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Stress just keeps piling up.

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Last day of dh's work is a week off.


DH threw out his back last week, again, and this time is really bad. Now he's working with his doctor and soon to be ex-employer to see who gets to pay him disability while he gets surgery for the slipped & compressed-on-the nerve-root disks. He can't drive, dress, and hardly walk across the room. Ugh. ugh. ugh.


Dfs is soon to be going home. It's a bittersweet reality. Visitation schedule has increased.


I'm utterly burned out. I just would like to run away from it all.

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Last day of dh's work is a week off.


DH threw out his back last week, again, and this time is really bad. Now he's working with his doctor and soon to be ex-employer to see who gets to pay him disability while he gets surgery for the slipped & compressed-on-the nerve-root disks. He can't drive, dress, and hardly walk across the room. Ugh. ugh. ugh.


Dfs is soon to be going home. It's a bittersweet reality. Visitation schedule has increased.


I'm utterly burned out. I just would like to run away from it all.




Oh my goodness! So much stress!


I'm sorry...sending you good thoughts!

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Update: DH's been on the phone all day and it appears he can go on disability with full benefits for up to 7 weeks. This would push back his layoff start date another 7 weeks.


Somehow I just know that this won't work in our favor but right now it appears it might.


DH has an appointment with a pain specialist tomorrow that may lead to an epidural. I'm praying it will and that it will be tomorrow too.

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Last day of dh's work is a week off.


DH threw out his back last week, again, and this time is really bad. Now he's working with his doctor and soon to be ex-employer to see who gets to pay him disability while he gets surgery for the slipped & compressed-on-the nerve-root disks. He can't drive, dress, and hardly walk across the room. Ugh. ugh. ugh.


Dfs is soon to be going home. It's a bittersweet reality. Visitation schedule has increased.


I'm utterly burned out. I just would like to run away from it all.


no shot in the butt...... :glare:


But a prescription for nerve pain. The guy referred him onto the surgeon as there is a loss of ankle reflex due to the compression on the nerve.


Fortunately the surgeon called while he was at the appointment and the surgery will be scheduled with his people by the end of today. This is nuts.


Disability - he's eligible but so far no doctor is willing to sign off.

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Good news on the disability and prayers that it all works out for you and dh.

Wish I had good advice on dealing with stress but other than the normal stuff like eat right, exercise, I don't and those are hard to do when you fel this way, I know!!:grouphug:

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Please keep us posted in regards to the surgery. I hope everything goes okay.


He has an appointment with the surgeon on Monday to get it scheduled. DH takes coumadin so it will be at least 5-7 days after Monday. Supposedly it's a very short 1/2 hour surgery with a quick recovery time.

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:grouphug::grouphug: I understand this stress all too well!! I agree with a previous poster...the shower is my place to cry too. I know prayer keeps me sane. I know how difficult it is to have a husband in so much pain (especially nerve pain which is the worst), how difficult it is to hold it all together with little ones and the financial worry because of it. I also know how desperately I would love to crawl into a hole and escape everything. I'm praying for you.:grouphug:

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