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Calling SWB, regarding crying babies?

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Maybe he was actually aiming for the parent which would be more acceptable though possibly not appropriate


FWIW, I think he just sort of lobbed the ball in that general direction. They said he didn't come anywhere close to the baby. So, I think it was just a show of frustration, not an actual threat toward the baby. Of course, they also noted how badly he had been playing.

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What a jerk.


I do agree that the parents should have taken the baby out, but seriously, what a jerk.


Did you see this part?


Fish defended Ferrer after the match. "He'd probably take that one back if he could," he said. "He's a very nice guy. Obviously flustered."

For his part, Ferrer didn't blame the baby for his meltdown, saying a bout of indigestion is what caused the collapse of his game. "[The crying baby] was in one moment of the match, but nothing special," he said. "It was not the problem."



Don't I always *tell* you guys to assume that jerky people are suffering from explosive diarrhea? Point proven.

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Mine threw his baton. Lucky he never put an eye out. Mr. Fernandes.


My band director once hit has stand so hard a pencil flew up in the air and stick in the ceiling. Another time he hit his stand and safety pins (for pinning marching band uniforms) flew everywhere. Good times.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

Mr. Snuffin only threw chalk at kids he liked. For those he didn't like, it was erasers.


Coach Bobby Knight throwing chairs did not faze us in the slightest. We were surprised it was newsworthy.


higher stakes = bigger projectiles!

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My band director once hit has stand so hard a pencil flew up in the air and stick in the ceiling. Another time he hit his stand and safety pins (for pinning marching band uniforms) flew everywhere. Good times.


The things I missed belonging to the Literary Magazine.

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Mine threw chairs. And stands. And students, on occasion.


I'm pretty sure if you don't have an anger management problem when you start teaching middle school band, you'll get one quickly!


Our MS band director (who once chewed a girl's gum through class & then gave it back to her because she couldn't keep time & chew gum simultaneously) was fired for having an affair with the science teacher's wife (who happened to be the Spanish teacher). The next year, they brought in a guy straight out of college. He did one year with our middle school band, and resigned. I've seen him driving the Nickles bread truck around town. No joke.

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Now that would be a video worth watching, John McEnroe teaches junior high band! Oh, I can relate to the band director driving the bread truck...one guy from our county gave it up after his first year of middle school band and drove a beer truck. We figured he was self-medicating on the job after teaching in No Man's Land.





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Our MS band director (who once chewed a girl's gum through class & then gave it back to her because she couldn't keep time & chew gum simultaneously) was fired for having an affair with the science teacher's wife (who happened to be the Spanish teacher). The next year, they brought in a guy straight out of college. He did one year with our middle school band, and resigned. I've seen him driving the Nickles bread truck around town. No joke.



You didn't happen to go to school in Ohio did you? This sounds very much like what happened in my school.

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You didn't happen to go to school in Ohio did you? This sounds very much like what happened in my school.


Born, raised, and currently residing 20 mi north of Columbus, as a matter of fact. :lol: That poor guy just wasn't cut out to teach. Then we had a great director for most of high school, who had to move to Tennessee the summer before my senior year. We had already chosen Field Commanders, and started designing field sets for our competition show, which was set to be Carmina Burana. The new guy that started the last week of July (!!) decided that we would do a Styx show instead. Most disappointing.

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He didn't whack the ball at the baby. At best he lobbed it in the general direction of the noise. The reason the baby quit crying after the incident would probably be because the parent(s) actually did something about it. They certainly (from edit of the video) didn't seem to take the baby out after the incident either.


He acted in bad form but the parent's bad form was first. He had a moment of seriously NOT thinking. Surely he regrets it. Surely. :)


Small sounds from children are only small to the parents. I remember feeling so bad for PHP during their conference year before last. They were trying to provide high quality recordings the the "little sounds" from little ones were really causing problems.


Edited: Wow, you know what? All my years in band I can't think of but one band director (middle or high school) who didn't have a serious anger issue. Wow. Why is that? Why didn't all the science teachers have the same issues? The band director at the high school I graduated from threw things and yelled like a madman too. The female band director of the middle school (I didn't attend there) was a monster. She yelled at and belittled every kid she could. Fortunately she later became a principal...ugh! lol

Edited by PinkInTheBlue
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Mrs. Mungo,


Snort, chortle...I just have to ask...monestery??? You know... "After dealing with these people, I will never reproduce!" Frankly, a vow of chastity would not surprise me. I have taught band in the past.




:lol: He was married, but a vow to never reproduce would not surprise me.

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He didn't whack the ball at the baby. At best he lobbed it in the general direction of the noise. The reason the baby quit crying after the incident would probably be because the parent(s) actually did something about it. They certainly (from edit of the video) didn't seem to take the baby out after the incident either.


He acted in bad form but the parent's bad form was first. He had a moment of seriously NOT thinking. Surely he regrets it. Surely. :)


Small sounds from children are only small to the parents. I remember feeling so bad for PHP during their conference year before last. They were trying to provide high quality recordings the the "little sounds" from little ones were really causing problems.


Edited: Wow, you know what? All my years in band I can't think of but one band director (middle or high school) who didn't have a serious anger issue. Wow. Why is that? Why didn't all the science teachers have the same issues? The band director at the high school I graduated from threw things and yelled like a madman too. The female band director of the middle school (I didn't attend there) was a monster. She yelled at and belittled every kid she could. Fortunately she later became a principal...ugh! lol


I always took my kids out at the slightest peep and never took them places like a tennis match.


But oddly our band director was a cool customer - it was the science teachers that were raving loons. One of them could nail a guy snoozing in the back row with a chalkboard eraser before he could duck.

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My 7th grade English teacher used to stand behind students and hit them on the head with a rubber chicken when they got an answer wrong. Good ol' Mr. Peltzman. We loved him. One year a student kidnapped the chicken and held it for ransom.


Unfortunately, after what, 20 years? the school board decided he was being "too harsh" and made him put the chicken away permanently. :(

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Born, raised, and currently residing 20 mi north of Columbus, as a matter of fact. :lol: That poor guy just wasn't cut out to teach. Then we had a great director for most of high school, who had to move to Tennessee the summer before my senior year. We had already chosen Field Commanders, and started designing field sets for our competition show, which was set to be Carmina Burana. The new guy that started the last week of July (!!) decided that we would do a Styx show instead. Most disappointing.


Styx!! :lol: Classic rock field shows are always doomed to fail. There was one school nearby that got their show pulled halfway through the season, because some parent or administrator realized that "White Rabbit" wasn't exactly about fluffy bunnies...


Honestly, the more "aggressive" teachers were the best teachers I had. If they were passionate enough to start chucking stuff across the room, they were passionate about the subject and cared whether or not the students were learning. It was especially the case in middle school. If the teacher didn't display some power over the class, the kids would just eat them alive.


I'm sorry... I derailed. This has nothing to do with chucking tennis balls at babies. Though our tuba line in college marching band used to collect tennis balls on the practice field (right next to the tennis courts), stuff them in between the tubing, then throw them at the crowd instead of candy during the homecoming parade. After a few kids got hit by still-drunk-from-last-night tuba players, the director put a stop to it.

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Styx!! :lol: Classic rock field shows are always doomed to fail. There was one school nearby that got their show pulled halfway through the season, because some parent or administrator realized that "White Rabbit" wasn't exactly about fluffy bunnies...


Honestly, the more "aggressive" teachers were the best teachers I had. If they were passionate enough to start chucking stuff across the room, they were passionate about the subject and cared whether or not the students were learning. It was especially the case in middle school. If the teacher didn't display some power over the class, the kids would just eat them alive.


I'm sorry... I derailed. This has nothing to do with chucking tennis balls at babies. Though our tuba line in college marching band used to collect tennis balls on the practice field (right next to the tennis courts), stuff them in between the tubing, then throw them at the crowd instead of candy during the homecoming parade. After a few kids got hit by still-drunk-from-last-night tuba players, the director put a stop to it.


Derailing even further but the only thing my biology teacher was passionate about was the evils of Jerry Fallwell. :lol: Entertaining? Yes. Educational? Not exactly.


We did have this adorable US History teacher - fresh out of college - who waltzed in and said, 'They call me Cool Breeze, cause I swing through the trees'. I didn't have him but the students who did literally drove him nuts, poor guy.


If John McEnroe throws anything during the Azalea Festival I'll let you guys know. ;)

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Our old priest used to seriously get insanely angry about cell phones ringing during the service. Not that I didn't think he had a right to, but he was over the top! He would stop right in the middle of whatever he was saying and stare right at the person, often continuing to stare a few moments after the ringing stopped. Everyone knew exactly who the offender was, and the offender knew exactly how offensive he had been!


If they didn't shut it off quickly, he would say "I'll wait while you step outside".


Needless to say, after about 3 times, phones NEVER rang in church again!


If I were trying to speak or play tennis or whatever while a baby was crying, I would probably pause and kindly say "I'm so sorry to have to ask, but that baby crying is really distracting to me. Would you mind stepping out until he quiets down? Thanks so much!" Big smile.


Maybe that's why I am not making the big bucks - I'm too confrontational!

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