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I need prayer for dh right away. Employment

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Hi Hive,


Dh is in a meeting right now where on top of the fact that he already works 75 hours per work, they want to add another 20 hours or more to his responsibilities. Additionally, they want to send him to India for a month and it would mean that our rocketry team that as worked so hard on their competition rocket, will have to default. They don't give a rat's rear about him and certainly not about the kids. He'd be gone for a month and they wouldn't send him home until after the competition. The kids are not allowed to compete without their mentor. Because of defaulting over something like this, we'd have to cough up the $500.00 that 4-H council put out to fund the project. The kids are going to be devestated.


The whole thing is nothing more than a last minute bid to win a contract away from a competitor and it's work they've got absolutely no business heaping on dh's head. They DO NOT CARE IF THEY KILL HIM WITH WORK! They've basically told him to STUFF IT!


Please, please, please pray that they lose this bid. We will probably know by Friday.


Thank you hive,


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With the horrible economy, so many companies feel that they can absolutely abuse their employees. Just hire a temp, already!


Yes, giving the work of two to one employee is rampant. My DH is experiencing it now too. Human resources actually gave them approval to hire three new employees, then his boss hemmed and hawed and never hired (!). His boss got demoted, then the new boss said he would give them additional technological resources to increase their efficiency. My husband did all kinds of calculations and demonstrated, definitively, that the new technology would save each employee approximately 15 minutes per day (!). :001_unsure:


Employees are a dime a dozen now, so it's no problem if someone leaves (except for a few key people). Very frustrating and demoralizing. OY.

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Hi Auntie M,


His "well dressed" interviews/conferences went very well. He was the best dressed person all week long and they are very interested.


I think dh is "caught" betweeen two managers. He has one manager that is actually a human being and not a throw back to a Medieval lord, and that manager really wants him off what he is doing now and not under the current chain of command in which this "nearly V.P." thinks he can just keep heaping, more and more on dh's head. Of course, the guy that treats dh like a serf, has no intention of losing his kicking post if he can possibly help it.


Ultimately, it's a battle of the wills and I don't know who is going to win. I do know that 2.5 years from now, when the last house payment is made, dh is planning on walking off the job and never looking back. He's not even planning on giving notice. He's just going to walk into this guy's office and announce since they literally owe him years of comp time that he's never received, that he's walking off the job and to consider his comp time his notice. He sasy he will also change all of our phone numbers and get unlisted, so that they can't call him begging for help when account goes to pot, which it will.



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Faith, I feel really bad for your dh. It is despicable when grown, valuable, intelligent professional men are treated like dirt in the workplace.


You have two years to figure out how to get a videorecording of the day he walks out, we'd all love to see it. If you read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society, you know that pig farmers come out best in the end. ;)


Keep us posted!

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