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On another note...

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I met a lady at a bus stop this weekend. She was very tired. She was going to visit her son in jail. He has a daughter. I was feeling all verklempt for her. Whatever the guy did or didn't do, that's hard.


But then she tells me.


He found a dead body in the backseat of his car. While he was driving. It wasn't there when he started out. And then he found some empty beer cans. In the car. That weren't his.


So he drives home & goes to sleep. And the next morning when the cops show up? He tells them he doesn't know anything.




These people are out there, just waiting to tell their stories. To *me.* Like some kind of magnetic pull.


So...have YOU checked your backseat for dead bodies and beer cans lately?

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I'm laughing and horrified at the same time!


She probably sensed that you are a kind person and thought you would be sympathetic to her story. :tongue_smilie:




I often have that effect on people. The laughter, the horror, the perceived sympathy. I mean...I hope I *am* sympathetic, but...wow. I'm shy. I *don't* talk to people. They can just...tell.


We went out to eat the same night, & the waitress scraped stuff off of a plate into an empty bowl & then left us the dirty plate. :confused:


Dh just laughed & said it was me. I meet them in restaurants, I meet them on the road. They're everywhere, but if you want to see them, you have to come w/ me.

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Aubrey, I don't know you (obviously) but I have a feeling I would be very comfortable telling you my deepest darkest secrets.


And I promise that if I then post them on a public message board, I won't use your real name. ;)


(There was a girl in jr high, 3x my size, who threatened to beat me up. I was completely mystified by the threat--it was a first. A week later, though, her best friend dumped her, & she wanted to come talk to *me.* :001_huh: We ended up being best friends for years, but it still cracks me up.)

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I think that mama really really wants to believe that body just appeared - out of no where. I have people come and talk to me too. I had one very drunk homeless man come up and tell me how AA wasn't working for him.


I know. And I really do feel for her. But we sat together for about 3 min.


If one of my kids ever has a dead body show up in his backseat...I just don't see talking about it.


But I guess that's what makes me shy? :D

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Aubrey, thank you for the warning.


My backseat did not have beer bottles or a dead body. However, there was an apple juice bottle attempting to evolve into another life form (so maybe I'm guilty of unauthorized genetic experiments) and fossilized bread. So, to all you scientists out there that are certain it takes millions of years for fossils to form...I found the counter-example to your theory - a 1998 Ford Taurus, what I suspect is the remains of eldest ds's sandwich from three weeks ago, and Michigan cold, VOILA fossils in under a month!


Wow, I just can't imagine blurting out, "My kid's doing life for driving around a dead body he didn't know was in the car!" to just anyone.



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Wow, I just can't imagine blurting out, "My kid's doing life for driving around a dead body he didn't know was in the car!" to just anyone.




Oh, no. He's been in for a year. Before telling me what he was in for, she said he might be home in a couple of months.


And he knew he hit *something,* but it was dark. He couldn't see *what.* So he went on home.


I didn't have the heart to ask about the windshield. That's what I envisioned--guy flies through your windshield & lands in the backseat. But maybe that's generous of me.

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Well, *I* for one completely believe the guy is innocent. I mean, that kind of thing could happen to anybody! ;) :D


It would actually be my luck. And I think that's an important thing to know about yourself. Otherwise, who's going to check your backseat for you?

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often have that effect on people. The laughter, the horror, the perceived sympathy. I mean...I hope I *am* sympathetic, but...wow. I'm shy. I *don't* talk to people. They can just...tell.


Maybe you're like a cat person, who isn't really a cat person--You know, the kind of person who attracts cats because they are just sitting there, all quiet and calm and everything, and the cat can sense it, and comes up to them, but the person really doesn't like cats at all, they just exude that "cat vibe," and the cat knows that, and chooses them over the "oh come here, Kitty! I LOVE CATS!" kind of person.




Like that.




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I met a lady at a bus stop this weekend. She was very tired. She was going to visit her son in jail. He has a daughter. I was feeling all verklempt for her. Whatever the guy did or didn't do, that's hard.


But then she tells me.


He found a dead body in the backseat of his car. While he was driving. It wasn't there when he started out. And then he found some empty beer cans. In the car. That weren't his.


So he drives home & goes to sleep. And the next morning when the cops show up? He tells them he doesn't know anything.




These people are out there, just waiting to tell their stories. To *me.* Like some kind of magnetic pull.


So...have YOU checked your backseat for dead bodies and beer cans lately?

Well, she could have some truth to the story. A couple of years ago there was a bad motorcycle accident on a highway in our town. Thing was, they couldn't find the rider anywhere. And I mean anywhere. Apparently the police searched most of the night looking for this guy. Early the next morning a manager of the local Lowe's hardware store was opening the doors of the model storage sheds in the parking lot. Yep, in one of those sheds, barely alive, they found the guy from the motorcycle. Apparently he had been drinking, had the wreck, and then crawled well over 1/2 mile to the parking lot and then made himself at home in one of the sheds that had not been locked the night before. He thought he was crawling to the hospital, but went the wrong direction, and ended up at Lowe's instead. So, after this story, it is entirely conceiveable to me that if my car was unlocked, and I lived in a not so great area, that a drunk could crawl in and die without my knowing it. And as messy as I have seen some cars, I can believe that some people would never know there was anyone back there.


And, yes, I lock my car at night. I don't need any extra passengers.

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Maybe you're like a cat person, who isn't really a cat person--You know, the kind of person who attracts cats because they are just sitting there, all quiet and calm and everything, and the cat can sense it, and comes up to them, but the person really doesn't like cats at all, they just exude that "cat vibe," and the cat knows that, and chooses them over the "oh come here, Kitty! I LOVE CATS!" kind of person.




Like that.





Actually...cats *do* think I like them. :001_huh: I didn't know that was a...phenomenon.

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Well, she could have some truth to the story. A couple of years ago there was a bad motorcycle accident on a highway in our town. Thing was, they couldn't find the rider anywhere. And I mean anywhere. Apparently the police searched most of the night looking for this guy. Early the next morning a manager of the local Lowe's hardware store was opening the doors of the model storage sheds in the parking lot. Yep, in one of those sheds, barely alive, they found the guy from the motorcycle. Apparently he had been drinking, had the wreck, and then crawled well over 1/2 mile to the parking lot and then made himself at home in one of the sheds that had not been locked the night before. He thought he was crawling to the hospital, but went the wrong direction, and ended up at Lowe's instead. So, after this story, it is entirely conceiveable to me that if my car was unlocked, and I lived in a not so great area, that a drunk could crawl in and die without my knowing it. And as messy as I have seen some cars, I can believe that some people would never know there was anyone back there.


And, yes, I lock my car at night. I don't need any extra passengers.


Well, ok. But his car had been in a wreck the night before when the guy was killed. And he didn't know what he'd hit.


But really, the point isn't whether or not he could be telling the truth. I'm not sure what my point is, actually, other than freezing pork leftovers. ;)

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Well, I don't have anything in my back seat except for smushed goldfish crackers, but once a woman came up to me in a thrift store - never saw her before in my life - and said, "Have you ever had one of those periods where most of the blood is black?" :blink: I told her to see her doctor.

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I am not sure if I should be laughing, or completely horrified. Maybe it's my rough day today, but I'm choosing laughter.


In my line of work one *always* chooses laughter because what else are ya gonna do? Cry? Stand there with your mouth hanging open?

My goodness. All kinds of crazy people out there, eh?


Yes. Yes, there are. And they help me pay my mortgage.



Aubrey, your story reminds me of the types of explanations I get from patients and/or witnesses when asked, "Um...what happened here?" In general, the more the libations have been indulged, the "better" the stories.

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Aubrey, since I am a writer, I'd love to follow you around for a day, maybe a week. I bet I could get some GREAT material from your life alone! Thank you for the laughter. Yes, it's sad and horrifying, to some degree. It also is humorous and makes me thankful for the life I live! :)

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Actually...cats *do* think I like them. :001_huh: I didn't know that was a...phenomenon.

I don't know about phenomenon, but our cat is a whizz at picking out the biggest cat hater in the room and choosing their legs to rub against or climb on.


Well, ok. But his car had been in a wreck the night before when the guy was killed. And he didn't know what he'd hit.


But really, the point isn't whether or not he could be telling the truth. I'm not sure what my point is, actually, other than freezing pork leftovers. ;)

Are you SURE it's pork? :tongue_smilie:

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Are you SURE it's pork? :tongue_smilie:




This older man came up to me yesterday and in the conversation began telling me about his granddaughter's periods. She is having quite a difficult time, it seems. Of course her dr thinks birth control will help. I am sure she would love to know grandpa was sharing.

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