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Please, please, please pray for my friend Audora

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ETA!!!!!!! 4/14: Her sister just called me! They're meeting with doctors today to discuss moving her OUT of the hospital and into a rehab facility!!!!!!! Can you believe this???? Just five days ago doctors said she needed a miracle!!!! She got it!!! I'm still in disbelief!


They are sure that the clots are breaking up enough that she'll be okay. She's still having some mini-seizures, but they think those will stop when the clots keep breaking up. (That could take months)


Yesterday in speech therapy, she said a sentence. Her daughter said, "MOM! You said a sentence!" Audora looked at her and said, "No. I said a phrase!!!" Her sense of humor is still there!!!! The sat up by herself for 5 minutes AND she took a few steps!!!!


She's still absolutely exhausted, which may be because of the seizures they said. The OB has said that the baby still looks great and he expect a healthy baby!


Her husband has asked my husband and me (and her sister) to take over the overnight vigil. He promised her he wouldn't leave her alone. So, I may be on here a lot as I stay with her!!





She was my best friend in high school and we're still friends. She is now really good friends with my mom.


She had what they thought was a sinus infection all week last week. Then, early this morning, she had a massive stroke. They now think that she was having mini-strokes all week. Anyway, she's in critical condition and has not regained consciousness. They are life-flighting her to a hospital near me and I hope to visit her, if they'll let me.


My friend is 40 and has three young children - 18, 10, and 7. I am just devastated. Please tell me she can still be alright? And, please pray!!!



ETA::The news keeps getting worse and worse. I can't go into all of it right now (I'm just too exhausted to type it all out), but things just don't look good.


AND, she had slurred speech on Friday and she went to the doctor. He told her that it was a sinus infection and didn't send her for any further tests.


ETA:: 10:02 SHE'S RESPONDING!!!!!!!! My husband just called so I could talk with her husband. She's opening her eyes, lifting eyebrows, and smiling!!!!!!!!! Seriously - we were told she needed a miracle and it sounds like we might have one!!!!! I'm crying tears of joy right now!!!!!!


ETA: 10:08 after speaking with my husband who visited her: And, there's more!!! She's moving ALL her limbs. ALL of them!!!!! She tells them when she's thirsty.


She squeezed my husband's hand when he anointed her. She knows what's going on!!!!


My heart is SOOOOO happy now!!!!!!



ETA : 8:17 am Her brother just wrote that he talked to her on the phone and she said, "I love you!" Can you believe it????? She may actually come out of this. What they found is that she has multiple blood clots in her neck and brain. Please pray that they resolve without brain surgery.


ET: 4/11 4 pm Just back from my visit with her. She is AMAZING!!! When I got there, the nurse asked her to open her eyes and if she knew who I was. She said very clearly, "Jennifer!" Her husband was SO happy!!! He said that was the clearest she's spoken since all this happened. She's in there. She would wrinkle her nose when we told jokes and smile. She had a movement where she was asking for water. She used her eyebrows to say, "Yes." She could mouth no. She could mover her feet when asked and she squeezed my hand on command too. She still has in impressive number of blood clots in her brain and in her neck. So, we're praying that those break up soon. The doctor said that there was a small amount of damage to the part of her brain that controls movement. They don't know the extent just yet.


Is it selfish of me to say that this was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do??!! Her husband asked me to stay with her while he checked into the hotel in the hospital and got some sleep. This is NOT my forte. At. ALL!!! I'm SO scared of hospitals and things medical. I was afraid to give her water because I was afraid to choke her!!!


Anyway, I'm really glad I went. Her husband and daughter were touched and got some sleep. And, I got to hear her say my name!!!!!


Her husband set up a website that you can follow if you'd like. http://www.carepages.com She's under prayersforaudora. Most of it is good news!!!! I'm waiting for my mom to call me as she's been there all day with them today. Her sister comes in tonight and will stay with us.

Edited by Jennifer in MI
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I'm praying for Audora, for her family, and for you and your mom too. :grouphug:


Make sure her family knows that you want to visit her, and they should be able to give you permission to visit.


With God all things are possible. :grouphug:

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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Oh my! Does she have family with her? Are they from out of town? They would need support if so. Grab your dh's collar ;) and they'll let you in. Really if you know her family they would be glad for you to stop by today. In these cases she might get better but if she doesn't you don't want to miss your chance. Lots of prayers and :grouphug:

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Oh my! Does she have family with her? Are they from out of town? They would need support if so. Grab your dh's collar ;) and they'll let you in. Really if you know her family they would be glad for you to stop by today. In these cases she might get better but if she doesn't you don't want to miss your chance. Lots of prayers and :grouphug:


Yes. Her family is with her. Her mom is waiting at the new hospital. Her dh and oldest daughter are going home to pack and change clothes and all. They'll drive to the other hospital. My dad is going to stop by and give them a hug (they're from my hometown). Her other kids are being cared for by her MIL.


You made me laugh with the collar comment. I was actually going to go with him and he'll be in a collar. SHould work.


Good point about missing my chance to see her. My mind hadn't gone there yet.

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I just talked with her mom. She's not at Uof M yet - but they were expecting her any minute. SHe'll be in the ICU and they request that only family members come. But, her mom asked me to come. Should I just go anyway?




I would.

You may not be able to go into the ICU, but your presence (especially since it's requested) will be nice for her family. You also may be able to run errands for them (bring food or a drink or pick up something that's needed).



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I just talked with her mom. She's not at Uof M yet - but they were expecting her any minute. SHe'll be in the ICU and they request that only family members come. But, her mom asked me to come. Should I just go anyway?


Her mom needs you that's why she asked you to come. You are a double package of comfort - the priest and the childhood friend. If she looses her daughter you are the girl that remembers her the way her mom does. I would go.

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My first cousin went through something like this 3 years ago. She had a massive stroke at 50, they lost her three times on the sugery table. She must have had an aneurysm, because they had to cut through her skull to remove pressure.


It has taken her 3 years to get back to her old self, but she is now. She gets stronger and stronger each day and her short term memory is also returning. She is a bit weak on one side of her body, but you can hardly tell any difference in her. Miracles do happen!


By far, the most interesting thing she has told us, was that she remembers everything about the surgery and being on the operating table. She said it was as if she was floating above the room in the corner and heard everything the doctors were saying. She told them later some of the things they had said and they confirmed that she had heard them, even though she had been in a coma.


She also said she wasn't alone. Two years before, she had lost her oldest son (25yo) in a car accident. She said he was there with her every moment until about two weeks later and there was certainty that she was going to make it. He told her he loved her, but that he was doing just fine where he was. He told her that his "little" sister (15yo) needed her more. She started making incredible progress after that.


I will pray hard for your friend, her family, and you.:grouphug:

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Her mom needs you that's why she asked you to come. You are a double package of comfort - the priest and the childhood friend. If she looses her daughter you are the girl that remembers her the way her mom does. I would go.


This is a beautiful thing to say. I completely agree. Go! Go! Go~


And prayers for your friend. I'm so sorry.

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Her mom needs you that's why she asked you to come. You are a double package of comfort - the priest and the childhood friend. If she looses her daughter you are the girl that remembers her the way her mom does. I would go.


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Can she? I wasn't sure. I think I'll wait until tomorrow as it's all very confusing right now.


Yes! I know people who had been in a coma and all said that they could hear what was going on around them and were aware of their surroundings. I believe it's been medically proven as well. :) You probably won't get any indication that she hears you, but talk to her as though she does. God willing one day soon she'll tell you how much she enjoyed your conversations. I'll see if I can find any medical article on it, as it would probably be of comfort to her family too when they visit her.




From Jamaica Hospital Medical Center's site:


Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) and their Answers are drawn from a wide variety of sources, including medical and rehabilitation specialists.

This listing is Updated Regularly - and we welcome your questions!

Answers provided by:

Robert Katz, Ph.D. (RK)

Jennifer McCain, Psy.D Neuropsychologist (JM)

Syed Rahman, M.D. (SR)

Noreen Bock, CSW (NB)


At present, we do not know whether a patient in a coma can feel pain or whether they can hear what we are saying, We do know however, that some studies have shown that coma stimulation, the process of providing sensory stimulation to coma patients including familiar stimuli such as familiar voices and music, has been shown in some studies to improve coma recovery. Thus, at the Brady Institute for Traumatic Brain Injury and Coma Recovery at Jamaica Hospital Medical Center (718-741-7824), we have developed the Brady Scale, a hierarchical interdisciplinary tool designed to monitor and guide coma recovery in each of the five sensory modalities (tactile, auditory, visual, gustatory, olfactory). The Brady Scale is administered to each coma recovery patient twice per day by the interdisciplinary treatment team. Based on the hierarchical level achieved by the patient on the Brady Scale, the patient's personalized coma stimulation program is amended daily to account for patient progress. The use of the Brady Scale has improved the ability to provide optimal Arousal to Unit coma recovery patients. (RK)



I know that there are studies which have proven that they can hear. I'll keep searching. : )


Based on the above, you might want to ask her family for some of her favorite music DVD's and a player to be on for her during the day. I'm also thinking it would be great for her kids to make a recording, if they're able, of just anything. They can read some favorite poems, or just talk to her about what they're doing and how they miss her and will be there to see her soon - anything. I'd go on the assumption that she will hear it all, and that it will help in her recovery.


Edited by Teachin'Mine
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The news keeps getting worse and worse. I can't go into all of it right now (I'm just too exhausted to type it all out), but things just don't look good.


AND, she had slurred speech on Friday and she went to the doctor. He told her that it was a sinus infection and didn't send her for any further tests.

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The news keeps getting worse and worse. I can't go into all of it right now (I'm just too exhausted to type it all out), but things just don't look good.


AND, she had slurred speech on Friday and she went to the doctor. He told her that it was a sinus infection and didn't send her for any further tests.


oh my soul! that's awful!!




praying for your friend, her family, and you.

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Jennifer, I'm sorry for your friend and her family. I'm about an hour from you (I'm in Flint). Do you and your family need anything while you help to meet her family's needs. I'd be glad to bring down meals, if that would help.

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Jennifer, I'm sorry for your friend and her family. I'm about an hour from you (I'm in Flint). Do you and your family need anything while you help to meet her family's needs. I'd be glad to bring down meals, if that would help.


Thank you SO much for the offer. Seriously - this is SO sweet - I'm in tears. I'll know more tomorrow. My dd came down with a fever tonight and I can't leave her. So, my dh is going to visit (my dh is a priest and did her wedding). I'll go early tomorrow. I'll know more then.


We may be bringing her sister in from CA and hosting her and her family here and driving them back and forth. But, I don't know yet. I've offered help to the family, but I don't really know what they need yet.


Again. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you.

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Thank you SO much for the offer. Seriously - this is SO sweet - I'm in tears. I'll know more tomorrow. My dd came down with a fever tonight and I can't leave her. So, my dh is going to visit (my dh is a priest and did her wedding). I'll go early tomorrow. I'll know more then.


We may be bringing her sister in from CA and hosting her and her family here and driving them back and forth. But, I don't know yet. I've offered help to the family, but I don't really know what they need yet.


Again. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you.


Keep my offer in mind. The only day I'm not available this week is Wednesday, so I'd be glad to cook or bake or ferry someone from airport or home to hospital or whatever. I'll pm you my phone #.

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