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Calling Dr. Hive: 106.1 fever in a 3 year old

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He just started coughing yesterday (first croupy then just tight) and the fever shot up today causing him to sleep most of the day. It hit 106 just a few hours ago so I moved him to the bathtub and started alternating Advil and Tylenol. I got it down to 102.5 and now he is content and happily singing songs from his bed. What would cause this? Viral or bacterial? Should I plan to take him to the doctor on Monday?


UPDATE: The fever is now down to 100.4 and he is happily sleeping. I'm going to hang out at home and check him often throughout the night, and if I see any climbing temps I will take him in. Monday morning I plan to take him to the Pediatrician.


Another Update on post #32 page 4

Another Update on post #36 page 4 - 3/16

Edited by babysparkler
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If it keeps going down, I think you're okay to wait, personally. Sometimes fever do a weird spike & then go back to normal. But if it goes up again, go in ASAP.


That is what I was thinking. I've been checking it often just in case it spikes again. I don't think I'm going to get much sleep tonight.


if it is 102 with med. I will still going in NOW. You can also call your ER to see what they think


That's a good thought.

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If it keeps going down, I think you're okay to wait, personally. Sometimes fever do a weird spike & then go back to normal. But if it goes up again, go in ASAP.


:iagree: EK's temperature went to 105 one time, and she had a febrile seizure. It was one of the most frightening experiences of my life! Hers was on a weekday afternoon, though, and we did go right to the doctor. It turned out to be bacterial, although we don't know the exact problem; she didn't have any kind of respiratory or urinary tract issues.

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I tend towards the side of caution with stuff like this, but I would have no hesitation about going straight to the ER. If the medication is causing the temperature to go down, I'd rather be at the ER when it starts going back up instead of still at home or in the car.

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My DS hit 105 once and I was told there was no cause for concern if medicine brought it down. I think he was 2 or 3.


However, I would call your DS's Dr just to see what they said, that would also save you an unnecessary trip and possibly exposure to worse stuff in the ER.

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My DS hit 105 once and I was told there was no cause for concern if medicine brought it down. I think he was 2 or 3.


However, I would call your DS's Dr just to see what they said, that would also save you an unnecessary trip and possibly exposure to worse stuff in the ER.



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Above 103, I call the doc and get to work bringing the fever down. 104 crosses the serious line into potnetially dangerous. 106 I'd have flown to the ER. I'm glad your babe is doing better, but I wouldn't have waited, and I wouldn't have asked here about it first. Book recs, yes. Parenting advice, sure. And I'd ask here after the fact because this is a great pool of parents. But your child's doctor should have been the first call. Please forgive me for sounding so bossy, but you asked.


I'm happy all is well. It's always tough when a child is sick. Hope you both have a restful night.

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I'm surprised that so many people would go to the ER in this situation. A fever of 106 isn't something dire in itself. Some children (often energetic young boys, in my experience) can run this hot with a typical viral illness. Dr. Greene and Dr. Sears would agree with the OP's judgment that it doesn't warrant urgent medical attention, as long as it comes down to 100-102 degrees with medication and the child isn't acting very sick.


"Children of any age who have a fever >105 degrees F should also be seen, unless the fever comes down readily with treatment and the child is comfortable." (emphasis added)

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My son routinely have fevers that go up to 105-106. It is horrible. He also gets febrile seizures. Since alternating Tylenol & Advil brought it down, you can breath. The doctor told me that medication sometimes will only bring down fevers a degree or so. It just depends on the child. If your child stays at 105 or above and you cannot get his temperature down with medication, you need to take him to an Urgent Care or ER.


My son will do this even with a virus but it usually lasts for less than 36 hours total. If it lasts longer than that it he usually has something bacterial going on.


Sounds like you brought it down. If he continues to spike a high temp, I'd call the doctor on Monday.

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My youngest dd has had a fever spike up to 104.5 completely out of the blue. I've freaked out and rushed her to the ER, only to be told it was likely strep. Most expensive dose of Tylenol ever:glare:. Now I usually wait it out, especially if alternating Tylenol and Ibuprofen are working. In fact, all three of my kiddos are currently running fevers right now. They've had a fever for almost three days now, but meds are bringing down the fevers. Fevers stink! I hope your ds gets better soon.

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OP - I see you are in Texas - I'm in DFW. My DD had a high fever Friday and was sleeping through the day, lethargic, not eating or drinking. Then she started vomiting. Fever was non-responsive to medication. I took her to the pediatrician, who ran a bunch of tests and sent me to Children's. By the time we got there her fever was 104.5. They did a chest xray and blood cultures. It's not strep, it's not flu, it's not kidney/bladder, or pneumonia. They still don't know what it is. We started antibiotics anyway and her fever finally broke.


While I don't necessarily advocate rushing to the ER, my doctor sent us. Apparently there's something undefined and nasty running around here that they're seeing - high fever, lethargic, vomiting.


I hope your LO's doing better. I've always been told doctor at 103-104, ER at 106.

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If a fever hits a 105 I am out the door and on the way to the hospital. Given that he has already had one of 106 I would go if it it got back up to 103.


:iagree: There are no ifs ands or buts about a fever that high in this house. We are out the door-no matter what we have been doing, are doing or have plans to do. A fever that high is nothing to mess around with.

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Ds16 used to run high fevers. He has had a dozen or so, over 104. The first time it edged toward 105, I took him to the ER, he was under 1year old and I was 22yo. We sat in the wanting room for an hour before anyone even saw us, then they treated me like an idiot for even bringing him in. They were not busy, and had open rooms that they were 'saving for real emergency patients'. It was a weekend and the Urgent Care had already closed so it wasn't like I had other options to have him seen. :glare: He had a seizure while he was there but I was the only one in the room, they dismissed it as 'shivering'....like I wouldn't know the difference. They gave him medicine (just some liquid like I would have at home) and gave me a cool wash cloth to put on his hot spots. Once his fever was down, they discharged us. It had gone over 105 while we were there and they didn't seem concerned. I guess to the ER, it was just a fever, but to me it was my baby. Looking back, there wasn't a lot they could have done, but I really disliked the fact that they left us sitting so long when they could have been treating him.



I would call the ER and ask what their protocol is for fevers. If they are going to take you back immediately or if they will make you wait to be seen for hours. It may not be worth the visit.


I wish I would have just stayed home and called an ambulance if I thought it was warranted later. At least at home, I could put him in a bath and work to keep it down. I have never taken a child in again, solely based on a fever.


Now, at 106....that would be a judgment call I would have to make. It is high, but honestly....I would have probably done what you did. Try to get it down myself and if I wasn't able to then reconsider after an hour or so. I know there are some illnesses with high fevers that need treatment ASAP like meningitis, but those also come with some different symptoms that just fever. Especially since he rebounded as soon as his fever dropped, I would say you made the right call.


I would probably call my pediatrician on call and ask what criterion they go by on when to go to the ER or UC for just a fever. They may be able to give you come criterion to go by.


Stock up today on both meds and expect a battle for a few days. My experience with high fevers is that they take a few days to pass totally and like to spike at night.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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That is so scary. Ds who is now 6 had a temp jump (within about 20 mins) to 105.1. He went into a siezure (had not clue because he just went unresponsive- didnt shake or anything) I panicked (his eyes rolled in back of his head) and called 911. When the paramedics got to our house *I* thought he was out of it but they said he was still having the siezure (he looked at me so I thought it was over) Well 20 minutes before the paramedics arrived he was 103.3 and I had given him tylenol (he was on tylenol/ibuprohun every 2 hours and it was time for tylenol) so he spiked that high in about 15 minutes (it seemed like forever for the paramedics to arrive but the 911 operator said it had been 4- It seriously did not seem like only 4)


Anyways- ds had salmonella poisoning. We have no clue how he had gotten it. The CDC called and came over and questioned us. It was so scary! We hadn't had chicken, or any of the normal causes is a while (chicked was over 2 weeks I remember) So I guess I am saying watch your dc very VERY closely and be careful. My ds's temp spiked so fast.. it was so scary!

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UPDATE: I gave him alternating Tyl/Advil doses all through the night (every three hours) and this seems to be keeping his fever down to 100. He is happy and I am relieved. I think I will still take him in to see the doctor tomorrow, but will take him to the ER if I see any more spikes while on the meds. Thanks for all of you thoughts and support!

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UPDATE: I gave him alternating Tyl/Advil doses all through the night (every three hours) and this seems to be keeping his fever down to 100. He is happy and I am relieved. I think I will still take him in to see the doctor tomorrow, but will take him to the ER if I see any more spikes while on the meds. Thanks for all of you thoughts and support!


What a relief!!! And, now you have awesome bragging rights as a mom who had a child spike a fever over 106!!!!

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It has been a couple of days so I thought I'd give an update...


Ds's fever stayed manageable (101-102) until we got in to see our pediatician on Monday late morning. He did a flu test that was negative... and diagnosed him with a "virus" and a secondary ear infection (for which he prescribed antibiotics). The "virus" is unnamed, but should run it's course.


In the meantime, Ds5 and Ds10 both came down with said "virus" and Dd9 is doing her best to avoid the boys. They all have been sleeping much more, their boyish appetites have all but gone away, and they all are complaining about headaches, stomach aches, and a difficult thick cough. My 5 & 10 year olds are asthmatics so they are on round the clock nebulizer treatments as well. They normally hate doing them, but they seem very happy when it comes time for it. All of the fevers are in the 100-102 range now and slowly dropping. My Ds3 seems to be improving more than the others (other than some digestive issues that just started today), so I'm hopeful that the "virus" is starting to work it's way out of his system. There is hope :)


For what it is worth, my pediatrician didn't seem too worried about the 106 fever because it was able to be managed with meds/baths. He thought I did well :001_smile:.

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