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What are your "girly" secrets? Come on fess up, what do you do to look your best?

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Personal make-over in progress. I have let myself go and I am out of practice being a "girly" girl. I have ordered new clothes, shoes, undergarments. I have an appt. for my hair on Tuesday. Planning on doing my eyebrows and getting a leg wax soon. Then maybe a manicure and pedicure. I just started adding make-up. Unfortunately, after two years of clear skin I went off the pill and I am starting to break out. The liquid make-up is not providing the coverage I need so I was thinking about adding a mineral powder. What is a good drug store brand to try (Maybelline, Loreal, Revlon, etc) Anything else I should consider? Any obvious things I am forgetting? Pull up a keyboard and share. What are your "girly" girl secrets? :bigear:

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Mineral powder, bronzing powder, lipgloss and mascara, at the very least....every single day! That's the only way I'll even feel human. Oh yes, and I have to wear earrings. One more thing, I can't do my nails because they'll just chip so easily, but having nicely painted toenails (at least 2 coats) makes all the difference to me. I can wear the plainest outfit but when I slip on a pair of sandals to go out and see nice toenails....wow, I feel like a woman! Now that it's almost summer, lotion everyday and pretty hair clips are nice too. I find it's the details that make all the difference for me.


I second the advice regarding eyebrows. I started taking care of mine and my sister bought me a brow kit from Clinique...wonderful stuff! I also read a lot online. I went through the same thing you're going through months ago and I got a lot of great advice. I'll try to post the thread. Someone posted a youtube video called 5 minute makeup or something like that. You could try googling for it or maybe someone will post it again.


Have fun!!

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Good mascara is worth it. Find one you really like, that doesn't flake or smudge, and will last all day. I prefer a waterproof formula for staying power.


A little lip gloss does wonders for your look. It makes you look a little younger, a little hipper. If you go with a clear one, it enhances your natural lip colour. If you want to add a little more to your natural colour try to choose something with a pinkish tone to it.

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I also paint my toe nails always. I use bronzing lotion after my showers. I have an easy but feminine haircut that I can easily pull back if need be. Earrings, always when I'm out and about. I wear lots of skirts...I just feel more relaxed in them.

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I like L'Oreal Mineral Makeup. I also love lipstick. I have very fair skin, and I like a little lipstick to help me out. I also love wearing long skirts. I feel very feminine that way. I finally found some earrings that don't cause an allergic reaction (nickel-free) -- very small fake diamonds.


I like to feel feminine but not showy, if that makes sense.

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Personal make-over in progress. I have let myself go and I am out of practice being a "girly" girl. I have ordered new clothes, shoes, undergarments. I have an appt. for my hair on Tuesday. Planning on doing my eyebrows and getting a leg wax soon. Then maybe a manicure and pedicure. I just started adding make-up. Unfortunately, after two years of clear skin I went off the pill and I am starting to break out. The liquid make-up is not providing the coverage I need so I was thinking about adding a mineral powder. What is a good drug store brand to try (Maybelline, Loreal, Revlon, etc) Anything else I should consider? Any obvious things I am forgetting? Pull up a keyboard and share. What are your "girly" girl secrets? :bigear:



Here goes anyhow.


I wear make-up only very occasionally (to the point that when I do, my girls almost always remark, "Wow, Mom...you're wearing make-up!"...as if it got there without my knowledge.), but when I do, I generally go pretty understated except for a tiny line of soft color on my upper or lower lid. Pastel blue or shimmery grey. Whatever works with your eyes.


The new undergarments you've ordered? Are they...um..you know...s*xy? Because something alluring on the inside, more than just about anything else, can make some women feel good on the outside. That, or go comando, if that's what you're into! :D


Play music to which you can move during the day. Get your body going to the rhythm. No kidding. It's not just what you wear or put on your face that makes you feel womanly, kwim?


Sounds like your life settling into a wonderful new routine. I'm happy for you!

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I often find myself looking at other women thinking of ways they could look better. It's so shallow, but it's like thinking about food or sex. I just find my mind wandering there:) I'm not thinking it in a mean way, but I sometimes wonder if other women also do this.


Anyway, the bigget thing most women need to do to look better is to work on their posture. Seriously, I think parents stopped posture training at some point, and most women of 40 or so don't seem aware of their posture. Stand up straight. Hold your shoulders back. Work on how you walk and sit and stand. It will make a *huge* difference.


Obviously working out is probably the other thing most of us could do to look better. I hate working out, so it would be hypocritical for me to stress this. But we all know we should. Keeping weight low is related, of course. Alas, its the hard truth.


I don't really go for manicures or pedicures. They just don't really fit my personality, my lifestyle (which involves a lot of gardening and piano playing) or my pocketbook. I also don't wear jewelry. Not even my wedding rings.


I like makeup and wear it daily. Let me recommend Everydayminerals.com. You can get free samples just for the price of shipping, and they are niced sized samples.


A good haircut and regular trips will make a big difference in how you look. I tried to make your avatar photo larger so I could see your hair, when you posted about getting it cut, but I couldn't really see it.


Anyway, I'm jealous. I would love to order a bunch of new clothes!

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Here goes anyhow.


I wear make-up only very occasionally (to the point that when I do, my girls almost always remark, "Wow, Mom...you're wearing make-up!"...as if it got there without my knowledge.)




The new undergarments you've ordered? Are they...um..you know...s*xy? Because something alluring on the inside, more than just about anything else, can make some women feel good on the outside. That, or go comando, if that's what you're into! :D




My kids always want to know where I am going when I get dressed in real clothes. Of course, dh is not here during the week so comfort rules.


I honestly did not think to buy s*xy unmentionables, just new. But now that you have mentioned it, I think I will! Maybe something in lace. No commando here though. Not philosophically opposed mind you, just find it quite uncomfortable. And lord knows, I wouldn't look too good if I was squiming around from the worlds worst wedgie! :tongue_smilie:

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I often find myself looking at other women thinking of ways they could look better. It's so shallow, but it's like thinking about food or sex. I just find my mind wandering there:) I'm not thinking it in a mean way, but I sometimes wonder if other women also do this.


Anyway, the bigget thing most women need to do to look better is to work on their posture. Seriously, I think parents stopped posture training at some point, and most women of 40 or so don't seem aware of their posture. Stand up straight. Hold your shoulders back. Work on how you walk and sit and stand. It will make a *huge* difference.


Obviously working out is probably the other thing most of us could do to look better. I hate working out, so it would be hypocritical for me to stress this. But we all know we should. Keeping weight low is related, of course. Alas, its the hard truth.


I don't really go for manicures or pedicures. They just don't really fit my personality, my lifestyle (which involves a lot of gardening and piano playing) or my pocketbook. I also don't wear jewelry. Not even my wedding rings.


I like makeup and wear it daily. Let me recommend Everydayminerals.com. You can get free samples just for the price of shipping, and they are niced sized samples.


A good haircut and regular trips will make a big difference in how you look. I tried to make your avatar photo larger so I could see your hair, when you posted about getting it cut, but I couldn't really see it.


Anyway, I'm jealous. I would love to order a bunch of new clothes!


Yes, I need to work on posture. I can remember my dad telling me to stand up straight since I was 11 or 12. I have been thinking about getting on of those back braces/posture thingys. For when dh isn't here of course.


Already got an exercise program started and working with chiropractor and message therapist. I do need to ass treadmill and it is on my list. Weight is the one thing I have in my favor. Let's hope it stays that way.


I have never had a manicure or pedicure but I thought the ped would be a great way to show off new sandles. The manicure would just be an extra.


I don't usually wear jewelry, not even a wedding ring, but dh mentioned that he likes toe rings so it is on my list. I liked anklets when I was a teen so I think that I will get one of those as well, to show off the smooth legs.


Do you get to choose the sample colors from Everyday Minerals. I didn't see an option for that. Or do they just send you a few different color choices?


Yeah, I don't know how to make the picture bigger. I have tried to click on a few people's pictures to see the details better but no luck. I think that we should have a photo blog where we can post bigger pictures.


I am lomg over due for new clothes (years) so I am very excited. It helps kick start a make-over. Thanks for all the input.

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Yes, you can choose the sample colors. I wonder why you aren't seeing that? They are working on a new website, so I don't know you got on the old one or the new (still glitchy one). Here is an attempted link to the actual sample kit. You should be able to fill it with what you want.



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I take some effort to wear clothes that show my figure rather than cover it- I have a tendency to wear comfortable baggy clothes, but look better in jeans or skirts and long sleeved t-shirts, pretty blouses, that sort of thing. Just to take a few extra minutes to get dressed nicely in the morning makes a difference.


I have fair skin and freckles, and its amazing what foundation does for my face. I rarely use it but it definitely makes me look better, and younger, when I do.

I wear lipstick when I feel like being girly. The toenail polish, perfume, and earrings are all good too.


Wearing something pretty in the evenings helps too, and having a pretty pillowcase.


Also, colours- feminine colurs are good- I like pink, and white. lately I have been going through a black phase- black jeans, black tshirt, black leather jacket and even black leather pants- I am blonde so black stands out....dh likes it :)

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My mother always used to get on me for never wearing make-up......then I turned 40.....4 years ago. My skin tone changed very suddenly. Depressing. I just didn't have that fresh-faced look anymore.:tongue_smilie: Then I discovered Loreal's true match foundation (I've heard it's made by Lancome). Now I never leave home with out it.:) Bronzers are great too. I hate blush. A touch of lipstick and a definite must is Covergirl's...I don't know what it's called, but it's like a top coat for lips. It gives your lips just the right amount of shine, but not that wet glossy look. It comes in a blue stick.


I love dresses and wear them all the time. They're so much more comfortable and there no need to coordinate tops and bottoms. Earrings are a must!!


Great Tip: When you're in a real rush and don't have time to iron the crease out of whatever you're wanting to wear....just put it on, pull the fabric tight and use your hairdryer on high to get the crease out....just be careful not to burn yourself!

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Yes, you can choose the sample colors. I wonder why you aren't seeing that? They are working on a new website, so I don't know you got on the old one or the new (still glitchy one). Here is an attempted link to the actual sample kit. You should be able to fill it with what you want.




Thanks! I ordered some samples.

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I went to several stores today trying to find a whitening stick and no one had a clue what I was talking about.... where can I find this? This sounds like it would be great!!! :D




Quicky fake French manicure: buff and file nails, apply clear nail polish, clean any dirt/clay/dough/etc. :001_smile: out from under nails, use a whitening stick under the nails.


And I agree about the eyebrows.

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I'm not a very girly girl, but I do have a few staples [in order of priority]:


clothes. I need to feel ready to act on anything, so a good pair of jeans and shirts that fit me comfortably are a MUST. I prefer tighter clothing cuz I want to FEEL my clothing. mental hangup. that i have the body to make it look good is a plus..... For a dressier occassion, a skirt that twirls "properly" is a must :)


earrings. small dangly earrings. I pick up about 4 pair at a time of them at WalMart cuz I lose them, lol.


lipstick. Maybeline E215. Midnight Red. used as a light blush as well.


mascara. yes, some good quality waterproof stuff.


shaving. nothing screams GIRLY like smooth skin!!!


wearing open toe shoes/sandals: paint those toenails!


OH! and had to edit to add that i usually wear anklets if I'm wearing sandals. Just haven't worn sandals in MONTHS!! darn this still-too-cool weather!


if I'm feeling REALLY into dressing up, then I'll add a few touches to my makeup [eyebrows, lipliner, extra coverage, etc] and some sort of scent. DH prefers vanilla. Guys like food smells ;)



good luck!

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Guest Amy in MS

OK, I'm going to share my favorite splurge outfit. They're comfortable (and I only wear dresses, but I love these things and can feel comfortable because the kameez are so baggy and loose) They're gorgeous and they'll get lots of lovely compliments. They're my favorite dress up outfit.


Go go ebay and search "salwar kameez any size" or just "salwar kameez"


You will (typically) be offered gorgeous fabrics that are tailored to YOUR MEASUREMENTS, for an exquisite Indian or Pakistani ensemble. It comes with tunic, pants (or skirt, if you ask, though it may cost extra) and a long scarf called a "duppata".


I've bought 5 sets in the past three of year and been thrilled with all of them (none cost me more than $45.00 total (including the shipping)). My mother even bought one recently and will be wearing it to A Chorus Line this weekend.


My favorite seller is ladies den.


It's been my favorite secret--until now.



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OK, I'm going to share my favorite splurge outfit. They're comfortable (and I only wear dresses, but I love these things and can feel comfortable because the kameez are so baggy and loose) They're gorgeous and they'll get lots of lovely compliments. They're my favorite dress up outfit.


Go go ebay and search "salwar kameez any size" or just "salwar kameez"


You will (typically) be offered gorgeous fabrics that are tailored to YOUR MEASUREMENTS, for an exquisite Indian or Pakistani ensemble. It comes with tunic, pants (or skirt, if you ask, though it may cost extra) and a long scarf called a "duppata".


I've bought 5 sets in the past three of year and been thrilled with all of them (none cost me more than $45.00 total (including the shipping)). My mother even bought one recently and will be wearing it to A Chorus Line this weekend.


My favorite seller is ladies den.


It's been my favorite secret--until now.





Is this appropriate to wear if you are not from this cultural/religious background? I have always wondered about this.

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For the break outs you may wan to try Neutrogena Rapid Clear....it contains 2.0% salicylic acid. It works great at preventing and clearing up the occasional spots.


For skin that glows from the inside out I drink 2 0z of aloe vera juice each day mixed with another fruit juice. It will also keep you regular! :D

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Guest Amy in MS
Is this appropriate to wear if you are not from this cultural/religious background? I have always wondered about this.


It's not religious apparel, any more than blue jeans are. (I did read about this, just in case.) ;)

Also, one of the suppliers says they sell more to non-Asians to Asians.


I love 'em. LOVE EM!

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Ditto on the eyebrows, toes, and basic makeup. I have one necklace that I know looks good with almost anything and I wear that ALL the time and it makes me feel more pulled together. It's funny that painting your toenails can make as much difference as it does...but it helps!

Good luck with your transformation!


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Gee, I don't even know, LOL! I do use perfume daily and always have. I do shower daily and dress in (hopefully) clean clothing.


I generally only wear my watch unless I'm really getting dressed up because when I stand/walk a lot my fingers swell more if I have rings on and also my rings tend to catch on things (they stand out sorta high) and cut the base of my ring fingers, which is quite painful.


My hair is really short and I do wash it when I shower. I generally have to use a shampoo for psoriasis, but lately I've been treating myself with some good smellin' stuff, though cheap. Just Herbel Essence, but boy does it smell better than T-Gel!


I've also been soaking for a while in Dead Sea Salts several times per week in order to help my psoriasis and it's had the side effect of making the skin on my feet and hands very nice indeed (I generally have cracked heels this time of year).


I don't do manicures/pedicures and I think that the risks of health problems related to those really outweigh the risks these days, so don't really encourage those any more, either. You can get sets - I think even at Wal-Mart - for buffing your fingernails/toenails that give you a very healthy glow and it's better to push back your cuticles than cut them. Also, this doesn't peel like polish.


I am getting gray hairs throughout my scalp so I have been coloring my hair myself for a while now. I just use Loreal's creme preference.


I wear glasses and I try to stay in up-to-date frame styles. I need small frames anyway, for a very narrow face.


Ummmm, what else is there? I wear foundation, but skip the eye makeup, etc. unless I'm dressing up more. Eye stuff tends to just get into my eyes and causes me to have problems. I have dry eyes, anyway.


I drink a ton of fluids daily, mostly water or mineral water. Also iced tea (no sugar), often decaf. Less is more, especially for busy moms!

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Jumping in a little late here. When I first heard of these, I thought they seemed silly and frivolous until I actually tried one:


heated eyelash curler


It works better than any regular eyelash curler I've used, and sometimes I can go without mascara and still have a nice full look to my eyelashes. I got mine for around $7 at Target.

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