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movie goers beware..Black Swan

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I think the mods should consider removing this thread.


I hope they wait until I'm done reading it. I hate it when I'm 19 pages invested into a thread and then...poof...it's gone when I click on the next page! Drives. Me. CrAzY!!:lol::lol:

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Now, now. Don't get all upset just because my hubby thinks a movie about a ballet dancer who goes schizo over a part in Swan Lake is boring. He's entitled to his opinion.


That's not what you said he said.


This is what you said he said:


My dh watched it with me and at the end of this long, brain-numbingly boring movie, he said "Seriously? It's dancing. All that for dancing? It's not like they're out there saving lives. What a stupid movie."



But I'm not at all upset. You're a cut-to-the-chase kind of girl, and I'm a consider-the-source kind of girl. ;)

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I hope they wait until I'm done reading it. I hate it when I'm 19 pages invested into a thread and then...poof...it's gone when I click on the next page! Drives. Me. CrAzY!!:lol::lol:


Psst, you can always subscribe to a thread and ask for emails when you think a thread is too hot.

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I thought the Ugly Truth was a stupid movie, but I watched anyway. If you watch carefully there are several spots you can hear him slip into his Scottish accent. :svengo: I think he should quit playing Americans and just read like the phone book in his native accent. I would watch that.



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Yes, boring. Way too long. And honestly, much of it was pretty predictable... dancer who's anorexic, hyper-controlling mother... daughter cuts loose, does drugs, has a one night stand (or does she? oohhh spooky)... in the end she dances perfectly (like we all knew she would)... and the whole glass shard in her stomach at the end? Sure it was surprising... surprising that she danced all that time with a serious abdominal wound.


And what was the point of it all? Was I supposed to sympathize with her character? Was I supposed to feel angry at the world of dance? Because the fact that she was "perfect" in the end pretty much ruined that. The movie ends with this whole "the ends justfiy the means" kind of feel to it which, if they were trying to get all of us "non-dancers" to sympathize with their plight, wrecked it.


To me boring is sitting around listening to the fridge run. :lol: I screamed and cried and felt alternately physically sick, shocked, horrified, and totally engrossed during Black Swan. I had nightmares after watching it. So, for me, it was the complete opposite of boring.

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This past fall I caught Requiem for a Dream on IFC. It was by Darren Aronofsky, who is responsible for Black Swan. Nakia wrote how she could not get the images of Black Swan out of her head, and that's what happened to me after watching Requiem. I have never had a movie affect me quite like that. I lost sleep over it. It was too intense for me. So I had to avoid this movie because I kept reading how disturbing it was. (I had read Requiem was disturbing before I saw it, but the content seemed interesting enough to me. I learned my lesson!)


I do think it's pretty amazing that a movie could evoke that kind of reaction, even if it's not something I personally want to experience.

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Psst, you can always subscribe to a thread and ask for emails when you think a thread is too hot.


Thanks for the tip!:D What's funny is that usually I'm thinking, "What a great discussion! Most everybody is behaving themselves." And then, poof! :lol:

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How about stating that you wouldn't send your child to a school because it is "very white" and elaborating that maybe "redneck" would have been better?


Or how about saying that "crazy Catholic parents" go speeding down your street to get their kids to school?


I have never seen this.



I cannot imagine anyone attacking Catholics here and it just being ignored.

Edited by Sis
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I think the mods should consider removing this thread.


I hope not. This thread has been polite, educational, and entertaining. Except for the centipede thing which I, too, made the mistake of googling. When will I learn!!! :tongue_smilie:

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This past fall I caught Requiem for a Dream on IFC. It was by Darren Aronofsky, who is responsible for Black Swan. Nakia wrote how she could not get the images of Black Swan out of her head, and that's what happened to me after watching Requiem. I have never had a movie affect me quite like that. I lost sleep over it. It was too intense for me. So I had to avoid this movie because I kept reading how disturbing it was. (I had read Requiem was disturbing before I saw it, but the content seemed interesting enough to me. I learned my lesson!)


I do think it's pretty amazing that a movie could evoke that kind of reaction, even if it's not something I personally want to experience.


Oh yes. That was a movie that has stayed with me.


On the whole, I'm glad I saw it ONCE... but it's not something I would watch multiple times.

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Thanks for the tip!:D What's funny is that usually I'm thinking, "What a great discussion! Most everybody is behaving themselves." And then, poof! :lol:
Open all the pages in tabs then, and only then, start reading.:D
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At the top you can choose "show printable version" to read a thread real quick if you think it is about to go.
Ooooh, that's even quicker.
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And that can be a bit of a problem if say, you're a black PERSON. :glare:

But if lesbians are "disgusting," are all black people satanic??


There's no such thing as "black behavior". There is such a thing as "lesbian behavior".


Sexual orientation may or may not be biologically based, but behavior is chosen.


I wouldn't personally use the term "disgusting" to describe lesbian behavior, but I do consider it sinful. If you want to call me a "bigot" for that, go right ahead. As St. Paul put it in Galatians 1:10, "Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ."

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I think calling a sex scene explicit and disgusting because it is a lesbian scene indicates bias against a group of people.



people are free to have their own opinions about certain sex acts and social propriety. Describing an *act* as disgusting is different from calling an entire group of PEOPLE *disgusting*.


eta: I'm assuming [from theperspective of a decent human being] that most people's identity as a person doesn't revolve around their sex life...? or do you think a person's total identity SHOULD revolve around their sex life?


If I said the movie "Monster's Ball" was disgusting because there is a love scene involving a black woman and a white man, how would that be perceived as opposed to saying that the movie was too explicit and disturbing for me?


It lets others know *in what way* you found the movie disturbing and explicit. Personally, I like it when people tell me that certain books/movies/ curriculum are "unsuitable" because of their theological content-- that way I know that their bias doesn't apply to reasons I might choose to engage with the topic at hand. ;)


I don't think people here would like to be told what to think about each thing. My idea of a "decent human being" is one who doesn't advocate the intentional killing of innocent humans on demand for convenience without legal consequence or due process as a "right." Others think that is perfectly decent though. This tolerance issue is a two way street. At least, real tolerance is. Go figger. ;)

Edited by Peek a Boo
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Really? I'm almost...well, I'm old :D and this is the first time I've heard that. :001_huh:


Yes, "black swan" has been used in reference to a rare and unexpected event that could crash the global economy. (I've seen this mentioned frequently in the business press since the '08 crash) It's actually the title of a book by economist Nassim Taleb, full title is "Black Swan: the Impact of the Highly Improbable." The Japan earthquake/tsunami/nucelar disaster could prove to be such an event.


Of course much symbolism passes people by if they don't know the meaning behind it. For example, the use of red in many scenes of The Sixth Sense. If you don't know why it's there, you won't attach any meaning to it.



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There's no such thing as "black behavior". There is such a thing as "lesbian behavior".
Oh, please don't go there, unless you are trying to get this thread deleted.



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There's no such thing as "black behavior". There is such a thing as "lesbian behavior".


Sexual orientation may or may not be biologically based, but behavior is chosen.


I wouldn't personally use the term "disgusting" to describe lesbian behavior, but I do consider it sinful. If you want to call me a "bigot" for that, go right ahead. As St. Paul put it in Galatians 1:10, "Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ."


:iagree:Apparently the terms "bigotry" and "intolerance" only apply to people who disagree with those doing the name calling.


Christ told us we would be persecuted for our beliefs and that the world would hate us. He also said the time would come when good would be called evil and evil would be called good. I guess we've gotten there.

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Christ told us we would be persecuted for our beliefs and that the world would hate us. He also said the time would come when good would be called evil and evil would be called good. I guess we've gotten there.

Please don't assume we all share your particular faith.
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I hope not. This thread has been polite, educational, and entertaining. Except for the centipede thing which I, too, made the mistake of googling. When will I learn!!! :tongue_smilie:


It sure has been polite! Unless you're a lesbian. Or a Satanist. Or someone that likes the colour black.


Most definitely educational, though. Mind you, some of the things I got educated on will require a little brain bleach! I just can't resist hitting Google when someone tells me not to. Ack!

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There's no such thing as "black behavior". There is such a thing as "lesbian behavior".


Sexual orientation may or may not be biologically based, but behavior is chosen.


I wouldn't personally use the term "disgusting" to describe lesbian behavior, but I do consider it sinful. If you want to call me a "bigot" for that, go right ahead. As St. Paul put it in Galatians 1:10, "Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ."


See, here's what I don't get. If you are at least willing to acknowledge that sexual orientation could be biologically based, then why would you consider it sinful to act in accordance with your "God-given" sexual orientation? Why is it NOT sinful to act in accordance with biologically-based heterosexuality, but is IS sinful to act in accordance with biologically-based homosexuality? It's just a very unfair statement to make.

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Of course much symbolism passes people by if they don't know the meaning behind it. For example, the use of red in many scenes of The Sixth Sense. If you don't know why it's there, you won't attach any meaning to it.




Okay, I just have to know - what did it mean? (I feel like I should know, but I don't think I do.)

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Maybe in your mind, but I've heard people talk about certain behaviors being inherent to a race or culture.


Yet there are statistically accurate stereotypes that tend to hold true across populations and geography. These vary, of course, and the whole point of a stereotype is that it is typical, not guaranteed. ;)

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Maybe in your mind, but I've heard people talk about certain behaviors being inherent to a race or culture.


And I'm pretty sure before the civil rights movement, such statements were rampant. You know, back when it was still okay to be blatantly racist, like how today it is okay to be blatantly homophobic (as long as you can find a Bible quote to back you up).

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See, here's what I don't get. If you are at least willing to acknowledge that sexual orientation could be biologically based, then why would you consider it sinful to act in accordance with your "God-given" sexual orientation? Why is it NOT sinful to act in accordance with biologically-based heterosexuality, but is IS sinful to act in accordance with biologically-based homosexuality? It's just a very unfair statement to make.


because many times it IS sinful to act solely on biological urgings. Scripture details several wrong uses of heterosexual behavior -- even more than homosexual stuff.


oh-- and disagreeing with a POV doesn't make one *phobic*. I don't think most people who disagree w/ Christianity consider themselves Christophobic, do they?:confused:

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It is like the climax of the party where the Joker shows up and starts spray painting things and taking hostages.
*snort* She said "climax."
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And I'm pretty sure before the civil rights movement, such statements were rampant. You know, back when it was still okay to be blatantly racist, like how today it is okay to be blatantly homophobic (as long as you can find a Bible quote to back you up).



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And I'm pretty sure before the civil rights movement, such statements were rampant. You know, back when it was still okay to be blatantly racist, like how today it is okay to be blatantly homophobic (as long as you can find a Bible quote to back you up).


:iagree: really, a decent conversation just had to turn south.


And puhlease with the stereotype talk. If you want to go there, this thread will be locked in minutes


Please remember, also, that not everyone subscribed to the same scripture. Nor do they all have the same interpretations.

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because many times it IS sinful to act solely on biological urgings. Scripture details several wrong uses of heterosexual behavior -- even more than homosexual stuff.


And yet, you don't come into many message boards and read how "disgusting" these heterosexual acts are.


oh-- and disagreeing with a POV doesn't make one *phobic*. I don't think most people who disagree w/ Christianity consider themselves Christophobic, do they?:confused:


I am not going to get into this discussion again. I got banned the first time I got into it. There is no meaningful term for a bigot against someone who is homosexual (such as racist for a someone who is a bigot on the basis of race), so I use the term homophobic.


So maybe I should just stick with the generic bigot, but then people claim that does not apply to them either because it's fine to be a bigot if you're targeting the sin, not the sinner and all that.

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hey-- y'all offered examples of what a "decent human being" should believe. So did I. It's not that difficult of an analogy to make. Did you have anything relevant to add, or just "really?" :confused:

Nope, nothing relevant- I'm just going to turn on leechblock now. Have fun.

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