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Female content, question I've needed to ask for a while

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I've been sitting on this question for a while but it's bad enough now, I just have to see if someone can help. For about a year now, right beneath my bOOks, where my bra holds 'em up, I get SOOOOOOOO itchy. At times, it's so bad that I have scratched the skin raw. This is also happening in my pits. I thought maybe it was dry skin or a product I was using but I just don't know. It also seems somewhat related to my running. I sweat of course...could it be along those lines?


Any thoughts? :confused:

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I agree that yeast is a likely culprit. There is a prescription powder nystatin that you can get, but I would try over the counter first.


Try an anti fungal like miconazole or clotriamazole for a few days. It doesn't matter if the package says it is for female yeast, athletes foot or jock itch...it is all the same med. Wash your bras in hot water to clear them of the infection, and wear a clean one daily.


If you don't have those, after your shower use a hair dryer to completely dry the skin, and wear clean bras daily. Just allowing the skin to be clean and dry for a few days, may help.




If that doesn't work, you can try an OTC hydrocortisone cream for itching. If it is yeast and your use hydrocortisone, it will likely make it worse. If you try this first, and it worsens quickly...try the yeast meds.

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I use Gold Bond powder in that area daily. Keeps the area dry and no more itchy, sweaty skin. If you are in the midst of a bad breakout, I would def use a Monistat type cream there for a few days and it will heal right up. Once there is no more infection you can switch to daily powder to keep dry and cool.

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Ick! I looked it up and it makes me sound like a horribly obese person who doesn't shower! :001_huh: I have a feeling y'all are probably right about it though. Thanks for the info. :ohmy:


No! Don't think like that. I've known people who've gotten one just because they're rather "gifted" in that area regardless of the rest of their body type. You could be wonderfully fit and still get one.


Plus - it's "just" yeast. Some people are REALLY prone to yeast infections. One woman would take the mildest dose of amoxicilian and get a horrid infection, while another could take heavy duty antibiotics for a month and never have a scratch ;)


*I mention the abx because they sometimes kill off the good flora, leading to a yeast infection.

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could be yeast. My sister gets that in those areas too (she is also a runner..hmmmm) I would put some coconut oil on it, or even yogurt.


My 9yo dd was sitting here when I read that comment to my dh and she exclaimed, "You're gonna put YOGURT THERE!?!" :lol:

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Instantly thought of yeast infection. Poor you, it's been a year!!!

If it's been rubbed raw be careful of infection. Tea tree oil is a good anti-fungal and anti-biotic (and anti-everything practically!). However, depending on how bad it is, you might want to have it looked at just in case you need a stronger topical treatment. Hope it goes away quickly!

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Instantly thought of yeast infection. Poor you, it's been a year!!!

If it's been rubbed raw be careful of infection. Tea tree oil is a good anti-fungal and anti-biotic (and anti-everything practically!). However, depending on how bad it is, you might want to have it looked at just in case you need a stronger topical treatment. Hope it goes away quickly!


I don't think it needs to be looked at as there doesn't *appear* to be any problem...that was what threw me for so long. It doesn't look like anything other than slightly discolored skin. No rash apparent. Well, until now. It looks a little raw after today's scratch-fest.

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Ick! I looked it up and it makes me sound like a horribly obese person who doesn't shower! :001_huh: I have a feeling y'all are probably right about it though. Thanks for the info. :ohmy:


LOL! My mom had a yeast infection in the same exact location you do.


My husband had it around his neck and collar bone. That man is very clean. He washes his face and neck about 3 times or more per day. He does however have to wear a Tyvek suit and full hood for work 40 hours or more per week. It gets very hot inside that suit.

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I have to agree with everyone else. I used to use a spray on deodorant in that general area before putting on my sports bra. It helped reduce the sweating during my longer runs. Also make sure you get out of that sports bra and dry off immediately after your run. If you are not home, take a clean bra and find the closest restroom you can to get out of the sweaty one. If you can't seem to get it under control, you might even have to take a second sports bra and change half way through a long run.

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Sometimes I have this issue when I sweat with my bra. I ONLY buy 100% cotton bras as I just can't stand the humidity. But it doesn't happen when it is cool out and I am not sweating.


I read somewhere that you can use Vagisil powder as it is non-irritating.



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Buy a better sports bra, one that wicks better. Have you tried Bodyglide? It helps a lot. I agree with using deodorant/gold bond there and showering soon after your run (it's hard, I know, I am often stuck in my running clothes for half the day).


Hmmm, I wear the Moving Comfort bras for running...I'm definitely sweaty there after a run. They're still nice and snug but maybe I've ruined the wicking fabric from putting them in a dryer with fabric softener? They're over two years old now... I use Bodyglide too but only in places where I have chafing. Hadn't thought to use it there.....

Edited by Alenee
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:iagree: I am particularly... "gifted" in that area. During the winter I can get by with just powdering the area, but in the summer I use deodorant. I haven't had a problem since I've started doing this.

:iagree: Same here. Plus, if I do manage to get a yeast infection, sometimes I just need to wash those areas in the shower with dh's Head and Shoulders shampoo. That helps as well.

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