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Earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Hawaii and west coast US on alert

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I just read this and thought of Mrs. Mungo - the tsunmai was expected to hit Hawaii at 2:59 in the morning their time.


I need to stop watching the news. The need to fill the airwaves leads to some of the lowest quality of reporting. I had to turn off CNN when they had someone on (who ought to have known better) who was going on about how our military needed to get out there an provide assistance, but was going to have to wait until officially requested. As if all the bilateral agreements between the US and Japan aren't in place to facilitate just that. Ugg. Good grief. This is the type of silly reporting you get when you have people on who are just talking and talking to fill time.


There are already several major US ships loading up supplies and headed to the area. I bet that is a result of some of those conversations.


Oh, and the commentator was also sort of overlooking that there is an entire emergency response system in Japan, trained and equipped to deal with earthquakes and that just dropping a lot of US assets in might well confuse rescue and recovery efforts. (Really, I'm done now.)

Edited by Sebastian (a lady)
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There are already several major US ships loading up supplies and headed to the area. I bet that is a result of some of those conversations.




:lol: Don't ever underestimate the power of CNN! :tongue_smilie: Without them, not much would happen anywhere.

Seriously, you should call CNN and mention the reporter's name and give them a political science/history lesson so they can at least appear competent.

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PRAISE GOD ABOVE...our friends just heard from their son.


Here's his message:


The base took some damage and is now being used as a morgue. There is much damage around the base as it is in the city of Atsugi. Jeremy said that there are many civilian planes on the base as the airports are ruined. He said that the next week will be crazy for him so please pray for him.


That's good to hear. Sounds like they were using the airfield at Atsugi as a place for planes that couldn't land in the affected area.


The Japan Times website has pretty good local coverage.


Stars & Stripes has coverage specific to the military

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:lol: Don't ever underestimate the power of CNN! :tongue_smilie: Without them, not much would happen anywhere.

Seriously, you should call CNN and mention the reporter's name and give them a political science/history lesson so they can at least appear competent.


Sadly it was Gen (ret) Honore, who seems to have missed this report.


What CNN needs is to contract with The Hive as a research agency. Put this awesome force to good use.

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I need to stop watching the news. The need to fill the airwaves leads to some of the lowest quality of reporting. I had to turn off CNN when they had someone on (who ought to have known better) who was going on about how our military needed to get out there an provide assistance, but was going to have to wait until officially requested. As if all the bilateral agreements between the US and Japan aren't in place to facilitate just that. Ugg. Good grief. This is the type of silly reporting you get when you have people on who are just talking and talking to fill time.


I laughed this afternoon while listening to a call in news show. People want America to send in military jets to help.


Uh first of all, I'm hoping before we send our military anywhere that our governments talk about where and how we're needed.

And second, it would be nice if we had a plan. We're supposed to send fighter jets to do what? :glare:

And third, wouldn't it be better to stay out of Japan's way and let them decide what's needed? This isn't their first earthquake and they've know they are on a fault line or two for quite awhile. And they've done a lot of planning for it.


I just love all the, "Send in the military!" comments. Apparently, there are a large percentage of Americans who either do no realize that we have pretty big military engagements elsewhere and that the "military" is actually PEOPLE, not freaking fairies with magical powers to rebuild buildings and raise the dead.

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I believe Paige (pata) who is the author of Elemental Science lives in Japan. Prayers for her family (as well as all those affected).




Thanks Heather, I actually live in China, close but we didn't feel a thing. Our thoughts are definitely with those who did.

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Apparently some people were swept out to see in Crescent CIty, CA. One died. Their pier is destroyed as well as some boats.


A lot of people don't understand what kind of force a tsunami is. The tsunami that hit Hawaii while we were in Hawaii was very well covered. They explained the mechanics behind a tsunami, that it's not a wave, that you will probably drown if you are in the water when it hits, even if it's only 1 foot. That was the sort of coverage I saw lacking with regard to CA.


I need to stop watching the news. The need to fill the airwaves leads to some of the lowest quality of reporting. I had to turn off CNN when they had someone on (who ought to have known better) who was going on about how our military needed to get out there an provide assistance, but was going to have to wait until officially requested. As if all the bilateral agreements between the US and Japan aren't in place to facilitate just that. Ugg. Good grief. This is the type of silly reporting you get when you have people on who are just talking and talking to fill time.


There are already several major US ships loading up supplies and headed to the area. I bet that is a result of some of those conversations.


Oh, and the commentator was also sort of overlooking that there is an entire emergency response system in Japan, trained and equipped to deal with earthquakes and that just dropping a lot of US assets in might well confuse rescue and recovery efforts. (Really, I'm done now.)


Not to mention the US assets already in place in Japan?


Sadly it was Gen (ret) Honore, who seems to have missed this report.


What CNN needs is to contract with The Hive as a research agency. Put this awesome force to good use.


The first mistake I saw this morning was on Headline News where the guy was stupidly saying that the bays and harbors should be protected. I was in my house yelling to myself "GAH! This guy has no idea what he's talking about!!!!" Then they kept mispronouncing Ewa Beach. :tongue_smilie: I could have helped them out on both of those points.

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Reporting in from Hawaii... Had some minor surges so far but that's about it..they say this could go on for several more hours...so since It's almost 5am here and I have been up all night watching the news.. I am now off to take a cat nap before the kids get up.


BIL is in Oahu, Waikiki area. I read online they are being avacuated - don't know if it's true. Have not heard from him since last Monday.

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That is epic. I just saw a few short seconds of a video. I had to shut it down. That is absolutely heartbreaking. Those poor, poor people. The children. What's the PTS going to be like?


The environmental impact has also got to be astounding. It's one thing to destroy nature, but those buildings, those cars? The oil. What power the earth possesses.

Edited by LibraryLover
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That is epic. I just saw a few short seconds of a video. I had to shut it down. That is absolutely heartbreaking. Those poor, poor people. The children. What's the PTS going to be like?


The environmental impact has also got to be astounding. It's one things to destroy nature, but those buildings, those cars? The oil. What power the earth posses.


It would have been worse in another country. Tall building (but not the houses in the fishing towns that you see being swept out to sea) are earthquake "proofed" and that technology I'm sure saved many lives. In Sendai itself we had a citywide earthquake drill every year. There are tons of shelters in place now and people have been drilled over and over in how to get to them. Emergency personnel are thoroughly prepped in how to handle this BUT this is the biggest earthquake in Japan on record. Nothing can totally prepare you for that.


We still have no word from our many many friends in Sendai (my dad founded one school there and 3 churches so we know a lot of people) but that is not their first priority right now - survival is.

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Wow. I hope your friends are ok! So sad.


(PS my shallow self wants it known that I fixed that horrible misspelling.)


It would have been worse in another country. Tall building (but not the houses in the fishing towns that you see being swept out to sea) are earthquake "proofed" and that technology I'm sure saved many lives. In Sendai itself we had a citywide earthquake drill every year. There are tons of shelters in place now and people have been drilled over and over in how to get to them. Emergency personnel are thoroughly prepped in how to handle this BUT this is the biggest earthquake in Japan on record. Nothing can totally prepare you for that.


We still have no word from our many many friends in Sendai (my dad founded one school there and 3 churches so we know a lot of people) but that is not their first priority right now - survival is.

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Oh, and the commentator was also sort of overlooking that there is an entire emergency response system in Japan, trained and equipped to deal with earthquakes and that just dropping a lot of US assets in might well confuse rescue and recovery efforts. (Really, I'm done now.)


My husband left work just minutes after the quake--he was on his way out when it hit--since the highway was closed, he had to take the slower surface streets and pretty much every intersection had either police or volunteers already there helping out. I have to say that if I had to be in "the big one" anywhere, I'm glad it was here in Japan. They are very much prepared. (If only I understood the announcements on the loud speakers.)

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I laughed this afternoon while listening to a call in news show. People want America to send in military jets to help.


Uh first of all, I'm hoping before we send our military anywhere that our governments talk about where and how we're needed.

And second, it would be nice if we had a plan. We're supposed to send fighter jets to do what? :glare:

And third, wouldn't it be better to stay out of Japan's way and let them decide what's needed? This isn't their first earthquake and they've know they are on a fault line or two for quite awhile. And they've done a lot of planning for it.


I just love all the, "Send in the military!" comments. Apparently, there are a large percentage of Americans who either do no realize that we have pretty big military engagements elsewhere and that the "military" is actually PEOPLE, not freaking fairies with magical powers to rebuild buildings and raise the dead.




:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: for everyone who is still waiting to find out.

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My husband left work just minutes after the quake--he was on his way out when it hit--since the highway was closed, he had to take the slower surface streets and pretty much every intersection had either police or volunteers already there helping out. I have to say that if I had to be in "the big one" anywhere, I'm glad it was here in Japan. They are very much prepared. (If only I understood the announcements on the loud speakers.)


I was amazed at the quantity of emergency prep food and materials available. Not only Calorie Block, which is a chunk of high density, high energy food, but other food items, little medical kits, even vacuum packed and shrink wrapped underwear.

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My husband left work just minutes after the quake--he was on his way out when it hit--since the highway was closed, he had to take the slower surface streets and pretty much every intersection had either police or volunteers already there helping out. I have to say that if I had to be in "the big one" anywhere, I'm glad it was here in Japan. They are very much prepared. (If only I understood the announcements on the loud speakers.)


Oh Jamee! Forgive me but this struck me as funny!


So glad you all are okay though!

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I laughed this afternoon while listening to a call in news show. People want America to send in military jets to help.


Uh first of all, I'm hoping before we send our military anywhere that our governments talk about where and how we're needed.

And second, it would be nice if we had a plan. We're supposed to send fighter jets to do what? :glare:

And third, wouldn't it be better to stay out of Japan's way and let them decide what's needed? This isn't their first earthquake and they've know they are on a fault line or two for quite awhile. And they've done a lot of planning for it.


I just love all the, "Send in the military!" comments. Apparently, there are a large percentage of Americans who either do no realize that we have pretty big military engagements elsewhere and that the "military" is actually PEOPLE, not freaking fairies with magical powers to rebuild buildings and raise the dead.


Actually the planning began immediately. My husband works in Pacific Command and the "high brass" spent all night (with their families preparing for the tsunami) in their offices redirecting ships to the area to be available for when the Japanese government asked. Supply ships started filling with relief supplies, and ships with medical capabilities started preparing. They can't make it happen overnight, but watching the wheels spin from my perspective was massive and impressive. They have activated a 24/7 operations center to help with relief efforts.


The military can't fix it, but you can be sure they are using their capabilities for good at this moment.

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I finally tracked down the facebook and a couple of e-mail addresses for one of the main contact people for all churches and school in Japan. I'm hoping that we will be able to hear from them soon. One e-mail failed but I'm not sure if it's because it's an old address or because all e-mail to that area might be down.


Jean, I've been thinking of you and your friends today. :grouphug: My prayers continue.

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Actually the planning began immediately. My husband works in Pacific Command and the "high brass" spent all night (with their families preparing for the tsunami) in their offices redirecting ships to the area to be available for when the Japanese government asked. Supply ships started filling with relief supplies, and ships with medical capabilities started preparing. They can't make it happen overnight, but watching the wheels spin from my perspective was massive and impressive. They have activated a 24/7 operations center to help with relief efforts.


The military can't fix it, but you can be sure they are using their capabilities for good at this moment.


The flagship of 7th Fleet, USS Blue Ridge was in Singapore when the earthquake hit. It loaded up supplies in port, got underway, continued to receive more supplies via helicopter and is enroute to Japan to provide relief and support.


Keep in mind that the families of the ship crew and staff members are back in Yokosuka, shaken and stirred but generally ok, going through the blackouts, reduction in train services and general uncertainty. But the ship is headed farther north, to where they can provide relief to heavily damaged areas.


The active planning for this event started as soon as it happened. But it rested on years of planning and cooperation and is being fulfilled by people who are willing to live out a credo of "Deeds not words".

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Just heard that the death toll is now 10,000, 10X what was first reported. Over 150 people have been checked and show exposure to radiation. And they've upgraded the quake to a 9.0. This was all reported on my local Fox News (not cable) channel, fwiw.


This is what I feared. I hope this information is wrong, but I fear it's not.


I need to go get an update.

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Actually the planning began immediately. My husband works in Pacific Command and the "high brass" spent all night (with their families preparing for the tsunami) in their offices redirecting ships to the area to be available for when the Japanese government asked. Supply ships started filling with relief supplies, and ships with medical capabilities started preparing. They can't make it happen overnight, but watching the wheels spin from my perspective was massive and impressive. They have activated a 24/7 operations center to help with relief efforts.


The military can't fix it, but you can be sure they are using their capabilities for good at this moment.


I'm sure the planning did begin immediately. I am however mindful of the fact that we may need our military in other places very soon. It's not like Libya has just settled down again. I'm just wondering how many of our kids we are going to send off and where...


And I think taking our eye off Gaddafi for even a second would be dangerous for everyone.


It is so sad to listen to the power plant meltdowns though. And it's scary to think about what this might mean for every nuclear plant around the world. If Japan is having these problems, what would happen to OUR plants in the event of a massive earthquake? And what's ultimately going to happen? I love reading that the radiation levels are all ok now. Like Mother Earth just swept in and pulled all the radiation out and the kickballed it to Mars or something... :glare:

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