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Prayer please, my dh lost his job yesterday.

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My dh and oldest ds work for the church they attend. My dh has been the maintenance/janitor person there since around 1996. My ds has worked in the private school and as their computer tech since 1989. Last week they were told that finances are not good, Tues. there was a meeting and everyone was told that one of the pastors was going part time and that everyone else needed to be prepared to take a wage cut. Yesterday my dh was told to figure up his time that they would try to find the money to pay him but he was done. If they need someone to clean snow yet this spring or mow next summer they will give him a call.


I can not tell you how angry I am about this. Yes, we need the money but the way this was handled was simply wrong and I could really punch someones lights out at this time.(I know, not very Christian, huh.)


My husband is 76 yrs old and was told that they were sure he could find a job some where. They have 3 secretaries and 2 pastors wives that draw a wage. My ds hasn't been paid now for 2 months. How does a church get into this kind of situation. I really do hope I don't meet up with one of them in the very near future as I do not believe that I could be very nice. This is the last of a long string of despicable things that they have done to our family and I am just so angry.


My two youngest and I have not gone there now for almost 3 yrs. Another whole different story. I know that God will take care of us because we have been faithful to Him but this really does hurt.

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If I understand correctly, they owe both your son and husband? If so, and the money is not forthcoming ASAP, you may want to call your state's department of labor, or whatever it is called in your state. They usually will take this sort of thing very seriously. If an employer has any assets, the DOL will usually "persuade" them to find the money to pay their employees.


The whole thing really stinks, but please do not let the promise of potential-future-possible-maybe-sort-of one-off jobs keep either of you for fighting for what they owe him for the job he has already done.



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:grouphug: So sorry to hear about this, and I will pray for you all.


Another issue to consider might be age discrimination. Keep your ear to the ground, especially if they hire another janitor any time soon and it is a younger person.


Do you have a family attorney? Even if you don't need one in the long run, it may be wise to have someone in mind to run questions by. I agree with Terri about calling the Labor Division in your state.




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:grouphug: So sorry.


They have 3 secretaries and 2 pastors wives that draw a wage.


To be fair, they may not have been paid lately either. I agree with previous posters - work NOW to be sure your dh gets his back wages before the church's financial situation gets even worse. If they don't have the all the money on hand, they need to at least work out a payment plan.

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Thanks ladies for your support. Neither my dh nor my son will do anything towards the church. It is just that simple, they just won't. I know, I know.


My dh does draw soc. sec. but it isn't enough to even come close to providing what we need. We have been cutting back the last 3 or 4 yrs trying to make things work as his wages were dropped back then. We have been making it but I really don't know where to cut now.


I do know that God will provide. He always has.

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Oh Sandy- I am so sorry to hear this! :grouphug: :grouphug: You know God has a plan. He does. I know you know that (and you have said that) God is good. Always- never ending. He has a reason- He WILL provide. Please let me know if there is anything we can do! You do not live that far away :D


We are praying for you- that God's will be done and that Richard gets paid. I can not believe they have not paid him for 2 months :confused: I just do not understand. Hang on to Him- He will provide- and remember, this did not take God by surprise! :grouphug:

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Please forgive me for my rant yesterday. I guess I just simply had to YELL at someone:tongue_smilie:.

I do thank you ladies so much for your love and prayers. I do know that God will work it all out, I just need to be patient, listen and trust.


My dh is going to go to unemployment office today but the church hasn't paid anything in so don't know if that will amount to anything or not. He also has a couple of apps that he will turn in. We live in a small town so unless you are willing to work at a bar(there are plenty of them) the job options are not very plentiful. Depending on what happens with our oldest ds and the school at the church, we may have to sell our home and move. It is one of those wait and see things. Ds was told yesterday that they would try to pay him $600 a month and they would see how the school went the next 2 wks so nothing very sure there.


Please pray that I can keep a right attitude with a heart of forgiveness. This is what I so desire but still struggling with it just a bit.

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Please forgive me for my rant yesterday. I guess I just simply had to YELL at someone:tongue_smilie:.

I do thank you ladies so much for your love and prayers. I do know that God will work it all out, I just need to be patient, listen and trust.


My dh is going to go to unemployment office today but the church hasn't paid anything in so don't know if that will amount to anything or not. He also has a couple of apps that he will turn in. We live in a small town so unless you are willing to work at a bar(there are plenty of them) the job options are not very plentiful. Depending on what happens with our oldest ds and the school at the church, we may have to sell our home and move. It is one of those wait and see things. Ds was told yesterday that they would try to pay him $600 a month and they would see how the school went the next 2 wks so nothing very sure there.


Please pray that I can keep a right attitude with a heart of forgiveness. This is what I so desire but still struggling with it just a bit.


:grouphug: You've got my prayers :grouphug:

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Please forgive me for my rant yesterday. I guess I just simply had to YELL at someone:tongue_smilie:.

I do thank you ladies so much for your love and prayers. I do know that God will work it all out, I just need to be patient, listen and trust.


My dh is going to go to unemployment office today but the church hasn't paid anything in so don't know if that will amount to anything or not. He also has a couple of apps that he will turn in. We live in a small town so unless you are willing to work at a bar(there are plenty of them) the job options are not very plentiful. Depending on what happens with our oldest ds and the school at the church, we may have to sell our home and move. It is one of those wait and see things. Ds was told yesterday that they would try to pay him $600 a month and they would see how the school went the next 2 wks so nothing very sure there.


Please pray that I can keep a right attitude with a heart of forgiveness. This is what I so desire but still struggling with it just a bit.


I'm so sorry to read about your situation!!! You're one of my favourite posters, even if I don't pop up much on your threads. I hope something works out favourably for your family soon. And I don't think you are in the wrong to be upset - you might be struggling with forgiveness, but what was done was WRONG!! I do hope it will be brought to justice.

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Please pray that I can keep a right attitude with a heart of forgiveness. This is what I so desire but still struggling with it just a bit.


Just remember- you are human. No matter how we try to not be upset or unforgiving- we are human. And you are hurt. It's ok. Sometimes we need to be able to vent and let it out. Then we pick up, get back on our knee's and thank God for what we have. Remember- this did not take him by surprise. He has a good plan. We just sometimes would like to know these things in advance.


God knows your heart, and He knows your hurt and He is holding you and your family right now. Just remember the poem Footprints. Its one of my absolute favorites. You are doing just fine. I went through these same feelings the end of Oct when my dh lost his job all the sudden.


Ahem-- if you guys move, remember there is a nice Church here in Newcastle ;)


:grouphug: to you my friend :001_smile: It will work out.

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Thanks everyone. I know it probably doesn't make sense but we have the choice to forgive and go on and heal or to bring stuff down on them. I guess we are choosing to forgive.

Thank you for all the prayers.


I admire you for that. "For I know the plans I have for you." Stay strong in the Lord. :grouphug:

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