. the kids have band/choir/color guard and generally they only have to do math and some reading from a novel on that day. The 7th/8th graders also do science.


I have toyed with the idea of doing science 2x per week and history 2x per week but then I would reserve a slot in my schedule for science/history. So even if we alternated the subjects, the scheduled time slot would be consistent and that is what keeps us feeling like we've got a nice routine down.


I don't know if that made any sense at all.

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I follow the WTM recommendations for scheduling. For 2nd grade it was:


Spelling daily (15m)

Writing daily (10-20m)

Memory work daily (10m)

Grammar daily (20m)

Reading daily (30-60m)

Math daily (40-60m)


History 3 hrs/wk

Science 2 days/wk (1 hr each day)

Art 1 hr/wk

Music 1 hr/wk


Religion is also recommended daily as part of family time or as part of studying world religions with history. (10-15m)



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my boys are in second right now and we do:


math (math u see)

spelling (spelling workout)


Reading Aloud (I do a lot of this)

My non-so-good reader reads aloud his I See Sam books

Piano (okay, not every day, but I try)


Every other day:


First Language Lessons

Writing with Ease


Story of the World


Once a week: Draw Write Now workbook


I wanted to do it all -- every day -- but that's just too much for seven year olds.



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This has varied over the years depending on curriculum and other demands on the family.


Math- everyday, but some days just 10 minutes and others longer.

History-everyday or at least 4 times a week, there's just no other way to keep up unless you have a marathon history day and DS didn't tolerate that well.

Science-once a week in elementary. There's just not much to learn and it's easy to combine a 30 minute lesson with an experiment and be done.

Grammar-everyday, even if some days are just 10 minutes, consistent practice cements the knowledge, as with math.

Reading-everyday, as an adult you read every single day

Writing-a few times a week. This is overwhelming to a younger child, especially if they don't enjoy writing yet.

Foreign Lang-if applicable, needs to be practiced daily for the best comprehension

Other classes are probably fine 1-3 times per week as necessary to get through the curriculum and expose child to subject.


Hope that helps.

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I tried to do every subject every day, but had to give up. We were so stressed and unhappy. We had no time to do the fun projects or even to talk about what they were studying. I read a few blogs where they did all of the history on one day or all of he science on another and started doing that. It felt kind of dangerous but so, so freeing.


Now we do the "Big Three" first thing, every day: math, Latin and Practice

Island. I have day that we read all of the MCT readings, another for history and another for science. Reading is always done in the afternoon during quiet time. Life is much calmer and peaceful now.

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That being said, do you do every subject every day? Or just the 3 R's daily? I'm thinking that we don't need to do things like science and history daily.


We do history on M, W, F and we do science on T, Th.


We also do spelling on M, W, F and grammar on T, Th.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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Current 2nd grade here.


Daily (ie. 4-6 days a week):

Reading (both me reading aloud and him practicing with me - sometimes a formal lesson from Hooked on Phonics, sometimes just reading a book together, sometimes both)

Math (1-2 pages of Math Mammoth, plus a basic facts practice sheet or at least 10 minutes of an online math game - about 20-30 minutes total)

Copywork (usually about 10 minutes)

Playing/working outside (as weather allows)


I also try to go over things I want them to memorize and about 5 current-ish songs from Song School Latin daily.


I would like to add in daily recorder practice and an independent reading time, but we haven't established those as a habit yet. I'm also trying to establish a once a week letter-writing day (partially because *I* need to keep in better touch with people!).


Science and history are 1-2 times a week (disregarding supplemental readings, which may make it happen every day, or may not happen at all, depending on the subject). We do a Song School Latin lesson (as opposed to just listening to a few songs or using the words in conversation) once or twice a week. We try to do at least one Cub Scout belt loop/pin activity weekly (often it ends up being more). We focus on Geography for a few days a month when he gets his Top Secret, as well as whatever is included along with history. Art tends to go in spurts, as well, but he's generally doing a few projects of some sort or another a month.


Next year (when he's reading better) we'll be adding in grammar and more independent reading and writing.

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DD will be in second grade and I NEED some sort of organized schedule for next year. What we are doing is just not working. It feels chaotic and like we're just doing whatever whenever and hoping we get it all finished.


That being said, do you do every subject every day? Or just the 3 R's daily? I'm thinking that we don't need to do things like science and history daily.


What do you guys do?


Thinking back to 2nd grade and no, we didn't do everything every day.


With my older boys (8th and 5th grade) they have everything daily except electives, which rotate. And we try and have Friday as a day off or a light day.


With my K'er he has science 3x/wk, history 2x/wk and math/learning to read daily.


Can you start by trying to rotate science and history? That might be one way to cut things back yet still cover everything.

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Reading and math are done 5 days per week. Spelling, grammar, handwriting, composition, history, science, and most other subjects are done less than 5 times per week - usually 2,3, or 4 times depending on the subject matter.


A typical 2nd grade schedule might looks something like this:


Math: M-F

Reading: (reading instruction/independent reading/read alouds) M-F

Language Arts:

Grammar: M/W/F

Spelling: M/T/Th

Handwriting: T/Th

Copywork/dictation: T/F

History: M/W/F

Science: T/Th

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I have toyed with the idea of doing science 2x per week and history 2x per week but then I would reserve a slot in my schedule for science/history. So even if we alternated the subjects, the scheduled time slot would be consistent and that is what keeps us feeling like we've got a nice routine down.



i'm planning for 1st and k next year and i think i'll need to be a little more organized as well. i like the idea of "slots" mentioned above.


daily (this is for my 1st grader)


"early morning" three r's

assigned reading(tied into lit/science/history) 20-30 min

math 10-15 min

writing (wwe1 or extra cw) 10 min

spelling (aas) or grammar (fll1) 10 min (i'd make sure the writing didn't pile up...so if it was just a narration day for wwe1, i'd do spelling (which involves some writing) on the days where wwe1 involved actual writing i'd pair if with fll(no writing).


break for indoor/outdoor play


most days (2 mornings we go to an OT appointment and one morning is coop)

science or history 30 min

music 20-30 min (some days would have lessons, others just exposure)

spanish 20-30 min (i'd alternate actual teaching with review days)


ideally all of of that would be done before lunch then during quiet time they'd listen to audio books and have free reading


after quiet time would be outdoor/indoor play time.


for bedtime stories (or even pre naptime stories) we'd cover literature 20-30 min


i'd also like to incorporate bible and poetry in at meals (10 min bible at lunch, 5 min poetry at breakfast)


we'll see how it actually plays out:tongue_smilie:


i'm appreciating this thread as well.

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I would pick 2 core subjects to do every single day and then rotate the rest 2-3x/week as needed. Once you're well established in that, then add a third 'every day' subject. For me, that would be math and language arts (reading/writing) and then I'd do the others 2x/week (history, science, bible, art, etc...). Sometimes you can combine subjects together as well depending on the topic.

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Ohh man, heck no. Ok, math, history, copywork and Latin get done every day. But Latin for the day may be a a quick vocab run through, same with French. Copywork for the littles is a sentence, Math is Singapore and they get done fairly quick, so TOPS two hours. The rest is filled in with weekly Rex Barks, science, Nature Study, and whatever I want to throw in there. :D


The 11 yo is say, 3 hours for all of that, because he's in a higher grade.

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My 7yo son is doing 1st/2nd grade work. We do math every day, language arts (grammar, narration & writing (dictation/copywork), cursive, spelling) every day, Bible and history every day, and science once or twice a week. Art is hit or miss, and he goes through latin/greek roots when we remember.

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We are just finishing 2nd grade.


We've been doing:


math, 4x

Writing With Ease, 4x

First Language Lessons, 2-3x

spelling, 2-3x (we usually do two days' worth on one day)

McGuffey Reader 2 (daughter reads aloud to me), 3x

history, 2x

science, 2x

biblical Hebrew grammar, 5x

reading/translating torah, 5x

other religious Jewish instruction, 5x

Jewish history, 1x

music, 3x (plus learning Jewish holiday songs, etc.)

art (formal project), 1-2x


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memorization & poetry




Once a Week




History is done all week simply because we use a curriculum where history is the main part of the unit study. :) Most of our daily stuff only takes an hour, two at most all added up, including reading aloud..

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This is our (theoretical--sometimes it really does get done this way!!) schedule:




Reading (literature)


Memory work

Writing (copywork/narration)


Alternate daily






Lessons are usually short--15-20 minutes, max (except for math, which is usually at least 30 minutes). We don't stick to a M-F schedule; we just do whichever subject is next on the rotation.

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No. Some things are more likely to be found on our daily schedule like math, but every single day is different. Here is an example of our schedule. I love the flexibility, but my boys like knowing what comes next. So each morning I have that day's schedule written out. I just pick the subjects we are going to do the next day the night before and I keep track of the hours we spend on each subject.

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We basically work on a four day cycle here.


Four days per week we do:




Science...with two days being supplemental readings/videos



2 days per week we do:

History...with one looong session



PE class..out of home


1 day per week we do geography


Once we are finished with grammar for this year we will use soaring with spelling 4x/week. We will also add music and foreign language this summer when PE class is over.

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