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Plastic surgery???

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The thing on my mind is this: if I feel I can't find work anymore b/c I look too old -- ppl like their interpreters to look decent -- I would consider it.


How about seeing a stylist for a fresh hair cut and color? And maybe professional advice about makeup and wardrobe? Those things can make a tremendous difference.

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Truth time. I am honest enough to admit I had injections in my cheekbones last month. It was a quick, almost painless procedure, and not terribly expensive. It lifted my whole face and I'm very happy with the result. The new injectables can reshape and lift as well or better than going under the knife. They can fix noses, cheekbones, and chins. The results don't last as long, but the risk is minimal and the expense is much less.


I used to say no way! too, until I turned fifty and my face fell like ton of bricks. Never say never. :)

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Truth time. I am honest enough to admit I had injections in my cheekbones last month. It was a quick, almost painless procedure, and not terribly expensive. It lifted my whole face and I'm very happy with the result. The new injectables can reshape and lift as well or better than going under the knife. They can fix noses, cheekbones, and chins. The results don't last as long, but the risk is minimal and the expense is much less.


I used to say no way! too, until I turned fifty and my face fell like ton of bricks. Never say never. :)

Happy for you!

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If you could afford it, would you have it? What kind?



Of course, I am PMSing and I noticed my cheeks are sagging...like a basset hound... as are my BooKs ... :glare:


And I think I ate enough chocolate today to last me a lifetime. And my hair is frizzy today. And I have a zit on my chin.


So maybe a facelift will make me feel better? :tongue_smilie:



Oh i have days like that.

Mine are related to my rosecea, I have flare up with the big pustules and redness makes you feel so ugly BUT plastic surgery doesn't help. I love photo facials which do help but can't afford them right now.


my DH has always wanted be to have augmentation but I have been happy with my body but YEAH a LIFT would be nice.


Now that I will consider the LIFT I don't have the money.


I was one that said never about plastic surgery but my 41st birthday is in a few weeks and am more open to the idea


But time and money will tell

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I did this past year. No I would not do it again. We had a reduction and lift and had some complications. So recovery was much longer, a good year. Still having to go back for checkups. That being said. I am happy with the outcome but at the same time I regret taking matters into my own hands rather than the way I was created. Finding shirts is much easier now....But was it really worth it????

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No. I wouldn't want to undergo anesthesia and mutilate my body unless it was a life threatening situation.


My vote is for graceful aging, and setting a good example for my children about what really matters in this life.


:iagree:However, the size of my bOOks have a huge negative impact on my life. I'm unable to play with my children as actively as I think I should. I was DDD before kids & am now more like J or K. I'm not taking it lightly at all but I'm considering it when this little one is weaned.

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Well, not really. Not that I wouldn't like some things improved upon, but I'm way more practical than that.


HOWEVER, my eyelids are really sagging. The day will come when I will need it just so I can see. So i guess if insurance would pay for it I would do it now to enjoy fresher eyes longer. But of course insurance doesn't pay for cosmetic procedures so I'll have to wait till I'm in my sixties and it's medically necessary.


Where's the saggy eyelid smiley?

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However, the size of my bOOks have a huge negative impact on my life.


This. For me, it wouldn't be about the positives (looking good, etc.), it would be about eliminating the negatives. The self-consciousness. The discomfort. The difficulty in finding clothes that make me feel confident. And this has been true my whole life, not just as I age. My cousin got a reduction, and she's so much more comfortable in her body now. It really does seem to me like reconstructive, not superficial. I'm not convinced that I want to do it, but I'm getting close.

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I'm going to get a tummy tuck some day. Right now, as I lose weight, it's more about getting those muscles tightened back together...I mean, my extra skin and flab just hangs between where my muscles should be meeting!! It hurts to do ab exercises or even reach down to one side (like to tie my shoe) because my muscles on one side bunch up painfully under my ribs! Ugh.


I don't want the surgery for losing weight or the looks, I just want to be able to wear a pair of pants without tucking in that flap of extra skin. It's hideous and very uncomfortable. OK, so there's a little vanity in there, too, but so what? My body went through a LOT having these pregnancies and a c-section while over 200 pounds!! I'm going to do all the work I can and then I'm going to get some work DONE. LOL Don't judge until you have to live in someone else's pants. :D

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Tummy tuck. And while I'm under, I'd like my books reinflated. These two things I am seriously considering (again. sigh.).


But if I'm being ultra honest, but not realistic, I would love to have a little thinner nose and a better chin, too.


And I'm not opposed to laser treatments for impending wrinkles.

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:iagree:However, the size of my bOOks have a huge negative impact on my life. I'm unable to play with my children as actively as I think I should. I was DDD before kids & am now more like J or K. I'm not taking it lightly at all but I'm considering it when this little one is weaned.

This would help your back, too. Even small women can have a problem from wearing booKshelves. My chiropractor told me that because I get pain right in that spot. I still remember a childhood/teen friend of mine telling me that her mother had permanent grooves in her shoulders from her booKshelves due to the size of her booKs, too.

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This would help your back, too. Even small women can have a problem from wearing booKshelves. My chiropractor told me that because I get pain right in that spot. I still remember a childhood/teen friend of mine telling me that her mother had permanent grooves in her shoulders from her booKshelves due to the size of her booKs, too.


Oh, definitely. I already have the grooves - they're quite painful at the end of the day. My back does hurt, but it's become my new normal IYKWIM.

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I see the horror of gravity and yet I have so many other things that I would rather spend money on (if I had it). And I too worry about what message I would be sending the kids about what really matters. Every time I even start to entertain the idea, I see someone who has done something and they look just plain weird. I just saw a picture of Paula White the other day and thought... why? kwim?

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