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Should I give goody bags at a Chuck E. Cheese party?

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Dd's 8th birthday party is today. It's the first I've ever hosted and we've only been to one CEC party many years ago. Are the tokens and doodads that Chuck E. provides enough or should I get some candy and small toys to pass out?


The most I would do is a candy bar with a pencil taped to it and a "Thanks for coming to my party" note.

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I don't see a need for them. I did have the kids make crowns at my DD's party at Incredible Pizza (which is a similar restaurant, but is MUCH larger), just to make the kids in our group easier to spot, but that was for my benefit and for the adults who were staying, since the kids weren't all known to the adults, since some came from Church, some from dance classes, and so on.

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That's the advantage of hs birthday parties. We'll have CEC practically to ourselves on a school day at noon.


Agreed-the best CEC birthday party I went to was a HS one, during a school day, when it was snowing outside. We had the entire place to ourselves.


Unfortunately, my DD has as many non HS friends as HS friends, due to her dancing with many of the same girls each week, so her parties can't be nicely placed during a school day without excluding half of the people she really wants to be there.

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Who invented this goody bag thing?


Every parent I know hates it, yet none will be the first to pull the trigger and kill it. At the Chuck E Cheese parties we've been to the parents have handed out tokens and done the goody bags. Do I think they need to? Heck no!



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How about a note saying that you're not giving out treat bags as a favor to the mom's of the children at your party and ask them to do you the same favor when it's your turn to go to their parties.


only kinda kidding.




Ear plugs for the adults :)

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No treat bags necessary.


If you are really hating the idea of skipping the bags, then give them a goodie bag with handles and names on them. Put the tokens in it with a few pieces of candy to eat while they play the games. This will also be nice for any kids who don't have pockets to carry the tokens. I would not put any trinkets in the goodie bags that the kids have to keep track of. Mini-boxes of Nerds, Skittles or Smarties,are what I would pick. They can be put in the pocket (won't melt like chocolate) if the kid ditches the bag. They aren't much of a choking hazard for running kids (vs hard candy) so I wouldn't be worried about giving it to them before the party. Remind kids to use the trash if they are done with the bag.

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I agree, Bill. We've been slowly getting rid of goody bags. Because of social norms though, we substitute. This weekend we are having a fishing derby for my ds's 8th birthday. We found kiddie poles on a deep clearance and bought poles for the kids attending. They get to take them home. My ds is excited because he gets to share his major passion with his friends AND they get to take home poles to maybe use another day. :) Sweet kid, that boy of mine.

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No treat bags necessary.


If you are really hating the idea of skipping the bags, then give them a goodie bag with handles and names on them. Put the tokens in it with a few pieces of candy to eat while they play the games. This will also be nice for any kids who don't have pockets to carry the tokens. I would not put any trinkets in the goodie bags that the kids have to keep track of. Mini-boxes of Nerds, Skittles or Smarties,are what I would pick. They can be put in the pocket (won't melt like chocolate) if the kid ditches the bag. They aren't much of a choking hazard for running kids (vs hard candy) so I wouldn't be worried about giving it to them before the party. Remind kids to use the trash if they are done with the bag.


Ooooh, I love this idea. This way you kill two birds with one stone...

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I agree, Bill. We've been slowly getting rid of goody bags. Because of social norms though, we substitute. This weekend we are having a fishing derby for my ds's 8th birthday. We found kiddie poles on a deep clearance and bought poles for the kids attending. They get to take them home. My ds is excited because he gets to share his major passion with his friends AND they get to take home poles to maybe use another day. :) Sweet kid, that boy of mine.


I hope he has a wonderful birthday!



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